



I will be having a 1:30 P.M. Press Conference at the White House to discuss the latest CoronaVirus developments. Thank you!





A so-called reporter named @JohnJHarwood, who bombed so badly in the 2016 Presidential Debates that I thought he was going to be immediately fired (a Mini Mike type performance), is now with Fake News @CNN. A total loser!

John Harwoodと言われる記者が偽ニュースCNNに出ている。2016年選挙に際に今回のブルムバーグ候補のように即退陣して然るべきと思った人物である。

I hope we can get Admiral @RonnyJackson4TX of Texas, who served our Country so well, into the runoff election in #TX13! Ronny is strong on Crime and Borders, GREAT for our Military and Vets, and will protect your #2A. Get out and vote for Ronny on Tuesday, March 3rd!

テキサス州第4選挙区でRonny Jackson将軍が決選投票に残れるよう応援。

Thank you to all of the incredible Law Enforcement Officers in South Carolina tonight. We love you!


It was my great honor to be back in South Carolina tonight, with thousands of hardworking American Patriots who believe in Faith, Family, God and Country. Thank you for a beautiful evening! #KAG2020


I am pleased to announce the nomination of @RepRatcliffe(Congressman John Ratcliffe) to be Director of National Intelligence (DNI). Would have completed process earlier, but John wanted to wait until after IG Report was finished. John is an outstanding man of great talent!

テキサス州選出共和党John Ratcliffe下院議員を国家情報局長官に指名する。昨年7月に指名しようとしたが、検事総長報告が出るまで就任を固辞された経緯がある。素晴らしい才能の持ち主である。

On my way to the Great State of South Carolina. See everyone soon! #MAGA #KAG


Nobody fights harder for Montana than @SteveDaines. Steve is a close friend of mine, a STRONG Conservative, and a tremendous supporter of our #MAGA Agenda. He is strong on Crime & Borders, GREAT for our Military & Vets, & will protect your #2A. Steve has my Complete Endorsement!

モンタナ州選出共和党Steve Daines上院議員の応援メッセージ。

The Dems are working hard to take the prized nomination away from Bernie. Back room politics, which Bernie is not very good at. His people will not let it happen again!


Mini Mike is getting slammed. His debates were, perhaps, the worst in presidential debating history. A total phony who disavowed “Stop & Frisk” after swearing by it for years, and even recently. He horribly overused it, & then dropped when running as a Dem. A total phony!


We strongly stand with Terrence!


“You go around Pennsylvania and you see Trump signs everywhere. The Donald Trump situation is bigger than the Reagan Revolution. Donald Trump has inspired us.” @RjHarris15WHP580

以下はRj Harrisの見解:『ペンシルバニア州では至る所でトランプのマークを目にする。トランプはレーガン革命より大きなインパクトを与えている。トランプはわれわれを覚醒させている』

2-29  Worst Polls, just like in 2016 when they were so far off the mark, are the @FoxNews Polls. Why doesn’t Fox finally get a competent Polling Company?


52% in the new Rasmussen Poll. 95% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. Thank you!


To the people of South Carolina, Tom Steyer is a joke, laughed at by everyone, a total incompetent. He made money in coal, now he “hates” coal. Did you see him fawning over Crazy Bernie? Has no chance, a loser for South Carolina, doesn’t deserve your vote!

サウスカロライナ州有権者へ。民主党予備選挙に出ているTom Steyerは石炭で富豪になり、今、その石炭を憎んでいる。サンダース候補に諂う漫才師だ!投票に値しない。

Will be in the Great State of South Carolina tonight, 7:00 P.M., for a really BIG Rally. Best place to be is a Trump Rally. See you later!


“Federal Court Deals Major Blow To Sanctuary Cities.” @FoxNews In other words, there will be no more Federal Tax Dollars to States & Cities that will not cooperate with Federal Law Enforcement (ICE). This is BIG NEWS! Funds will be cut off immediately. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

以下はFOXニュースの報道:『連邦裁判所は聖域都市に対する一撃を加えた』 その意味は、連邦政府による法秩序維持に協力しない州および市当局に対し、連保政府は税収を財源とする交付金の交付を差し止めることが出来るということである。これは大ニュースである。連邦政府交付金を即刻差し止める。アメリカを再び偉大な国にしよう。

So nice!

HILLSによるDiamond Silkの映像を添付


“Diagnosis positive: @CNN is infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome. I’m calling out CNN for irresponsibly politicizing what should be a unifying battle against a virus that doesn’t choose sides.” @trish_regan @FoxNews Like I say, they are Fake News!

以下はFOXニュースのTrish Reganの言:『CNNはトランプ毛嫌い症候群に感染している。私は敵味方問うことなく結束が必要とされるウイルス対策をCNNは無責任に政治化していると大声で指摘せざるを得ない』 CNNはまさに偽ニュースなのだ!

Word is that Mini Mike Bloomberg performed so poorly in the two debates, that he is thinking about dropping out of the Democrat Primary. The fact is, he was not true to himself, and the public was able to quickly figure him out. Not a good experience for Mini Mike!


Congratulations and thank you to our great Vice President & all of the many professionals doing such a fine job at CDC & all other agencies on the Coronavirus situation. Only a very small number in U.S., & China numbers look to be going down. All countries working well together!


Do Nothing Democrats were busy wasting their time on the Impeachment Hoax, & anything they could do to make the Republican Party look bad, while I was busy calling early boarder & flight closings, putting us way ahead in our battle with the Coronavirus. Dems called it very wrong!


2-28  “Anti-Trump Network @CNN doing whatever it can to stoke a national Coronavirus panic. The far left Network pretty much ignoring anyone who they interview who doesn’t blame President Trump.” @trish_regan @FoxNews Media refuses to discuss the great job our professionals are doing!


以下はFOXニュースのTrish Reganの言:『反トランプ陣営のCNNはコロナウイルスパニックを引き起こそうとして出来ることをすべて行なっている。トランプ大統領の対応を評価する専門家のインタビューは一切報道しない』 メディアはアメリカの専門家の立派な活動の報道を拒否している!

FISA Reform markup tomorrow in Judiciary. Remember, AG Bill Barr used the term "political surveillance" to describe what took place. That should never happen in America! That's why we need to make changes.

Jim Jordan共和党下院議員をリツイート:外国情報監視法の改革が明日検討される。Barr司法長官は『政治的総覧』という表現で改革の内容を表現したが、ロシア疑惑をめぐって起こったことが再び起こってはならないのだ。改革が必要な所以である。

They spied on my campaign!


Jim Jordan共和党下院議員を引用:Comey’s FBI misled the FISA Court 17 times. We can’t simply reauthorize the system that allowed those lies and omissions to happen. Now is our chance to fix it.(FBIはComey長官時代に外国情報監視法の裁判の運用を17回も誤った。この制度の運用を見直すだけでなく、このような誤運用が再発しないよう改革せねばならない。)

Big Rally in the Great State of South Carolina on Friday. See you there!


 .@RepKevinBrady(R) of Texas-08 loves Texas & our Country. He has been a GREAT Congressman & supporter of #MAGA. Strong on Crime, Border, Military, Vets and your 2A, he is the best Tax Cutter in D.C. Kevin has my Complete & Total Endorsement. Vote on March 3rd. Thank you!

テキサス州下院議員第8選挙区Kevin Bradley共和党下院議員応援メッセージ。


"I'd like to extend my deepest condolences to the victims and families in Milwaukee, Wisconsin." — President @realDonaldTrump



2-27  Nancy has allowed her District to go down more than any other in the USA! Hardly even recognizable.


DeAnna Lorraineを引用:I'm DeAnna Lorraine, Conservative Sicilian spitfire running against Nancy Pelosi for Congress. I will replace her soulless leadership with love, laws, & fierce patriotism. Tick-tock Old Nan, your day of reckoning is coming for your crimes against Americans(私はDeAnna Lorraineは若い女性です。イタリーシシリア島生まれ。サンフランスシスコのナンシー下院議員の選挙区で、ナンシー議員反対の保守の急先鋒として、3月3日の共和党予備選挙に立候補します。愛と法と強烈な愛国心をもって魂を失ったナンシー議長に取って代ります。アメリカに対する犯罪がナンシーに最後の審判を迫ります。)

Big Rally in the Great State of South Carolina on Friday. See you there!


“Every poll you look at shows that Black support for President Trump is growing.” @RealCandaceO @MariaBartiromo

以下はMaria Bartiromoの言:『支持率調査で黒人のトランプ支持が増加している』

Big Story, Big Win - Except in the Fake News, which won’t cover it!



Ronna McDanielを引用:BIG WIN in Kentucky House District 99. It’s a district Democrats held for 33 YEARS, where Democrats outnumber Republicans by double digits, and one the Democrat governor carried in 2019. But tonight, Republicans flipped the seat!(2019年に民主党知事を誕生させ、33年間民主党が共和党の2倍の票を得て守って来たケンタッキー州下院第99選挙区で、今夜、共和党が議席を獲得した。)

Crazy, chaotic Democrat Debate last night. Fake News said Biden did well, even though he said half of our population was shot to death. Would be OVER for most. Mini Mike was weak and unsteady, but helped greatly by his many commercials (which are not supposed to be allowed during a debate). Pocahontas was mean, & undisciplined, mostly aiming at Crazy Bernie and Mini Mike. They don’t know how to handle her, but I know she is a “chocker”. Steyer was a disaster who, along with Mini, are setting records in $’s per vote. Just give me an opponent!


I will be having a News Conference at the White House, on this subject, today at 6:00 P.M. CDC representatives, and others, will be there. Thank you!


Low Ratings Fake News MSDNC (Comcast) & @CNN are doing everything possible to make the Caronavirus look as bad as possible, including panicking markets, if possible. Likewise their incompetent Do Nothing Democrat comrades are all talk, no action. USA in great shape!


Just landed. India was great, trip very successful. Heading to the White House. Meetings and calls scheduled today. @CDCgov, @SecAzar and all doing a great job with respect to Coronavirus! Briefing this afternoon.


CDC and my Administration are doing a GREAT job of handling Coronavirus, including the very early closing of our borders to certain areas of the world.


It was opposed by the Dems, “too soon”, but turned out to be the correct decision. No matter how well we do, however, the Democrats talking point is that we are doing badly. If the virus disappeared tomorrow, they would say we did a really poor, and even incompetent, job. Not fair, but it is what it is. So far, by the way, we have not had one death. Let’s keep it that way! 


“U.S. acted on the Coronavirus very, very quickly.” Gordon Chang @IngrahamAngle

以下はIngraham AngleのGoedon Changの発言:『アメリカはコロナウイルスに対して然るべき初期対応を行なっていた』

In case you were wondering, YES, Trump apparently was watching the #DemDebate on his flight back to Washington, DC from India, and NO, he did not like the candidates' answers on coronavirus

Christian Datocをリツイート:疑問に思われるかもしれないが、大統領はインドからの帰途に機内で民主党のディベートを見て、コロナウイルスについての発言を快く思っていなかった。


Russia wants him to win!


Lou Dobbsを引用:民主党が手抜きをしてもサンダース候補の予備選挙当選は確実とEd Rollonsは予測している。

An absolute disgrace!



52% in the new Rasmussen Poll. 95% Approval Rating in the Republican Party. Thank you!


Fox News Dominates Basic Cable for 44 Consecutive Months, Crushes Cable News 218 Straight Months. FNC Finishes Month as Only Cable News Network to Notch Double-Digit Gains in all Programs versus 2019. 13 FNC Programs Notch Highest-Rated Month in Network History


That is because they cover your favorite President relatively well. @CNN & MSDNC are dying in the ratings!

FOXニュースの視聴率好調は支持する大統領を比較的多く報道しているからである。CNNとMSNBCは衰退する。ニールセン調査によると2月の視聴率対前年比FOX 194.8万人+34%、CNN 68.3万人-3%、MSNBC 99.7万人-9%。

No surprise!



True, but we are getting it all done!



A total miscarriage of justice!


2-26  There has rarely been a juror so tainted as the forewoman in the Roger Stone case. Look at her background. She never revealed her hatred of “Trump” and Stone. She was totally biased, as is the judge. Roger wasn’t even working on my campaign. Miscarriage of justice. Sad to watch!

Roger Stone裁判の女性陪審員長ほど偏見に染まった人物はいない。トランプとRoger Stone本人に対する憎悪を表に出したことはないが、裁判官として偏向している。Roger Stone本人はトランプ選対で仕事をしていないのだ。司法の運用が狂っている。見ていられない!

Yet another excellent meeting and talks with my friend @realDonaldTrump. Relations between India and USA are not merely ties between two governments. Ours is a friendship that is people-driven and people centric.  Our nations are cooperating extensively, which is a great sign.


Cryin’ Chuck Schumer is complaining, for publicity purposes only, that I should be asking for more money than $2.5 Billion to prepare for Coronavirus. If I asked for more he would say it is too much. He didn’t like my early travel closings. I was right. He is incompetent!

Chuck Schumer民主党上院院内総務がコロナウイルス対策に25億ドル以上の予算を下院に要求すべきだと批判したが、マスコミ受けのためだけである。25億ドル以上を要求していたならばもっと削減せよと言ったであろう。外国訪問日程を短縮したことを快しとしていない。私の判断は正しい。Schumerは無能である。

“Sotomayor accuses GOP appointed Justices of being biased in favor of Trump.” 

@IngrahamAngle @FoxNews This is a terrible thing to say. Trying to “shame” some into voting her way? She never criticized Justice Ginsberg when she called me a “faker”. Both should recuse themselves on all Trump, or Trump related, matters! While “elections have consequences”, I only ask for fairness, especially when it comes to decisions made by the United States Supreme Court!


“U.S. Intelligence official overstated assessment of Russian efforts to help Trump.” 

@FoxNews @GreggJarrett They supposedly told Crazy Bernie that Russia was looking at him, not me. This is all a big scam between Intel and the Democrats. 

以下はFOXニュースのGregg Jarretの言:『アメリカ情報当局はトランプを応援するロシアの努力を大げさに取り上げ過ぎている』 情報当局はサンダース候補にロシアが目をつけているのはトランプではなくサンダース候補だと話していると想定される。これは情報当局と民主党の間の詐欺である。

They want Bernie OUT, & hate “Trump”. It has been a scam right from the beginning with the illegally started Mueller Report, FISA, the leaking, lying & more. Schiff should not have access to Intelligence, he is a corrupt pol. “Amazing that they went to Bernie Sanders, but not to President Trump.” @marthamaccallum

情報当局と民主党はサンダースを失脚とトランプ憎悪を狙っている。法的裏付けなしにはじめられたMueller報告やFISA、情報漏洩や虚言などと全く同じ構図である。シフ下院議員は情報当局から情報提供を受ける立場を与えられるべきではない。シフは偽政治家である。Martha MacCallumによると『驚くべきは働きかけの対象はサンダース候補であってトランプではない』のである。

Spelled @GiannoCaldwell!


Great new book just out, “Taken for Granted, How Conservatives Can Win Back Americans That Liberalism Failed”, by Gianni Caldwell, a young winner! He will be at the Ronald Reagan Library, Simi Valley, California, on Thursday at 6 PM, PT. Check it out!

Gianni Caldwellの好著が出た。『アメリカを取り戻したのはリベラリズムではなくコンサーバティブだ』というタイトルである。2月27日木曜日カリフォルニア州Simi渓谷のロナルドレーガン図書館で西部時間午後6時に来場する。


Totally correct!


The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. We are in contact with everyone and all relevant countries. CDC & World Health have been working hard and very smart. Stock Market starting to look very good to me!


2-25  Set up by Schiff’s lies & leaks. Same with the Mueller Witch Hunt 3 years ago!


THANK YOU @NarendraModi!


'Party of jobs': Ted Cruz predicts blue-collar boom will make difference for GOP in 2020

WASHINGTON EXAMINAERをリツイート:共和党は『雇用の党』となっている。テキサス州共和党Ted Cruz上院議員は、ブルーカラーブームが共和党にとって2020年選挙を様変わりさせると予測している。


Thank you Lori, so true!


Our two national constitutions both begin with the same three beautiful words: “We the people.” That means that in America and India alike, we honor, respect, trust, empower, and fight for the citizens we proudly serve!

 アメリカ、インド両国の憲法は『We the people』という美しい3文字ではじまっている。このことは誇りとする国民に対して国が栄誉と尊厳と信頼と鼓舞を与え、国民のために尽すことを意味している。

India looks forward to welcoming @POTUS @realDonaldTrump. It is an honour that he will be with us tomorrow, starting with the historic programme in Ahmedabad!


95% Approval Rating in the Republican Party, a Record. 218 Federal Judges, also a Record. 2 Supreme Court Justices. Thank you!


Crazy Bernie and the Democrats should see this. I have done far more for the African American community than any President. Secured funding for HBCUs, Criminal Justice Reform, Opportunity Zones, School Choice, Record Low Unemployment, and so much more. THE BEST IS YET TO COME!


Jeff Van Drew is a Courageous Leader that left the Do Nothing Democrats to better serve the Great people of New Jersey. HAPPY BIRTHDAY @CongressmanJVD!

2018年ニュージャージー州民主党下院議員として当選、201911月、下院の大統領弾劾投票で反対投票し、共和党に入党したJeff Van Drew議員の誕生日を祝す。議員はやる気のない民主党に代わって州のためによりよく活動する!

Are any Democrat operatives, the DNC, or Crooked Hillary Clinton, blaming Russia, Russia, Russia for the Bernie Sanders win in Nevada. If so I suggest calling Bob Mueller & the 13 Angry Democrats to do a new Mueller Report, Democrat Edition. Bob will get to the bottom of it!


Somebody please tell incompetent (thanks for my high poll numbers) & corrupt politician Adam “Shifty” Schiff to stop leaking Classified information or, even worse, made up information, to the Fake News Media. Someday he will be caught, & that will be a very unpleasant experience!


2-24  Look forward to being with all of my friends and supporters @CPAC on Saturday, February 29th! #KAG2020


Seventy-five years ago today during the Battle of #IwoJima75, Marines claimed Mount Suribachi and raised the American flag at its summit, creating an unforgettable and iconic moment in American history and patriotism. #WeAreIwo.


Departing for India with Melania!



Just another Shifty Schiff leak. Isn’t there a law about this stuff?


“The Kremlin is reportedly backing Bernie Sanders bid to win the White House.” Jon Scott @FoxNews Why didn’t somebody tell me this?

以下はFOXニュースのJohn Scottの言:『クレムリンはサンダースを支援し、ホワイトハウス奪取を目指している』 なぜ誰もこの話を私に伝えないのか。

Looks like Crazy Bernie is doing well in the Great State of Nevada. Biden & the rest look weak, & no way Mini Mike can restart his campaign after the worst debate performance in the history of Presidential Debates. Congratulations Bernie, & don’t let them take it away from you!



2-23  Look so forward to being with my great friends in INDIA!



Wow, great foresight! https://twitter.com/miamijj48/status/928041481759227904



THANK YOU Las Vegas, Nevada! I was delighted to be back in a state I love, with proud, hardworking PATRIOTS. With your help, this November, we are going to defeat the Radical Socialist Democrats, and we are going to win Nevada in a landslide! #KAG2020




So @TeamCavuto has very bad ratings on @foxnews with his Fake guests like A.B.Stoddard and others that still haven’t figured it all out. Will he get the same treatment as his friend Shepherd Smith, who also suffered from the ratings drought?



Mitch and I have made great progress. Coming back fast!


Four great candidates are under consideration at DNI. Decision within next few weeks!




A week-long "reduction in violence" between the Taliban and U.S. and Afghan security forces will begin at midnight local time. http://ow.ly/89rX50ysgkh

Radio Free Europeをリツイート:


After decades of conflict, we have come to an understanding with the Taliban on a significant reduction in violence across #Afghanistan. This is an important step on a long road to peace, and I call on all Afghans to seize this opportunity.


Another misinformation campaign is being launched by Democrats in Congress saying that Russia prefers me to any of the Do Nothing Democrat candidates who still have been unable to, after two weeks, count their votes in Iowa. Hoax number 7!




Dan Scavinoを4件リツイート:トランプ大統領を讃える以前のブルムバーグ候補の映像。

“She should never have been on that jury. Everything about this stinks.” @JudgeJeanine @seanhannity @FoxNews


Great Rally In Colorado. Thank you, will be back soon!



Thank you to our great US Ambassador to Germany, @RichardGrenell, for stepping in to serve as acting DNI. I will be nominating a terrific candidate for the job very soon. Stay tuned!


I was thrilled to be back in Colorado Springs tonight, beneath the majestic peaks of the Rocky Mountains, with thousands of terrific, hardworking American Patriots. With your help, this November, we are going to defeat the Radical Socialist Dems, and we are going to WIN Colorado!

今夜、風光明媚なColorado Springsでの選挙集会を前にしてわくわくしている。


Wow, thank you — on my way!!


Just arrived in Colorado, see everyone soon!


Could somebody at @foxnews please explain to Trump hater A.B. Stoddard (zero talent!) and @TeamCavuto, that I won every one of my debates, from beginning to end. Check the polls taken immediately after the debates. The debates got me elected. Must be Fox Board Member Paul Ryan!

誰か、トランプ憎しを旗印にしているA.B. Stoddardに、2016年の選挙論戦終了後に行われた世論調査で私が最初から最後まで勝者であり続けていたことをFOXニュースの関係者が本人に説明してくれないものか。論戦が私の当選の原動力であった。

It was my great honor to deliver the commencement address at the @LVMPD’s Hope for Prisoners Graduation Ceremony today, where we reaffirmed that America is a nation that believes in REDEMPTION!



“The real winner last night was Donald Trump.” Mini Mike Bloomberg. I agree!


“The decision not to prosecute Andy McCabe is utterly inexplicable.” @Judgenap @HARRISFAULKNER @FoxNews

以下はHarris Faulknerの言:『Andy McCabeの不起訴は論外である』

“I don’t think there’s any chance whatsoever of Senator Sanders defeating President Trump.” Mini Mike Bloomberg. Mini, there’s even less chance, especially after watching your debate performance last night, of you winning the Democrat nomination...But I hope you do!

以下はブルムバーグ候補の討論会での言:『サンダース候補の他誰であってもトランプを倒せない』 昨夜の討論会でのブルムバーグ候補の発言を聞いて、ブルムバーグ候補が民主党候補に指名される可能性小さいが、ブルムバーグ候補が私を倒せる可能性はもっと小さい。

John Kerry and Senator Chris Murphy grossly violated the Logan Act with respect to Iran. If a Republican did what they did, there would be very serious ramifications!

John Kerry前国務長官とChris Murphy民主党上院議員はイランに関しローガン法に違反している。共和党員が同じことをやれば厳しい岐路に立たされる!

2-21  “They say Roger Stone lied to Congress.” @CNN OH, I see, but so did Comey (and he also leaked classified information, for which almost everyone, other than Crooked Hillary Clinton, goes to jail for a long time), and so did Andy McCabe, who also lied to the FBI! FAIRNESS?

CNNは『Roger Stoneが議会に嘘をついた』と報道している。ならばComeyその他機密情報を漏らしたものはヒラリークリントン以外は全員長期牢獄行きだ。FBIを騙したAndy McCabeも同罪だ!不公平である。

This makes Mini Mike look good compared to his performance last night. Worst debate performance in history!



A really great moment!



This is the REAL Mini Mike. He admitted, many times, that he is “a fan of Donald Trump. He’s a New York ICON.” Thank you Mike!


.@JRubinBlogger(Jennifer Rubin), the wacko “conservative” of the @washingtonpost, must learn how to spell the name Bloomberg before it is too late & he is gone!


Mini Mike Bloomberg’s debate performance tonight was perhaps the worst in the history of debates, and there have been some really bad ones. He was stumbling, bumbling and grossly incompetent. If this doesn’t knock him out of the race, nothing will. Not so easy to do what I did!


Thank you Arizona! With your help, your devotion, and your drive, we are going to keep on working, we are going to keep on fighting, and we are going to keep ON WINNING! America is thriving like never before, and the BEST IS YET TO COME!


“What has happened to Roger Stone should never happen to anyone in our Country again.” @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews


The Democrat party is the party of high taxes, high crime, open borders, late-term abortion, socialism, blatant corruption, and the total destruction of your Second Amendment. The Republican Party is the party of the American Worker, the American Family, and the American Dream!


A beautiful evening in Phoenix, Arizona with Great American Patriots. THANK YOU!




I am pleased to announce that our highly respected Ambassador to Germany, @RichardGrenell, will become the Acting Director of National Intelligence. Rick has represented our Country exceedingly well and I look forward to working with him. I would like to thank Joe Maguire for the wonderful job he has done, and we look forward to working with him closely, perhaps in another capacity within the Administration!

駐ドイツRichard Grenellアメリカ大使が国家情報局長官代理に就任する。駐独大使の役割をしっかり果たしてくれた。Joe Maguire現長官代理に感謝。別の役割をこの政権で緊密な役割を果たしてもらう考えである。




Heading to Arizona, big rally and big crowd! #MAGA #KAG2020



Rod Blagojevich did not sell the Senate seat. He served 8 years in prison, with any remaining. He paid a big price. Another Comey and gang deal! Thank you to @LisaMarieBoothe who really “gets” what’s going on! @FoxNews

イリノイ州知事を勤め、汚職で弾劾されたRod Blagojevichは上院議員の資格で金銭を授受していない、8年の刑期を服役し、多大の犠牲を蒙った。Comey前FBI長官とギャングの間でやり取りがあった。Lisa Marie Bootheは問題の核心に迫っている。ありがとう!

Internal REAL Polls show I am beating all of the Dem candidates. The Fake News Polls (here we go again, just like 2016) show losing or tied. Their polls will be proven corrupt on November 3rd, just like the Fake News is corrupt!


And this despite Fake Witch Hunts, the Mueller Scam, the Impeachment Hoax etc. With our Economy, Jobs, Military, Vets, 2A & more, I would be at 70%. Oh well, what can you do? https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1229897661555212291




I would like to thank John Rood for his service to our Country, and wish him well in his future endeavors!

国政に尽力したJohn Rood国防次官に感謝。前途の研鑽を望む!

2-20  Highest Stock Market In History, By Far!


Is corrupt Bloomberg News going to say what a pathetic debater Mini Mike is, that he doesn’t respect our great farmers, or that he has violated campaign finance laws at the highest and most sinister level with “payoffs” all over the place?



Kerry & Murphy illegally violated the Logan Act. This is why Iran is not making a deal. Must be dealt with strongly!

ケリー前国務長官とコネティカット州選出民主党Chris Murphy上院議員は(政府の許可なく敵対国との交渉を禁じている)Logan法に違反した。イランがアメリカ政府と交渉しないのはこれが理由である。厳しい措置が必要である! 

12件リツイート:うち8件がJudicial WatchのTom Fittonによる民主党時代の司法省FBIに関するDark Stateに対する論難。

There must be JUSTICE. This can never happen to a President, or our Country, again!


以下にLee Zedlinを引用:There are high expectations that the Justice Dept will very soon deliver transparency & ACCOUNTABILITY regarding DOJ/FBI officials who weaponized the awesome powers at their disposal in order to target the Trump campaign. Frustrated Americans demand justice! It’s LONG overdue! (司法省が間もなく(オバマ政権下の)司法省とFBIがトランプ選対を狙って恐るべき権力を行使したことに関する透明性のある信用に足る報告を出すとの期待が高まっている。政権の情報機関が政敵の情報をスパイしたことに対する不満を持つアメリカ人は正義を求めている。)

Congratulations to Eddie DeBartolo Jr. and your wonderful family of friends!



And this despite Fake Witch Hunts, the Mueller Scam, the Impeachment Hoax etc. With our Economy, Jobs, Military, Vets, 2A & more, I would be at 70%. Oh well, what can you do?




I hope the Federal Judges Association will discuss the tremendous FISA Court abuse that has taken place with respect to the Mueller Investigation Scam, including the forging of documents and knowingly using the fake and totally discredited Dossier before the Court. Thank you!


Mini Mike. No, I would rather run against you!


What Mini Mike is doing is nothing less than a large scale illegal campaign contribution. He is “spreading” money all over the place, only to have recipients of his cash payments, many former opponents, happily joining or supporting his campaign. Isn’t that called a payoff?  Mini is illegally buying the Democrat Nomination. They are taking it away from Bernie again. Mini Mike, Major Party Nominations are not for sale! Good luck in the debate tomorrow night and remember, no standing on boxes!


Chris Jacobs will be a great Congressman who will always fight for the people of New York. He supports our #MAGA Agenda, will continue to Secure Our Border, Loves our Military, Vets, and is Strong on the #2A. Chris has my Complete Endorsement for the Special Election on 4/28!

ニューヨーク州議会Chris Jacobs上院議員の選挙応援。

The Mayor’s efforts to shield illegal aliens endangers the lives of the public and law enforcement who have to go into the field to apprehend those released. He shouldn’t be urging illegals to beat the system, he should be urging them to safely turn themselves in!


2-19  The United States cannot, & will not, become such a difficult place to deal with in terms of foreign countries buying our product, including for the always used National Security excuse, that our companies will be forced to leave in order to remain competitive. 


We want to sell product and goods to China and other countries. That’s what trade is all about. We don’t want to make it impossible to do business with us. That will only mean that orders will go to someplace else. 


As an example, I want China to buy our jet engines, the best in the World. I have seen some of the regulations being circulated, including those being contemplated by Congress, and they are ridiculous. I want to make it EASY to do business with the United States, not difficult. Everyone in my Administration is being so instructed, with no excuses. THE UNITED STATES IS OPEN FOR BUSINESS!


The Crooked DNC is working overtime to take the Democrat Nomination away from Bernie, AGAIN! Watch what happens to the Super Delegates in Round Two. A Rigged Convention!


These were Mueller prosecutors, and the whole Mueller investigation was illegally set up based on a phony and now fully discredited Fake Dossier, lying and forging documents to the FISA Court, and many other things. Everything having to do with this fraudulent investigation is badly tainted and, in my opinion, should be thrown out. Even Mueller’s statement to Congress that he did not see me to become the FBI Director (again), has been proven false. The whole deal was a total SCAM. If I wasn’t President, I’d be suing everyone all over the place. BUT MAYBE I STILL WILL. WITCH HUNT! 



“Judge Jackson now has a request for a new trial based on the unambiguous & self outed bias of the foreperson of the jury, whose also a lawyer, by the way. ‘Madam foreperson, your a lawyer, you have a duty, an affirmative obligation, to reveal to us when we selected you the existence of these tweets in which you were so harshly negative about the President & the people who support him. Don’t you think we wanted to know that before we put you on this jury.’ Pretty obvious he should (get a new trial). I think almost any judge in the Country would order a new trial, I’m not so sure about Judge Jackson, I don’t know.” @Judgenap (Andrew Napolitano) @foxandfriends


Thank you Clint!


Praying for Ryan Newman, a great and brave @NASCAR driver! #PrayingForRyan

NASCAR事故に見舞われたRyan Newman選手に祈る。

2-18  Did you hear the latest con job? President Obama is now trying to take credit for the Economic Boom taking place under the Trump Administration. He had the WEAKEST recovery since the Great Depression, despite Zero Fed Rate & MASSIVE quantitative easing.オバマ大統領はこの景気上昇を自分の成果にしようとしている。オバマ時代はゼロ金利と通貨供給増加政策がとられていたにも関わらず、1990年代以降の景気上昇は微々たるものであった。

NOW, best jobs numbers ever. Had to rebuild our military, which was totally depleted. Fed Rate UP, taxes and regulations WAY DOWN. If Dems won in 2016, the USA would be in big economic (Depression?) & military trouble right now. THE BEST IS YET TO COME. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!


“They tried to Impeach the President eight times before this last Impeachment trial that we went through. In Arizona, people are tired of their obstruction, their investigations, and their Impeachments. They want them to get to work.” @SenMcSallyAZ @foxandfriends Thanks Martha

以下はアリゾナ州選出Martha McSally共和党上院議員に感謝:民主党は今回の弾劾事案の前に8回も同じようなことをやっている。アリゾナ州では民主党の議事妨害や証人召喚や弾劾に辟易としている。アリゾナの有権者は民主党に働くように要望している。


Daytona 500開幕の映像:大観衆 フロリダは暖かく、観客は軽装!

Last week the Fake News said that a section of our powerful, under construction, Southern Border Wall “fell over”, trying to make it sound terrible, except the reason was that the concrete foundation was just poured & soaking wet when big winds kicked in. Quickly fixed “forever”.


2-17  Getting ready to go to the Daytona 500. Will be GREAT!


これからDaytona 500会場に向かう!


Thank you to @JackBrewerBSI for your kind words on the great progress we have made on our powerful African-American Agenda. For one, lowest unemployment numbers in USA history. Many other great records! @foxandfriends @FoxNews

出業率最低その他アフリカ系アメリカ人に対するわれわれの政策を評価してくれたJakck Brewerの親切な言葉に感謝。





Remember, will be at Daytona 500 tomorrow!




2-16   Years ago the Democrats had the money to build the Wall, but they didn’t have any idea how to get it done. I am building it bigger and better than ever thought possible!



Thank you Arnold, very nice.


引用文:Everyone knows @realDonaldTrump & I have our disagreements. But I want to thank you for sending @SecretaryCarson to our homelessness summit. We’ll only solve this if everyone works together. This issue is bigger than all of us. Now it’s time for action(大統領と私が意見を異にしていることは周知の事実だが、Carson住宅都市開発省長官を私たちが主催するホームレス集会に派遣してくれたことに感謝する。全員の協力なくしてこの会議は成功しない。ホームレス問題はわれわれ全体の課題である。今がその時である。)

It has been two years since the tragedy in Parkland. We will always mourn the innocent lives taken from us – 14 wonderful students and 3 terrific educators. Earlier this week, I met with families whose experiences from that horrible day still pierce the soul. Today, @FLOTUS and I encourage all Americans to cherish and honor the memory of those we have lost through acts of love and service. We will hold Parkland forever in our hearts.


.@TomMcClintock is a strong Conservative Leader who will always fight for the people of California. He fully supports our #MAGA Agenda, will continue to Secure Our Border, Loves our Military & Vets, & is Strong on the #2A. Tom has my Complete Endorsement!

カリフォルニア州から下院議員選挙に立候補予定のTom McClimtock候補の応援。

.@JodeyArrington from the Great State of Texas has been an incredible supporter of our #MAGA Agenda. Jodey fully supports Securing our Border w/ the WALL, he Loves our Military & Vets, and is Strong on the #2A. Jodey has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

テキサス州から下院議員選挙に立候補予定のJodey Arrington候補の応援。

.@MoInTheHouse Brooks is running for Congress in the Great State of Alabama. He is a huge supporter of the #MAGA Agenda. Mo fully supports Securing our Border w/the WALL, he Loves our Military & Vets, & is Strong on the #2A. Mo has my Complete Endorsement!


“The Greatest name in politics,” Patrick @McHenryCampaign from the Great State of North Carolina, is a Conservative Fighter and a true Leader who ALWAYS supports our #MAGA Agenda. Patrick has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

ノースカロライナ州から下院議員選挙に立候補予定のPatrick McHenry候補の応援。

Thank you to the beautiful country of Cambodia for accepting the @CarnivalCruise

ship Westerdam into your port. The United States will remember your courtesy! @MickyArison


It is happening again to Crazy Bernie, just like last time, only far more obvious. They are taking the Democrat Nomination away from him, and there’s very little he can do. A Rigged System!



2-15   “President Trump, with smart policies, has done more to help the Black community than any President in the modern era.” @IngrahamAngle @FoxNews

以下はFOXニュースのIngraham Angleの言:『トランプ大統領の賢明な政策は近代のどの大統領よりも黒人社会を潤している。』