2019年6 月上旬(全訳)

6-16  I enjoyed my interview with @GStephanopoulos on @ABC. So funny to watch the Fake News Media try to dissect & distort every word in as negative a way as possible. It will be aired on Sunday night at 8:00 P.M., and is called, “President Trump: 30 Hours” (which is somewhat misleading in that I personally spent only a small fraction of that time doing interviews. I do have a few other things to do, you know!). Think I will do many more Network Interviews, as I did in 2016, in order to get the word out that no President has done what I have in the first 2 1/2 years of his Presidency, including the fact that we have one of the best Economies in the history of our Country. It is called Earned Media. In any event, enjoy the show!

ABC TVで放送されたGeorge Stephanopoulosのインタビューを見た。一言一句をこれ見よがしに悪しざまに報道しているのを見て滑稽だった。『トランプ大統領の30時間』と題して16日(日)午後8時に放送される。私はこれから2016年より頻繁にインタビューに応じて、私がこの2年半の間に成し遂げたことを話す積りである。その中にこの国の歴史はじまって以来最高の経済実績をあげていることが含まれる。『視聴者の信頼を得るための番組』となる。テレビショウをお楽しみに!

He is a national disgrace who is destroying the City of London!


(若い女性の)Jesica Fletcherを引用:Khan is the reason I don’t feel like visiting London anytime soon.(ロンドンに行きたくないのはKhan市長が理由である。)

I am blessed and forever grateful to @realDonaldTrump for the opportunity to serve and proud of everything he’s accomplished. I love the President and my job. The most important job I’ll ever have is being a mom to my kids and it’s time for us to go home. Thank you Mr. President! https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1139263781144596486 …

 Sara Sandersをリツイート:大統領からお褒めの言葉を頂き、感謝しています。お仕えする機会を頂き、大統領が行われたことすべてを誇りに思っています。大統領も私の仕事も素敵でした。今の私にとって最も大切な役割は私の子供たちの母親になることです。子供たちと共に故郷にもどります。ミスタープレジデントに感謝!

The Corrupt News Media is totally out of control - they have given up and don’t even care anymore. Mainstream Media has ZERO CREDIBILITY - TOTAL LOSERS!


FOXニュースのLou Dobbsのトランプ経済はなお上昇中をリツイート:

LONDON needs a new mayor ASAP. Khan is a disaster - will only get worse!


Katie Hopkinsを引用:20 hours in Stab-City UPDATE 2 stabbed to death 1 shot dead Three stabbed - but not dead. Wandsworth & Tower Hamlets This is Khan’s Londonistan.(ここ20時間に、刺殺2件、射殺1件、刺傷3件。Kahn市長下のロンドンの現状)

Thank you Steve & family!


For weeks Republicans have asked for an emergency funding bill to help fix the worsening border crisis. Immediate action is needed—even the New York Times agrees! But Pelosi won't bring it to the floor because Democrats would rather fight w/ @realDonaldTrump than solve problems.

Steve Scaliseをリツイート:


The dishonest media will NEVER keep us from accomplishing our objectives on behalf of our GREAT AMERICAN PEOPLE! #MAGA


The Trump Economy is setting records, and has a long way up to go....However, if anyone but me takes over in 2020 (I know the competition very well), there will be a Market Crash the likes of which has not been seen before! KEEP AMERICA GREAT


“President Trump to launch 2020 Campaign in Florida!” @foxandfriends Tuesday will be a Big Crowd and Big Day!


All in for Senator Steve Daines as he proposes an Amendment for a strong BAN on burning our American Flag. A no brainer!

モンタナ州選出Steve Daines共和党上院議員による国旗焼却厳禁提案を支持!

Despite the Greatest Presidential Harassment of all time by people that are very dishonest and want to destroy our Country, we are doing great in the Polls, even better than in 2016, and will be packed at the Tuesday Announcement Rally in Orlando, Florida. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!


Dan Scavinoを6件連続リツイート:

NEXT UP: President @realDonaldTrump speaks on expanding health coverage options for small businesses & workers. http://45.wh.gov/RtVRmD 


Today, President @realDonaldTrump spoke on expanding health coverage options for American small businesses & workers. President Trump is putting THE PEOPLE back in charge of their health care decisions with:  More choice  Better care   Far lower cost

Official Team Trump(トランプ選対本部)をリツイート:大統領は健康保険の選択肢の拡大、内容の充実、低料金を実現を明言した。

Great to see a strong showing in NH for @realDonaldTrump on his Birthday. Happy Birthday @realDonaldTrump

Corey R.Lewandowskiをリツイート:ニューハンプシャー州のトランプ大統領の評価は高い。大統領の誕生日を祝す。

“With over a 50% Approval Rating at this point in his Presidency, analysts believe re-election in 2020 looks (very) promising!” @OANN Hey, we have accomplished more than any President in the first 2 1/2 years, WHY NOT?

以下はOne America News Networkの報道:『現時点におけるトランプ大統領の支持率50%は2020年の再選を確実にしているとアナリストは分析。2年半の実績はどの大統領も及ばない。当然である。

6-15   “The latest Polls find 51% of Americans approve of President Trump’s Job Performance. Last month a Democrat Pollster said President Trump’s approval rating has been the most steady of any President in history!” @OANN

以下はOne America News Networkの報道:『トランプ大統領の支持率は51%に達している。民主党の世論調査は、トランプ大統領の支持率は歴代大統領の中で最も堅固だと評価している!

Opioid addiction can happen to anyone—and we must work together to fight the stigma and save lives, says @Surgeon_General Jerome Adams.


Merania Trumpを連続4件リツイート:日本のタンカーから不発爆発物を撤去するビデオの存在・国務長官の発言・サウジアラビアの民間飛行場に対するクルーズミサイル攻撃。


This account is really off-base. MLB meeting with @potus wasn’t about resurrecting the old deal, it was about a new & much more limited approach. And @potus wouldn’t even discuss that watered down proposal so long as #Cuba was propping up the #MaduroRegime

Marco Rubioを連続4件リツイート:


"It may be the single biggest political crime in the history of the United States" @realDonaldTrump says about #Spygate. "Eventually they are going to have to cover it," @POTUS adds.

Hugh Hewitをリツイート:『スパイゲート事件はアメリカの政治史上最大のスキャンダル』と大統領発言。

Tom Fittonを連続5件リツイート:オバマ・クリントン・ロシア・怪文書・民主党左派による選挙介入・憲法への脅威・FBIによる政権転覆活動・民主党による大統領弾劾活動・FBI関係者の証言記録不在・オバマ政権によるトランプ攻撃。


Just spoke to Marillyn Hewson, CEO of @LockheedMartin, about continuing operations for the @Sikorsky in Coatesville, Pennsylvania. She will be taking it under advisement and will be making a decision soon. While Pennsylvania is BOOMING, I don’t want there to be even a little glitch in Coatesville – every job counts. I want Lockhead to BOOM along with it!

ロッキード社のCEO Marillyn Hewson女史とSikorskyヘリコプター事業について電話した。ブームが続くことを望んでいる!

This week President Trump was able to do something no one else could: get the left to care about foreign intel in our elections. You’d think Democrats paying for oppo research from Russians, then funneling it to DOJ to open an investigation, would’ve done the trick. Guess not.

Mark Meadowsをリツイート:2016年大統領選挙における民主党の怪文書作成行動に対する大統領の指摘を評価。

Thank you @senatemajldr Mitch McConnell for understanding the Democrats game of not playing it straight on the ridiculous Witch Hunt Hoax in the Senate. Cryin’ Chuck will never stop. Did Senator @MarkWarner ever report speaking to a Russian!?

上院における民主党の妨害活動に対応してくれているMitch McConnell共和党院内総務に感謝。

Thank you Senator @MarshaBlackburn for fighting obstructionist Democrats led by Cryin' Chuck Schumer. Democrats continue to look for a do-over on the Mueller Report and will stop at nothing to distract the American people from the great accomplishments of this Administration!

民主党Chuck Schumer上院院内総務の動きと闘ってくれているテネシー州選出共和党上院議員Marsha Blackburn女史に感謝。

Announcing great, expanded HRAs—big win for small employers and workers. This is a fantastic plan! My Administration has worked very hard on creating more affordable health coverage.


The Radical Left Dems are working hard, but THE PEOPLE are much smarter. Working hard, thank you!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our GREAT @USArmy. America loves you! #ArmyBday



Natalie Harp, fighting Stage 2 Cancer and doing really well, was a GREAT guest on @foxandfriends. Right To Try is producing some truly spectacular results. Proud of Natalie!

癌と戦うNatalie Harpさんを激励!

6-14   Thank you Jason Chaffetz! #MAGA


I will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 8:00 A.M. Enjoy! @FoxNews

Today we announced vital new actions that we are taking to help former inmates find a job, live a crime-free life, and succeed beyond their dreams...


After 3 1/2 years, our wonderful Sarah Huckabee Sanders will be leaving the White House at the end of the month and going home to the Great State of Arkansas. She is a very special person with extraordinary talents, who has done an incredible job! I hope she decides to run for Governor of Arkansas - she would be fantastic. Sarah, thank you for a job well done!

3年半にわたって大統領報道官を務めたSarah Huckabee Sanders報道官が今月末で退任し、アーカンソー州に戻る。すばらしい才能に恵まれた人で、州知事選挙に立候補してくれることを期待する。すばらしい知事になるだろう。見事に職責を果たしてくれてことに感謝!

"It is the assessment of the U.S. government that Iran is responsible for today's attacks in the Gulf of Oman...."


While I very much appreciate P.M. Abe going to Iran to meet with Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, I personally feel that it is too soon to even think about making a deal. They are not ready, and neither are we!

安倍総理のイラン訪問とAli Khamenei師との会談を多とするが、私個人としては妥協点を探るには時期尚早と思っている。双方ともまだその用意が整っていない!

They’ve been wrong all along!



When Senator @MarkWarnerVA spoke at length, and in great detail, about extremely negative information on me, with a talented entertainer purporting to be a Russian Operative, did he immediately call the FBI? 


NO, in fact he didn’t even tell the Senate Intelligence Committee of which he is a member. When @RepAdamSchiff took calls from another person, also very successfully purporting to be a Russian Operative, did he call the FBI, or even think to call the FBI? 



NO! The fact is that the phony Witch Hunt is a giant scam where Democrats, and other really bad people, SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN! They even had an “insurance policy” just in case Crooked Hillary Clinton and the Democrats lost their race for the Presidency! This is the biggest & worst political scandal in the history of the United States of America. Sad!

I meet and talk to “foreign governments” every day. I just met with the Queen of England (U.K.), the Prince of Whales, the P.M. of the United Kingdom, the P.M. of Ireland, the President of France and the President of Poland. We talked about “Everything!” Should I immediately call the FBI about these calls and meetings? How ridiculous! I would never be trusted again. With that being said, my full answer is rarely played by the Fake News Media. They purposely leave out the part that matters.


The Dems fight us at every turn - in the meantime they are accomplishing nothing for the people! They have gone absolutely “Loco,” or Unhinged, as they like to say!


“Congress cannot Impeach President Trump (did nothing wrong) because if they did they would be putting themselves above the law. The Constitution provides criteria for Impeachment - treason, bribery, high crimes & misdemeanors. Unless there is compelling evidence, Impeachment is not Constitutionally Permissable.” Alan Dershowitz, Constitutional Lawyer

以下は憲法学者Alan Dershowitzの言:『議会は(違法なことをしていない)大統領を訴追できない。そんなことをすれば議会が法を優越することになる。憲法は訴追の要件を反逆と贈収賄と重罪と軽蔑と明記している。明白な事実がなければ訴追は憲法上許容されない』

Unrelated to Russia, Russia, Russia (although the Radical Left doesn’t use the name Russia anymore since the issuance of the Mueller Report), House Committee now plays the seldom used “Contempt” card on our great A.G. & Sec. of Commerce - this time on the Census. Dems play a much tougher game than the Republicans did when they had the House Majority. Republicans will remember! 


“This has already been argued before the U.S. Supreme Court, but the House doesn’t want to wait. This is a common thread between all of the Committees - do whatever you can to embarrass the Trump Administration (and Republicans), attack the Trump Administration. This is campaigning by the Dems.” Attorney David Bruno. So true! In the meantime they are getting NO work done on Drug Pricing, Infrastructure & many other things.

以下はDavid Bruno判事の言:本件は最高裁判所で懸案とされてきたことだが、(民主党が多数派の)下院は決着を求めている。このことはすべての委員会にとって運営上の問題となる。トランプ政権(と共和党)を窮地に追い込むためなら何でもやると言うことである』 当面のところを見るとまさにその通りである。薬価引き下げ、インフラストラクチャー刷新問題その他について、まったくやる気がないのだ!

General Michael Flynn, the 33 year war hero who has served with distinction, has not retained a good lawyer, he has retained a GREAT LAWYER, Sidney Powell. Best Wishes and Good Luck to them both!

33年の輝かしい軍歴を持つMichael Flynn将軍は今日まで有能な弁護士に恵まれていなかったが、この度Sidney Powellという立派な弁護士の弁護を受けることになった。よい結果がもたらされることを願う。

“It’s about peace and Prosperity, that’s how Republican Presidents get elected, and this President has delivered on the Economy and he’s delivered on keeping America Stronger & Safer. Our biggest enemy is not any one of these Democrats, it’s the Media.” John McLaughlin, pollster

以下は世論調査を担当しているJohn McLaughlinの見解:『共和党の大統領が選出されたの


“Biden would be China’s Dream Candidate, because there would be no more Tariffs, no more demands that China stop stealing our IP, things would go back to the old days with America’s manufacturers & workers getting shafted. He has Zero Credibility!” @IngrahamAngle So true!

以下はIngraham Angleの見解:民主党バイデンは中国にとって夢を叶えてくれる候補である。関税はなくなり、アメリカの知的財産窃盗も言われないし、アメリカの企業と労働者が痛めつけられた中国にとってよき時代が再来するからである。バイデンの信頼度はゼロである』 まったくその通りである。

Thank you very much!

Offucial Team Trumpをリツイート:お誕生日おめでとう!

is = if (Spell)! Not like Chris.


ホワイトハウスを引用:Tonight's 1600 Daily looks at how President @realDonaldTrump is delivering on his promise to roll back the regulation that stifles American innovation: http://45.wh.gov/5yKBD8 (今日でトランプ大統領がアメリカのイノベーションを抑圧している規制緩和に着手してから1600日になる。)

Two Fantastic People! My friends from the very beginning. Thank you D&S.


Diamond & Silkを引用:The economy is BOOMING and the @POTUS @realDonaldTrump is keeping his promises to the American people. We won't take a nose dive, we will stick with 45 so that we can continue to WIN WIN WIN.(経済はブーム。大統領は公約を実現。1に勝利、2に勝利、3に勝利を目指してがんばろう!)

Our Farmers deserve this, they are GREAT!

ホワイトハウスを引用:President @realDonaldTrump recently announced $16 billion in funds to offset the impact of trade retaliation against our farmers. http://45.wh.gov/hthvyd (大統領は農家に対する報復関税を相殺するために160億ドルの資金提供を公表した。)

President @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS will welcome Polish President @andrzejduda and Mrs. Agata Kornhauser-Duda for their second visit to the White House this afternoon!


Thank you!

Maria Baltiromoを引用:Sen. Fischer: Trump is a great friend to rural America http://ow.ly/HmlV30oVGwY  @MorningsMaria @FoxBusiness @SenatorFischer @realDonaldTrump(以下はネブラスカ州選出共和党上院議員Debra Fisher女史の言:トランプ大統領は農業牧畜業が盛んな地域の人たちの偉大な友である。)

President @realDonaldTrump made the opioid crisis a primary focus of his administration. Today, I am in Montana to further our support of those recovering from opioid abuse and to meet with groups who specialize in substance abuse and drug trafficking.


Michael Whatley has been with us right from the beginning. A great Leader and @NCGOP Chairman!

Michael Whatley氏はすばらしいリーダーである。

The American people will continue to be drawn to @realDonaldTrump's consistent, conservative leadership - and I couldn't be more proud to stand with him! @FOXNews


Great event this afternoon in Billings supporting @SteveDaines! Montana needs 4 more years of @realdonaldtrump in the White House and 6 more years of Steve Daines in the Senate!

ペンス副大統領をリツイート:モンタナ州共和党選出Steve Daines上院議員支援集会がBillingsで午後開催される。モンタナ州は大統領に今後4年間、Daines議員には6年間務めを果たして貰わねばならない!

6-13   It was a pleasure to host my friends President Andrzej Duda and Mrs. Agata Kornhauser-Duda of Poland at the @WhiteHouse today. U.S.-Poland ties are at an all-time high. Thank you for being such an exemplary Ally!

ポーランドのAndrzej Duda大統領とAgata Kornhauser-Duda夫人をホワイトハウスに迎えた。アメリカとポーランドの連帯は最高である。感謝している!

The Fake News has never been more dishonest than it is today. Thank goodness we can fight back on Social Media. Their new weapon of choice is Fake Polling, sometimes referred to as Suppression Polls (they suppress the numbers). Had it in 2016, but this is worse The Fake (Corrupt) News Media said they had a leak into polling done by my campaign which, by the way and despite the phony and never ending Witch Hunt, are the best numbers WE have ever had. They reported Fake numbers that they made up & don’t even exist. WE WILL WIN AGAIN!


Wow! Just got word that our June 18th, Tuesday, ANNOUNCEMENT in Orlando, Florida, already has 74,000 requests for a 20,000 seat Arena. With all of the big events that we have done, this ticket looks to be the “hottest” of them all. See you in Florida!


Despite the Phony Witch Hunt, we will continue to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Thank you!!


“Someone should call Obama up. The Obama Administration spied on a rival presidential campaign using Federal Agencies. I mean, that seems like a headline to me?” @TuckerCarlson It will all start coming out, and the Witch Hunt will end. Presidential Harassment!

以下はTucker Carlsonの発言:『オバマ前大統領は告訴に値する。オバマ政権は政府機関を使って大統領選挙に立候補している対抗勢力をスパイした。私に対するヘッドラインではないのか?やがて関係者の白状がはじまり、魔女狩りに終止符が打たれる。大統領いじめである。


6-12   Beautiful afternoon in Iowa. Thank you to all of our Nation’s Farmers. May God bless you, and may God Bless America!


“Trump administration gives final approval for year-round E15 use”


The Trump administration Friday announced approval of year-round access to gasoline with higher blends of ethanol, a move that could boost corn prices for farmers and lower costs for drivers.(これによって農家にとってはトウモロコシ価格の上昇が、ドライバーにとってはガソリン価格の低下が期待される。)

The decision is welcome news for farm groups that have pushed for expanded consumer access to gasoline with 15% ethanol — called E15 — saying it's needed to drive demand for the renewable fuel and corn, typically used to make ethanol.

The administration had until June 1 to approve the rule to open the door for E15 use this summer.

             “This is positive news for rural Iowa at a time when we can really use it," said Monte Shaw, executive director of the Iowa Renewable Fuels 
             Association. (これはガソリンの需要期を前にでたアイオワ州にとって朗報であると州の再生エネルギー協会会長の言。)
“Why did the Democrats run if they didn’t want to do things?” @SenRickScott
以下はフロリダ州選出Rick Scott共和党上院議員の言:何もしない民主党がよくぞ大統領選挙に候補者を立てたものだ!
Good day in the Stock Market. People have no idea the tremendous potential our Country has for GROWTH - and many other things!
Maria, Dagan, Steve, Stuart V - When you are the big “piggy bank” that other countries have been ripping off for years (to a level that is not to be believed), Tariffs are a great negotiating tool, a great revenue producers and, most importantly, a powerful way to get Companies to come to the U.S.A and to get companies that have left us for other lands to come back home. 
あなた方(Maria、Dagan、Steve、Stuart V)が『貯金箱』のオーナーで、他国が長年にわたって考えもしなかった金額を貯金箱から持ち出していたことが発覚したとする。持ち出されたものを取り戻す際に、関税は強力な手段となる。関税は収入をもたらすだけでなく、ここが大事なポイントなのだが、貯金箱から持ち出された会社を戻らせる手段となるのだ。
We stupidly lost 30% of our auto business to Mexico. If the Tariffs went on at the higher level, they would all come back, and pass. But very happy with the deal I made, If Mexico produces (which I think they will). Biggest part of deal with Mexico has not yet been revealed! China is similar, except they devalue currency and subsidize companies to lessen effect of 25% Tariff. So far, little effect to consumer. Companies will relocate to U.S.

are currently on the scene. THANK YOU for all you do 24/7/365! The Trump Administration stands ready should you need anything at all.

The United States has VERY LOW INFLATION, a beautiful thing!


This is because the Euro and other currencies are devalued against the dollar, putting the U.S. at a big disadvantage. The Fed Interest rate way to high, added to ridiculous quantitative tightening! They don’t have a clue!


以下はブルームバーグの意見:European landmarks have a question they desperately need answering: How do you stop the tourists from coming?(ヨーロッパの観光名所は背に腹を変えることが出来ない問題を抱えている。それはどうすれば観光客を断れるかである。)

Sad when you think about it, but Mexico right now is doing more for the United States at the Border than the Democrats in Congress! @foxandfriends




“Mueller has spoken. He found No Collusion between the Trump Campaign and the Russians. The bottom line is what the Democrat House is doing is trying to destroy the Trump Presidency (which has been a tremendous success), and I can assure you that we’re done with the Mueller investigation in the Senate. They can talk to John Dean until the cows come home, we’re not doing anything in the Senate regarding the Mueller Report. We are going to harden our Infrastructure against 2020!” @LindseyGrahamSC

以下はLindsey Grahamの言:『Mueller特別検察官はトランプ選対とロシアの間には癒着はなかったと確言した。下院で多数を占める民主党の狙いはは(かつてない業績をあげている)トランプの大統領職の破壊である。われわれは上院で決着をつける。民主党はウオーターゲート事件に関わったJohn Deanに垂れ込むことは可能だろうが、われわれは上院では一切取り合わない。われわれは2020年に向かってこの国のインフラストラクチャーの強化に取り組まねばならない。


“Jerry Nadler’s Trump Bashing Show Is A Bust.” Headline, New York Post. @foxandfriends The Greatest Witch Hunt of all time continues. All crimes were by the other side, but the Committee refuses to even take a look. Deleting 33,000 Emails is the real Obstruction - and much more!

FOXニュースが、ニューヨークポストの1面見出しが『民主党Jerry Nadlerのトランプバッシングは破綻!』と報じている。最大の魔女狩りは続く。魔女狩りの対象となった犯罪はすべて反対陣営の民主党がやったことであるが委員会は一顧だにしようとしない。33000件のヒラリーの電子メール消去こそ司法妨害である。ことはこれだけではない!

New book just out, “The Real Deal, My Decade Fighting Battles and Winning Wars With Trump,” is really wonderful. It is written by two people who are very smart & know me well, George Sorial & Damian Bates, as opposed to all the books where the author has no clue who I am. ENJOY!

『これが本当のディールだ。トランプとともに戦った勝利の記録』と題する新著は実に素晴らしい。著者のGeorge Sorial  Damian Batesの2人は聡明で私のことをよく理解している。私のことを知りもしないで書かれた本とは大違いだ。一読を薦める!

6-11   FOXニュースの映像3件

Despite the Phony Witch Hunt, we will continue to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Thank you!!


Congratulations to the 2019 Indianapolis 500 Winner @IMS, @SimonPagenaud and @Team_Penske! @IndyCar  


I have been briefed on the helicopter crash in New York City. Phenomenal job by our GREAT First Responders who


Can’t believe they are bringing in John Dean, the disgraced Nixon White House Counsel who is a paid CNN contributor. No Collusion - No Obstruction! Democrats just want a do-over which they’ll never get!

CNNが(ニクソンウオーターゲート事件に深くかかわった)John Deanを採用し、寄稿者に起用したとは信じがたい。癒着と司法妨害はないのだ!民主党はやり直しを求めているが、あり得ない!

Thank you @MarkLevinShow and John Eastman!

マークレビンショーとJohn Eastmanに感謝!

.@POTUS’ strong stand got Mexico to do things they have never done before: 6,000 National Guard at their southern border, immigration checkpoints throughout Mexico & allow ALL illegal immigrants from Central America to remain in Mexico pending their asylum claims..


SQUAWK BOX(株式市場が開く前に放送される経済トークショウ)の動画を30秒と48秒の2度引用。就任以来のダウ指数、スタンダードプアー指数とナスダック指数の推移が紹介されている。

When will the Failing New York Times admit that their front page story on the the new Mexico deal at the Border is a FRAUD and nothing more than a badly reported “hit job” on me, something that has been going on since the first day I announced for the presidency! Sick Journalism


We have fully signed and documented another very important part of the Immigration and Security deal with Mexico, one that the U.S. has been asking about getting for many years. It will be revealed in the not too distant future and will need a vote by Mexico’s Legislative body! We do not anticipate a problem with the vote but, if for any reason the approval is not forth coming, Tariffs will be reinstated!


Twitter should let the banned Conservative Voices back onto their platform, without restriction. It’s called Freedom of Speech, remember. You are making a Giant Mistake!


If President Obama made the deals that I have made, both at the Border and for the Economy, the Corrupt Media would be hailing them as Incredible, & a National Holiday would be immediately declared. With me, despite our record setting Economy and all that I have done, no credit!


For two years all the Democrats talked about was the Mueller Report, because they knew that it was loaded up with 13 Angry Democrat Trump Haters, later increased to 18. But despite the bias, when the Report came out, the findings were No Collusion and facts that led to No Obstruction. The Dems were devastated - after all this time and money spent ($40,000,000), the Mueller Report was a disaster for them. But they want a Redo, or Do Over. They are even bringing in @CNN sleazebag attorney John Dean. Sorry, no Do Overs - Go back to work!


The Failing @nytimes story on Mexico and Illegal Immigration through our Southern Border has now been proven shockingly false and untrue, bad reporting, and the paper is embarrassed by it. The only problem is that they knew it was Fake News before it went out. Corrupt Media!


6-10    Now with our new deal, Mexico is doing more for the USA on Illegal Immigration than the Democrats. In fact, the Democrats are doing NOTHING, they want Open Borders, which means Illigal Immigration, Drugs and Crime.


The Trump-hating media/dems now face a YUGE dilemma--how NOT to give @realDonaldTrump credit. #MexicoCavesAfterTariffThreat

Larry Elderをリツイート:トランプを嫌悪するメディアと民主党は大ジレンマに陥る。メキシコ合意後にトランプを貶めることはもはや不可能である。

.@senronjohnson: "I called the Mexican ambassador and said regardless of what you read in the press, understand if the president is serious about this, there are not votes to override. Take that threat seriously."

Breitart Newsをリツイート:以下はRon Johnson上院議員の発言:『私は中米メキシコ大使に電話で、アメリカのマスコミの報道をどのように読んでいるか知る由もないが、大統領が本気なら取り消しはあり得ないと承知すべきだと伝えた。これは最後通告である』

Next we get to watch the Democrat Civil War between the Socialists and the Establishment during the debates in a race to see who can hate America the most to secure the Democrat 

Bill Mitchelをリツイート:われわれが次に目にするのは、民主党の左翼社会主義の一派と主流派の内戦である。大統領候補の予備選挙で民主党の立場を守るためにアメリカを最も激しく憎悪するのは誰なのかが明らかになる。

Trump wins historic landslide election. Democrats - "Russia did it." Trump sets economic records. Democrats - "Obama did it." Trump strikes historic immigration deal with Mexico. Democrats - "Nothing changed."

Bill Mitchelをリツイート:トランプは地すべり的大勝利を手にする。民主党曰く『ロシア問題だ』トランプの応答は『経済の実績を見よ』。民主党曰く『経済はオバマの実績だ』トランプの応答は『メキシコとの国境問題解決を見よ』。民主党曰く『何も変わっていない』

Black America has been destroyed by liberal policies, a liberal media and a liberal stranglehold on culture. Democrats have trained us to celebrate our past oppressions as if it might catapult us into the future. Emotion and anger is an express lane to failure. #BLEXIT

Candace Owensをリツイート:アメリカの黒人は、リベラルの政策、リベラルのメディア、リベラルによる拘束によって破壊されてきた。民主党は黒人が過去に受けてきた抑圧を賞揚し、未来への飛躍の足がかりにするよう仕向けてきた。感情と怒りは幻滅への道程である。英国のEU離脱に倣い、黒人の民主党からの離脱を!


For the few conservatives they have left on, twitter is engaged in shadow banning of conservative content. For example twitter has made it such that my followers will not see my tweets in trending topics. Big Tech is colluding with Democrats to shut down opposition. Fascism

Melissa A.をリツイート:ツイッター社は限られた保守層のツイートを排除しているが、保守的内容のツイートをひそかに遮断している。私の時局問題についてのツイートをフォロワーがフォロー出来なくしている。巨大IT企業が民主党に偏向し、反対意見をシャットアウトしている。ファッシズムである。


I’m pleased to announce that as a result of discussions between the Trump Administration and Gilead Sciences, Inc., Gilead has agreed to make a historic donation of #HIV prevention medication for up to 200,000 individuals each year for up to 11 years.

Alex Azar 健康保健省長官をリツイート:トランプ政権と製薬メーカーGilead Sciences社との協議の結果、20万人に対するエイズ予防の措置を11年間継続する基金が寄付されることになった。報告できることを喜ぶ(他に内容に関する長官ツイート4件がリツイートされている)。

The Failing @nytimes story on Mexico and Illegal Immigration through our Southern Border has now been proven shockingly false and untrue, bad reporting, and the paper is embarrassed by it. The only problem is that they knew it was Fake News before it went out. Corrupt Media!


For two years all the Democrats talked about was the Mueller Report, because they knew that it was loaded up with 13 Angry Democrat Trump Haters, later increased to 18. But despite the bias, when the Report came out, the findings were No Collusion and facts that led to No Obstruction. The Dems were devastated - after all this time and money spent ($40,000,000), the Mueller Report was a disaster for them. But they want a Redo, or Do Over. They are even bringing in @CNN sleazebag attorney John Dean. Sorry, no Do Overs - Go back to work!

この2年間、民主党が問題にしたのはMueller報告だけだった。報告書が13名、後に18名に膨れ上がった民主党のトランプを嫌悪するグループによって作成されたにもかかわらず、癒着なし、司法妨害なしという結論であった。民主党は混乱に陥った。これだけの時間と4,000万ドルを費やした報告書が民主党に災難をもたらした。にもかかわらず民主党は調査のやり直しを求めている。民主党はCNN TVにいかさまのJohn Dean弁護士を登場させている。再調査などとんでもない。議場に戻るべきだ!

Our Border Patrol agents are superheroes dealing with the border crisis every day. They are doing their job, and it's time for Democrats to allow Congress to do ours. 

ジョージア州選出Doug Collins共和党下院議員をリツイート:国境警備隊は毎日国境の危機に対処している英雄である。民主党は議会を正常化させる時である。

If President Obama made the deals that I have made, both at the Border and for the Economy, the Corrupt Media would be hailing them as Incredible, & a National Holiday would be immediately declared. With me, despite our record setting Economy and all that I have done, no credit!


Twitter should let the banned Conservative Voices back onto their platform, without restriction. It’s called Freedom of Speech, remember. You are making a Giant Mistake!


Another false report in the Failing @nytimes. We have been trying to get some of these Border Actions for a long time, as have other administrations, but were not able to get them, or get them in full, until our signed agreement with Mexico. 


Additionally, and for many years, Mexico was not being cooperative on the Border in things we had, or didn’t have, and now I have full confidence, especially after speaking to their President yesterday, that they will be very cooperative and want to get the job properly done.


Importantly, some things not mentioned in yesterday press release, one in particular, were agreed upon. That will be announced at the appropriate time. There is now going to be great cooperation between Mexico & the USA, something that didn’t exist for decades. 


However, if for some unknown reason there is not, we can always go back to our previous, very profitable, position of Tariffs - But I don’t believe that will be necessary. The Failing @nytimes, & ratings challenged @CNN, will do anything possible to see our Country fail! They are truly The Enemy of the People!


I am pleased to inform you that The United States of America has reached a signed agreement with Mexico. The Tariffs scheduled to be implemented by the U.S. on Monday, against Mexico, are hereby indefinitely suspended. Mexico, in turn, has agreed to take strong measures to stem the tide of Migration through Mexico, and to our Southern Border. This is being done to greatly reduce, or eliminate, Illegal Immigration coming from Mexico and into the United States. Details of the agreement will be released shortly by the State Department. Thank you!




I know it is not at all “Presidential” to hit back at the Corrupt Media, or people who work for the Corrupt Media, when they make false statements about me or the Trump Administration. Problem is, if you don’t hit back, people believe the Fake News is true. So we’ll hit back!


Little @DonnyDeutsch, whose show, like his previous shoebiz tries, is a disaster, has been saying that I had been a friend of his. This is false. He, & separately @ErinBurnett, used to BEG me to be on episodes of the Apprentice (both were bad), but that was it. Hardly knew him other than to know he was, and is, a total Loser. When he makes statements about me, they are made up, he knows nothing!

Donny Deutschはショウ番組でトランプ大統領とは長年の友人だと言っているが嘘である。本人は私を知っていたし、今もよく知っているというが、私は本人が言うほど本人を知っていない。本人が私について言うことは作り話で、私について何も知っていない!

6-9  Just watched the Great @Rick24Barry, Basketball Hall of Famer, on the @marklevinshow @FoxNews. A wonderful interview of a very smart and interesting guy by the man, Mark Levin, who has the number one bestselling book, Unfreedom of the Press. Two Winners!

FOXニュースのMark LevinショーでバスケットボールのRick Barry選手のインタユーを見た。聡明な好漢を司会者が実にうまくインタビューしていた。一方は名選手、もう一方は自由を失った報道機関というベストセラーを書いた司会者。2人はともに勝者である。

Watched MSNBC this morning just to see what the opposition was saying about events of the past week. Such lies, almost everything they were saying was the opposite of the truth. Fake News! No wonder their ratings, along with CNN, are WAY DOWN. The hatred Comcast has is amazing!

今朝、NBC TVで先週のDデーの行事についての反対陣営の言い分を見た。よくもこれだけ嘘が言えたものだ。ほとんどすべてが真実ではない。偽ニュースだ!CNNとともにNBCの視聴率は低下するのは疑う余地がない。Comcastには驚かされる!

I would like to thank the President of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, and his foreign minister, Marcelo Ebrard, together with all of the many representatives of both the United States and Mexico, for working so long and hard to get our agreement on immigration completed!

私は、移民問題に関する長期にわたる困難な交渉を合意されたメキシコのAndres Manuel Lopez Obrador大統領とMarcelo Ebrard外相およびメキシコ、アメリカ両国の交渉団メンバー各位に感謝したい。

Everyone very excited about the new deal with Mexico!


Nervous Nancy Pelosi & the Democrat House are getting nothing done. Perhaps they could lead the way with the USMCA, the spectacular & very popular new Trade Deal that replaces NAFTA, the worst Trade Deal in the history of the U.S.A. Great for our Farmers, Manufacturers & Unions!

臆病者のNancy Pelosi下院議長と民主党は何も実績をあげていない。アメリカにとって最悪であったNAFTAに取って代わる実に素晴らしいアメリカ・メキシコ・カナダ3カ国の新貿易協定についても旧態依然とした状態を抜け出せないだろう。新貿易協定はアメリカの農家と製造業と労働組合にとって素晴らしい内容である!



Mexico will try very hard, and if they do that, this will be a very successful agreement for both the United States and Mexico!


Brandon Judd, National Border Patrol Council: “That’s going to be a huge deal because Mexico will be using their strong Immigration Laws - A game changer. People no longer will be released into the U.S.” Also, 6000 Mexican Troops at their Southern Border. Currently there are few!

以下は国境警備隊協会Brandon Juddの言:『メキシコは厳格な国境法制を発動して大いなる成果をあげるであろう。メキシコは事態を一変させる。メキシコを経由する移民はもはやアメリカに放逐されなくなるであろう』 メキシコの南部国境に配置されている兵士はわずかだが、6000名に増強される!

6-8   While the reviews and reporting on our Border Immigration Agreement with Mexico have been very good, there has nevertheless been much false reporting (surprise!) by the Fake and Corrupt News Media, such as Comcast/NBC, CNN, @nytimes & @washingtonpost. These “Fakers” are Bad News!


I am pleased to inform you that The United States of America has reached a signed agreement with Mexico. The Tariffs scheduled to be implemented by the U.S. on Monday, against Mexico, are hereby indefinitely suspended. Mexico, in turn, has agreed to take strong measures to stem the tide of Migration through Mexico, and to our Southern Border. This is being done to greatly reduce, or eliminate, Illegal Immigration coming from Mexico and into the United States. Details of the agreement will be released shortly by the State Department. Thank you!


Dow Jones has best week of the year!


Heading back to D.C. Many great things are happening for our Country!


For all of the money we are spending, NASA should NOT be talking about going to the Moon - We did that 50 years ago. They should be focused on the much bigger things we are doing, including Mars (of which the Moon is a part), Defense and Science!


Democrats are incapable of doing a good and solid Immigration Bill!


If we are able to make the deal with Mexico, & there is a good chance that we will, they will begin purchasing Farm & Agricultural products at very high levels, starting immediately. If we are unable to make the deal, Mexico will begin paying Tariffs at the 5% level on Monday!


Nervous Nancy Pelosi is a disgrace to herself and her family for having made such a disgusting statement, especially since I was with foreign leaders overseas. There is no evidence for such a thing to have been said.

Nancy Pelosi下院議長は本人とその家族に対する聞くに堪えない発言をしている。私が外国首脳と席をともにしている時の発言は酷い内容だ。言われるような事実はない。

 Nervous Nancy & Dems are getting Zero work done in Congress and have no intention of doing anything other than going on a fishing expedition to see if they can find anything on me - both illegal & unprecedented in U.S. history. There was no Collusion - Investigate the Investigators! Go to work on Drug Price Reductions & Infrastructure!


China is subsidizing its product in order that it can continue to be sold in the USA. Many firms are leaving China for other countries, including the United States, in order to avoid paying the Tariffs. No visible increase in costs or inflation, but U.S. is taking in Billions!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our great @VP Mike Pence!





FOXニュースLaura Ingrahamとの2分17秒の単独インタビュー:

6-7   “Mueller’s report was pure, political garbage!” @SeanHannity

以下はSean Hannityの見解:Mueller報告は完全な政治的紙くずである。

John Solomon: Factual errors and major omissions in the Mueller Report show that it is totally biased against Trump.

HILLSに寄稿したJohn Solomonの見解:Mueller報告の事実誤認と報告除外はこの報告が完全な反トランプ偏見に基づいていることを示している。

For my full interview with ⁦@realDonaldTrump from Normandy⁩, tune in tonight #IngrahamAngle ⁦@FoxNews⁩ 10pET

Laura Ingrahamをリツイート:今夜東部時間10時にFOXニュースはノルマンディーについて大統領と単独インタビューをする。

Just signed Disaster Aid Bill to help Americans who have been hit by recent catastrophic storms. So important for our GREAT American farmers and ranchers. Help for GA, FL, IA, NE, NC, and CA. Puerto Rico should love President Trump. Without me, they would have been shut out!


To the men who sit behind me, and to the boys who rest in the field before me: your example will never grow old. Your legend will never tire, and your spirit - brave, unyielding, and true - will NEVER DIE! #DDay75thAnniversary


Today, we remember those who fell, and we honor all who fought, here in Normandy. They won back this ground for civilization. To more than 170 Veterans of the Second World War who join us today: You are among the very greatest Americans who will ever live! #DDay75thAnniversary


So sorry to hear about the terrible accident involving our GREAT West Point Cadets. We mourn the loss of life and pray for the injured. God Bless them ALL!




Heading over to Normandy to celebrate some of the bravest that ever lived. We are eternally grateful! #DDay75thAnniversary #DDay75


A big and beautiful day today!


“The President has received glowing reviews from the British Media. Here at home, not so much. MSNBC Ramps up hateful coverage and promotes conspiracy theories during Trump’s trip to Europe.” @seanhannity The good news is that @maddow is dying in the ratings, along with @CNN!

以下はSean Hannityの論評:大統領は英国のメディアから輝かしい評価を受けた。ここアメリカではそうではない。NBC 放送は大統領の訪英中の大統領を貶める報道を行い、疑惑を掻き立てた。CNNの視聴率低下と一蓮托生でNBCのMaddowの番組の視聴率が下がっているのは朗報である!

6-6   #DDay75thAnniversary #DDay75

“They did not know if they would survive the hour. They did not know if they would glow old. But they knew that American had to prevail. Their cause was this Nation, and generations yet unborn.” (D DAYの作戦に参加した兵士は1時間生きながらえるかどうか知る由もなかった。老人になるまで生きながらえるかどうか知る由もなかった。しかしアメリカは生きながらえなければならないと思っていた。兵士の大義はアメリカという国家であり、これから生まれてくる世代であった。 アメリカ合衆国大統領 ドナルドトランプ)

Immigration discussions at the White House with representatives of Mexico have ended for the day. Progress is being made, but not nearly enough! Border arrests for May are at 133,000 because of Mexico & the Democrats in Congress refusing to budge on immigration reform. Furthertalks with Mexico will resume tomorrow with the understanding that, if no agreement is reached, Tariffs at the 5% level will begin on Monday, with monthly increases as per schedule. The higher the Tariffs go, the higher the number of companies that will move back to the USA!


As we approach the 75th Anniversary of D-Day, we proudly commemorate those heroic and honorable patriots who gave their all for the cause of freedom during some of history’s darkest hours. #DDay75


脚注〕英国ポーツマスで行われた壮大な75周年記念の式典の1時間29分58秒のアメリカABC TVの映像。中央にエリザベス女王とチャールス皇太子、そのすぐ左にメイ首相とフランスマクロン大統領、すぐ右にトランプ大統領、1人おいてドイツのメルケル首相ほか28首脳が着席。この映像を全世界のPC画面に届けるツイッターの性能は明らかにTVを凌駕している。トランプ大統領はTVネットワークに匹敵する情報発信手段を駆使している。

“House Republicans support the President on Tariffs with Mexico all the way, & that makes any measure the President takes on the Border totally Veto proof. Why wouldn’t you as Republicans support him when that will allow our President to make a better deal.” Thank you @GOPLeader

以下は共和党リーダーの発言:『共和党下院議員団は大統領のメキシコに対する関税を全面的に支持し、対メキシコ関税を議会が否決した場合に大統領が拒否権を行使するのを保証するものである。共和党下院議員は大統領の努力に協力しない理由はない』 リーダーに感謝。

If the totally Corrupt Media was less corrupt, I would be up by 15 points in the polls based on our tremendous success with the economy, maybe Best Ever! If the Corrupt Media was actually fair, I would be up by 25 points. Nevertheless, despite the Fake News, we’re doing great!


House Democrats, fresh off a Republican victory against them (in Federal Court) on the Wall, keep asking people to come and testify regarding the No Collusion Witch Hunt. They are very unhappy with the Mueller Report, especially with his corrective letter, & now want a Do Over!


Could not have been treated more warmly in the United Kingdom by the Royal Family or the people. Our relationship has never been better, and I see a very big Trade Deal down the road. “This trip has been an incredible success for the President.” @IngrahamAngle

私は英国王室と英国国民からこれ以上暖かい歓迎はないとほどの歓迎を受けた。両国の関係はこれほどよい時はなかった。非常に大きな貿易交渉がそのうちに纏まるであろう。以下は、Ingraham Angelの言:『訪英は大統領に信じられないほどの成功をもたらした』

.@FLOTUS Melania and I send our deepest condolences to President Reuven Rivlin and the entire State of Israel upon the passing of Mrs. Nechama Rivlin. Mrs. Rivlin represented her beloved country with grace and stature. We will miss her along with all those who knew her.

私はメラニアとともにイスラエルのReuven Rivlin大統領と国民各位に対しNechama Rivlin夫人のご逝去を悼み、最大の弔意を表明する。夫人は愛する祖国を慈愛と尊厳をもって代表された。夫人に接した人たちすべてとともに寂寥の念を禁じ得ない。

Just had a big victory in Federal Court over the Democrats in the House on the desperately needed Border Wall. A big step in the right direction. Wall is under construction!


I kept hearing that there would be “massive” rallies against me in the UK, but it was quite the opposite. The big crowds, which the Corrupt Media hates to show, were those that gathered in support of the USA and me. They were big & enthusiastic as opposed to the organized flops!


Plagiarism charge against Sleepy Joe Biden on his ridiculous Climate Change Plan is a big problem, but the Corrupt Media will save him. His other problem is that he is drawing flies, not people, to his Rallies. Nobody is showing up, I mean nobody. You can’t win without people!



Washed up psycho @BetteMidler was forced to apologize for a statement she attributed to me that turned out to be totally fabricated by her in order to make “your great president” look really bad. She got caught, just like the Fake News Media gets caught. A sick scammer!

精神病に罹っているような女優のBette Midlerは『お気に入りの大統領』をこき下ろす内容の作り話を私に投げかけ、謝罪を余儀なくされている。偽ニュースと同様非難を浴びている。嘆かわしい詐欺話だ!

6-5   Can you imagine Cryin’ Chuck Schumer saying out loud, for all to hear, that I am bluffing with respect to putting Tariffs on Mexico. What a Creep. He would rather have our Country fail with drugs & Immigration than give Republicans a win. But he gave Mexico bad advice, no bluff!

民主党上院院内総務のChuck Schumerが公衆の面前で、私のメキシコに対する関税はもったいぶった脅しであると喚いている。薄気味悪いことこの上なしだ。共和党に勝たせるくらいなら麻薬と不法移民によってこの国を崩壊させようというのか。本人はメキシコに入れ知恵している。私は本気だ!

President @realdonaldtrump and @FLOTUS welcome The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall as they arrive at Winfield House for the return banquet. #USStateVisit   


Tonight, The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall attended a dinner in London hosted by @POTUS and @FLOTUS on the second day of the #USStateVisit  PA Images


Just had a big victory in Federal Court over the Democrats in the House on the desperately needed Border Wall. A big step in the right direction. Wall is under construction!


Thank you @Theresa_May!  




6-4     On Day 2 of the #USStateVisit, The Duke of York & Prime Minister @TheresaMay welcome President Donald Trump @POTUS to St James’s Palace for a UK/US Senior Business Leaders Group Breakfast Meeting.

Duke of Yorkをリツイート:国賓トランプ大統領2日目の日程。ヨーク伯とメイ首相は大統領を聖ジェームス宮殿での英米財界人朝食会に招待する。

"On behalf of all Americans, I offer a toast to the eternal friendship of our people, the vitality of our nations, and to the long-cherished and truly remarkable reign of Her Majesty The Queen."


"This evening, we thank God for the brave sons of the United Kingdom and the United States, who defeated the Nazis and the Nazi regime, and liberated millions from tyranny. The bond between our nations was forever sealed in that great crusade."


President @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS are guests of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II for a State Banquet at Buckingham Palace with The @RoyalFamily!


The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall @ClarenceHouse The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge @KensingtonRoyal, The Duke of York and The Earl and Countess of Wessex are also in attendance at the #USStateVisit banquet at Buckingham Palace.


As a sign of good faith, Mexico should immediately stop the flow of people and drugs through their country and to our Southern Border. They can do it if they want!


Russia has informed us that they have removed most of their people from Venezuela.


London part of trip is going really well. The Queen and the entire Royal family have been fantastic. The relationship with the United Kingdom is very strong. Tremendous crowds of well wishers and people that love our Country. Haven’t seen any protests yet, but I’m sure the Fake News will be working hard to find them. Great love all around. Also, big Trade Deal is possible once U.K. gets rid of the shackles. Already starting to talk!


The Queen, President Trump and the First Lady view a display of items from the Royal Collection illustrating the enduring relationship between the US and the UK. #USStateVisit


The President and The Prince of Wales inspect a Guard of Honour formed by Nijmegen Company, Grenadier Guards. #USStateVisit


The President and Mrs Trump stand with The Queen, The Prince of Wales and The Duchess of Cornwall as the US and UK national anthems are played at the start of the #USStateVisit   


I believe that if people stoped using or subscribing to @ATT, they would be forced to make big changes at @CNN, which is dying in the ratings anyway. It is so unfair with such bad, Fake News! Why wouldn’t they act. When the World watches @CNN, it gets a false picture of USA. Sad!


Just arrived in the United Kingdom. The only problem is that @CNN is the primary source of news available from the U.S. After watching it for a short while, I turned it off. All negative & so much Fake News, very bad for U.S. Big ratings drop. Why doesn’t owner @ATT do something?


China is subsidizing its product in order that it can continue to be sold in the USA. Many firms are leaving China for other countries, including the United States, in order to avoid paying the Tariffs. No visible increase in costs or inflation, but U.S. is taking Billions!


Thank you!   


.@SadiqKhan, who by all accounts has done a terrible job as Mayor of London, has been foolishly “nasty” to the visiting President of the United States, by far the most important ally of the United Kingdom. He is a stone cold loser who should focus on crime in London, not me. Kahn reminds me very much of our very dumb and incompetent Mayor of NYC, de Blasio, who has also done a terrible job - only half his height. In any event, I look forward to being a great friend to the United Kingdom, and am looking very much forward to my visit. Landing now!

Sadiq Khanロンドン市長は、あらゆる点で恐るべき所業を行なっているが、英国最大の同盟国であるアメリカ合衆国大統領の訪英に『よそよそしい』態度をとっている。市長が焦点を当てるべきは犯罪であって、私ではない。市長は背丈が低く、仕事ぶりが異常で、無能なde Blasioニューヨーク市長を思い出させてくれる。私は如何なる場合も大英帝国の偉大な友人であり、訪英を大いに楽しみにしている。着陸する!

Thank you for your leadership on this, @realDonaldTrump! It was great to visit the Cameron LNG export facility with you last month. https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1135361632840716288 …

ルイジアナ州選出Steve Scalise共和党下院議員をリツイート:LNGの輸出に指導性を発揮してくれたトランプ大統領に感謝。先月、大統領とともにLNG輸出基地を訪問出来たことを高く評価している。

BIG NEWS! As I promised two weeks ago, the first shipment of LNG has just left the Cameron LNG Export Facility in Louisiana. Not only have thousands of JOBS been created in USA, we’re shipping freedom and opportunity abroad!


6-3    Kevin Hassett, who has done such a great job for me and the Administration, will be leaving shortly. His very talented replacement will be named as soon as I get back to the U.S. I want to thank Kevin for all he has done - he is a true friend!

(1999年に『ダウ36,000ドル実現のための減税政策』を共著として出版した)Kevin Hassett大統領経済諮問委員会委員長は私とトランプ政権にかくもすばらしい貢献をしてくれたが、近く辞任する。このすばらしい資質を持った委員長の後任人事は私が英国訪問から帰国後に速やかに指名される。私の真の友人であるHassett委員長のすべての業績に感謝する。

Hearing word that Russia, Syria and, to a lesser extent, Iran, are bombing the hell out of Idlib Province in Syria, and indiscriminately killing many innocent civilians. The World is watching this butchery. What is the purpose, what will it get you? STOP!


Democrats can’t impeach a Republican President for crimes committed by Democrats. The facts are “pouring” in. The Greatest Witch Hunt in American History! Congress, go back to work and help us at the Border, with Drug Prices and on Infrastructure.


Mexico is sending a big delegation to talk about the Border. Problem is, they’ve been “talking” for 25 years. We want action, not talk. They could solve the Border Crisis in one day if they so desired. Otherwise, our companies and jobs are coming back to the USA!


Peggy Noonan, the simplistic writer for Trump Haters all, is stuck in the past glory of Reagan and has no idea what is happening with the Radical Left Democrats, or how vicious and desperate they are. Mueller had to correct his ridiculous statement, Peggy never understood it!

(中道右派の評論家で、レーガン大統領の特別補佐官を務めた)Peggy Noonanは現在トランプを憎悪する人たちのために論陣を張っているが、レーガン大統領の過去の栄光に固執している。民主党急進左派の中で起こっていること、あるいは、急進左派が如何に悪辣で絶望的であるかについて無関心である。Mueller特別検察官は記者会見のばかげた発言を訂正すべきである。本人はその発言の意味を理解していない!

THE TRUTH! The Witch Hunt is dead. Thank you @marcthiessen.

真実だ!魔女狩りは根拠を失った。ワシントンポスト紙に意見を発表したコラムニストMarc A. Thissenに感謝。




I never called Meghan Markle “nasty.” Made up by the Fake News Media, and they got caught cold! Will @CNN, @nytimes and others apologize? Doubt it!


NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION, NO NOTHING! “What the Democrats are trying to do is the biggest sin in the impeachment business.” David Rivkin, Constitutional Scholar. Meantime, the Dems are getting nothing done in Congress. They are frozen stiff. Get back to work, much to do!

癒着なし、司法妨害なし、犯罪皆無! 以下は憲法学者のDavid Rivkinの言:『民主党がやろうとしていることは弾劾手続きにおける最大の罪である』この機会に言っておくが、民主党は議会での成果ゼロである。凍結状態だ。議会に戻り、役目を果たすべきだ!

The Wall is under construction and moving along quickly, despite all of the Radical Liberal Democrat lawsuits. What are they thinking as our Country is invaded by so many people (illegals) and things (Drugs) that we do not want. Make America Great Again!


People have been saying for years that we should talk to Mexico. The problem is that Mexico is an “abuser” of the United States, taking but never giving. It has been this way for decades. Either they stop the invasion of our Country by Drug Dealers, Cartels, Human Traffickers,  Coyotes and Illegal Immigrants, which they can do very easily, or our many companies and jobs that have been foolishly allowed to move South of the Border, will be brought back into the United States through taxation (Tariffs). America has had enough!..


The Democrats are doing nothing on the Border to address the Humanitarian and National Security Crisis! Could be fixed so easily if they would vote with Republicans to fix the loopholes.


I will be announcing my Second Term Presidential Run with First Lady Melania, Vice President Mike Pence, and Second Lady Karen Pence on June 18th in Orlando, Florida, at the 20,000 seat Amway Center. Join us for this Historic Rally! Tickets:


6-2   The Great Jerry West will be receiving our Nation’s highest civilian honor, The Presidential Medal of Freedom, for his outstanding career, both on and off the court. Happy Birthday Jerry! @Sen_JoeManchin

1938年生まれのロサンゼルスレーカーズでプレーしたバスケットボールのJerry West選手の選手としての活動と引退後の活動に対して、民間人に与えられる最高の自由勲章を授与される。誕生日おめでとう!

Trump's approval rating hits highest point in two years

David Brodyをリツイート:ハーバード大学とハリス社の共同世論調査によると、トランプ大統領の支持率はこの2年間で最高を記録している。

引用されたTHE HILLSレポート5月31日の要旨:1,295名を対象に5月29日から30にかけて行われた調査では、大統領の支持率は48%、不支持52%。支持率は3月の45%から3ポイント上昇。過去最高は2017年6月の48%。雇用対策の支持率は62%、経済政策の支持率は59%。中国やメキシコへの対応に関する支持は39%だが、経済については51%が評価。経済の好調が支持率を押し上げているのに対し、対中貿易と移民問題については支持を押し上げるには至っていない。数字の現状は再選の可能性を高めている。



We will all stick together and WIN! Thank you Franklin.


Franklin Grahamを引用:全米で250名を超えるキリスト教信徒のリーダーに対し、6月2日の日曜日にトランプ大統領のための祈りの時を持つように要請している。


Thank you so much, Franklin!


Franklin Grahamを引用:本日東部時間13時45分にFOXニュースのラジオ番組で次の日曜日に大統領のための祈りの時を持つことについて議論する。視聴願いたい。

When you are the “Piggy Bank” Nation that foreign countries have been robbing and deceiving for years, the word TARIFF is a beautiful word indeed! Others must treat the United States fairly and with respect - We are no longer the “fools” of the past!


Washington Post got it wrong, as usual. The U.S. is charging 25% against 250 Billion Dollars of goods shipped from China, not 200 BD. Also, China is paying a heavy cost in that they will subsidize goods to keep them coming, devalue their currency, yet companies are moving to U.S. in order to avoid paying the 25% Tariff. Like Mexican companies will move back to the United States once the Tariff reaches the higher levels.


 They took many of our companies & jobs, the foolish Pols let it happen, and now they will come back unless Mexico stops the travesty that is taking place in allowing millions of people to easily meander through their country and INVADE the U.S., not to mention the Drugs & Human Trafficking pouring in through Mexico. Are the Drug Lords, Cartels & Coyotes really running Mexico? We will soon find out!


The United States stands ready to work with @NayibBukele to advance prosperity in El Salvador and the hemisphere. Congratulations President Bukele on your inauguration!

アメリカ合衆国はエルサルバドルのNayib Bukele大統領を支持し、エルサルバドルと周辺地域の繁栄に一歩前進する。Bukele大統領の就任を祝す!

Emmet Flood, who came to the White House to help me with the Mueller Report, will be leaving service on June 14th. He has done an outstanding job – NO COLLUSION - NO OBSTRUCTION! Case Closed! Emmet is my friend, and I thank him for the GREAT JOB he has done.

Mueller報告への対応を支援してくれたEmmet Flood大統領補佐官が6月14日に退任する。癒着なし、司法妨害なしを立証するに当たって特筆されるべき働きをしてくれた。事件の幕は引かれた。私の友である。立派な仕事に感謝する。

6-2   Spoke to Virginia Governor @RalphNortham last night, and the Mayor and Vice Mayor of Virginia Beach this morning, to offer condolences to that great community. The Federal Government is there, and will be, for whatever they may need. God bless the families and all!

被害を受けた地域社会に哀悼の意を表するためにバージニア州Ralph Northam知事と昨夜連絡を取り、今朝Virginia Beach市の市長と副市長に連絡を取った。連邦政府は現地のあらゆるニーズに応えるために備えている。被害を受けた家族と人々に神がともにおられることを祈る!

I will be announcing my Second Term Presidential Run with First Lady Melania, Vice President Mike Pence, and Second Lady Karen Pence on June 18th in Orlando, Florida, at the 20,000 seat Amway Center. Join us for this Historic Rally! Tickets:




6-1   As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individualson the basis of their sexual orientation. My Administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invite all nations to join us in this effort!
