
Just out: MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD INCOME IS AT THE HIGHEST POINT EVER, EVER, EVER! How about saying it this way, IN THE HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY! Also, MORE PEOPLE WORKING TODAY IN THE USA THAN AT ANY TIME IN HISTORY! Tough numbers for the Radical Left Democrats to beat! Impeach the Pres.


Governor @MattBevin has done a wonderful job for the people of Kentucky! He continues to protect your very important Second Amendment. Matt is Strong on Crime and the Border, he Loves our Great Vets and Military. Matt has my Complete and Total Endorsement, and always has!

ケンタッキー州Matt Bevn知事を変ることなく全面的に支持している。

2019-10-16 Hunter Biden was really bad on @GMA. Now Sleepy Joe has real problems! Reminds me of Crooked Hillary and her 33,000 deleted Emails, not recoverable!


Democrats are allowing no transparency at the Witch Hunt hearings. If Republicans ever did this they would be excoriated by the Fake News. Let the facts come out from the charade of people, most of whom I do not know, they are interviewing for 9 hours each, not selective leaks.


“Project Veritas-Obtained Undercover Videos Highlight Jeff Zucker’s (@CNN) Campaign To Destroy Trump. Videos Reveal @CNN’s BIAS!” @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews Does this sound like a good, or even great, lawsuit?


A big scandal at @ABC News. They got caught using really gruesome FAKE footage of the Turks bombing in Syria. A real disgrace. Tomorrow they will ask softball questions to Sleepy Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, like why did Ukraine & China pay you millions when you knew nothing? Payoff?


Shifty Schiff now seems to think they don’t need the Whistleblower, who started the whole Scam. The reason is that the Whistleblower has lost all credibility because the story is so far from the facts on the Transcript. Also, the second Whistleblower is no longer even mentioned!


"The House gone rogue! I want to remind you a little bit about the ring leader in this whole rogue operation against the President of the United States..." @MarkLevinShow


"It doesn't speak for the FULL HOUSE because the FULL HOUSE hasn't spoken. The Democrat Party is pushing this Impeachment. This is a Democrat Party Impeachment, as I have been saying, a silent COUP effort." @MarkLevinShow


"The Democrat Party has hijacked the House of Representatives..." @MarkLevinShow

Statement from President Donald J. Trump Regarding Turkey’s Actions in Northeast Syria

シリア北部における35行のトランプ大統領声明の最後の5行・・・アメリカ合衆国はシリアで悪辣な行為を行うものに対して強力な経済制裁を実行する。私はトルコの指導者がこの危険な行動を続ける場合はトルコ経済の息の根を止める(destroy economy)措置を迅速に講じる。

“To his credit the Europeans didn't step up to deal with this ISIS problem – it’s a lot of the reason why we are in this situation today. Now, Angela Merkel of Germany is finally stepping up and telling Turkey to back off. Don't the Europeans have a lot of responsibility?” @KatiePavlich

1988年生まれの保守系FOXニュース寄稿者のKatie Pavlich女史の見解:『大統領の要請に対して欧州はISIS問題に踏み込んだ対応をしなかった。われわれが直面している現状はこの現実から生まれている。ようやくドイツのメルケル首相はトルコに対して撤収を求めた。欧州にこそ責任を負わせるべきではないのか』

Thank you Katie, I offered ISIS prisoners to the European countries from where they came, and was rejected on numerous occasions. They probably figured that the U.S. would bear the tremendous cost as always! After defeating 100% of the ISIS Caliphate, I largely moved our troops out of Syria. Let Syria and Assad protect the Kurds and fight Turkey for their own land. I said to my Generals, why should we be fighting for Syria and Assad to protect the land of our enemy?


Anyone who wants to assist Syria in protecting the Kurds is good with me, whether it is Russia, China, or Napoleon Bonaparte. I hope they all do great, we are 7,000 miles away!


Some people want the United States to protect the 7,000 mile away Border of Syria, presided over by Bashar al-Assad, our enemy. At the same time, Syria and whoever they chose to help, wants naturally to protect the Kurds. I would much rather focus on our Southern Border which abuts and is part of the United States of America. And by the way, numbers are way down and the WALL is being built!



Great new book, "Resistance (At All Costs): How Trump Haters Are Breaking America" out by Kimberley Strassel of the Wall Street Journal. Kim has treated us fairly, and for that I am very appreciative. Check it out today, it is great!


2019-10-15 The Fox Impeachment poll has turned out to be incorrect. This was announced on Friday. Despite this, the Corrupt New York Times used this poll in one of its stories, no mention of the correction which they knew about full well! “Fox News Pollster Braun Research Misrepresented Impeachment Poll: Analysis” 



5G networks could be active in 2 to 3 years: Cisco CEO http://ow.ly/PX8830pInfF @MorningsMaria @FoxBusiness


Will be looking into the Scott Hapgood case, and the Island of Anguilla. Something looks and sounds very wrong. I know Anguilla will want to see this case be properly and justly resolved! @foxandfriends @SteveDucey @ainsleyearhardt


Vote for good guy @seanspicer tonight on Dancing With The Stars. He has always been there for us!


Happy Columbus Day!


The same people who got us into the Middle East mess are the people who most want to stay there!


Brian Kilmeade over at @foxandfriends got it all wrong. We are not going into another war between people who have been fighting with each other for 200 years. Europe had a chance to get their ISIS prisoners, but didn’t want the cost. “Let the USA pay,” they said Kurds may be releasing some to get us involved. 

Brian Kilmeadeは間違っている。トルコとクルドの間で200年にわたって争われている紛争にアメリカが今更介入することはない。欧州は自国出身のISISの捕虜を帰国させるチャンスがあったが、費用がかかるので受け入れなかった。欧州は、クルドがアメリカに再介入させようとしてISISの捕虜を釈放すると観測している。

Easily recaptured by Turkey or European Nations from where many came, but they should move quickly. Big sanctions on Turkey coming! Do people really think we should go to war with NATO Member Turkey? Never ending wars will end!


Former Democrat Senator Harry Reid just stated that Donald Trump is very smart, much more popular than people think, is underestimated, and will be hard to beat in the 2020 Election. Thank you Harry, I agree!

Harry Reid元民主党上院議員はトランプ大統領は賢明で人気があり、2020年選挙で打ち負かすのは難しいと言っている。ありがとう。その通りだ!

Adam Schiff now doesn’t seem to want the Whistleblower to testify. NO! Must testify to explain why he got my Ukraine conversation sooo wrong, not even close. Did Schiff tell him to do that? We must determine the Whistleblower’s identity to determine WHY this was done to the USA. Democrat’s game was foiled when we caught Schiff fraudulently making up my Ukraine conversation, when I released the exact conversation Transcript, and when Ukrainian President and the Foreign Minister said there was NO PRESSURE, very normal talk! A total Impeachment Scam!


“Congressman Adam Schiff, who when seeing the REAL Ukraine phone call Transcript decided he’d better make up one of his own. ‘I’m going to say this only SEVEN times, so you better listen good. I want you to MAKE UP DIRT ON MY POLITICAL OPPONENT, UNDERSTAND, LOTS OF IT, AND “The Democrats are trashing this President, & in the process, trashing the U.S. Constitution. Frankly, the American People need to wake up to the reality that the Democrats are so drunk on power that they’re willing to destroy this Constitutional Republic.” @GrahamLedger @OANN


BY THE WAY, DON’T CALL ME AGAIN, I’LL CALL YOU WHEN YOU’VE DONE WHAT I’VE ASKED.’” A reminder, that wasn’t just stupid, it was FALSE.” @greggutfeld @GregGutfeldShow @FoxNews I never said this. Schiff made it up and read it to Congress & the American People. End Witch Hunt!


“Serial killers get more Due Process than the Democrats give to the President of the United States.” @marklevinshow


Somebody please explain to Chris Wallace of Fox, who will never be his father (and my friend), Mike Wallace, that the Phone Conversation I had with the President of Ukraine was a congenial & good one. It was only Schiff’s made up version of that conversation that was bad!


The U.S. has the worst of the ISIS prisoners. Turkey and the Kurds must not let them escape. Europe should have taken them back after numerous requests. They should do it now. They will never come to, or be allowed in, the United States!



.@marklevinshow on @FoxNews is doing a big show tonight on the Democrat’s Impeachment Scam. 10:00 P.M. No guests, just Mark. He is angry (like so many others!). At 9:00 P.M. on @FoxNews, Steve Hilton is looking into the Crooked Bidens. Where’s Hunter?

今夜10時にMark Levinnが民主党の弾劾の茶番を、9時にSteve Hiltonがバイデン問題をFOXニュースで取り上げる。息子はどこにいるのか!

“Congressman Adam Schiff, who when seeing the REAL Ukraine phone call Transcript decided he’d better make up one of his own. ‘I’m going to say this only SEVEN times, so you better listen good. I want you to MAKE UP DIRT ON MY POLITICAL OPPONENT, UNDERSTAND, LOTS OF IT, AND BY THE WAY, DON’T CALL ME AGAIN, I’LL CALL YOU WHEN YOU’VE DONE WHAT I’VE ASKED.’” A reminder, that wasn’t just stupid, it was FALSE.” @greggutfeld @GregGutfeldShow @FoxNews I never said this. Schiff made it up and read it to Congress & the American People. End Witch Hunt!




My deal with China is that they will IMMEDIATELY start buying very large quantities of our Agricultural Product, not wait until the deal is signed over the next 3 or 4 weeks. THEY HAVE ALREADY STARTED! Likewise financial services and other deal aspects, start preparing I agreed not to increase Tariffs from 25% to 30% on October 15th. They will remain at 25%. The relationship with China is very good. We will finish out the large Phase One part of the deal, then head directly into Phase Two. The Phase One Deal can be finalized & signed soon!


The Democrats are going to lose a lot of House Seats because of their Fraudulent use of Impeachment. Schiff fabricated phone call, a crime. Democrat Senate Seats will also be put at risk, even some that were supposedly safe. Look at Louisiana last night, North Carolina last week!


2019-10-14 Happy Birthday @USNavy!


We have become a far greater Economic Power than ever before, and we are using that power for WORLD PEACE!


Where’s Hunter? He has totally disappeared! Now looks like he has raided and scammed even more countries! Media is AWOL.


Dealing with @LindseyGrahamSC and many members of Congress, including Democrats, about imposing powerful Sanctions on Turkey. Treasury is ready to go, additional legislation may be sought. There is great consensus on this. Turkey has asked that it not be done. Stay tuned!


Do you remember two years ago when Iraq was going to fight the Kurds in a different part of Syria. Many people wanted us to fight with the Kurds against Iraq, who we just fought for.


I said no, and the Kurds left the fight, twice. Now the same thing is happening with Turkey. The Kurds and Turkey have been fighting for many years. Turkey considers the PKK the worst terrorists of all. Others may want to come in and fight for one side or the other. Let them! We are monitoring the situation closely. Endless Wars!


Very smart not to be involved in the intense fighting along the Turkish Border, for a change. Those that mistakenly got us into the Middle East Wars are still pushing to fight. They have no idea what a bad decision they have made. Why are they not asking for a Declaration of War?


The Media is not talking about the big Republican victory last night in Louisiana where a sitting Democrat Governor was forced into a runoff by not getting 50%. Big upset! Now @EddieRispone, who will be a great Governor, will win!

ルイジアナ州知事が50%の支持を得られないで選挙を余儀なくされ、共和党が逆転大勝利を得た事実をメディアは報道していない。有能なEddie Rispone共和党候補が勝利する。

A despicable human being!


Congratulations to the Great State of Louisiana. A big night. You will soon have a new and wonderful Governor, @EddieRispone. Your Taxes and Car Insurance Payments will go DOWN!

Eddie Rispone共和党候補が知事になればルイジアナ州の税と自動車保険料が引き下げられる!

CA Republicans tried to repeal new gas tax. Unfortunately Dem/Socialists/Media rejected it. Now we pay the price here in CA...


Did Mueller lie to Congress about meeting with Trump before he took the special counsel job? | Fox News @GreggJarrett


Thanks Brian!


The same people that got us into the Middle East Quicksand, 8 Trillion Dollars and many thousands of lives (and millions of lives when you count the other side), are now fighting to keep us there. Don’t listen to people that haven’t got a clue. They have proven to be inept!


The Governor of Louisiana, John Bel Edwards, has done a poor job. NOW HE IS IN A RUNOFF WITH A GREAT REPUBLICAN, @EddieRispone. Thank you Louisiana! 66% down to 47% after I explained what a bad job the Governor was doing.

John Bel Edwardsルイジアナ州知事の支持率は私がその無能ぶりを指摘した結果66%から47%に低下し、共和党候補との選挙戦を余儀なくされた。

The Endless Wars Must End!


Start thinking about getting bigger tractors!


That is the real story!


There has been a lot of noise since @SpeakerPelosi decided to call for impeachment before having the facts. Here are a few important questions:


Why won’t the media ask these questions to @RepAdamSchiff or @SpeakerPelosi?


Why won’t Democrats focus on helping the country, instead of attacking the President with this unfair and partisan process?


“Lockdown”?? #FakeNews @SecPompeo gave me unprecedented access at State this week. Answered all my questions about Ukraine, the call, Syria and much more.


2019-10-13 So now they are after the legendary “crime buster” and greatest Mayor in the history of NYC, Rudy Giuliani. He may seem a little rough around the edges sometimes, but he is also a great guy and wonderful lawyer. Such a one sided Witch Hunt going on in USA. Deep State. Shameful!

Rudy Giuliani前ニューヨーク市長、現トランプ大統領法律顧問を高評価。

Louisiana, get out and vote REPUBLICAN before going to the big game today. A runoff will be a tremendous win for your Great State - lower taxes and car insurance, and better protection of your 2nd Amendment! Fantastic being with you last night!


The deal I just made with China is, by far, the greatest and biggest deal ever made for our Great Patriot Farmers in the history of our Country. In fact, there is a question as to whether or not this much product can be produced? Our farmers will figure it out.


Thank you China! Other aspects of the deal are also great - technology, financial services, 16-20 Billion in Boeing Planes etc., but WOW, the Farmers really hit pay dirt! @ChuckGrassley @joniernst @debfisher @BenSasse Thank you to all Republicans in Congress for your invaluable help!


The case of Major Mathew Golsteyn is now under review at the White House. Mathew is a highly decorated Green Beret who is being tried for killing a Taliban bombmaker. We train our boys to be killing machines, then prosecute them when they kill! @PeteHegseth


“Schiff aides worked with Whistleblower.” @foxandfriends @RepLeeZeldin Schiff is a lying mess!


LOUISIANA — Tomorrow, you will head to the polls and VOTE to REPLACE Liberal Democrat John Bel Edwards with a great new REPUBLICAN Governor! Get out and vote for either @DocAbrahamor @EddieRispone(BOTH GREAT)!


Louisiana REPUBLICANS, thank you for a great evening. Get out TOMORROW and VOTE REPUBLICAN! Send the Radical Democrat establishment a loud and clear message that you are going to FIRE your Democrat Governor, John Bel Edwards and send a Great Republican to the Governor’s Mansion!


“I never saw so many subpoenas!” @ShannonBream@FoxNews The Democrats have gone Crazy. Just read the Transcript, or listen to the New Ukraine President’s statement, NO PRESSURE! This is a Democrat Con Job. Impeach Schiff for FRAUD!


So funny to watch Steve Kerr grovel and pander when asked a simple question about China. He chocked, and looks weak and pathetic. Don’t want him at the White House!




President @realDonaldTrump has arrived at the James E. Sudduth Coliseum in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Get out TOMORROW and VOTE REPUBLICAN! #GeauxGOP #LAGov @DocAbraham@EddieRisponehttps://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1182657102357110791


Thank you Kevin McAleenan for your dedication and service to our country! You have done great work securing our border and we are thankful for your continued support of President @realDonaldTrump and our entire Administration.


Biden's Ukraine warning https://hannity.com/media-room/joes-warning-biden-camp-tells-other-dems-to-avoid-family-attacks-ukraine-during-next-debate/


President Trump departing the @WhiteHouse shortly for Louisiana!


Is he leaving due to bad ratings, or some other less important reason?

23年間勤務したFOXニュースをShepard Smith氏が退社する。視聴率が振るわないためかそれとも他に理由があるのか。

Just landed in Louisiana! Vote against John Bel Edwards, he has the worst jobs record in the United States. Louisiana will do much better by electing a REPUBLICAN. See everyone soon! 



Kevin McAleenan has done an outstanding job as Acting Secretary of Homeland Security. We have worked well together with Border Crossings being way down. Kevin now, after many years in Government, wants to spend more time with his family and go to the private sector. Congratulations Kevin, on a job well done! I will be announcing the new Acting Secretary next week. Many wonderful candidates!

Kevin McAleenan国土安全保障省長官代行が退任する。家族と共に過ごす時間を優先させるために民間に職を求めてのことである。素晴らしい仕事に感謝。来週後任を決定する。候補者は一杯いる!

Women are absolutely critical to the National Security of a Nation & need to be brought to the negotiating table during peace talks. Great being at the @statedept addressing the #WarsawProcess today w/ Brian Hook on #WGDP and #WPS.


A terrible and very dishonest person!


President @realDonaldTrump has authorized a new executive order giving @USTreasury, in consultation with himself and @SecPompeo , significant new sanctions authorities that can be targeted at any person associated with the government of Turkey.


McCabe's admission..


We love you @MinneapolisPD, THANK YOU! #LESM




2019-10-12 Really good news!


The old barriers along our southern border were built to defend against vehicle crossings—and not much else. How comprehensive technology will keep our borders safe, strong, and secure:


Being in contact with a key witness and then lying about it renders Adam Schiff unqualified to lead a fair and just inquiry. Members of the House @FreedomCaucus

call on Speaker Pelosi to request the immediate recusal of Adam Schiff.


"It breaks my heart every time I speak to one of these victims." @ICEgov can intervene before preventable crimes happen by removing individuals who have no right to be in our communities.


Collins RIPS Dems: “Conducting an impeachment investigation behind closed doors isn’t just unprecedented—it’s un-American." https://hannity.com/media-room/its-un-american-rep-doug-collins-rips-democrats-latest-impeachment-push/


In Kansas City today, Gov. Mike Parson, U.S. Sen, presidential advisor @IvankaTrump, @HHSGov Secretary Alex Azar and @ACFHHS Assistant Secretary Lynn Johnson held a discussion on improving access to child care for working families.




New survey reveals that 45% of adults find it hard to make new friends — the average adult has not made a new friend in 5 years. The REAL reason why the friendship factor is declining in the USA? The machines! More on today’s O’Reilly Update:


The White House Refuses to ‘Legitimize’ the ‘Illegitimate’ Impeachment Inquiry https://hannity.com/media-room/hannity-the-white-house-refuses-to-legitimize-the-illegitimate-impeachment-inquiry/


13,000 new construction jobs  3,000 new manufacturing jobs  Jobless rate down from 4% to 3.3%  Minnesotans are winning under President @realDonaldTrump!



We are striving to ensure all hard-working Americans have access to high-quality, affordable childcare. Thank you @GovParsonMO @RoyBlunt and @SecAzar for joining us in this fight!


Trump Doral to host political fest with Trump, Jr., Sarah Sanders and Corey Lewandowski - News - The Palm Beach Post - West Palm Beach, FL


USMCA updates NAFTA to achieve goals that Democrats have long claimed to support. So what’s the holdup? Yesterday, @VP had some words for Congressional Democrats about their promises to American workers. 1600 Daily: http://45.wh.gov/5yKBD8


President @realDonaldTrump arrives at the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota for a MASSIVE TRUMP RALLY. Speechless — this is absolutely EPIC!! #TrumpMinneapolis #KAG2020


A Giant Scam!


Amazing Evening! https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1182485222190915584…


#USMCA will build on the strong economy, benefitting farmers, small businesses, and manufacturers across the country. It’s time for #USMCANow.


“We’re just waiting on Congress...” – Jed Clark, Kentucky Farmer Farmers in Kentucky and all across America are waiting for #USMCA to be passed. “It definitely has bipartisan support, I think even in Nancy Pelosi's district it has support.” - @KYComer


The Do Nothing Democrats. Thanks Vicky!


Do you believe this? A total Scam!


More overflow tonight. WOW!


Tune in this morning at 9AM


I have accepted an offer to join the @TPUSA Advisory Board. I think this an important added role for me to take on. @charliekirk11 is growing the strongest and most influential grass-roots organization in America.


Median household income is at a record high  The average household saw a $1400 tax cut  Unemployment has fallen to 3.5%


ホワイトハウスをリツイート:最頻値に属する家計の収入は新記録。 平均1,400ドルの減税に浴している。 失業率は3.5%。

Will be with our two GREAT Senators, @SenJohnKennedy & @SenBillCassidy, tonight in Louisiana. These two hard working, really smart men, love their Country and love their State. We will hopefully add a Great New Republican Governor to the beautiful Louisiana mix! See you tonight!


One of the great things about the China Deal is the fact that, for various reasons, we do not have to go through the very long and politically complex Congressional Approval Process. When the deal is fully negotiated, I sign it myself on behalf of our Country. Fast and Clean!


I will be in Louisiana tonight (Love it!) to get Republicans to vote for either of our two great Republican Candidates and force a run off with John Bel Edwards, who has done a really poor job of tax cutting, car insurance cost (worst in USA), & is suspect on your 2nd Amendment!


Good things are happening at China Trade Talk Meeting. Warmer feelings than in recent past, more like the Old Days. I will be meeting with the Vice Premier today. All would like to see something significant happen!


Over the next 13 months, we are going to fight with all of our heart and soul – and we are going to win the Great State of Minnesota in 2020! #TrumpMinneapolis #KAG2020


A GREAT evening in Minneapolis, Minnesota with incredible American Patriots. THANK YOU!


The joint statement released with President Bolsonaro in March makes absolutely clear that I support Brazil beginning the process for full OECD membership. The United States stands by that statement and stands by @jairbolsonaro. This article is FAKE NEWS!


WOW, THANK YOU Minneapolis, Minnesota — on my way! #KAG2020


2019-10-11 We defeated 100% of the ISIS Caliphate and no longer have any troops in the area under attack by Turkey, in Syria. We did our job perfectly! Now Turkey is attacking the Kurds, who have been fighting each other for 200 years. 


We have one of three choices: Send in thousands of troops and win Militarily, hit Turkey very hard Financially and with Sanctions, or mediate a deal between Turkey and the Kurds!




In case the Kurds or Turkey l


Big day of negotiations with China. They want to make a deal, but do I? I meet with the Vice Premier tomorrow at The White House.


Why isn’t the IG investigating his so-called Whistleblower? All bad info!


The President of the Ukraine just stated again, in the strongest of language, that President Trump applied no pressure and did absolutely nothing wrong. He used the strongest language possible. That should end this Democrat Scam, but it won’t, because the Dems & Media are FIXED!


Thank you to @OANN One America News for your fair coverage and brilliant reporting. It is appreciated by many people trying so hard to find a new, consistent and powerful VOICE! See you tonight at the Big Rally in Minneapolis.


Turkey has been planning to attack the Kurds for a long time. They have been fighting forever. We have no soldiers or Military anywhere near the attack area. I am trying to end the ENDLESS WARS. Talking to both sides. 


Some want us to send tens of thousands of soldiers to the area and start a new war all over again. Turkey is a member of NATO. Others say STAY OUT, let the Kurds fight their own battles (even with our financial help). I say hit Turkey very hard financially & with sanctions if they don’t play by the rules! I am watching closely.


Today @newtgingrich "You can always impeach if you are in the majority and if you want to commit suicide & that's what they are doing" @MorningsMaria @FoxBusiness



"This is not an impeachment. This is a coup" - @newtgingrich @MorningsMaria @FoxBusiness "the left hates trump that includes the NYTimes & the Washington post. Act 2 is the senate who will ask hunter Biden what did you do for $600-k from Ukraine? This is all a game"


Where is Hunter Biden? He has disappeared while the Fake News protects his Crooked daddy!


From the day I announced I was running for President, I have NEVER had a good 

@FoxNews Poll. Whoever their Pollster is, they suck. But @FoxNews is also much different than it used to be in the good old days. With people like Andrew Napolitano, who wanted to be a Supreme Court Justice & I turned him down (he’s been terrible ever since), Shep Smith, @donnabrazile (who gave Crooked Hillary the debate questions & got fired from @CNN), & others, @FoxNews doesn’t deliver for US anymore. It is so different than it used to be. Oh well, I’m President!

In case the Kurds or Turkey lose control, the United States has already taken the 2 ISIS militants tied to beheadings in Syria, known as the Beetles, out of that country and into a secure location controlled by the U.S. They are the worst of the worst!


Impeached for what, having created the greatest Economy in the history of our Country, building our strongest ever Military, Cutting Taxes too much?


A different take!


“I don’t think it’s a Whistleblower at all. I think this is an anonymous source for the Democratic Staff in the House of Representatives. This is an insult to real Whistleblowers. Actual Whistleblowers go on to have their whole lives upended.” John Kiriakou @TuckerCarlson


The hardest thing I have to do as President.

So pathetic to see Sleepy Joe Biden, who with his son, Hunter, and to the detriment of the American Taxpayer, has ripped off at least two countries for millions of dollars, calling for my impeachment - and I did nothing wrong. Joe’s Failing Campaign gave him no other choice!


Only 25 percent want the President Impeached, which is pretty low considering the volume of Fake News coverage, but pretty high considering the fact that I did NOTHING wrong. It is all just a continuation of the greatest Scam and Witch Hunt in the history of our Country!


2019-10-10 So why is someone a good or great President if they needed to Spy on someone else’s Campaign in order to win (that didn’t work out so well), and if they were unable to fill 142 important Federal Judgeships (a record by far), handing them all to me to choose. Will have 182 soon!


President Obama said that he did not have the right to sign DACA, that it will never hold up in court. He signed it anyway! If the Supreme Court upholds DACA, it gives the President extraordinary powers, far greater than ever thought. 


If they do what is right and do not let DACA stand, with all of its negative legal implications, the Republicans and Democrats will have a DEAL to let them stay in our Country, in very short order. It would actually benefit DACA, and be done the right way!



Crooked Hillary should try it again!



True. Should have never been there in the first place!


Why doesn’t the ICIG do something about this Scam? He should have never let it start, a Dem Hoax!


Adam Schiff is a disgrace to our Country!



So true Don, and this was a big lie. Look what happened to Friends of Trump, for less. Can’t let this pass!


Every 2020 campaign needs to be asked: Did the whistleblower communicate with you or any of your associates prior to or after the complaint was filed?



But we are now, for the first time, giving companies a better alternative!


Great support from GOP in fighting the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats!


They don’t have a clue, but I do. The USA is doing great despite the Fed!



The so-called Whistleblower, before knowing I was going to release the exact Transcript, stated that my call with the Ukrainian President was “crazy, frightening, and completely lacking in substance related to national security.” This is a very big Lie. Read the Transcript! No Pressure at all said Ukraine! Very congenial, a perfect call. The Whistleblower and others spoke BEFORE seeing the Transcript. Now they must apologize to me and stop this ridiculous impeachment!


The Do Nothing Democrats are Con Artists, only looking to hurt the Republican Party and President. Their total focus is 2020, nothing more, and nothing less. The good news is that WE WILL WIN!!!!


The United States has spent EIGHT TRILLION DOLLARS fighting and policing in the Middle East. Thousands of our Great Soldiers have died or been badly wounded. Millions of people have died on the other side. 




There were NONE! Now we are slowly & carefully bringing our great soldiers & military home. Our focus is on the BIG PICTURE! THE USA IS GREATER THAN EVER BEFORE!



Fighting between various groups that has been going on for hundreds of years. USA should never have been in Middle East. Moved our 50 soldiers out. Turkey MUST take over captured ISIS fighters that Europe refused to have returned. The stupid endless wars, for us, are ending!


So make all Member Countries pay, not just the United States! 


CBS Evening Newsを引用:The United Nations is running a deficit of $230 million and may run out of money by the of end October, Secretary General Antonio Guterres says in a letter obtained by CBS News' @PamelaFalk https://cbsn.ws/2MsllQQ(CBSが入手した文書によると、国連は2.3億ドルの資金不足に陥り、10月末には支払い不能になると国連事務総長が明らかにしている。)

He should be Impeached for Fraud!



The Whistleblower’s facts have been so incorrect about my “no pressure” conversation with the Ukrainian President, and now the conflict of interest and involvement with a Democrat Candidate, that he or she should be exposed and questioned properly. This is no Whistleblower. The Whistleblower’s lawyer is a big Democrat. The Whistleblower has ties to one of my DEMOCRAT OPPONENTS. Why does the ICIG allow this scam to continue?

情報機関検察官(Inspector General of the Intelligence Community)はなぜ事態を放置しているのか?

A Total Scam by the Do Nothing Democrats. For the good of the Country, this Wirch Hunt should end now!


So amazing!

Wow, Just Breaking: “The (big deal) Whistleblower had a ‘PROFESSIONAL TIE’ to 2020 Democratic Candidate.” Washington Examiner, @ByronYork In other words, was working with someone who was potentially running against me. Why wasn’t this reported by the ICIG? A Witch Hunt Scam!


“Bob Mueller was pursuing the FBI Director job when he met with President Trump in 2017, Administration officials say.” @FoxNews Bret Baier and Jake Gibson @seanhannity This is true even though Mueller denied it!



The time for excuses is over. The USMCA needs to move this fall. Workers and small businesses in Kentucky and across the nation need this deal. The United States of America needs this deal. Only House Democrats are standing in the way.


The Greatest Witch Hunt in the history of the USA!


The USMCA would create 176,000 jobs for American workers and generate $68 billion in wealth for America. House Democrats must stop standing in its way. My op-ed with @GOPLeader in @WSJ today.


Gasoline Prices in the State of California are MUCH HIGHER than anywhere else in the Nation ($2.50 vs. $4.50). I guess those very expensive and unsafe cars that they are mandating just aren’t doing the trick! Don’t worry California, relief is on the way. The State doesn’t get it!


Reminder that while House Democrats have spent basically their entire first year as a majority this Congress throwing aimless political investigations at the wall— The unemployment rate just hit a brand new 50 year low under President Trump, as of last month. @realDonaldTrump


Big Rally in Louisiana on Friday night. Must force a runoff with a Liberal Democrat Governor, John Bel Edwards, who has let your Taxes and Car Insurance get too high, and will never protect your 2nd Amendment. Vote for one of our two great Republicans on Saturday, force a runoff! If there is a Runoff in Louisiana, you will have a great new Republican Governor who will Cut your Taxes and Car Insurance, and do a fabulous job for you and your family. Vote Republican, the Party of Honest Abe Lincoln!


This is just the beginning, thank you to @ByronYork!

The U.S. Border is SECURE!


Radical Left Dem Mayor of Minneapolis, Jacob Frey, is doing everything possible to stifle Free Speech despite a record sell-out crowd at the Target Center. Presidents Clinton and Obama paid almost nothing! The Minneapolis Police have been incredible. In fact, the “Cops For Trump” T-shirt Web Site CRASHED because of incredible volume, but is now back up and running. Proceeds go to the Police Union Charities. See you on Thursday night in Minneapolis!


2019-10-9 Friday night in Louisiana will be Great. Big crowd expected. Republicans must get out and vote for either of our two incredible candidates (@DocAbraham & @EddieRispone ) so we can stop Left Leaning Governor John Bel Edwards from getting over 50%. We will easily win the runoff!


Mahalet was born in Ethiopia. Abandoned by her parents, she lived as an impoverished orphan. Mahalet was adopted by a loving, Christian American family at 11. This week @TPUSA brought her to the WH. She asked to pray for our President. He brought her onstage-then this happened:


Hasn’t Adam Schiff been fully discredited by now? Do we have to continue listening to his lies?


Get your great T-Shirts, “Cops for Trump,” at http://MPDFEDERATION.COM REALLY NICE! Thank you to Minneapolis Police Officers & Union!


Someone please tell the Radical Left Mayor of Minneapolis that he can’t price out Free Speech. Probably illegal! I stand strongly & proudly with the great Police Officers and Law Enforcement of Minneapolis and the Great State of Minnesota! See you Thursday Night!


Thank you to Lt. Bob Kroll of the great Minneapolis Police Department for your kind words on @foxandfriends. The Police are fighting the Radical Left Mayor, and his ridiculous Uniform Ban. Actually, I LOVE the Cops for Trump shirts. Want to bring some home. I am with you 100%!!!!


I think that Crooked Hillary Clinton should enter the race to try and steal it away from Uber Left Elizabeth Warren. Only one condition. The Crooked one must explain all of her high crimes and misdemeanors including how & why she deleted 33,000 Emails AFTER getting “C” Subpoena!

民主党Elizabeth Warren候補の対抗馬としてヒラリークリントンが選挙に出るのがよいと思う。但し条件がある。議会から召喚状が出された後に33,000通の電子メール削除の委細を説明すること!

I would love to send Ambassador Sondland, a really good man and great American, to testify, but unfortunately he would be testifying before a totally compromised kangaroo court, where Republican’s rights have been taken away, and true facts are not allowed out for the public to see. Importantly, Ambassador Sondland’s tweet, which few report, stated, “I believe you are incorrect about President Trump’s intentions. The President has been crystal clear: no quid pro quo’s of any kind.” That says it ALL!


We may be in the process of leaving Syria, but in no way have we Abandoned the Kurds, who are special people and wonderful fighters. 


Likewise our relationship with Turkey, a NATO and Trading partner, has been very good. 


Turkey already has a large Kurdish population and fully understands that while we only had 50 soldiers remaining in that section of Syria, and they have been removed, any unforced or unnecessary fighting by Turkey will be devastating to their economy and to their very fragile currency. We are helping the Kurds financially/weapons!


So many people conveniently forget that Turkey is a big trading partner of the United States, in fact they make the structural steel frame for our F-35 Fighter Jet. They have also been good to deal with, helping me to save many lives at Idlib Province, and returning, in very good health, at my request, Pastor Brunson, who had many years of a long prison term remaining. Also remember, and importantly, that Turkey is an important member in good standing of NATO. He is coming to the U.S. as my guest on November 13th. #ENDENDLESSWARS


The lightweight mayor is hurting the great police and other wonderful supporters. 72,000 ticket requests already. Dump Frey and Omar! Make America Great Again!


EXTORTION! Minneapolis Mayor Tries to Shut Down Trump's "Keep America Great" Rally https://toddstarnes.com/politics/extortion-minneapolis-mayor-tries-to-shut-down-trumps-keep-america-great-rally/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=social-pug… via @toddstarnes


This is an outrageous abuse of power by a liberal mayor trying to deny the rights of his own city’s residents just because he hates the President! Press Release: https://email.gpeflow.com/t/ViewEmail/r/0D456C6FDE17D6782540EF23F30FEDED/CF6C08A9BAD6027D9780B6D0B3F3FC10


Thank you Joni!


President @realDonaldTrump is negotiating REAL trade deals for the American people. He’s made fairer trade deals with: Japan South Korea  Mexico and Canada (USMCA)  No more taking advantage of the United States! Congress must also pass the USMCA!


WATCH: President @realDonaldTrump discusses signing two early outcomes from trade negotiations with Japan!  Will allow better access for approx. 90% of U.S. agricultural exports to Japan. Sets “gold standard” rules for digital trade


President @realDonaldTrump just signed two new trade agreements with Japan, changing the game for American farmers and ranchers!


Our Commander-in-Chief @realDonaldTrump has made it his priority to keep this country safe and empower our military leaders! Tonight he met w/ Sr. officials to discuss pressing national security issues facing our country.


Great to be on with @LouDobbs reminding the American people of the Promises Made, Promises Kept by @realDonaldTrump 


The radical Mayor of Minneapolis,@Jacob_Frey, is abusing his power in an attempt to block the President's supporters from seeing him speak on Thursday. We refuse to be bullied by a left-winger resister & won't let him stifle the speech of @realDonaldTrump or his supporters!


This entire process has been a scam. Dems now plan to only allow themselves and their staff to know the whistleblower’s identity, while concealing it from Republican committee members. This is unprecedented. What are they trying to hide?? #KangarooCourt


Adam should be Impeached!


Great book!


VDH: "The only Trump 'crime' was in his winning an election he was not supposed to win."


The Ann and Phelim Scoop

@AP_Scoop FBI Lovebirds premieres TONIGHT at 9PM EST! Don't forget to sign up at http://FBILovebirds.com so you see the video as soon as it comes out! @KristySwansonXO & @RealDeanCain are FANTASTIC as they play the two FBI operatives who tried to take down @realDonaldTrump


Lawmakers in both chambers have demanded that IC IG Michael Atkinson explain why he backdated to August secret changes he made to whistleblower rules in September. Atkinson is stonewalling them, which is a weird thing to do if there's nothing to hide.


The do it in secret, cherry pick and leak whatever furthers their narrative. Put it out there for all to see.


“There are no felonies, there are no Impeachable offenses. The Constitution’s very clear that you need bribery, treason, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. You can’t be impeached for the conduct that’s been alleged in this case.” @AlanDersh Dershowitz. @seanhannity A Scam!


The do it in secret, cherry pick and leak whatever furthers their narrative. Put it out there for all to see.


County Records Contradict Warren’s Claim She Was Fired Over Pregnancy


Uh, oh.


When even the WaPo fact checkers can't avoid calling out Schiff, it's bad....


"If the public can’t trust Mr. Schiff to be honest about the origins of his information, why should they trust his claim that the information itself is serious?"— 



Per Catherine Herridge: IC Inspector General told lawmakers the whistleblower did not disclose contact w Schiff/Committee staff - so IG never looked into it. IG “had no knowledge of it”.


Kimberley Strassel on Dems' 'mystifying' impeachment push: Americans will see the 'double standard' https://fxn.ws/2LMNu6j #FoxNews


Impeachment insanity. The Kavanaugh hit. FBI/DOJ abuse of power. The Mueller mess. Leaks. Media malpractice. In just 10 days my book is out, which puts the last three years of damage in context, and frames up 2020 election. Get yours now! https://amazon.com/dp/1538701774/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_U_x_OMqMDbCX00SD0… via 




I have promoted @KimStrassel book frequently on the air and in two @washingtonpost columns because it persuasively and succinctly, w/o embellishment and w/ great resourcing, puts context around attacks on 

@realDonaldTrump from 2016 forward. It’s a must read. It needs to be #1.



EXCLUSIVE: Report Shows FBI Official Received Sports Tickets From CNN Reporter And Lied About It To Investigators https://dailycaller.com/2019/10/07/exclusive-fbi-official-sports-tickets-cnn/… via @dailycaller



New data is out on median income growth: Under Barack Obama, incomes rose $11 a month. Under @realDonaldTrump, incomes are rising at $161 a month. That’s huge!



“There are no felonies, there are no Impeachable offenses. The Constitution’s very clear that you need bribery, treason, or other high crimes and misdemeanors. You can’t be impeached for the conduct that’s been alleged in this case.” @AlanDersh

Dershowitz. @seanhannity A Scam!


This is why the democrats are so nervous. Because President @realdonaldtrump

is finally dialing in on the corruption and collusion of the last administration. #TheFive



“Democrats trying to impeach President Trump are misusing their authority”


Today the USA and Japan signed 2 new trade agreements 



1) Agricultural Agt: +90% of US ag imports into Japan will be duty free or have pref tariff access (American beef, pork, wheat, ethanol etc) 2) Digital Trade Agt follows USMCA with gold standard rules for digital trade


DREAM BIG and always be open to opportunities – that’s @IvankaTrump’s advice to all #Americans – watch:



Thank you @HeyTammyBruce!


"The Truth About Impeachment" @SteveHiltonx @NextRevFNC

"The Truth About Impeachment" @SteveHiltonx @NextRevFNC


As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I’ve done before!). 


They must, with Europe and others, watch over the captured ISIS fighters and families. The U.S. has done far more than anyone could have ever expected, including the capture of 100% of the ISIS Caliphate. It is time now for others in the region, some of great wealth, to protect their own territory. THE USA IS GREAT!


From the archives | Surprised by what you're seeing in Northern Syria? I'm not. Back in January 2018, I explained the dilemma that Obama put us in with respect to Turkey, and described the tsunami of wishful thinking that was washing over Washington |


We aligned under Obama not with “the Kurds,” but with the PKK, the sworn enemy of the Turkish Republic, our ally. We were sowing the seeds of a Turkish-PKK war with that policy. We were also driving Turkey toward Russia.


Turkey can’t want a war with Kurds but if it does we can’t be killing Turks with Americans throughout Turkey, our base there. Some will cast any deal w/ Turkey as 

@realDonaldTrump getting close w/ a dictator. It’s not. It’s dealing with the realities that we can’t stay forever.

Hugh Hewittをリツイート:

Stream of stories in @Jerusalem_Post about @realDonaldTrump and Turkey: https://google.com/amp/s/m.jpost.com/Middle-East/Turkey-re-writes-international-law-with-safe-zone-invasion-doctrine-603830/amp… Now breaking news of an Erdogan visit to U.S. so a “deal” of some sort is at hand. We can’t be in middle of a Turk-Kurd war in Syria.

Hugh Hewittをリツイート:

I went w/ @AmbJohnBolton to Jerusalem and Ankara in January Michael. I don’t know what we can do other than a staged withdrawal or a permanent garrison. The challenge of the century is on the seas, in space and in Asia. It is not on the Turkish-Syrian border.

Hugh Hewittをリツイート:

Turkey is invading Northrrn Syria. The President is keeping us out of it. The gang that never met a war they didn’t want to fight (and fail to win) will be outraged. When they howl, ask them one thing. Ask them exactly how many American lives it’s worth. I say “Zero.”

Kurt Schlichterをリツイート:

2019-10-8 I was elected on getting out of these ridiculous endless wars, where our great Military functions as a policing operation to the benefit of people who don’t even like the USA. The two most unhappy countries at this move are Russia & China, because they love seeing us bogged down, watching over a quagmire, & spending big dollars to do so. 


When I took over, our Military was totally depleted. Now it is stronger than ever before. The endless and ridiculous wars are ENDING! We will be focused on the big picture, knowing we can always go back & BLAST!



The Radical Left Democrats have failed on all fronts, so now they are pushing local New York City and State Democrat prosecutors to go get President Trump. A thing like this has never happened to any before. Not even close!

Heritage Foundation “These numbers are blockbusters. Just since Donald Trump took office, Median Family Incomrs are up over $4,100. In 8 years under President Obama, they only went up $1000. In one third the time, President Trump has increased incomes 4 times as much, and that doesn’t even include the almost $2000 that the families got from the Trump Tax Cut.” Stephen Moore, Freedomworks That means $5000 to $6000 more in disposable yearly income that Americans have right now because of President Trump!

以下はHeritage 財団のStephen Mooreの見解:「経済の成果は瞠目するに値する。トランプ政権下で最も世帯数の多い所得階層(最頻値)の世帯の年収は4,100ドル増加している。オバマ政権下8年の数字は1,000ドルである。トランプ政権はオバマ政権の実績の4倍の数字を3分の1の期間に達成した。この数字には減税分が含まれていない。減税分2,000ドルを含めると最頻値の所得階層の年間可処分所得は5,000~6,000ドル増加している。」すべてトランプ政権の成果である。

“Incomes much higher under Trump than Bush, Obama.” @foxandfriends And almost everything else is better also (except I am driving the Deep State, and the Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats, CRAZY)!



@foxandfriends But why are people surprised? The “partisan” Whistleblower was very wrong on what was said on my perfect, “no pressure,” call with the Ukrainian President. Bring in another Whistleblower from the bench!



We just WON the big court case on Net Neutrality Rules! A great win for the future and speed of the internet. Will lead to many big things including 5G. Congratulations to the FCC and its Chairman, Ajit Pai!

インターネットの政治的中立性について司法の判断を得た。将来にとって大いなる勝利である。5Gを含め積極的に対応する。FCCとAjit Pai議長を祝す!

The United States was supposed to be in Syria for 30 days, that was many years ago. We stayed and got deeper and deeper into battle with no aim in sight. When I arrived in Washington, ISIS was running rampant in the area. 


We quickly defeated 100% of the ISIS Caliphate including capturing thousands of ISIS fighters, mostly from Europe. But Europe did not want them back, they said you keep them USA! I said “NO, we did you a great favor and now you want us to hold them in U.S. prisons at tremendous cost. They are yours for trials.” They again said “NO,” thinking, as usual, that the U.S. is always the “sucker,” on NATO, on Trade, on everything.


The Kurds fought with us, but were paid massive amounts of money and equipment to do so. They have been fighting Turkey for decades. I held off this fight for almost 3 years, but it is time for us to get out of these ridiculous Endless Wars, many of them tribal, and bring our soldiers home. 


WE WILL FIGHT WHERE IT IS TO OUR BENEFIT, AND ONLY FIGHT TO WIN. Turkey, Europe, Syria, Iran, Iraq, Russia and the Kurds will now have to figure the situation out, and what they want to do with the captured ISIS fighters in their “neighborhood.” They all hate ISIS, have been enemies for years. We are 7000 miles away and will crush ISIS again if they come anywhere near us!


Nancy Pelosi knew of all of the many Shifty Adam Schiff lies and massive frauds perpetrated upon Congress and the American people, in the form of a fraudulent speech knowingly delivered as a ruthless con, and the illegal meetings with a highly partisan “Whistleblower” & lawyer. This makes Nervous Nancy every bit as guilty as Liddle’ Adam Schiff for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, and even Treason. I guess that means that they, along with all of those that evilly “Colluded” with them, must all be immediately Impeached!


@60Minutes “forgot” to report that we are helping the great farmers of the USA to the tune of 28 Billion Dollars, for the last two years, paid for out of Tariffs paid to the United States by China for targeting the farmer. They devalued their currency, therefore paying the cost!


Unemployment Rate just dropped to 3.5%, the lowest in more that 50 years. Is that an impeachable event for your President?


Gerry Baker of @WSJatLarge “Do you think what you’ve seen rises to the level of impeachment?” Ken Starr, Clinton Special Prosecutor. “I don’t!”


Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd of “Meet the Press” had a total meltdown in his interview with highly reaspected Senator @RonJohnsonWI. Seems that a not very bright Chuck just wasn’t getting the answers he was looking for in order to make me look as bad as possible. I did NOTHING wrong!


Join me at the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota this Thursday, October 10th at 7:00pm! Tickets: http://bit.ly/2Iolcwx 


Good job, I must say, by Bob Woodward on “Deface the Nation.” The CBS no name host(ess), and other guest, Peter Baker of The Failing New York Times, were totally biased, boring and wrong (as usual), but Woodward was cool, calm and interesting. Thank you Bob!


TODAY: Chairman @LindseyGrahamSC urges Prime Ministers of Australia, Italy and the United Kingdom to continue working with AG Barr as @TheJusticeDept investigates the origins & extent of foreign influence in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.


Who were these people? What were they up to? Only by full disclosure can President @realDonaldTrump adequately defend against these accusations.

上院情報委員会Lindsey Graham委員長をリツイート:その全貌が示されない限り大統領はこの類の追求に対応できない。

Also, House Republicans should have the ability to find out ALL THOSE involved in providing information to the whistleblower. The whistleblower must disclose individual(s) they received information from so their biases -- if any -- will be disclosed.

上院情報委員会Lindsey Graham委員長をリツイート:共和党下院議員は内部告発者への情報提供者を見つけ出す能力を備えねばならない。内部告発者は情報提供者を開示しなければならない。

It’s not right Democrats in the House helped the whistleblower prepare their complaint.

上院情報委員会Lindsey Graham委員長をリツイート:民主党下院議員が内部告発者の告発に手を貸したことは正しいことではない。


Chairman Graham noted, “That the Attorney General is holding meetings with your countries to aid in the Justice Department’s investigation of what happened is well within the bounds of his normal activities. He is simply doing his job.”

上院情報委員会Lindsey Graham委員長をリツイート:

Democrat lawyer is same for both Whistleblowers? All support Obama and Crooked Hillary. Witch Hunt!


Young Black Leadership Sumittからリツイート2件。


Will be in Minnesota on Thursday night. Massive response, crowd and enthusiasm (actually, all over the Country) will be beyond belief! Same thing in Louisiana on Friday. Big and Bold USA!



Going to Louisiana on Friday night for a big Republican Rally. Keep Democrat Governor Edwards under 50%, force a runoff, and have a great new Republican Governor! Voting on Saturday. Information for Rally to follow.

2019-10-7 The Biden family was PAID OFF, pure and simple! The fake news must stop making excuses for something that is totally inexcusable. Sleepy Joe said he never spoke to the Ukrainian company, and then the picture came out where he was playing golf with the company boss and Hunter. And by the way, I would LOVE running against 1% Joe Biden - I just don’t think it’s going to happen. Sleepy Joe won’t get to the starting gate, & based on all of the money he & his family probably “extorted,” Joe should hang it up. I wouldn’t want him dealing with China & U!


It is INCREDIBLE to watch and read the Fake News and how they pull out all stops to protect Sleepy Joe Biden and his thrown out of the Military son, Hunter, who was handed $100,000 a month (Plus,Plus) from a Ukrainian based company, even though he had no experience in energy, and separately got 1.5 Billion Dollars from China despite no experience and for no apparent reason. There is NO WAY these can be legitimate transactions? As lawyers & others have stated, as President, I have an OBLIGATION to look into possible, or probable, CORRUPTION!


The Democrats are lucky that they don’t have any Mitt Romney types. They may be lousy politicians, with really bad policies (Open Borders, Sanctuary Cities etc.), but they stick together!


95% Approval Rating in Republican Party. Thank you!




Book is doing really well. A study in unfairness to a potentially great Justice!


“Pelosi Blatantly Lies During @GMA Interview About Schiff's Reading of Ukraine Transcript”



The first so-called second hand information “Whistleblower” got my phone conversation almost completely wrong, so now word is they are going to the bench and another “Whistleblower” is coming in from the Deep State, also with second hand info. Meet with Shifty. Keep them coming!


“President Trump would be negligent if he did not bring this matter, Biden, up. If the V.P. of the U.S. is self enriching & engaged in criminal behavior, at a minimum corrupt behavior, it ought to be looked at.” Peter Schweizer, author, “Secret Empires.” @marklevinshow

Mark Levinショーより:「トランプ大統領がバイデン副大統領の疑惑を指摘しなかった場合、トランプ大統領は過失を咎められる。アメリカ合衆国の副大統領がわずかにせよ私腹を肥やし、違法行為に手を染めていたならば捜査の対象になる」と『秘密帝国』の著者Peter Schwizerの言。

Schiff and the Do Nothing Dems have lost all credibility...but the corrupt Media is working hard to keep them in the game!


Mitt, get off the stage, you’ve had your turn (twice)!


So Crooked Hillary Clinton can delete and acid wash 33,000 emails AFTER getting a Subpoena from the United States Congress, but I can’t make one totally appropriate telephone call to the President of Ukraine? Witch Hunt!


This is real reason why Washington Democrats are trying to impeach. It's because the results keep coming. And they're afraid Trump is going to get re-elected.

10月4日Mark Meadowsをリツイート:

Proven liar Adam Schiff is running the Democrats’ impeachment scheme against 

@realDonaldTrump. Schiff’s Record: - Collusion evidence myths - Fabricated call transcript - Secret dealings with the whistleblower Where does it stop? And when will he be held accountable?


There's a reason why Adam Schiff released cherry-picked text messages and not the transcript of the Volker interview. It's because he's misleading. Again. The actual interview directly undermined Democrats' impeachment effort. Release the transcript. Show Americans the truth.

10月4日Mark Meadowsをリツイート:

No Kevin, Jeff Flake is better!

ロムニーよりJeff Flakeが適任だ!


 I’m hearing that the Great People of Utah are considering their vote for their Pompous Senator, Mitt Romney, to be a big mistake. I agree! He is a fool who is playing right into the hands of the Do Nothing Democrats! #IMPEACHMITTROMNEY

ユタ州の有権者が共和党Mitt Romney上院議員再選を考えていると聞こえてくるが、間違いだ。何もできない民主党に篭絡されているのだ!




Not only are the Do Nothing Democrats interfering in the 2020 Election, but they are continuing to interfere in the 2016 Election. They must be stopped!


"Schiff is a FRAUD!" @dbongino


Mitt Romney never knew how to win. He is a pompous “ass” who has been fighting me from the beginning, except when he begged me for my endorsement for his Senate run (I gave it to him), and when he begged me to be Secretary of State (I didn’t give it to him). He is so bad for R’s!

Mitt Romneyは選挙の勝ち方を知らない。私に盾突いてばかりいるが選挙の時には推薦を求めて来た。共和党にとって厄介者だ!国務長官に自薦してきたが断った。

Somebody please wake up Mitt Romney and tell him that my conversation with the Ukrainian President was a congenial and very appropriate one, and my statement on China pertained to corruption, not politics. If Mitt worked this hard on Obama, he could have won. Sadly, he choked!

誰かMitt Romneyを目覚めせてくれないか。

The so-called Whistleblower’s account of my perfect phone call is “way off,” not even close. Schiff and Pelosi never thought I would release the transcript of the call. Got them by surprise, they got caught. This is a fraud against the American people!


The Media is “Fixed” and Corrupt. It bears no relationship to the truth. The 

@nytimes& @washingtonpost are pure fiction. Totally dishonest reporting!




Thank you @KimStrassel and @AndrewCMcCarthy!


Too bad!

WASHINTON EXAMINER の報道:Back in May of this year, Biden had an enormous 26.8 percentage point lead over the second-place Democrat, Sen. Bernie Sanders, in the RealClearPolitics average of national polls. By late June, that lead had shrunk to 15.6 points. By Sept. 1, it was 13.5 points. By mid-September, it was 9.7 points. Now, Biden's lead is 2.2 points, which is essentially no lead at all. He is just ahead of Sen. Elizabeth Warren, with Sanders having fallen farther back and the rest of the field in the mid-to-low single digits.(民主党バイデン候補の2位との格差は急低下している。6月下旬15.6ポイント⇒9月1日13.5ポイント⇒9月中旬9.7ポイント⇒現在2,2ポイント)


It seems as if Congressman Schiff has fabricated so many stories that he cannot remember his part of the newest script... https://thegreggjarrett.com/schifty-schiffs-shifting-story/

Gregg Jarretをリツイート:

Thank you @robertjeffress!


“Report: ‘Whistleblower’ Never Disclosed Contact with House Intel Panel to Inspector General”



Gregg Jarretが魔女狩りという新著を出した。


“Pelosi Blatantly Lies During @GMA Interview About Schiff's Reading of Ukraine Transcript”


BREAKING: Conflicted, Biased Inspector General Has Long Track Record of 'Pulling Punches," Warn Former Investigators

Paul Sperryをリツイート:

.@ivankatrump wants businesses to work hand and hand with government to identify and train American workers for the future. It’s critical to keep our edge and, with the right policies, our possibilities are LIMITLESS! #TrishRegan

Trish Reganをリツイート:Ivankaはアメリカの勤労者の再教育に尽力している。アメリカの競争力確保にとって緊要なことである。

Obama-trained Indivisible astroturfers -- fake protesters posing as constituents (or as CNN pretends, "voter[s]) -- were behind this ambush of GOP Sen. Ernst over impeachment at her town hall yesterday:

Paul Sperryをリツイート:

Watching CNN is like seeing the inner workings of an anti-Trump campaign war room. They are lucky they are cable and not regulated by the FCC


The Obama admin launched an intelligence operation against Trump to derail his campaign & presidency in 2016-17, and now having failed, Obama holdovers r launching another intelligence operation to try to remove him from power. It will also fail --if the first op is fully exposed


Once voters understand that Trump was set up and framed by intelligence ops like the whistleblower in 2016, falsely accused of being a Russian agent, then impeachment will be seen for what it is -- a political putsch to cover their tracks.


BREAKING: The whistleblower is a registered Democrat & CIA analyst who was detailed before the 2016 election to the Obama White House,where he worked on the NSC's Ukraine desk & met w anti-Trump Ukrainian officials before being sent packing by the Trump NSC & becoming disgruntled

5件連続Paul Sperryをリツイート:

Where is the LameStream Media on this?

Paul Sperryの問題提起にメディアは黙して語らないのか。

BREAKING: The Democrat whistleblower who complained about Trump digging up dirt in Ukraine was himself helping dig up dirt in Ukraine against Trump (and Manafort) while working in the Obama White House during 2016 campaign.(トランプによるバイデン候補のウクライナ汚職を通報した内部告発者は2016年にオバマホワイトハウスに勤務していた)

Thanks Jim. Would be great to just run our Country!


“Ex-Envoy testified Ukraine (or the President of Ukraine) never raised Quid Pro Quo concerns with him: source.” @seanhannity @FoxNews The President of Ukraine also stated that he was NOT PRESSURED by me in any way. END OF CASE!


“It isn’t often I get angry at the dirty politics of the Democrats in Congress, but this time I am enraged and hope this impeachment charade will backfire on Reps. Pelosi & Schiff, & the Democrats. I have read thoroughly the telephone conversation between Trump & the President of Ukraine, and cannot find any reason to charge the President with high crimes & misdemeanors. This is just a phony Witch Hunt, perpetuated by Democrats to get rid of Trump because they cannot beat him in a fair election.” Richard Ketay 


This morning in the Florida Keys, @marcorubio was asked about the President calling on China to investigate @JoeBiden - see his answer @CBSMiami @MiamiHerald @alextdaugherty @MarcACaputo @PatriciaMazzei


Along with Pelosi and her boss AOC, the Do Nothing Democrat “leader.”


Join me at the Target Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota next Thursday, October 10th at 7:00pm! Tickets: http://bit.ly/2Iolcwx


My daughter Ivanka will be on @trish_regan tonight on @FoxBusiness at 8:00 P.M., following the great @LouDobbs at 7:00. Enjoy!


“Adam Schiff’s connection to the Whistleblower is coming to light.” @FoxNews

These facts, and others, make it impossible for the ridiculous impeachment “scam” to go forward! Schiff has also committed a crime, perhaps treason, in making up a horrible statement and readingit to Congress, and the American people, as though it was the statement of the President of the United States, me. He did it to fool Congress and the public in order to make me look BAD. He is a sick puppy!




“When your making an unsubstantiated charge that the President of the United States is making a request having to do with quid pro quo, this witness has blown a big hole into that statement.The Ambassador put a dagger in the heart of Schiffs fairytale.” Rep. Lee Zeldin @FoxNews

I have just officially nominated Poland for entry into the Visa Waiver Program. With this decades long-awaited announcement, we are in the final steps of the process which, when complete, would grant Polish nationals visa-free business and tourism travel to the U.S. & vice versa.


At the request of @SenThomTillis, I have declared a major disaster for the Great State of North Carolina to help with damages from Hurricane Dorian. Assistance now unlocked to recover stronger than ever! Thom loves N.C,. and so do I!


Under my Administration, Medicare Advantage premiums next year will be their lowest in the last 13 years. We are providing GREAT healthcare to our Seniors. We cannot let the radical socialists take that away through Medicare for All!


Thanks to US leadership under @POTUS, vaccines & therapeutics are saving lives and helping those affected by the #Ebola outbreak in the #DRC. Working with regional and international partners to stop the outbreak is one of our top global health priorities.


LIVE: POTUS at the Young Black Leadership Summit


2019-10-5 WOW, this is big stuff!


John Ratcriffを引用:Since the ICIG has no evidence whatsoever about the relationship and contacts between the whistleblower and Schiff’s staff, the investigation has to get that information from other fact witnesses. Who also happen to be running the investigation.()



“I think it’s outrages that a Whistleblower is a CIA Agent.” Ed Rollins @FoxNews

Ed Rollinsのフォックスニュースの発言:「内部告発者はCIAのスパイというのはおどろきだ」

“The witness was asked at least 20 times, and there definitely was no Quid Pro Quo.” @RepMarkMeadows @FoxNews Their whole case was built around this, now they no longer mention!

ノースカロライナ州選出共和党Mark Meadows下院議員のフォックスニュースの発言:「内部告発者は20回も質問されているが無回答である」 この事実を民主党とメディアは一切指摘していない。

“When your making an unsubstantiated statement that the President is making a claim having to do with quid pro quo, this witness has blown a big hole into that statement. The Ambassador put a dagger in the heart of Schiffs fairytale.” Rep. Lee Zeldin



The Whistleblower, who had the facts wrong about the phone call, reached out, and more, to the Democrat controlled House Intelligence Committee. Schiff never told us about this!


Breaking News: Unemployment Rate, at 3.5%, drops to a 50 YEAR LOW. Wow America, lets impeach your President (even though he did nothing wrong!).


As President I have an obligation to end CORRUPTION, even if that means requesting the help of a foreign country or countries. It is done all the time. This has NOTHING to do with politics or a political campaign against the Bidens. This does have to do with their corruption!


The Washington Times, “Ukraine envoy blows ‘massive hole’ into Democrat accusations. Republicans at hearing find no Trump Pressure.” The Ukrainian President also strongly stated that NO pressure was put on him. Case Closed!

以下はワシントンタイムスの報道:「ウクライナ政府当局者は民主党の主張に大穴を開けた。共和党はトランプが圧力をかけた事実がなかったことを聴取した」 ウクライナ大統領も強く否定している。一件落着だ!

This isn’t about a Campaign, this is about Corruption on a massive scale! https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1179925259417468928


Nancy Pelosi today, on @GMA, actually said that Adam Schiffty Schiff didn’t fabricate my words in a major speech before Congress. She either had no idea what she was saying, in other words lost it, or she lied. Even Clinton lover @GStephanopoulos strongly called her out. Sue her?

クリントン贔屓のABC TVのStephano Poulosキャスターもペローシ下院議長を一蹴した。議長を訴えるか!

“They (Do Nothing Dems) are trying to nullify an election...” Joe diGenova


This isn’t about a Campaign, this is about Corruption on a massive scale!


We are simultaneously fighting the Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party. Always tough to beat the “Press,” but people are beginning to see how totally CORRUPT they are, and it makes our job a whole lot easier!


Great job Jim!


AOC is a Wack Job!


The Do Nothing Democrats don’t have time to get it done!


A great first day in #WY. Met w/ Jackson District @boyscouts at the elk antler arches in town square learning about their conservation efforts w/ Nat’l Elk Refuge. Explored Snake River w/ 4th graders seeing lots of natural beauty. @NatlParkService #EveryKidOutdoors #BeBest


The Greatest Witch Hunt in the history of our Country!


“Just because Joe Biden is running against President @realdonaldtrump doesn’t mean he’s above the law.” #TheFive


Another big loss for the Do Nothing Dems!


As the President of the United States, I have an absolute right, perhaps even a duty, to investigate, or have investigated, CORRUPTION, and that would include asking, or suggesting, other Countries to help us out!


"...blowing MASSIVE holes inside of the theory, the narrative, that Chairman Schiff has been providing to the public." @RepLeeZeldin


Today at The Villages in Florida, it was my great honor to sign an Executive Order on protecting and improving Medicare for our Nation’s Seniors. Today’s action is only the latest of many important steps we are taking to dramatically improve healthcare for the American People!


“It was just a congenial phone call, but its become so big. I’ve never seen the Media work so hard with so little.” @greggutfeld @FoxNews Witch Hunt!


Thank you @JennaEllisRives, really well done!


“This is yet again an example of Democrats projecting THEIR criminal acts on President Trump. President Trump is an innocent man. It is a lawless coup attempt against a duly elected President.” @replouiegohmert



“Trump Fundraising Haul Shows Impeachment Backfiring on Dems”


There wasn’t ANYTHING said wrong in my conversation with the Ukrainian President. This is a Democrat Scam!


Great time at The Villages in Florida today. Sorry we couldn’t get everybody in. I will be back soon!





95% Approval Rating in the Republican Party, and record setting fundraising that has taken place over the past two weeks. Thank you!


2019-10-4 Leader McCarthy, we look forward to you soon becoming Speaker of the House. The Do Nothing Dems don’t have a chance!


民主党Adam Schiff下院議員は辞職し、捜査すべしに賛成98.4 vs 反対1.6!

Fake News, just like the snakes and gators in the moat. The Media is deranged, they have lost their minds!


Good times with @seanhannity last night talking Adam #FullOfSchiff


Schiff is a lowlife who should resign (at least!).


NBC News reports that Hunter Biden met with a Chinese banker while joining then-VP Joe Biden’s official 2013 trip to China. Hunter Biden was attempting to form a Chinese privet equity fund. Just 10 days after the trip Chinese authorities issued the funds business license. 

Trump War Roomをリツイート:バイデン候補が2013年に副大統領として訪中した際に、息子はプライベートファンドの設立を計画し、中国の金融当局者と会談した。中国当局は10日後にファンドの設立を許可した。

Honored heroic wounded warriors today at an event hosted by All Saints Episcopal School in #TX01. God bless our troops!


Excited to share that my new book, “The Case for Nationalism: How It Made Us Powerful, United, and Free” will be out November 5. It’s available for pre-order now https://amazon.com/Case-Nationalism-Rich-Lowry/dp/0062839640/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=


Biden’s gun plan? It could destroy the gun industry for selling lawful, constitutionally-protected products and impair Americans’ right of self-defense. So, no.


Do Republicans See the Strategy to Discredit the Barr Investigation? - my 


column from yesterday:


So State Department inspector general asks for 'urgent' briefing on Capitol Hill. Trump and Ukraine! Then admits he's had 'urgent' material since May. After seeing it, Dem lawmaker declares 'completely irrelevant.'


The Republican Party has never had such support!


Book is doing really well. A study in unfairness to a potentially great Justice!


Keep up the great work Kellie!


Franklin Graham calls for prayer to 'change hearts' of Democrats - A call to pray for our Nation and its healing @realDonaldTrump@VP

をリツイート:Franklin Graham牧師が民主党が悔い改めことを祈るように奨励している。

“The Ukraine controversy continues this morning as new documents obtained by 

@FoxNews show that a former Ukrainian prosecutor said that he was forced to back off looking into a firm tied to Hunter Biden.” @MariaBartiromo Does anyone other than Fake News protectors have a doubt?


The U.S. won a $7.5 Billion award from the World Trade Organization against the European Union, who has for many years treated the USA very badly on Trade due to Tariffs, Trade Barriers, and more. This case going on for years, a nice victory!


My statement on the latest fiasco



The Texas Success Story... Since the election: Employment by 6.4% = 774,000 NEW jobs  Manufacturing employment by 8.4%  Total real wage & salary  income by 5%   Unemployment rate 1.4 percentage points   Let’s keep winning in the Trump economy! 

Ivanka Trumpをリツイート:前回の大統領選挙以降のテキサス州の成功物語は次の通り。 新規雇用増6.4%、77.4万人 製造業雇用増8.4% 勤労者所得5%増  失業率1.4%  トランプ経済政策の下でさらに勝利しよう!



Mississippi, there is a VERY important election for Governor on November 5th. I need you to Get Out and Vote for our Great Republican nominee, @TateReeves. Tate is strong on Crime, tough on Illegal Immigration, and will protect your Second Amendment. He loves our Military and supports our Vets! Democrat Jim Hood will never give us his vote, is anti-Trump and pro-Crooked Hillary. Get Out and Vote for Tate Reeves on November 5th. He has my Complete & Total Endorsement!

11月5日(火)にミシシッピ州知事選挙がある。Tate Reeves候補に投票しよう!


“Schiff, House Intel Chairman, Got Early Account of Whistle-Blower’s Accusations” SCHIFF IS A FRAUD! https://nytimes.com/2019/10/02/us/politics/adam-schiff-whistleblower.html


The Do Nothing Democrats should be focused on building up our Country, not wasting everyone’s time and energy on BULLSHIT, which is what they have been doing ever since I got overwhelmingly elected in 2016, 223-306. Get a better candidate this time, you’ll need it!


Adam Schiff should only be so lucky to have the brains, honor and strength of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. For a lowlife like Schiff, who completely fabricated my words and read them to Congress as though they were said by me, to demean a First in Class at West Point, is SAD!

Adam Schiff下院議員は良識のある国務長官に恩を着るべきである。

Nancy Pelosi just said that she is interested in lowering prescription drug prices & working on the desperately needed USMCA. She is incapable of working on either. It is just camouflage for trying to win an election through impeachment. The Do Nothing Democrats are stuck in mud!


All of this impeachment nonsense, which is going nowhere, is driving the Stock Market, and your 401K’s, down. But that is exactly what the Democrats want to do. They are willing to hurt the Country, with only the 2020 Election in mind!


2019-10-3  Now the press is trying to sell the fact that I wanted a Moat stuffed with alligators and snakes, with an electrified fence and sharp spikes on top, at our Southern Border. I may be tough on Border Security, but not that tough. The press has gone Crazy. Fake News!


“Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats haven’t met the standards of impeachment. They have to be very careful here.” Jeanne Zaino. @FoxNews


All the Do Nothing Democrats are focused on is Impeaching the President for having a very good conversation with the Ukrainian President. I knew that many people were listening, even have a transcript. They have been at this “stuff” from the day I got elected. Bad for Country!


Congressman Adam Schiff should resign for the Crime of, after reading a transcript of my conversation with the President of Ukraine (it was perfect), fraudulently fabricating a statement of the President of the United States and reading it to Congress, as though mine! He is sick!

Adam Schiff下院議員は辞任すべきである。

As the Index of Economic Freedom shows, countries that implement free-market policies enable women to make their own economic decisions. @IvankaTrump's Women’s Global Development and Prosperity initiative is an important tool in helping make that happen.


Democrats want to stop Barr from investigating what happened in 2016. SPOT ON. As we have been saying on @MorningsMaria @FoxBusiness join us tomorrow for more #Truth 6-9am et @dagenmcdowell


HUGE Q3 fundraising numbers thanks to @GOPChairwoman, @parscale, and of course the STRONG enthusiasm behind @realDonaldTrump!


Massive sections of The Wall are being built at our Southern Border. It is going up rapidly, and built to the highest standards and specifications of the Border Patrol experts. It is actually an amazing structure! Our U.S. Military is doing a GREAT job.


I won the right to be a presidential candidate in California, in a major Court decision handed down yesterday. It was filed against me by the Radical Left Governor of that State to tremendous Media hoopla. The VICTORY, however, was barely covered by the Fake News. No surprise!


Louisiana Republicans must go out and vote REPUBLICAN in your Governor’s race. A Republican will win if you can force a runoff! Early voting has started. Your 2nd Amendment, and much else, is at stake.


The Greatest Witch Hunt in the history of our Country! 

As I learn more and more each day, I am coming to the conclusion that what is taking place is not an impeachment, it is a COUP, intended to take away the Power of the People, their VOTE, their Freedoms, their Second Amendment, Religion, Military, Border Wall, and their God-given rights as a Citizen of The United States of America!


REPUBLICANS of Louisiana, it is really important for you to go out and vote on October 12th for either Eddie Rispone or Ralph Abraham (both Great), which will lead to a runoff against a Nancy Pelosi/Chuck Schumer Democrat (John Bel Edwards), who does nothing but stymie all of the things we are doing to Make America Great Again. Don’t be fooled, John Bel Edwards will NEVER be for us. Early voting has already started! @LAGOP

ルイジアナ州びとって10月12日の知事選出のための予備選挙は重要である。共和党員はEddie Rispone 候補またはRalph Abraham候補に投票されたい。いずれも知事に申し分のない人物である。現職John Bel Edwards知事は、民主党のナンシー下院議長とペローシ上院院内総務のもとで、アメリカを再び偉大な国にするために働いていない。期限前投票が始まっている!

2019-10-2  Why isn’t Congressman Adam Schiff being brought up on charges for fraudulently making up a statement and reading it to Congress as if this statement, which was very dishonest and bad for me, was directly made by the President of the United States? This should never be allowed!


As I predicted, Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve have allowed the Dollar to get so strong, especially relative to ALL other currencies, that our manufacturers are being negatively affected. Fed Rate too high. They are their own worst enemies, they don’t have a clue. Pathetic!


Today, I was proud to sign the Autism CARES Bill! We support research for Americans with Autism and their families. You are not forgotten, we are fighting for you!



ブライトバードニュースより:大統領罷免反対97.83 vs 大統領罷免賛成2.17


So if the so-called “Whistleblower” has all second hand information, and almost everything he has said about my “perfect” call with the Ukrainian President is wrong (much to the embarrassment of Pelosi & Schiff), why aren’t we entitled to interview & learn everything about the Whistleblower, and also the person who gave all of the false information to him. This is simply about a phone conversation that could not have been nicer, warmer, or better. No pressure at all (as confirmed by Ukrainian Pres.). It is just another Democrat Hoax!


“The congratulatory phone call with the Ukrainian President was PERFECT, unless you heard Liddle’ Adam Schiff’s fraudulently made up version of the call. This is just another Fake News Media, together with their partner, the Democrat Party, HOAX!



Congratulations to President Xi and the Chinese people on the 70th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China!


Great job, just in time!


2019-10-1  You cannot judge my Stock Market performance since the Inauguration, which was very good, but only from the day after the big Election Win, which was spectacular due to the euphoria of getting Obama/Biden OUT, & getting Trump/Pence IN. WentI up BIG between Nov. 9 & Inauguration!
