
2019-9-16 House Judiciary has given up on the Mueller Report, sadly for them after two years and $40,000,000 spent - ZERO COLLUSION, ZERO OBSTRUCTION. So they say, OK, lets look at everything else, and all of the deals that “Trump” has done over his lifetime. But it doesn’t work that way. I have a better idea. Look at the Obama Book Deal, or the ridiculous Netflix deal. Then look at all the deals made by the Dems in Congress, the “Congressional Slush Fund,” and lastly the IG Reports. Take a look at them. Those investigations would be over FAST!



“We cannot have what happened to this President happen again.” Joe DiGenova. “It is time for Justice to come barreling in.” @LouDobbs Can you imagine that with everything going on in this World, the Witch Hunt, though on a respirator, is still whimpering along. A disgrace!

Lou Dobbsによると、Joe DiGenovaは『同じことがほかの大統領に起こってはならない。

The Fake News is saying that I am willing to meet with Iran, “No Conditions.” That is an incorrect statement (as usual!).


Here we go again with General Motors and the United Auto Workers. Get together and make a deal!




Saudi Arabia oil supply was attacked. There is reason to believe that we know the culprit, are locked and loaded depending on verification, but are waiting to hear from the Kingdom as to who they believe was the cause of this attack, and under what terms we would proceed!


Based on the attack on Saudi Arabia, which may have an impact on oil prices, I have authorized the release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, if needed, in a to-be-determined amount sufficient to keep the markets well-supplied. I have also informed all appropriate agencies to expedite approvals of the oil pipelines currently in the permitting process in Texas and various other States.



Can’t believe the @washingtonpost wrote a positive front page story, “Unity Issue Has Parties Pointing To Trump. GOP Goes All In, While Democrats Clash Over Ideology & Tactics. Mr. President, We Are With You The Entire Way. REPUBLICANS Have Coalesced Around Trump.” Then, on top of it all, Kathleen Parker, of all people, wrote “In Case You Were Wondering, Trump Won The Debate.” True, but what is going on at the @washingtonpost? NOT Fake News!

信じられないことが起こった。ワシントンポスト紙が1面トップで、中道右派で400ものメディアにキャリーされるKathleen Parkerコラムニストの見解を報道した。『国論分断阻止問題について、共和党はトランプ大統領を支持で結束しているが、民主党は、国論分断阻止問題について、イデオロギーとその実現方法について党内で対立している。大統領閣下、われわれは大統領に全面的に賛成する。共和党は大統領支持で結束している。意見を決めかねている人に、トランプ大統領は勝った』 その通りだ!ワシントンポストで何が起こったのか?これは偽ニュースではない!

ウイキペディアより:Kathleen Parker is a center-right[1][2] columnist for The Washington Post. Her columns are syndicated nationally and appear in more than 400 media outlets, both online and in print.[3] Parker is a consulting faculty member at the Buckley School of Public Speaking, a popular guest on cable and network news shows and a regular panelist on NBC's "Meet the Press" and MSNBC's "Hardball" with Chris Matthews. 


I am fighting the Fake (Corrupt) News, the Deep State, the Democrats, and the few remaining Republicans In Name Only (RINOS, who are on mouth to mouth resuscitation), with the help of some truly great Republicans, and others. We are Winning big (150th Federal Judge this week)!


Can’t let Brett Kavanaugh give Radical Left Democrat (Liberal Plus) Opinions based on threats of Impeaching him over made up stories (sound familiar?), false allegations, and lies. This is the game they play. Fake and Corrupt News is working overtime! #ProtectKavanaugh

Brett Kavanaughを守らなければならない。

Brett Kavanaugh should start suing people for liable, or the Justice Department should come to his rescue. The lies being told about him are unbelievable. False Accusations without recrimination. When does it stop? They are trying to influence his opinions. Can’t let that happen!


Now the Radical Left Democrats and their Partner, the LameStream Media, are after Brett Kavanaugh again, talking loudly of their favorite word, impeachment. He is an innocent man who has been treated HORRIBLY. Such lies about him. They want to scare him into turning Liberal!


2019-9-15 All based on NOTHING! The Dems can’t get anything positive done, and probably don’t want to.

Steve Scaliseを引用:The committeeゆ¥」e with jurisdiction over the border crisis is obsessed with endless witch hunts & trying to impeach @realDonaldTrump instead of solving that real crisis. Pelosi clearly condones these radical reckless schemes because she won’t shut the door on them. Time to move on!

Thank you Billy!

Thank you!

Our data shows @realDonaldTrump’s approval among Hispanic Americans in Texas has increased by 20% since 2016. That means he has nearly 1 million new Hispanic supporters!

Ronna McDanielをリツイート:テキサス州におけるスペイン語系アメリカ人のトランプ支持率は2016年以降20%、約200万人増加している。

.@realDonaldTrump is fully committed to defending America and bringing terrorists to justice.

Ronna McDanielをリツイート:

My great honor!


That is true, and the USA is Winning Again!


Great OpEd by@kimguilfoyle

Ivanka Trumpをリツイート:



Couldn’t agree more. The American people deserve the truth.


Great news about the work we are doing on illegal immigration!


President Trump reports that Hamza bin Ladin, al Qaeda leader and son of Osama bin Laden, “was killed in a United States counterterrorism operation in the Afghanistan/Pakistan region.”

Steve Hollandをリツイート:Hamza bin Ladin殺害を大統領が発表した。

The Taliban has never been hit harder than it is being hit right now. Killing 12 people, including one great American soldier, was not a good idea. There are much better ways to set up a negotiation. The Taliban knows they made a big mistake, and they have no idea how to recover!


I’m OK with that!

Here’s the thing: I’m voting for Trump but I wouldn’t be friends with Trump. I’m not voting for Yang but I’d definitely be his friend. https://twitter.com/RedElephantGOP/status/1172546784163291136


I had a call today with Prime Minister Netanyahu to discuss the possibility of moving forward with a Mutual Defense Treaty, between the United States and Israel, that would further anchor the tremendous alliance between our two countries. I look forward to continuing those discussions after the Israeli Elections when we meet at the United Nations later this month!


#FISA oversight falls squarely within the Judiciary Committee’s jurisdiction. We must address concerns outlined in the IG’s report. I'm calling on the chairman to schedule a hearing as soon as possible after Congress receives the report.


The IG report on potential FISA abuse is complete. Now being reviewed. Huge. Documents we’ve seen leave little to zero doubt the FBI and DOJ violated protocol with the effect of targeting Trump. We’ll see what the IG found. Hopefully we’re weeks away from getting the truth.






2019-9-14 94% Approval Rating in the Republican Party! Tuesday night in the Great State of North Carolina proved that high and very beautiful number correct.


While I like the Vaping alternative to Cigarettes, we need to make sure this alternative is SAFE for ALL! Let’s get counterfeits off the market, and keep young children from Vaping!


Great news about the work we are doing on illegal immigration!


Historic Milestone indeed!


The two big Congressional wins in North Carolina on Tuesday, Dan Bishop and Greg Murphy, have reverberated all over the World. They showed a lot of people how strong the Republican Party is, and how well it is doing. 2020 is a big, and very important, Election. We will WIN!


Illegal Immigration costs the USA over 300 Billion Dollars a year. There is no reason for this, and things are being set in motion to have this number come WAY DOWN. Democrats could end Loopholes and it would be a whole lot easier, and faster. But it will all happen anyway! VERY stupidly negotiated Trade Deals, and Illegal Immigration, are a tremendous cost and burden to our Country. They are BOTH coming along very well and someday, in the not too distant future, America will see a very positive change. Remember, America First!


2019-9-13 How do you impeach a President who has helped create perhaps the greatest economy in the history of our Country? All time best unemployment numbers, especially for Blacks, Hispanics, Asians & Women. More people working today than ever before. Rebuilt Military & Choice for Vets Became Number 1 in World & Independent in Energy. Will soon have record number of Judges, 2 SC Justices. 


Done more than any President in first 2 1/2 years despite phony & fraudulent Witch Hunt illegally led against him. WIN on Mueller Report, Mueller Testimony & James Comey IG Report, which showed him to be a Disgraced & Dirty Cop. Republicans have unified like never before. You don’t impeach Presidents for doing a good (great!) job. No Obstruction, No Collusion, only treasonous crimes committed by the other side, and led by the Democrats. Sad!

就任以来2年半の大統領を標的にした馬鹿らしい無意味な魔女狩りにも関わらず、どの大統領もなし得なかった実績が出ている。Mueller報告と証人喚問、James Comeyの職務紀律違反に関する検事総長報告に示された大統領への攻撃を撃退した。共和党がこれほど結束を固めた時はない。これだけ実績を上げている大統領を罷免など出来る筈がない。司法妨害、ロシア癒着など国家反逆的犯罪は民主党主導の下、反対陣営によって行われた。嘆かわしい!


Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee: -First voted to take away Americans' firearms -Then voted to impeach the guy we elected President All in less than 48 hours. And you wonder why people can't stand this town.

オハイオ州選出共和党Jim Jordan下院議員をリツイート:下院法務委員会のやろうとしたことと言えば、①銃規制、②選挙で選ばれた大統領の罷免である。支持を得られる訳がない。

Even the Washington Post, the Democrats favorite newspaper, supports passage of the #USMCA. Congress should pass it this fall and give a victory to hard working Americans across the country!


Proud to announce that @TrumpNewYork has just been named the #1 “Best Hotel in the World!" Congratulations to our remarkable team @TrumpHotels

Trump Organizationをリツイート:ニューヨークのトランプホテルが世界最高のホテルに選ばれた。誇りに思う!

Comey: -Opened Trump-Russia investigation -Put Peter “we’ll stop Trump” Strzok in charge -Allowed Dossier to be used -Leaked memos to get Special Counsel appointed -Tried to trap the President at Trump Tower meeting All while telling the President he wasn’t under investigation.

Jim Jordan共和党下院議員をリツイート:元FBI のComey長官の悪事を列挙。

If reports are accurate that the DOJ is recommending charges against former FBI Deputy Director Andy McCabe, I’m not surprised. As I told @MariaBartiromo Sunday, to do otherwise would be an admission of different legal standards applied to the same conduct for political reasons.

Jim Jordan共和党下院議員をリツイート:元FBI Andy McCabe副長官の悪事を列挙。

Hello Baltimore!



In fact, my views on Venezuela, and especially Cuba, were far stronger than those of John Bolton. He was holding me back!


“This should have been over with after the Mueller Report came out.” @guypbenson @FoxNews

以下はGuyp Johnsonの見解:本件はMueller報告で1件落着済みである。 

“We can’t beat him, so lets impeach him!” Democrat Rep. Al Green

民主党Al Green下院議員の発言:「選挙で勝てないから罷免が必要なのだ」

“Dems have never gotten over the fact that President Trump won the Election!” @GOPLeader McCarthy


Some really big Court wins on the Border lately!


It is expected that China will be buying large amounts of our agricultural products!


2019-9-12 European Central Bank, acting quickly, Cuts Rates 10 Basis Points. They are trying, and succeeding, in depreciating the Euro against the VERY strong Dollar, hurting U.S. exports.... And the Fed sits, and sits, and sits. They get paid to borrow money, while we are paying interest!


The U.S. joins 11 partner nations in invoking the Rio Treaty to confront the political, economic, & humanitarian crisis unleashed by Maduro on #Venezuela & the region. Together we will consider multilateral economic & political options to end the havoc.


Socialism SUCKS and @TeamTrump is flying high above the Dem debate in Houston to remind the circus in town that their policies will hurt Houston, Texas and America! Text "USA" TO 88022


A ship carrying passengers who included a group of ‘Climate Change Warriors’ who are concerned about melting Arctic ice got stuck in the ice halfway between Norway and the North Pole.

Paul Joseph Watsonをリツイート:ノルウェーから北極海を目差した客船が氷に閉じ込められた。船には氷の融解を心配する環境保護団体が乗船していた。

Thank you Brandon!

Thank you!

The Wall is going up very fast despite total Obstruction by Democrats in Congress, and elsewhere!


The House Judiciary Committee has a storied history of defending the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. But today, Democrats are using the Committee to violate 2nd Amendment liberties, property rights, and due process rights, all before you've done anything wrong!


The Wall is being built after victories against the Democrats in various courts! https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1171547046295171072


The #USMCA is a deal for the 21st Century that will support mutually beneficial trade and lead to freer and fairer markets! #USMCAnow


The #USMCA is the modern trade deal that hardworking Americans across the country deserve. The time for Congress to put Americans FIRST and pass the #USMCA!


The #USMCA means: Stronger Economic Growth  More Jobs  More Exports  Rising Wages  Let’s pass a trade deal for ALL Americans! #USMCAnow


Not only will the #USMCA benefit America’s farmers, ranchers, and manufacturers, it will add billions to the already booming economy! This trade deal is a huge win for Americans and Congress must work to pass it now! #USMCAnow


When will the Judiciary Committee get to question IG Horowitz about his scathing Comey report? @RepJerryNadler : "I'm not sure which report you're referring to... I don't know. We haven't discussed that." Dems would rather focus on impeachment and taking our guns.

オハイオ州選出共和党Jim Jordan下院議員をリツイート:下院法務委員会はComey元FBI長官を厳しく糾弾したレポートに関するHorowitz検事総長の質問に如何に対応したか。Nadler委員長は『どのレポートのことか。未だ検討していない』と言う。民主党は未だに大統領弾劾を考えている。

Congrats on the new book, @toddstarnes


I had an excellent telephone conversation with Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexico, talking about Southern Border Security, and various other things of mutual interest for the people of our respective countries. The Southern Border is becoming very strong despite the obstruction by Democrats not agreeing to do anything on Loopholes or Asylum!


At the request of the Vice Premier of China, Liu He, and due to the fact that the People's Republic of China will be celebrating their 70th Anniversary on October 1st, we have agreed, as a gesture of good will, to move the increased Tariffs on 250 Billion Dollars worth of goods (25% to 30%), from October 1st to October 15th.

Liu He中国副首相の要請に応じ、10月1日建国70周年を祝う中国に対する善意を表し、10月1日に予定していた2500億ドルの輸入関税の25%から30%への引き上げを15日間延期する。

BIG United States Supreme Court WIN for the Border on Asylum!



Today and every day, we pledge to honor our history, to treasure our liberty, to uplift our communities, to live up to our values, to prove worthy of our heroes, and above all, to NEVER FORGET. #Honor911


. @realDonaldTrump& @FLOTUS participate in a moment of silence at the September 11th Pentagon Observance Ceremony at the Pentagon. #911Anniversary

Doug Millsをリツイート:大統領夫妻は黙祷した。

On September 11, 2001, the world witnessed the power of American defiance.


President @realDonaldTrumpat the Pentagon: "The First Lady and I are united with you in grief . . . We cannot erase the pain or reverse the evil of that dark and wretched day, but we offer you all that we have."



Leaving the White House soon to speak at the Pentagon. My great honor!


If it weren’t for the never ending Fake News about me, and with all that I have done (more than any other President in the first 2 1/2 years!), I would be leading the “Partners” of the LameStream Media by 20 points. Sorry, but true!


In a hypothetical poll, done by one of the worst pollsters of them all, the Amazon Washington Post/ABC, which predicted I would lose to Crooked Hillary by 15 points (how did that work out?), Sleepy Joe, Pocahontas and virtually all others would beat me in the General Election. This is a phony suppression poll, meant to build up their Democrat partners. I haven’t even started campaigning yet, and am constantly fighting Fake News like Russia, Russia, Russia. Look at North Carolina last night. Dan Bishop, down big in the Polls, WINS. Easier than 2016!

アマゾン傘下のワシントンポストとABC TVの2016年の選挙予測は15ポイント差で私がヒラリーに敗れると予測していた。その同じ予測によればバイデン副大統領ほかすべての民主党候補が私に勝つことになっている。メディアが支持する民主党候補を盛り立てるばかげた世論誘導である。私は現時点で選挙活動を開始していない。私の活動はロシアロシアと連呼する偽ニュースメディアと闘っているのだ。昨晩のノースカロライナ州の選挙で支持率調査で大幅に負けていたBishop候補が勝利した。2016年より楽勝だった!

Broward schools put this MONSTER in class with my beautiful daughter. They knew exactly what he was. They gave him a gun. PARENTS: Do you know what's really happening in your kid's school? I didn't. You don't get that excuse My book is out. Read it

Andrew Pollackをリツイート:学校襲撃事件で娘を失った父親の手記。

China is moving to develop a more level playing field: Sen. Perdue http://ow.ly/hzmS30pvEdA @MorningsMaria @FoxBusiness

Maria Bartiromoをリツイート:米中関係についてPerdue共和党上院議員のTV発言。

Greg Murphy won big, 62% to 37%, in North Carolina 03, & the Fake News barely covered the race. The win was far bigger than anticipated - there was just nothing the Fakers could say to diminish or demean the scope of this victory. So we had TWO BIG VICTORIES tonight, Greg & Dan!


The Federal Reserve should get our interest rates down to ZERO, or less, and we should then start to refinance our debt. INTEREST COST COULD BE BROUGHT WAY DOWN, while at the same time substantially lengthening the term.


We have the great currency, power, and balance sheet. The USA should always be paying the the lowest rate. No Inflation! It is only the naïveté of Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve that doesn’t allow us to do what other countries are already doing. A once in a lifetime opportunity that we are missing because of “Boneheads.”


2019-9-11 “China suspends Tariffs on some U.S. products. Being hit very hard, supply chains breaking up as many companies move, or look to move, to other countries. Much more expensive to China than originally thought.” @CNBC @JoeSquawk


Alice @alicetweet Stewart: Thank you for the nice words while on @CNN concerning the TWO big Republican Congressional victories. You’d be great on a network with much higher ratings. Keep up the good work!


CNNの番組でノースカロライナ州下院銀選挙の共和党勝利をコメントしたAlice Stewartに感謝。


GOP 2, Democrats 0 Revolution not retirements. Congrats Dan Bishop and Dr. Greg Murphy! Well done @NRCC, @GOP and @NCGOP . Special thanks to @RealDonaldTrump for once again leading us to victory.

Kevin Mccarthy共和党下院院内総務をリツイート:選挙結果は共和党2、民主党ゼロだった。両候補、ノースカロライナ州共和党本部とトランプ大統領に感謝!

.@CNN & @MSNBC were all set to have a BIG victory, until Dan Bishop won North Carolina 09. Now you will hear them barely talk about, or cover, the race. Fake News never wins!




Dan Bishop was down 17 points 3 weeks ago. He then asked me for help, we changed his strategy together, and he ran a great race. Big Rally last night. Now it looks like he is going to win. @CNN & @MSNBC are moving their big studio equipment and talent out. Stay tuned!

3週間目に17ポイント劣勢であったDan Bishop候補が勝ちそうだ!

Senator Ben Sasse has done a wonderful job representing the people of Nebraska. He is great with our Vets, the Military, and your very important Second Amendment. Strong on Crime and the Border, Ben has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

ネブラスカ州選出Ben Sasse共和党上院議員の再選出馬を支持する。

I am pleased to endorse Governor Mike Parson of Missouri. He is very Popular, Strong, and knows what he is doing – he gets it! Based on the fact that Mike has announced he will run again in 2020 for Governor, Mike Parson has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

ミズーリ州Mike Parson知事の再選出馬を喜ぶ。大いに支持する。

Excellent interview by @CondoleezzaRice on @MarthaMaccallum on @FoxNews.  Very interesting and secure perspective on life.


One down, one to go – Greg Murphy is projected to win in the Great State of North Carolina! #NC03


Incredible progress being made at the Southern Border!


Vote today for Dan Bishop. Will be great for North Carolina and our Country!

Dan Bishop候補に投票を!


われわれはDan Bishop候補を必要としている。

Last night in North Carolina was incredible!


I informed John Bolton last night that his services are no longer needed at the White House. I disagreed strongly with many of his suggestions, as did others in the Administration, and therefore I asked John for his resignation, which was given to me this morning. I thank John very much for his service. I will be naming a new National Security Advisor next week.

昨晩、John Bolton特別補佐官にホワイトハウスはこれ以上補佐を必要としないと通達した。政権内部のスタッフと同様、私は補佐官のアドバイスの多くを強く拒否し、補佐官に辞任を求めた。今朝、辞表を受けた。補佐官に感謝する。来週、新補佐官を任命する。

Vote today for Dan Bishop. Will be great for North Carolina and our Country!


One of the greatest and most powerful weapons used by the Fake and Corrupt News Media is the phony Polling Information they put out. Many of these polls are fixed, or worked in such a way that a certain candidate will look good or bad. Internal polling looks great, the best ever!


ABC/Washington Post Poll was the worst and most inaccurate poll of any taken prior to the 2016 Election. When my lawyers protested, they took a 12 point down and brought it to almost even by Election Day. It was a Fake Poll by two very bad and dangerous media outlets. Sad!




Happening Now— @POTUS @realDonaldTrump departing the @WhiteHouse for North Carolina....

Dan Scavino Jr.をリツイート:大統領がノースカロライナ州へ向かう。

In August, the African American unemployment rate fell to a historic low of 5.5 %. African American women are benefiting most with the adult (20+) female African American unemployment rate falling to a new series low of 4.4 %.

Ivanka Trumpをリツイート:アフリカ系アメリカ人の失業率は歴史的水準の5.5%へ低下。中でも20歳以上の女性の失業率は統計はじまって以来の4.4%に低下。

Received an update on Air Force One at MCAS Cherry Point in North Carolina, regarding damage caused by Hurricane Dorian.


Thrilled to be here in the great state of North Carolina with a man who has been fighting every day to keep the promises he made to you, President @realDonaldTrump!


It has been two and a half years of promises made and promises kept which is why we need FOUR MORE YEARS of President @realDonaldTrump in the White House!


Here in North Carolina, we believed you could be strong again and we believed you could be prosperous again. You said yes to President @realDonaldTrump in 2016 and tomorrow we need you to say YES to @jdanbishop for #NC09!


Great to be w/ +175 leaders from gov, industry & academia for the @WhiteHouse

#AIinGovSummit to highlight innovative efforts underway across Fed agencies to use #AI to improve gov services on behalf of the American people + look forward to future transformative applications!

Ivanka Trumpをリツイート:産学官各界から175名が出席して、ホワイトハウスで人工知能を使った行政サービス向上に関するサミットが開催された。

The Alabama Success story: Since the Trump election..  The unemployment rate has fallen 2.5% and reached an all time low of 3.3%  Monthly initial unemployment insurance claims have tumbled over 26%  Wages are up!  We’re just getting started

Ivanka Trumpをリツイート:アラバマ州の成功物語。①2016年選挙以降、失業率は5.8%から3.3%へ低下、②失業保険申請が26%減少、③賃金は上昇、④さらによくなる。

THANK YOU Fayetteville, North Carolina! Make sure you get out and VOTE TOMORROW for Dan Bishop in #NC09 and Greg Murphy in #NC03!!

Fayettevilleに感謝。明日、Dan Bishop候補とGreg Murphy候補に投票を!

2019-9-10 Last night in North Carolina was incredible!





Great time stopping by Rock Store BBQ in Marshville for lunch with @jdanbishop, @MarkMeadows & @DavidRouzer! Thanks for the warm welcome!


Thank you to everyone at the @NCGOP working hard to get @jdanbishop to Washington! Keep up the great work! #NC09


Beautiful evening in Fayetteville tonight! Big day in North Carolina tomorrow. Make sure you get out and VOTE for Dan Bishop in #NC09 and Greg Murphy in #NC03!


THANK YOU Fayetteville, North Carolina! Make sure you get out and VOTE TOMORROW for Dan Bishop in #NC09 and Greg Murphy in #NC03!!

ノースカロライナ州Fayettevilleに感謝。明日、第9選挙区でDan Bishop候補に、第3選挙区でGreg Murphy候補に投票を!

Received an update on Air Force One at MCAS Cherry Point in North Carolina, regarding damage caused by Hurricane Dorian.


Departing MCAS Cherry Point in North Carolina for Fayetteville, North Carolina. This is amazing!


Speaking to Governor @HenryMcMaster of South Carolina on my way to North Carolina for a big rally for Dan Bishop (@jdanbishop) running for Congress. Vote tomorrow! #NC09


To every one of the HEROES we recognized today — THANK YOU and God Bless You All!


President @realDonaldTrump awarded six police officers from Dayton, Ohio, with the Medal of Valor and honored five Americans from El Paso, Texas, with Certificates of Commendation, recognizing civilians who displayed tremendous bravery.

表彰した11名のうち6名はオハイオ州の、5名はEl Pasoの銃撃事件関係者である。

We have been serving as policemen in Afghanistan, and that was not meant to be the job of our Great Soldiers, the finest on earth. Over the last four days, we have been hitting our Enemy harder than at any time in the last ten years!


A lot of Fake News is being reported that I overruled the VP and various advisers on a potential Camp David meeting with the Taliban. This Story is False! I always think it is good to meet and talk, but in this case I decided not to. 

偽ニュースは私が副大統領その他の助言を拒否してタリバンとのCamp David会談を中止したと報じている。誤報である。私は会談し話し合うのはよいことと思っているが今回は会談をキャンセルした。

The Dishonest Media likes to create the look of turmoil in the White House, of which there is none. I view much of the media as simply an arm of the Democrat Party. They are corrupt, and they are extremely upset at how well our Country is doing under MY Leadership, including the Economy, where there is NO Recession, much to the regret of the LameStream Media! They are working overtime to help the Democrats win in 2020, but that will NEVER HAPPEN, Americans are too smart!


Just now, President @realDonaldTrump honored 11 incredible patriots, each of whom stepped forward to save lives in the face of violence and hatred last month in Dayton and El Paso.


The Trump Administration has achieved more in the first 2 1/2 years of its existence than perhaps any administration in the history of our Country. We get ZERO media credit for what we have done, and are doing, but the people know, and that’s all that is important!


I had nothing to do with the decision of our great @VP Mike Pence to stay overnight at one of the Trump owned resorts in Doonbeg, Ireland. Mike’s family has lived in Doonbeg for many years, and he thought that during his very busy European visit, he would stop and see his family!


I know nothing about an Air Force plane landing at an airport (which I do not own and have nothing to do with) near Turnberry Resort (which I do own) in Scotland, and filling up with fuel, with the crew staying overnight at Turnberry (they have good taste!). NOTHING TO DO WITH ME


As bad as @CNN is, Comcast MSNBC is worse. Their ratings are also way down because they have lost all credibility. I believe their stories about me are not 93% negative, but actually 100% negative. They are incapable of saying anything positive, despite all of the great things that this Administration has done. They don’t talk about the great economy, the big tax and regulation cuts, the rebuilding of the Military, “Choice” at our VA, our Vets, Judges and Supreme Court Justices, the Border Wall going up, lowest crime numbers, 2nd A, and so much more!


Great news that an activist investor is now involved with AT&T. As the owner of VERY LOW RATINGS @CNN, perhaps they will now put a stop to all of the Fake News emanating from its non-credible “anchors.” Also, I hear that, because of its bad ratings, it is losing a fortune. But most importantly, @CNN is bad for the USA. Their International Division spews bad information & Fake News all over the globe. This is why foreign leaders are always asking me, “Why does the Media hate the U.S. sooo much?” It is a fraudulent shame, & all comes from the top!


94% Approval Rating in the Republican Party, a record. Thank you!


House Republicans should allow Chairs of Committees to remain for longer than 6 years. It forces great people, and real leaders, to leave after serving. The Dems have unlimited terms. While that has its own problems, it is a better way to go. Fewer people, in the end, will leave!


When the former Governor of the Great State of South Carolina, @MarkSanford, was reported missing, only to then say he was away hiking on the Appalachian Trail, then was found in Argentina with his Flaming Dancer friend, it sounded like his political career was over. It was, but then he ran for Congress and won, only to lose his re-elect after I Tweeted my endorsement, on Election Day, for his opponent. But now take heart, he is back, and running for President of the United States. The Three Stooges, all badly failed candidates, will give it a go!

サウスカロライナ州Mark Sanford知事の政治遍歴。

North Carolina, vote for Dan Bishop tomorrow. We need him badly in Washington! His opponent is a far left Sanctuary Cities supporter.

ノースカロライナ州Dan Bishop候補に投票を!

Today, @POTUS @realDonaldTrump was informed that His Highness Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Amir of the State of Kuwait, must postpone his September 12 visit to the @WhiteHouse after being hospitalized.


The @POTUS wishes his friend, the Amir, a speedy recovery and looks forward to welcoming him back to Washington as soon as he is feeling better. The Amir is a well-respected leader and has been a tremendous partner of the United States in tackling challenges in the region.


I met with @NCemergency officials today to discuss @fema support as they assess damage and address needs in hard-hit communities after #Dorian. We will continue to support the state as they recover.


Navarro: Trump's economy is solid as a rock http://ow.ly/HnbC30puUjC @SundayFutures @FoxNews


2019-9-9 Maria & John understood the dishonesty & deception from the very beginning!


 When all of the people pushing so hard for Criminal Justice Reform were unable to come even close to getting it done, they came to me as a group and asked for my help. I got it done with a group of Senators & others who would never have gone for it. Obama couldn’t come close. A man named @VanJones68, and many others, were profusely grateful (at that time!). I SIGNED IT INTO LAW, no one else did, & Republicans deserve much credit.


 But now that it is passed, people that had virtually nothing to do with it are taking the praise. Guys like boring musician @johnlegend, and his filthy mouthed wife, are talking now about how great it is - but I didn’t see them around when we needed help getting it passed. “Anchor”@LesterHoltNBC doesn’t even bring up the subject of President Trump or the Republicans when talking about the importance or passage of Criminal Justice Reform. 


They only talk about the minor players, or people that had nothing to do with it. And the people that so desperately sought my help when everyone else had failed, all they talk about now is Impeaching President Trump!


“This is a momentous occasion for the arts." @FLOTUS, who is the Honorary Chair of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, delivered remarks at a dedication ceremony for REACH—the Kennedy Center's brand-new expansion!

AI John F. Kennedyセンターの名誉会長を務めるメラニア夫人が会場増設オープン式典であいさつした。

I look forward to visiting Alabama on Tuesday!



#Video of @IvankaTrump dancing with Paraguayan women, as her South American trip comes to an end today. #WGDP

Ariel Moutsatsosをリツイート:Ivanka Trumpが南米訪問の最終日にパラグアイの人たちとの交流でダンスに興じている映像。

Thank you @IvankaTrump for continuing to show America’s support for the people of Venezuela! We will not stop fighting until they have regained the #Libertad they deserve.

ペンス副大統領をリツイート:ベネズエラの国民に対するアメリカの変わらざる支援を明確に示してくれたIvanka Trumpに感謝。ベネズエラの国民に自由が戻るまでわれわれは闘いを止めない。

YESTERDAY: Ivanka Trump meets with the Paraguay Pres. Mario Abdo Benítez during her trip in South America.

THE HILLSをリツイート:Ivanka Trump がMario Abdo Benítezパラグアイ大統領と会見した。

“We stand with the people of Venezuela in their struggle to restore democracy, freedom and rule of law. It was deeply moving to meet female leaders of the Guaidó coalition as well as some of the women impacted most by the brutal Maduro dictatorship.” #WGDP

Jessica Dittoをリツイート:

Congratulations to @JudgeJeanine Pirro on having, again, the Number One Best Selling Book!

Jeanine Pirroキャスターの出版が再度ベストセラーになっているのを喜ぶ!

Looking forward to being in the North Carolina tomorrow night. We’re having a BIG RALLY for a great guy, Dan Bishop. Strong on Crime, Borders, your Military and our Vets, we need Dan Bishop in Washington badly. His opponent is WEAK on Crime, Borders, and against your 2nd A.

明日ノースカロライナ州でDan Bishop候補を支援する選挙集会を行う。ワシントンは候補を必要としている。



Leakin’ Lyin’ James Comey!



Unbeknownst to almost everyone, the major Taliban leaders and, separately, the President of Afghanistan, were going to secretly meet with me at Camp David on Sunday. They were coming to the United States tonight. Unfortunately, in order to build false leverage, they admitted to an attack in Kabul that killed one of our great great soldiers, and 11 other people. I immediately cancelled the meeting and called off peace negotiations. What kind of people would kill so many in order to seemingly strengthen their bargaining position? They didn’t, they only made it worse! If they cannot agree to a ceasefire during these very important peace talks, and would even kill 12 innocent people, then they probably don’t have the power to negotiate a meaningful agreement anyway. How many more decades are they willing to fight?


“News coverage of President Trump has been 92% negative. The most egregious and dangerous forms of this bias thrived this summer at media outlets like the Washington Post, which routinely masquerade opinion as news.” 

Nick Shortをリツイート:『トランプ大統領のニュースの92%は否定的内容である。この夏に見られた最も卑劣かつ危険な兆候で、ワシントンポストは個人の意見をニュースに仕立てて報道している』

Elizabeth Warren promises to declare war on American energy. "I will ban fracking—everywhere."

ブライトバートニュースをリツイート:Elizabeth Warren民主党候補は大統領に選ばれれば就任初日に『アメリカ全土でシェールガス抽出のための岩盤破砕を禁止する』とエネルギー戦争を宣言した。

Swedish behavioral scientist Magnus Söderlund has suggested that eating other people after they die could be a means of combatting climate change.

ブライトバートニュースをリツイート:スエーデンの科学者Magnus Söderlund女史が死者の人肉を食することが気候変動への対応に有効との見解を表明した。 

@realDonaldTrump retweeted our petition! Right now, our borders are being used as gateways for drug cartels & violent criminals. That's why JW fights illegal immigration in the courts. SIGN HERE: http://jwatch.us/pmCe4D

Judicial Watchをリツイート:大統領がわれわれの請願をリツイートした。アメリカ南部国境が麻薬カルテルと犯罪の通用門となっている。これを阻止すべく法廷で請願している。

The Failing New York Times stated, in an article written by Obama flunky Peter Baker (who lovingly wrote Obama book),”Even after the President forecast the storm to include Alabama.” THIS IS NOT TRUE. I said, VERY EARLY ON, that it MAY EVEN hit Alabama. A BIG DIFFERENCE. FAKE NEWS. I would like very much to stop referring to this ridiculous story, but the LameStream Media just won’t let it alone. They always have to have the last word, even though they know they are defrauding & deceiving the public. The public knows that the Media is corrupt!


Our Economy is doing great!!!!!


The United States stands without apology for a strong, prosperous, and free United Kingdom and we fully support their decision to leave the European Union. Thank you Prime Minister @BorisJohnson for a great visit! 

副大統領をリツイート:アメリカ合衆国は強力で繁栄し、自由な連合王国と行動を共にするに当たって全く躊躇していない。われわれは英国のEU離脱を全面的に支持する。Boris Johnson首相に感謝!

New from @BLS_gov- in August, the #unemployment rate remained at 3.7%, and has been under 4% for 18 consecutive months, the longest such streak since 1970!


Congress has an opportunity to replace NAFTA with a deal that protects American workers—and "would boost the fortunes of Americans laboring in multiple industries, especially manufacturing," Deena Flinchum writes.




Thank you Katie. The U.S. is doing great!


Russia and Ukraine just swapped large numbers of prisoners. Very good news, perhaps a first giant step to peace. Congratulations to both countries!


“In 22 years of patrolling our Southern Border, I have never seen Mexico act like a true Border Security Partner until President Trump got involved, and now they are stepping up to the plate and doing what they need to do.” Brandon Judd, National Border Patrol

以下はBrandon Judd国境警備隊員談:『過去22年間、メキシコ政府がトランプ大統領になるまでかくも国境警備を責任をもって対応しているのはかつてなかった。

The Washington Post’s @PhilipRucker (Mr. Off the Record) & @AshleyRParker, two nasty lightweight reporters, shouldn’t even be allowed on the grounds of the White House because their reporting is so DISGUSTING & FAKE. Also, add the appointment of MANY Federal Judges this Summer!


I want to congratulate @senatemajldr Mitch McConnell and all Republicans. Today I signed the 160th Federal Judge to the Bench. Within a short period of time we will be at over 200 Federal Judges, including many in the Appellate Courts & two great new U.S. Supreme Court Justices!

Mitch McConnell共和党上院院内総務を共和党上院議員各位に祝意を述べる。最高裁2名その他高裁を含め200名の連邦裁判所判事を再任した。

2019-9-7 Thank you to Bahamian Prime Minister Hubert Minnis for your very gracious and kind words in saying that without the help of the United States and me, their would have been many more casualties. I give all credit to FEMA, the U.S. Coast Guard, & the brave people of the Bahamas. I would also like to thank “Papa” Doug Manchester, hopefully the next Ambassador to the Bahamas, for the incredible amount of time, money and passion he has spent on helping to bring safety to the Bahamas. Much work to be done by the Bahamian Government. We will help! @OANN


China just enacted a major stimulus plan. With all the Tariffs THEY are paying to the USA, Billions and Billions of Dollars, they need it! In the meantime, our Federal Reserve sits back and does NOTHING!




The @USCG,@FEMA, and all others, along with other countries that have been helping, have been asked to move people in the badly hit sections of the Bahamas to other sections of the Bahamas that were not hit – and that are in good condition. Any cruise ship companies willing to act as stationary housing, etc., I am sure would be appreciated!


“The Washington Post’s Lost Summer”



“China is eating the Tariffs.” Billions pouring into USA. Targeted Patriot Farmers getting massive Dollars from the incoming Tariffs! Good Jobs Numbers, No Inflation(Fed). China having worst year in decades. Talks happening, good for all!


The Economy is great. The only thing adding to “uncertainty” is the Fake News!



Larry Kudlow on @Varneyco now!


Our great @JudgeJeanine has just written a book that will add to the tremendous success of her last number one best seller. It’s called, “Radicals, Resistance, and Revenge, The Left’s Plot To Remake America.” It is a FANTASTIC book. Go get it! @foxandfriends


Great interview of Sarah Sanders by @foxandfriends. She is a terrific person with a great future!


Congratulations to @edhenry and his sister on a great success. What a wonderful thing to do! 


I agree with @jimcramer, the Fed should lower rates. They were WAY too early to raise, and Way too late to cut - and big dose quantitative tightening didn’t exactly help either. Where did I find this guy Jerome? Oh well, you can’t win them all!

Jim Cramerが言う通りFEDは金利を引き下げるべきである。

DACA will be going before the Supreme Court. It is a document that even President Obama didn’t feel he had the legal right to sign - he signed it anyway! Rest assured that if the SC does what all say it must, based on the law, a bipartisan deal will be made to the benefit of all!


2019-9-6 The Immigration Law Institute’s Christopher Hajec says, “The Supreme Court has to look at whether DACA is lawful. What they are looking at now is whether Trump’s decision of DACA is lawful. Must consider lawfulness of DACA itself. Looks very odd that President Trump doesn’t have the discretion to end the program that President Obama began in his discretion. That program was unlawful to begin with. I think it’s very unlikely that the SCOTUS is going to issue an order reinstating what it believes is an unlawful program. DACA Is unlawful.” President Obama never had the legal right to sign DACA, and he indicated so at the time of signing. But In any event, how can he have the right to sign and I don’t have the right to “unsigned.” Totally illegal document which would actually give the President new powers.


“I think President Trump is set in his ways because he doesn’t see any weakening. I mean, look at the joblessness report today. What I’m surprised at is how strong the consumer is. I think the Chinese need it (a deal) more than we do. It’s statistical. I just think that our economy is very strong. If the Fed would lower rates to where the bond market says they should be, then I really wouldn’t worry about a recession.” @jimcramer @JoeSquawk

以下はJim Cramerの言:『雇用統計の強さもさることながら、私が驚いたのは消費支出が堅調なことである。米中貿易交渉再開を必要としているのはアメリカではなく中国である。統計が示している。債券市場が必要としている水準までFEDが金利を引き下げれば景気後退の心配は雲散霧消する』

.@JimCramer: Thursday’s positive economic data may get some commentators to ease up on the desire to endlessly call for a recession

以下はJim Cramerの言:9月5日(木)に出た雇用好調のデータは景気後退待望論の根拠を奪うものとなろう。

Looking forward to watching @SarahHuckabee Sanders tomorrow morning on @FoxandFriends, by far the #1 rated show on Morning Cable at 8:30am. Sarah will be an incredible addition to @FoxNews!





After almost 3 years in my Administration, Jason Greenblatt will be leaving to pursue work in the private sector. Jason has been a loyal and great friend and fantastic lawyer. His dedication to Israel and to seeking peace between Israel and the Palestinians won’t be forgotten. He will be missed. Thank you Jason!

Jason Greenblatt法律顧問が辞任する。イスラエルとパレスチナの和平問題への献身に深謝。惜しまれる!

Really Good Jobs Numbers!



2019-9-5 Bad “actress” Debra The Mess Messing is in hot water. She wants to create a “Blacklist” of Trump supporters, & is being accused of McCarthyism. Is also being accused of being a Racist because of the terrible things she said about blacks and mental illness. If Roseanne Barr said what she did, even being on a much higher rated show, she would have been thrown off television. Will Fake News NBC allow a McCarthy style Racist to continue? ABC fired Roseanne. Watch the double standard!

TVタレントの人種差別発言について、ABC TVは本人を解雇。NBC TVはどう処遇するか?


President Trump Border Update 500 Miles of Wall Complete by Close of 2020 Irregular Migration Reduced by 50%



The announcer couldn't even get through his speech without choking up for this sweet Army mom homecoming.


Thank you Terrence. Best Employment Numbers In History for African Americans!


“Absolutely nothing is more important than going back & getting to the bottom of the origins of the investigation. We had an administration using America’s Spying Apparatus to spy on a political opponent at the height of a presidential election. Those are all known, undisputed facts, and that should terrify every American regardless of their political stripe. 

以下はWashington TimesのCharlie Hurtの見解:捜査の原点に立ち返ることが何よりも大切である。アメリカでは、大統領選挙が最高潮に達した時点で、情報捜査当局に対立候補をスパイさせた政権があったということである。これは支持政党に関わりなくすべてのアメリカ市民に恐怖を与えた今更議論の余地のない周知の事実である。

The idea that all of that information hasn’t already been revealed shows how dastardly these people are, and how terrified they are about what’s going to happen when that information does come out.” Charlie Hurt, Washington Times @LouDobbs


This was the originally projected path of the Hurricane in its early stages. As you can see, almost all models predicted it to go through Florida also hitting Georgia and Alabama. I accept the Fake News apologies!


State Rep Greg Murphy is running for Congress in North Carolina, District 3. We really need Greg in Washington. He is great w/ the Military, our Vets, & your 2A. Strong on Crime and the Border, has had my Total Endorsement for a long time. Please vote for Greg on September 10th!

共和党ノースカロライナ州第3選挙区下院議員Greg Murphy候補をワシントンは必要としている。9月10日(火)に投票を!

The Great State of North Carolina has EARLY VOTING for a very important Congressional (Ninth) race. Please vote early (now), or on Election Day, September 10th, for Dan Bishop, a great guy. His opponent wants Open Borders, Sanctuary Cities & is weak on Crime, Military & Vets!

共和党ノースカロライナ州第9選挙区下院議員Dan Bishop候補に投票を!

8 FACTS that #FakeNewsCNN will ignore in tonight’s “Climate Forum”


1. Which country has the largest carbon emission reduction? AMERICA! 


2. Who has dumped the most carbon into the air? CHINA! 


3. 91% of the world’s population are exposed to air pollution above the World Health Organization’s suggested level. NONE ARE IN THE U.S.A.!


4. The U.S. now leads the world in energy production... BUT... 


5. Who's got the world's cleanest and safest air and water? AMERICA!


6. The Democrats’ destructive “environmental” proposals will raise your energy bill and prices at the pump. Don't the Democrats care about fighting American poverty?


7. The badly flawed Paris Climate Agreement protects the polluters, hurts Americans, and cost a fortune. NOT ON MY WATCH!


8. I want crystal clean water and the cleanest and the purest air on the planet – we’ve now got that!



2019-9-4  “The Chinese are very adept at not accepting anything. You’ve got to be very tough, and that’s what Trump is doing. It’s in China’s interest to correct, and I think we’ll end up with a solution that’s dramatically better than we have today. 

以下は投資ファンドのSam Zellオーナーの見解:『中国は狡猾にも全て拒否している。妥協してはならない。大統領を支持する。改革は中国にとってよいことである。交渉の結果は現状を劇的に改善することになる。

Frankly, I think the impact of what Trump is doing to China is not lost on the rest of the world. Europe has had among the most protectionist policies forever. They’re sitting there and saying, gee, are we next? Maybe you are! We’ve got to change the rules. The U.S. can’t defend the world and pay for it.


 We can’t have a system where we run our entire economy for the benefit of other countries, which have long charged us big tariffs. Don’t keep ducking the reality. The U.S. has been subject to Tariff Terrorism for 50 years. But a real deal can be done.” Sam Zell 



“U.S. Winning Trade War With China In Dollars.” CNBC



“To declassify is so important because if this were a Democrat President or a Democrat Candidate, that was spied on the way President Trump was spied on, this would be a scandal that would make Watergate look like nothing. Illegal spying on the President of the United States.” @charliekirk11 @trish_regan


“I am so tired of hearing the rationalization of the Left in the country because they hate Donald Trump. Inexplicably and without foundation, they choose to hate America. The Democrats have truly become the party of hate.” @LouDobbs

以下はLou Dobbsの発言:『トランプ大統領を嫌悪する左翼の言い分に飽き飽きだ。何の脈絡も何の根拠もなくアメリカ憎しの発言を繰り返している。民主党は今や憎しみの党と化した』

The truth is that we have a nation that is disgusted with the FBI. We have a crisis of confidence in the number one law enforcement agency in this country (thanks Comey!). @LouDobbs “It’s a scandal.” @AlanDersh

以下はLou Dobbsの発言:実のところこの国はFBIにうんざりしている。法と秩序を守る最前線のFBIの信頼が危殆に瀕している。Comey感謝すべきなのか。以下はAlan Dershの発言:まさにスキャンダルだ。

At the request of Senator Thom Tillis, I am getting the North Carolina Emergency Declaration completed and signed tonight. Hope you won’t need it!

Thom Tillis上院議員の要請を受けてノースカロライナ州の非常事態宣言にサインした。
The incompetent Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, was bothered that I played a very fast round of golf yesterday. Many Pols exercise for hours, or travel for weeks. Me, I run through one of my courses (very inexpensive). President Obama would fly to Hawaii. Kahn should focus on ”knife crime,” which is totally out of control in London. People are afraid to even walk the streets. He is a terrible mayor who should stay out of our business!
Based on the IG Report, the whole Witch Hunt against me and my administration was a giant and illegal SCAM. The House of Representatives should now get back to work on drug prices, healthcare, infrastructure and all else. The Mueller Report showed No Collusion, No Obstruction!
Germany, and so many other countries, have negative interest rates, “they get paid for loaning money,” and our Federal Reserve fails to act! Remember, these are also our weak currency competitors!
ドイツその他の諸国の金利はマイナスである。『借り手はローンを組んで利子を受け取っている』 FEDは逡巡している。通貨戦争の敗者なのだ!
For all of the “geniuses” out there, many who have been in other administrations and “taken to the cleaners” by China, that want me to get together with the EU and others to go after China Trade practices remember, the EU & all treat us VERY unfairly on Trade also. Will change!
2019-9-3 We are doing very well in our negotiations with China. While I am sure they would love to be dealing with a new administration so they could continue their practice of “ripoff USA”($600 B/year),16 months PLUS is a long time to be hemorrhaging jobs and companies on a long-shot. And then, think what happens to China when I win. Deal would get MUCH TOUGHER! In the meantime, China’s Supply Chain will crumble and businesses, jobs and money will be gone!
“Brazil will allow more American Ethanol to enter the country without Tariffs, a decision that Brazilian mills are celebrating. The seemingly counter-intuitive reaction stems from the tone of ongoing negotiations between the South American nation and the U.S. for a Trade Agreement.” @business @ChuckGrassley @joniernst @debfisher @BenSasse
Making great progress for our Farmers. Approved E-15, year round. Big additional list to be submitted and approved within two weeks. Will be even better for Ethanol, and we save our small refineries!
「ブラジルはアメリカ製のエタノールアルコール燃料を関税ゼロで輸入するであろう。ブラジルのエタノール精製工場は歓迎している。中南米諸国とアメリカとの貿易交渉の現状から反対の機運が生じると思われるが・・・」 Chuck Grassley他のビジネスレポートより。本件はアメリカの農家にとって大いなる前進である。エタノール燃料が年間を通した仕事になる。詳細な事業計画が向こう2週間以内に明らかになる。エタノールの前途は明るく、中小の精製業者を救済することが出来る!
Our great American workers are winning under President @realDonaldTrump ! 
#CoastInc: @VCFD responded to boat fire off the north side of Santa Cruz Island at approximately 3:28am. @USCG helping support rescue operations for people aboard a dive boat. #ChannelIslands @USCGLosAngeles @CountyVentura @SBCOUNTYFIRE
BREAKING NEWS: The Coast Guard has launched multiple rescue assets along with assets from local agencies to assist more than 30 people in distress on a 75ft boat near Santa Cruz Island. More details will be available later as this operation continues.
All Trump Haters and Lovers must watch. Thank you Steve Hilton!
The LameStream Media has gone totally CRAZY! They write whatever they want, seldom have sources (even though they say they do), never do “fact checking” anymore, and are only looking for the “kill.” They take good news and make it bad. They are now beyond Fake, they are Corrupt. The good news is that we are winning. Our real opponent is not the Democrats, or the dwindling number of Republicans that lost their way and got left behind, our primary opponent is the Fake News Media. In the history of our Country, they have never been so bad!
The Amazon Washington Post did a story that I brought racist attacks against the “Squad.” No, they brought racist attacks against our Nation. All I do is call them out for the horrible things they have said. The Democrats have become the Party of the Squad!
“The last three years of Trump policy have finally brought real hope and real change. Unemployment this year hit a 50 year low. With President Trump we’ve seen the lowest EVER African American and Hispanic unemployment. The booming Trump Economy has pushed up workers wages Average hourly wages growth has far outpaced what we saw with President Obama. Across all industries, from mining and construction, to leisure & hospitality, With President Trump we see income growth in states like Iowa, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, Florida swing states that went to Trump in 2016 because he promised not to forget about them like the establishment had done for decades, and their trust in President Trump, paid off as they saw their incomes rise...And it’s the lowest paid workers who have gained the most with Trump Economics. With President Trump, Tariffs are bringing companies back to the USA like he said they would! 
Steve Hiltonxによるトランプ大統領の雇用政策の評価。アフリカ系アメリカ人、スペイン語系アメリカ人の失業率の低下と賃金の上昇を指摘。
“They are liars, and in my opinion, TRAITORS!” @LouDobbs talking about Comey and his dwindling group of friends.
Just watched AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka on @FoxNews and thought to myself how different he is on TV than he is when he is with me at the White House. Likes what we are doing until the cameras go on. We got robbed on Trade and everything else while his Dems just sat back and watched. NAFTA is the worst Trade Deal ever made - terrible for labor - and Richard let it stand. No wonder unions are losing so much. The workers will vote for me in 2020 (lowest unemployment, most jobs ever), and should stop paying exorbitant $Dues, not worth it!
AFL-CIO労働組合Richard Trumka委員長のTVを見た。カメラが回りはじめたら、ホワイトハウスで話していたことと全く違うことを話し出した。民主党議員が後ろに控えていた、民主党が支持したNAFTAはアメリカの労働者の職を奪うだけの最悪の貿易協定であった。労働組合は2020年の大統領選挙で私に投票するであろう。組合費は役に立っていない!
Since my election, many trillions of dollars of worth has been created for our Country, and the Stock Market is up over 50%. If you followed the advice of the Failing New York Times columnist, Paul Krugman, you’d be doing VERY poorly - you’d be angry and hurt. He never got it!
前回の選挙以降株価は50%上昇し、富が生み出された。ニューヨークタイムスのコラムニストPaul Krugmanの助言に従った人は成果が出ず、損失を被り、怒っているだろう。
2019-9-2 “When you put everything together, the pro growth Tax & Regulation Cuts, help to retrain workers, the Tariffs which encourage manufacturers to come back to America, along with President Trumps tough approach on immigration (strong stance on illegals, promoting Merit Based), it adds up to the most ambitious Pro-Worker policy agenda this Country has ever seen. The President promised Jobs, Jobs, Jobs, and that is exactly what he is delivering.” @SteveHiltonx @NextRevFNC @FoxNews
“We hold that legislative prayer is government speech not open to attack via those channels.” Third Circuit, Court of Appeals. “Lou, that’s why this next Election is so important, the soul of America. They want to take religion out of American lives. Thank God for judges like this (Judge Thomas Ambro, Majotity Opinion), and thank God for a President like Donald J. Trump, who will appoint judges like this. He will soon have appointed 180 new Federal Judges, not even including two great new Supreme Court Justices.” @robertjeffress @LouDobbs
Great job by Texas Law Enforcement and First Responders in handling the terrible shooting tragedy yesterday. Thank you also to the FBI, @GregAbbott_TX and all others. A very tough and sad situation!
Just briefed by Attorney General Barr about the shootings in Texas. FBI and Law Enforcement is fully engaged. More to follow.
“The vindication belongs to the President for firing James Comey. It was clearly the right thing to do. You don’t want an FBI Director with Jim Comey’s ethics.” Jason Riley, Wall Street Journal
以下はウオールストリートジャーナルのJason Rileyの発言:『James Comey解雇についての大統領発言は大統領の職権で、妥当である。FBI長官の倫理観のような人物が長官では困るのだ』
Enjoy the low gas prices over the Labor Day weekend! My energy policies have made America energy independent while keeping prices low, just like a Tax Cut. The Democrats “green” policies will raise your price of gas!
Being scolded by failed former “Intelligence” officials, like James Clapper, on my condolences to Iran on their failed Rocket launch. Sadly for the United States, guys like him, Comey, and the even dumber John Brennan, don’t have a clue. They really set our Country back, but now we are moving forward like never before. We are winning again, and we are respected again!
オバマ政権時代の情報関係者James Clapper、Comey、John Brennanに対する非難。
Just watched Congresswoman Debbie Dingell, and many other Democrats, wanting to give up on our very successful Trade battle with China, which has had its worst Economic year in memory (and getting worse). We are taking in $Billions. Will be big for Farmers and ALL!
Debbie Dingell他民主党女性議員他多数の議員による対中国貿易戦争中止要請のTVを見た。中国経済は難局に直面している。アメリカは多額の関税収入を得ている。農家に朗報である。
Has anyone noticed that the top shows on @foxnews and cable ratings are those that are Fair (or great) to your favorite President, me! Congratulations to @seanhannity for being the number one show on Cable Television!
ケーブルテレビの視聴率で大統領を支持しているSean Hannityショウがナンバーワンである!
Dan will be GREAT!
Looking like our great South Carolina could get hit MUCH harder than first thought. Georgia and North Carolina also. It’s moving around and very hard to predict, except that it is one of the biggest and strongest (and really wide) that we have seen in decades. Be safe!
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, which is happening, and then, KEEP AMERICA GREAT! 
I was right about Comey, CROOKED COP! 
The Great State of North Carolina has EARLY VOTING for a very important Congressional (Ninth) race. Please vote early (now), or on Election Day, September 10th, for Dan Bishop, a great guy. His opponent wants Open Borders, Sanctuary Cities & is weak on Crime, Military & Vets!
While Madeleine Westerhout has a fully enforceable confidentiality agreement, she is a very good person and I don’t think there would ever be reason to use it. She called me yesterday to apologize, had a bad night. I fully understood and forgave her! I love Tiffany, doing great! Yes, I am currently suing various people for violating their confidentiality agreements. Disgusting and foul mouthed Omarosa is one. I gave her every break, despite the fact that she was despised by everyone, and she went for some cheap money from a book. Numerous others also!
Highlights from today’s @HINOTRUCKSUSA visit. Although #WV has a vibrant automotive industrial cluster, this facility is the largest automotive assembly plant in the state & is important for demonstrating WV’s capacity to support a facility of this scale.
Fact: Thanks to pro-growth policies of this Administration, Americans are earning more. Since the passage of Tax Cuts, real disposable personal income per household has increased $5,205 and the lowest wage earners have seen the fastest nominal wage growth (8.9%)!
Ivanka Trumpをリツイート:減税によって1世帯当たり実質可処分所得が5,205ドル増加し、最低勤労者所得階層の名目賃金上昇率は+8.9%と最大である。
“The IG found that James Comey leaked Classified Documents to his attorneys, which can be (is) a violation of the Espionage Act. This is consistent with all the lies that Comey has been spreading. @GreggJarrett @ByronYork @LouDobbs
『検事総長によると、James Comey元FBI長官は機密指定された情報を弁護士にリークしていた。機密保護法違反である。このことはComeyがばらまいた嘘と符合する。
Cory is doing a Great job for Colorado!
2019-9-1 Today I saw firsthand the critical and innovative research and ground tests for the international space community being done right here in #Ohio at NASA’s facilities in #Cleveland and #Sandusky.
Rob Portmanをリツイート:宇宙開発に取り組む国際チームの活動の見学報告。
As I travel around the state, a lot of people ask about securing the US-Mexico border & what Congress can do to fix the broken immigration process. Last month, I visited the US-Mexico border with @SenJoniErnst & @SenBillCassidy to see firsthand what needs to be done.
James Lankfordをリツイート:国境視察報告。
Nobody knows more about Healthcare than John. Great guy!
An amazing guy, respected by all!
Nobody works harder or smarter than Joni!
One of the greats!
Great job Thom!
8-31 Thank you Kevin. Great things are happening at the Border!