2019年4 月上旬(全訳)

No Collusion - No Obstruction!


4-16    A must read, Andy McCarthy’s column today, “Dirty dealings of dirt devils who concocted Trump-Russia probe.” The greatest Scam in political history. If the Mainstream Media were honest, which they are not, this story would be bigger and more important than Watergate. Someday!

以下の本日のAndy McCarthyのコラムは必読:『トランプロシア疑惑をでっち上げた腐敗した悪魔による腐敗した活動』。政治史上最大の虚構。主流メディアが社会の木鐸の役割を果たしていたならば、今回の一連の騒動はウオーターゲート事件をはるかに上回る後世に残る重要事件となったであろう!

God bless the people of France!


The forgotten voters of the 2016 Election are now doing great. The Steel Industry is rebuilding and expanding at a pace that it hasn’t seen in decades. Our Country has one of the best Economies in many years, perhaps ever. Unemployment numbers best in 51 years. Wow!


So horrible to watch the massive fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. Perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out. Must act quickly!


Spoke to @TigerWoods to congratulate him on the great victory he had in yesterday’s @TheMasters, & to inform him that because of his incredible Success & Comeback in Sports (Golf) and, more importantly, LIFE, I will be presenting him with the PRESIDENTIAL MEDAL OF FREEDOM!


Heading to the Great State of Minnesota!


The Mueller Report, which was written by 18 Angry Democrats who also happen to be Trump Haters (and Clinton Supporters), should have focused on the people who SPIED on my 2016 Campaign, and others who fabricated the whole Russia Hoax. That is, never forget, the crime. Since there was no Collusion, why was there an Investigation in the first place! Answer - Dirty Cops, Dems and Crooked Hillary!


Those Illegal Immigrants who can no longer be legally held (Congress must fix the laws and loopholes) will be, subject to Homeland Security, given to Sanctuary Cities and States!


Mark Morgan, President Obama’s Border Patrol Chief, gave the following message to me: “President Trump, stay the course.” I agree, and believe it or not, we are making great progress with a system that has been broken for many years!

オバマ政権で国境警備隊隊長を務めたMark Morgan氏は私に次のようなメッセージを送ってきた。『大統領は方針を堅持されたい』 その通りだ。信じようと信じまいと自由だが、われわれは長年に亘って機能していなかった制度を大いに進歩させた!

I finally agree with @Cher!


Cherを引用:I Understand Helping struggling immigrants, but MY CITY(Los Angels) ISNT TAKING CARE OF ITS OWN. WHAT ABOUT THE 50,000+US Citizens WHO LIVE ON THE STREETS. PPL WHO LIVE BELOW POVERTY LINE, & HUNGRY? If My State Can’t Take Care of Its Own(Many Are VETS) How Can it Take Care Of More(苦労している移民を助けるのはよくわかるが、私が住んでいるロサンゼルス市は市民をほったらかしにしている。路上生活をしている5万人を超えるアメリカの市民が問題なのに。貧困ライン以下の生活で空腹を抱えている人をどうすべきなのか?カリフォルニア州が州の住民(その多くは退役軍人なのだが)の面倒を見られないのならどうして移民の面倒がみられるというのか)

The Radical Left Democrats will never be satisfied with anything we give them. They will always Resist and Obstruct!


THEY SPIED ON MY CAMPAIGN (We will never forget)!


Before Nancy, who has lost all control of Congress and is getting nothing done, decides to defend her leader, Rep. Omar, she should look at the anti-Semitic, anti-Israel and ungrateful U.S. HATE statements Omar has made. She is out of control, except for her control of Nancy!


Congress should come back to D.C. now and FIX THE IMMIGRATION LAWS


Mueller, and the A.G. based on Mueller findings (and great intelligence), have already ruled No Collusion, No Obstruction. These were crimes committed by Crooked Hillary, the DNC, Dirty Cops and others! INVESTIGATE THE INVESTIGATORS!



What do I know about branding, maybe nothing (but I did become President!), but if I were Boeing, I would FIX the Boeing 737 MAX, add some additional great features, & REBRAND the plane with a new name. No product has suffered like this one. But again, what the hell do I know?

.@SteveHiltonx “This is President Trump trying to deliver on his promises while the bureaucratic machine fights his agenda. He needs populist allies. These changes are not chaos, but rather progress. All this is President Trump at his absolute best.” Thank you Steve!

以下は(英国のコメンテーター)Steve Hiltonxの発言:『これがトランプ大統領の公約の内容なのだが、行政機構が抵抗している。大統領はポピュリストグループの支援を必要としている。このような現実は混乱というに値しない。むしろ進歩だ。大統領はベストを尽くしているのだ』 ありがとう!

4-15   Such a “puff piece” on Nancy Pelosi by @60minutes, yet her leadership has passed no meaningful Legislation. All they do is Investigate, as it turns out, crimes that they instigated & committed. The Mueller No Collusion decision wasn’t even discussed-and she was a disaster at W.H.


Congratulations to @TigerWoods., a truly Great Champion!





If the Fed had done its job properly, which it has not, the Stock Market would have been up 5000 to 10,000 additional points, and GDP would have been well over 4% instead of 3%...with almost no inflation. Quantitative tightening was a killer, should have done the exact opposite!


Just out: The USA has the absolute legal right to have apprehended illegal immigrants transferred to Sanctuary Cities. We hereby demand that they be taken care of at the highest level, especially by the State of California, which is well known or its poor management & high taxes!


No law that kicks 180 million Americans off their plans is acceptable. While Democrats abandon Obamacare for more socialism, President Trump is working on real solutions to provide Americans with the options, affordability, and quality care they deserve.


Democrats must change the Immigration Laws FAST. If not, Sanctuary Cities must immediately ACT to take care of the Illegal Immigrants - and this includes Gang Members, Drug Dealers, Human Traffickers, and Criminals of all shapes, sizes and kinds. CHANGE THE LAWS NOW!


4-14    I never offered Pardons to Homeland Security Officials, never ordered anyone to close our Southern Border (although I have the absolute right to do so, and may if Mexico does not apprehend the illegals coming to our Border), and am not “frustrated.” It is all Fake & Corrupt News! So interesting to see the Mayor of Oakland and other Sanctuary Cities NOT WANT our currently “detained immigrants” after release due to the ridiculous court ordered 20 day rule. If they don’t want to serve our Nation by taking care of them, why should other cities & towns?


The New York Times Sanctuary Cities/Immigration story today was knowingly wrong on almost every fact. They never call to check for truth. Their sources often don’t even exist, a fraud. They will lie & cheat anyway possible to make me look bad. In 6 years they will be gone. When I won the Election in 2016, the @nytimes had to beg their fleeing subscribers for forgiveness in that they covered the Election (and me) so badly. They didn’t have a clue, it was pathetic. They even apologized to me. But now they are even worse, really corrupt reporting!



As we reflect on the momentous result, and the months of reporting and polling that preceded it, we aim to rededicate ourselves to the fundamental mission of Times journalism. That is to report America and the world honestly, without fear or favor, striving always to understand and reflect all political perspectives and life experiences in the stories that we bring to you. It is also to hold power to account, impartially and unflinchingly. You can rely on The New York Times to bring the same fairness, the same level of scrutiny, the same independence to our coverage of the new president and his team. 


Great playing by @TigerWoods (at the) @TheMasters. Tomorrow will be a big and exciting day for golf and for sports. Many fantastic players in the hunt. Ratings Gold - Good luck to all!


Why should Radical Left Democrats in Congress have a right to retry and examine the $35,000,000 (two years in the making) No Collusion Mueller Report, when the crime committed was by Crooked Hillary, the DNC and Dirty Cops? Attorney General Barr will make the decision!


I agree with Kim Jong Un of North Korea that our personal relationship remains very good, perhaps the term excellent would be even more accurate, and that a third Summit would be good in that we fully understand where we each stand. North Korea has tremendous potential for extraordinary growth, economic success and riches under the leadership of Chairman Kim. I look forward to the day, which could be soon, when Nuclear Weapons and Sanctions can be removed, and then watching North Korea become one of the most successful nations of the World!


In New York State, Democrats blocked a Bill expanding College Tuition for Gold Star families after approving aid for illegal immigrants. No wonder so many people are leaving N.Y. Very Sad!


Another Fake Story on @NBCNews that I offered Pardons to Homeland Securiy personnel in case they broke the law regarding illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. Of course this is not true. Mainstream Media is corrupt and getting worse, if that is possible, every day!

NBC TVがまた偽ニュースを流した。不法移民と聖域都市に関する法規違反を犯した国土安全保障省職員に私が恩赦を与えたと言うのである。嘘に決まっている。主要メディアは腐敗しており、腐敗の度を加えている。虚報は毎日のことである!

A Fake Story by Politico. Made up sources. Thank you Mount Vernon!

Politicoが勝手に作り上げた情報源による偽ニュースを流した。Mount Vernonに感謝!

Mat Vestaを引用:BUSTED: Mount Vernon Debunks Politico's Fake News Story About Trump's Visit To Washington's Estate(ワシントン大統領の旧宅をトランプ大領が訪問したというPoliticoの偽ニュースを当事者が否定した。)

How is this woman walking the halls of Congress. How.

Erielle Davidsonをリツイート:Ilhan Omarという(初のソマリア出身の民主党下院議員になった)この女性は議会のホールをどのようにして通り抜けてきたのか。

以下にFor Americaの発言を引用:What kind of sick monster would find comedy in the words Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah and compare those two terrorist organizations to America and the U.S. Army? Rep. Ilhan Omar. That’s who.(病気にかかったお化けはアルカイダあるいはヒズボラという言葉の中にどのようなコメディーを読み取るだろうか。この2つのテロリスト集団をアメリカとアメリカの軍隊と読み替えて見たらどうでしょうか?とOmar下院議員の言。Omar下院議員はなにものなのだ?)

With the exception of FISA warrants, the use of human intelligence assets, the use of national security letters, & the unprecedented abuse of the unmasking process, the liberal media is absolutely correct, there’s “no evidence” for Obama administration spying. Thx guys, great job

Dan Bonginoをリツイート:

Finally, great news at the Border! https://twitter.com/axios/status/1116872379324612608 …


Thank you Jeh, so well stated!


オバマ政権下で国土安全保障省長官を務めたJeh JohnsonのFOXニュースの映像をホワイトハウスが掲出:"This is a crisis by any measure."(『どの観点から見ても国境は危機に陥っている』)

4-13   If the Radical Left Democrats all of a sudden don’t want the Illegal Migrants in their Sanctuary Cities (no more open arms), why should others be expected to take them into their communities? Go home and come into our Country legally and through a system of Merit!





(3月27日開催の法秩序の強化促進を掲げる回教徒団体の第4回Annual Valley Banquetでの43秒のニューヨークワールドトレードセンターへのテロの映像に『誰かがこんなことをやった』と語る回教徒と思われる女性のシュートメッセージ)

WSJ's Strassel: Barr 'Right' to Say 'Spying' Occurred on Trump Campaign | Breitbart http://bit.ly/2VHDlKn  via @BreitbartNews


.@CLewandowski_ says he is POSITIVE orders to spy on the #Trump campaign during 2016 came from the HIGHEST levels – perhaps even from Former President #Obama himself, watch:

FOXニュースのTrish Reganをリツイート:(トランプ選対に参加していた)Corey LewandowskyがFOXニュースに語ったところによると『トランプ選対をスパイせよという命令は民主党の最高レベルから発せられていた。オバマ大統領本人から発せられたとの可能性を排除できないと考えている』

Due to the fact that Democrats are unwilling to change our very dangerous immigration laws, we are indeed, as reported, giving strong considerations to placing Illegal Immigrants in Sanctuary Cities only The Radical Left always seems to have an Open Borders, Open Arms policy – so this should make them very happy!


Even the Democrats now say that our Southern Border is a Crisis and a National Emergency. Hopefully, we will not be getting any more BAD (outrageous) court decisions!


“Democrats don’t like the results of the Mueller Report, so now they’re trying everything else.” @RepDougCollins They should stop wasting time and money and get back to real legislating, especially on the Border!

ジョージア州選出Doug Collins共和党下院議員の言:『民主党はMueller報告の結論を忌避している。何か別のネタを求めている』 民主党は時間とお金の無駄遣いを止め、正常な職務、とくに国境問題に取り組むべきである。

President Obama’s top White House lawyer, Gregory B. Craig, was indicted yesterday on very serious charges. This is a really big story, but the Fake News New York Times didn’t even put it on page one, rather page 16. @washingtonpost not much better, “tiny” page one. Corrupt News!

オバマ大統領のホワイトハウスの最高位の弁護士Gregory B. Craigが重要な事案で起訴された。重大事件なのだが、偽メディアのニューヨークタイムスはトップニュースとして1面で報道せず、16面で報道した。ワシントンポストはまだ少しはよい方で、小さく1ページで報道した。腐敗している証拠だ!

脚注〕ウイキペディアより:In early April 2019, Craig's lawyers correctly anticipated he would be indicted for concealing and falsifying material facts related to the 2017 Mueller special prosecution into FARA violations, he was indicted on April 11, 2019.(2019年4月、Craigの弁護士は、2017年のMueller特別報告の外国機関登録法違反に関する事実隠蔽と改竄に関し起訴されるであろうと正確に予見していたところ、11日に起訴された。)

“I don’t need to know any more. We’re done, absolutely done, he (Mueller) tried the case. There’s NO COLLUSION.” @LindseyGrahamSC @foxandfriends No matter what we do or give to the Radical Left, it will never be enough!


以下はFOXニュースのLindsey Grahamの言:『私はこれ以上知る必要がない。われわれはやるだけのことはやった。Muellerは本件を裁定した』 われわれがどれだけやっても、また、急進左翼にどれだけ情報を与えてもこれで十分とはならないのだ!



President Trump continues to tally up wins for our country as Americans just saw the best income gains in over 50 years. Listen to today’s #BFT Minute to find out more. https://buff.ly/2KHGBQQ 

Chuck Wooleryをリツイート:トランプ大統領は50年間の最高の所得増加を実現し、勝ち点を稼いでいる。BFT放送を見てもらいたい。

4-12    ‏Every CNN Presidential Town Hall Finished Behind MSNBC And Fox News In Ratings

The Daily Callerをリツイート:民主党の選挙集会を中継したCNNの視聴率はNBCとFOXニュースの視聴率を下回っている。

Rod Rosenstein Defends Attorney General’s Handling Of Mueller Report

The Daily Callerをリツイート:司法省Rod Rosenstein副長官は司法長官代行のMueller報告の取扱いを擁護している。

“And the Radical Dems reeling in disarray as the President continues to Win, Win and Win again! The Left is PRETENDING to be shocked by A.G. William Barr’s testimony before Congress in which he said SPYING did occur on the Trump 2016 Campaign.” @LouDobbs @FoxNews

以下はFOXニュースLou Dobbsの見解:『大統領が連戦連勝する中、急進民主党議員は混乱状態に陥っている。急進左派はBurr司法長官代行が議会で2016年にトランプ選対に対してスパイ行為が行われたと証言したことにショックを受けたように振舞っている』

Wow. @tedlieu got a well deserved ass kicking. Shame on you Ted.

Arthur Schwartzをリツイート:カリフォルニア州選出民主党Ted Lieu下院議員が議会で攻撃されている。恥を知るべきだ。

House Democrats want to negotiate a $2 TRILLION spending increase but can’t even pass their own plan. We can’t afford it anyway, and it’s not happening!


Beautiful afternoon in the Oval Office today with a few great American HEROES!


"Biggest scandal of our time - the coup that failed!" @MariaBartiromo

以下はMaria Bartiromoの見解:『現代最大のスキャンダル、それは(オバマ政権下のFBI、CIAによるトランプ)政権転覆が失敗したことだ』



Great new ・

Beautiful afternoon in the Oval Office today with a few great American HEROES!


"Biggest scandal of our time - the coup that failed!" @MariaBartiromo

 以下はMaria Bartiromoの見解:『現代最大のスキャンダル、それは(オバマ政権下のFBI、CIAによるトランプ)政権転覆が失敗したことだ』

Great news! #MAGA


 FOXニュースのLou Dobbsの画像を掲出:トランプの支持率は急上昇し55%。経済政策の支持率は58%。

Too bad that the European Union is being so tough on the United Kingdom and Brexit. The E.U. is likewise a brutal trading partner with the United States, which will change. Sometimes in life you have to let people breathe before it all comes back to bite you!


I think what the Democrats are doing with the Border is TREASONOUS. Their Open Border mindset is putting our Country at risk. Will not let this happen!


Today, @CBP Commissioner Kevin McAleenan was sworn-in to lead DHS as the Acting Secretary. The ceremony took place at the new DHS Headquarters at St. Elizabeth’s.

本日CBPのKevin McAleenanコミッショナーは国家安全保障省長官代行として宣誓を行い、就任した。儀式はSt. Elizabethの国家安全保障省本部で行われた。

4-11   CONGRATULATIONS to @EricTrump and @LaraLeaTrump on the great news. So proud!

 Eric TrumpとLaura Lea Trumpの朗報を祝す。大いなる誇りである!

THANK YOU Texas, I love you!


Join me in Crosby, Texas as I deliver remarks and sign Executive Orders on Energy and Infrastructure!


So, it has now been determined, by 18 people that truly hate President Trump, that there was No Collusion with Russia. In fact, it was an illegal investigation that should never have been allowed to start. I fought back hard against this Phony & Treasonous Hoax!


Spoke to Bibi @Netanyahu to congratulate him on a great and hard-fought win. The United States is with him and the People of Israel all the way!

Bibi Natanyahuイスラエル首相に難局を打開した偉大なる勝利た祝意を伝えた。アメリカ合衆国は今後も首相とイスラエル国民とともにある!

Trump flags being waived at the Bibi @Netanyahu VICTORY celebration last night!


Judicial Watch President @TomFitton discussed the Trump coup in his Weekly Update: It was all based on this fraudulent dossier created by the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign, secretly of course. It was known that the dossier had no credibility.

Judicial Watchをリツイート:Tom Fitton社長がトランプの逆襲について週間レポートで議論を展開している。トランプの逆襲は極秘で行われた民主党全国委員会とクリントン選対によって作成された詐欺情報を土台としている。この詐欺報告は信用すべき根拠を全く持たないことが周知の事実となっている。

BREAKING: JW announced today that it uncovered 422 pages of FBI documents showing evidence of “cover up” discussions related to the Clinton email system within Platte River Networks, one of the vendors who managed the Clinton email system. (1/3).

4月8日のJudicial Watchをリツイート:Judicial Watchは本日、422ページのFBI報告を公開した。この報告書には、クリントンの電子メールシステムの管理に当たっていた業者の1つであるPlatte River Networks社内部の隠蔽工作が含まれている。

Everybody is now acknowledging that, right from the time I announced my run for President, I was 100% correct on the Border. Remember the heat I took? Democrats should now get rid of the loopholes. The Border is being fixed. Mexico will not let people through!


@POTUS @realDonaldTrump has "delivered on his promises...He has a background in delivering economically. He's promised to do certain things. He did them." @HeyTammyBruce @IWV joined @marthamaccallum to weigh in on Bernie Sanders vs. Trump #Election2020. #IWpol #economy

FOX ニュースの7分23秒の映像:2020年大統領選挙を前にしたトランプ大統領とBernieサンダースとの対比。『トランプは公約を実現した。トランプは経済問題に対処する資質を備えていた。トランプは具体的問題を提起し、実行した』

Trump Job Approval Jumps to 53% - Seven Points Higher Than Obama


The Democrats must end the loopholes on immigration. So easy to solve!

Tammy Bruceをリツイート:民主党は不法移民の抜け穴を終わらせねばならない。問題は簡単だ!

4-10    “The underlying issue remains the same without a single American being indicted for Collusion with Russia, & that is a stunning end considering we were led to believe (Fake News) that something much more dramatic would happen. Why did people fall for this?” @TuckerCarlson Molly H

以下はTucker Carlsonの番組に出たMolly Hの見解:『誰にでも起こり得る問題だが、ロシア疑惑で起訴される可能性がある。そして、偽ニュースによって起訴理由ともっとドラマティックなことが起こると信じ込まされることだ。何故、人々はこの落とし穴にはめられるのか?』




Check this out - TRUTH!


Today, it was my great honor to welcome President @AlsisiOfficial of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the @WhiteHouse!


“She (Congresswoman Omar) keeps on assaulting Jews...” Jeff Ballabon, B2 Strategic, CEO

以下はB2 Strategic社CEOのJef Ballabonの見解:『コングレスウーマンのOmar下院議員はユダヤ人への暴行を続けている』


“What’s completely unacceptable is for Congesswoman Omar to target Jews, in this case Stephen Miller.” Jeff Ballabon, B2 Strategic, CEO. @Varneyco

以下はB2 Strategic社CEOのJef Ballabonの見解:『ミネソタ州選出Iihan Adullahi Omar民主党下院議員が今回は大統領上級顧問のStephen Millerを槍玉に挙げてユダヤ人攻撃をしているのは全く許せないことである』

On National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day, we honor the Americans captured and imprisoned by foreign powers while carrying out their duties to defend this great Nation...


The Mainstream Media has never been more inaccurate or corrupt than it is today. It only seems to get worse. So much Fake News!


Congressman Jerry Nadler fought me for years on a very large development I built on the West Side of Manhattan. He wanted a Rail Yard built underneath the development or even better, to stop the job. He didn’t get either & the development became VERY successful. Nevertheless, I got along very well with Jerry during the zoning and building process. Then I changed course (slightly), became President, and now I am dealing with Congressman Nadler again. Some things never end, but hopefully it will all go well for everyone. Only time will tell!

ニューヨーク州選出Jerry Nadler民主党下院議員は長年に亘って私がマンハッタンのウエストサイドで手がけた大規模開発事業をめぐって私と対立して来た。本人は事業の地下に車両基地の設置を主張し、不可能な場合は事業の中止を要求したが、いずれも実現出来ず、事業は成功裏に完成した。にもかかわらず、私は本人と事業の区分と事業の段取りについてうまく協力した。その後私は進路を(多少)変更して大統領になった。今回、再び、議員としての本人と対峙している。ある点については決着はつかないが、望むらくは双方にとって納得がいくところに落ち着くのを願っている。時が結果を示すであろう!

The World Trade Organization finds that the European Union subsidies to Airbus has adversely impacted the United States, which will now put Tariffs on $11 Billion of EU products! The EU has taken advantage of the U.S. on trade for many years. It will soon stop!


Our economy is on fire. Jobs are up, unemployment is at record lows, and wages are still rising. But Democrats would rather lie about @realDonaldTrump than acknowledge all of his economic successes.


The newly constructed 30-foot wall in Calexico, CA, replaces a barrier made of surplus corrugated steel landing mats from the Vietnam War—and border officials tell President @realDonaldTrump it's making a crucial difference. 1600 Daily: http://45.wh.gov/5yKBD8 


Congratulations to Virginia - Great game!


BIGGER paychecks under President @realDonaldTrump!  

Official Team Trumpをリツイート:トランプ政権下の賃金上昇率が高まっている。

以下にCharles V Paynesを引用:John Harwood knows better. Creating 190,000 jobs at this stage of the economic cycle is mind boggling, something else the experts said was impossible. Moreover, wages are soaring after being mediocre for a decade. More important this #sharedprosperity cause by lower taxes.(ジャーナリストのJohn Harwoodが事情に精通しているのだが、現在の景気局面で月間19万件もの新規雇用が生まれている事実は驚嘆すべきで、専門家はあり得ないとする状態とは異なった次元でものごとが動いている。十年に及ぶ平凡な動きの後に賃金の急上昇が生まれている。一層重要な事実は減税によって繁栄の分かち合いという好循環が生まれていると言うことである。)

4-9    A 9th Circuit Judge just ruled that Mexico is too dangerous for migrants. So unfair to the U.S. OUT OF CONTROL!



Laura Ingrahamを引用:Tyranny of judiciary as another Obama appointee in San Francisco stymies ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩: Judge blocks Trump's asylum policy but delays enforcement(オバマ政権によって任命されたサンフランシスコ上級裁判所判事による司法の横暴がトランプ政権を妨害している。判事がトランプ大統領の不法入国者の収容政策を妨害し、強制執行を遅延させている。)

Congratulations to the Baylor Lady Bears on their amazing win last night against Notre Dame to become the 2019 NCAA Women’s Basketball National Champions!

昨夜ノートルダムに勝利し、2019年女子バスケットボールチャンピオンに輝いたBaylor Lady Bearsを祝す!

The Democrats will never be satisfied, no matter what they get, how much they get, or how many pages they get. It will never end, but that’s the way life goes!


Uganda must find the kidnappers of the American Tourist and guide before people will feel safe in going there. Bring them to justice openly and quickly!


Rep. @Jim_Jordan on President Trump's tax returns: "There's no law that says they have to be public." Watch full #Newsmakers interview tonight at 10pm ET on C-SPAN https://cs.pn/2WN7Dvw 

CSPANを引用:オハイオ州選出Jim Jordan共和党下院議員のトランプ大統領の納税申告についての発言:『納税申告書を公開せねばならないという法規はない』 本日東部時間午後10時のNewsmakersを視聴されたい。参照:https://cs.pn/2WN7Dvw 

Dems want President’s tax returns for purely political purposes! Frightening, but shouldn’t surprise us—same folks used the IRS to target Americans for their political beliefs!

Jim Jordanをリツイート:民主党が大統領の納税申告書の公開を求めているのは政争の具にするためだけである!人騒がせなだけで驚くに当たらない。国税当局を使って特定のアメリカ市民を標的にするのは民主党の常套手段である!

Dem talk: -Abolish ICE -Borderless hemisphere -Walls are immoral -Illegals should vote -Raise taxes @POTUS action: -Regs reduced -Taxes cut -Econ growing -5 million new jobs -Justices Gorsuch AND Kavanaugh -Out of Iran deal -Embassy in Jerusalem -Hostages home from NK -New NAFTA

Jim Jordanをリツイート:民主党の主張は、①国境警備の廃止、②国境のない世界、③不法移民への参政権付与、④増税。 大統領の実績:①規制撤廃、②減税、③新規雇用500万件、④最高裁Gorsuch判事とKavanaugh判事の任命、⑤イラン核合意離脱、⑥アメリカ大使館のエルサレムへの移転、⑦北朝鮮からの人質奪還、⑧新NAFTA貿易協定締結。

“Jerry Nadler is not entitled to this information. He is doing this to get it to the Democrat 2020 nominee.” @KatiePavlich

以下は保守系論客のKatie Pavlichの見解:『ニューヨーク州選出民主党下院議員はこの情報を入手できる立場にいない。議員はこの情報を2020年大統領選挙に出る民主党候補のために入手している』

“The reason the whole process seems so politicized is that Democrats made up this complete lie about Collusion ....and none of it happened.” Charles Hurt. The Russian Hoax never happened, it was a fraud on the American people!


以下はワシントンポスト紙のCharles Hurtの見解:『あらゆることが政争の具に供されているように見える理由は民主党がロシア疑惑の嘘をでっち上げて、その嘘から何も具体的な事実が現れて来ないからである』 ロシア疑惑は全くなかったのであり、アメリカ国民を貶めた詐欺事件なのだ!

4-8   More apprehensions (captures) at the Southern Border than in many years. Border Patrol amazing! Country is FULL! System has been broken for many years. Democrats in Congress must agree to fix loopholes - No Open Borders (Crimes & Drugs). Will Close Southern Border If necessary. Mexico must apprehend all illegals and not let them make the long march up to the United States, or we will have no other choice than to Close the Border and/or institute Tariffs. Our Country is FULL!


Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen will be leaving her position, and I would like to thank her for her service. I am pleased to announce that Kevin McAleenan, the current U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner, will become Acting Secretary for @DHSgov. I have confidence that Kevin will do a great job!

Kirstjen Nielsen国土安全保障省長官が辞任する。長官に感謝する。Kevin McAleenan米国税関および国境安全担当コミッショナーを長官代理に指名する。必ずや職責を全うしてくれることを確信している!

.@RealDonaldTrump is doing his job to SECURE OUR BORDER! @CBP is doing their job. It’s time for Congress to do its job and CLOSE THE LOOPHOLES in our immigration laws & end the CRISIS on our southern border!


The last 2 years, under @RealDonaldTrump, have been 2 years of action – it’s been 2 years of results – & it’s been 2 years of promises made and promises kept! #MAGA


Pleased to report that the American tourist and tour guide that were abducted in Uganda have been released. God bless them and their families!


4-7   Looks like Bob Mueller’s team of 13 Trump Haters & Angry Democrats are illegally leaking information to the press while the Fake News Media make up their own stories with or without sources - sources no longer matter to our corrupt & dishonest Mainstream Media, they are a Joke!


We have redeployed 750 agents at the Southern Border’s specific Ports of Entry in order to help with the large scale surge of illegal migrants trying to make their way into the United States. This will cause traffic & commercial delays until such time as Mexico is able to use it’s powerful common sense Immigration Laws to stop illegals from coming through Mexico into the U.S., and removing them back to their country of origin. Until Mexico cleans up this ridiculous & massive migration, we will be focusing on Border Security, not Ports of Entry. 


In the meantime, the Democrats in Congress must help the Republicans (we need their votes) to end the horrible, costly and foolish loopholes in our Immigration Laws. Once that happens, all will be smooth. We can NEVER allow Open Borders!


“Give Up, Trump-Haters” https://nypost.com/2019/04/04/ny-times-washington-post-are-still-disgracefully-enabling-collusion-delusion/ …


Why should I be defending a fraudulent Russian Witch Hunt. It’s about time the perpetrators of this fraud on me and the American People start defending their dishonest and treasonous acts. How and why did this terrible event begin? Never Forget!


To every member of the @RJC, thank you for your incredible support and your outstanding commitment to our Country, to our safety, and to electing MORE REPUBLICANS. Over the next 19 months, I know that the @RJC will help lead our party to another HISTORIC VICTORY! #TrumpAtRJC


So, let’s get this straight! There was No Collusion and in fact the Phony Dossier was a Con Job that was paid for by Crooked Hillary and the DNC. So the 13 Angry Democrats were investigating an event that never happened and that was in fact a made up Fraud. I just fought back against something I knew never existed, Collusion with Russia (so ridiculous!) - No Obstruction. This Russia Hoax must never happen to another President, and Law Enforcement must find out, HOW DID IT START?


Will be speaking today at the Republican Jewish Coalition (@RJC) meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada. See everyone soon!

Matt Brooksを引用:Today is an historic day for the Jewish community and for @RJC. We are honored to welcome @realDonaldTrump to address our group. #TrumpAtRJC

本日、ネバダ州Las Vegasで開催される共和党とユダヤ関係者との会合で演説の予定である。現地で再会を!

NEW: Pres. Trump says he will hold a rally at an undetermined location rather than attend the White House Correspondents' Dinner, which he called "so boring and so negative." "I like positive things, okay?" http://abcn.ws/2hFejwL 

ABCニュースを引用:トランプ大統領は次のように発言している。退屈で否定的なホワイトハウスの記者との定例夕食会に出席するくらいなら未開拓の地方で選挙集会を開催する。 私は前向きなことが好きなのだと。参照:http://abcn.ws/2hFejwL 

I have not read the Mueller Report yet, even though I have every right to do so. Only know the conclusions, and on the big one, No Collusion. Likewise, recommendations made to our great A.G. who found No Obstruction. 13 Angry Trump hating Dems (later brought to 18) given two years and $30 million, and they found No Collusion, No Obstruction. But the Democrats, no matter what we give them, will NEVER be satisfied. A total waste of time. As @FrankLuntz has just stated, “Enough, America has had enough. What have you accomplished. Public is fed up.”

 私は、何はさておいても読まねばならない立場なのだが、まだMueller報告を読んでいない。結論を承知しているだけである。最大の結論は疑惑なしということである。同様に、司法長官に出された勧告で司法妨害もなかったとされた。トランプを忌諱する13名の民主党議員(現在18名に増加)は2年の歳月と3,000万ドルの経費をかけて疑惑と司法妨害の事実を掴めなかった。にもかかわらず民主党は満足していない。何を言っても無駄で、時間を浪費するだけである。Frank Luntzは次のように言っている。『もう十分だ。アメリカは何をしたというのだ。大衆は飽き飽きしている』

Thank you to two great people!


以下にDiamond and Silkを引用:Enjoyed chatting with our great President, @realDonaldTrump. We love & support the @POTUS because he loves & supports all Americans. He's done more for black people than any other President in our lifetime. There are those that write history but President Trump is making history.(わが偉大な大統領とおしゃべりをした。私たちはトランプ大統領が好きだし、支持している。なぜなら大統領は分け隔てなくすべてのアメリカ人を愛し、支援しているからです。私が知っている限りどの大統領よりもすべてのアメリカ人を愛しているからです。歴史を書き残す大統領は多いが、トランプ大統領は歴史を創造しています。)

Simply put: Walls work, and walls save lives.


Let me answer that question for you @MSNBC - NO!!!

Marc Lotterをリツイート:民主党は経済問題で選挙に勝てるのか。答えはノーである!!!

"There is indeed an emergency on our southern border. It's been loud and clear."


TOMORROW: It’s a star-studded FOX episode of @WattersWorld with @seanhannity , @LouDobbs , and @marklevinshow ! What will they have to say in my world? Tune in at 8PM ET to find out. #WattersWorld #FoxNews

Jessy Wattersをリツイート:明日のFOXニュースに注目! 

“Collusion was a Hoax from day one.” @dbongino @foxandfriends


“The lowest average jobs number for any President since 1951, 4.1%. Economy doing great. If the Democrats win, it is all over.” @Varneyco @foxandfriends I agree!

FOXニュースが伝えたVarney Coの見解:『アメリカの労働者の生涯の転職回数は4.1%で、歴代のどの政権より低い。経済の好調の現れである。民主党が選挙に勝利すれば経済の好調は崩れる!私もそう思う!

4-6   Thank you to all of the brave men and women of CBP who protect our country each and every day.


The struggle in Venezuela is between dictatorship and democracy, and freedom has the momentum. Nicolas Maduro is a dictator with no legitimate claim to power, and Nicolas Maduro must go!

ペンス副大統領をリツイート:ベネズエラにおける闘争は独裁と民主主義の闘いである。自由を求める側に勝機がある。Nicolas Maduroは権力に対する大義を欠いている。退陣せねばならない!

 Happening Now: President @realDonaldTrump at the Southern Border with the great men and women who protect our country 24/7/365! THANK YOU!!!

Dan Scavno Jr.をリツイート:今現地で起こっていること、それはこの国を1日24時間、1週7日、1年365日、男女を問わず一時も休まずに守っていくれている偉大な政府職員と大統領が南部国境で出会っていることである。感謝!!!

Congratulations David, a very big deal!

David R. Malpass世界銀行総裁就任を祝う。

Ivabka Trumpを引用:Congratulations David on your unanimous election. You will be an extraordinary World Bank President. I look forward to continuing our work to economically empower women globally and further the Bank’s core mission of ending poverty! @WorldBank #WGDP #WEFI(世銀総裁ご就任おめでとうございます。素晴らしい総裁になられるでしょう。女性の経済活動推進と貧困の撲滅という世銀の最大の役割に私たちは協力して参ります。)

Americans will write our own economic destiny. Never believe the pessimists: Pro-growth, pro-worker policies work. America is OPEN for business!


Just checked out the new Wall on the Border - GREAT! Leaving now for L.A.


Join me in California for a Roundtable on Immigration and Border Security!


Just arrived in Calexico, California!


Will soon be landing in Calexico, California to look at a portion of the new WALL being built on our Southern Border. Within two years we will have close to 400 miles built or under construction & keeping our Country SAFE – not easy when the Dems are always fighting to stop you!


The press is doing everything within their power to fight the magnificence of the phrase, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! They can’t stand the fact that this Administration has done more than virtually any other Administration in its first 2yrs. They are truly the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!


“America Created 196,000 Jobs in March, Beating Expectations for 170,000”


I’ve employed thousands of Electrical Workers. They will be voting for me!


Congratulations to Brian Hagedorn on his big surprise win over a well funded Liberal Democrat in the Great State of Wisconsin for a very important Supreme Court seat. Republicans are producing big for Wisconsin!

ウイスコンシン州上訴審裁判所のBrian Hagedorn判事は州の最高裁判所判事の選挙で民主党リベラルの候補に想定外の勝利を獲得した。共和党はウイスコンシン州のために大いに実績を上げる!


196,000 jobs were created in March, beating market expectations. This marks the longest streak of consecutive jobs growth on record. #JobsReport #BLSdata


Heading to the Southern Border to show a section of the new Wall being built! Leaving now!


The Crazed and Dishonest Washington Post again purposely got it wrong. Mexico, for the first time in decades, is meaningfully apprehending illegals at THEIR Southern Border, before the long march up to the U.S.


This is great and the way it should be. The big flow will stop. However, if for any reason Mexico stops apprehending and bringing the illegals back to where they came from, the U.S. will be forced to Tariff at 25% all cars made in Mexico and shipped over the Border to us. If that doesn’t work, which it will, I will close the Border. This will supersede USMCA.


Likewise I am looking at an economic penalty for the 500 Billion Dollars in illegal DRUGS that are shipped and smuggled through Mexico and across our Southern Border. Over 100,00 Americans die each year, sooo many families destroyed!


“Trolling the Mueller Report. Democrats Lost On Collusion. Now They’re Inventing A Coverup.”@WSJopinion James Freeman @LouDobbs

以下はウオールストリート紙のオピニオンコラムに投稿されたJames Freemanの論考:『Mueller報告の癒着問題に関し民主党は惨敗し、隠蔽を画策している』



4-5   I am pleased to announce that Jovita Carranza will be nominated as the new @SBAgov Administrator. She will be replacing Linda McMahon, who has done an outstanding job. Jovita was a great Treasurer of the United States – and I look forward to her joining my Cabinet!

素晴らし仕事をしたLinda McMahon 中小企業庁長官」の後任にJovita Carranzaを任命する。本人はアメリカの立派な財務官であった。閣僚に迎える考えである。

@ByronYork: “How bad does border have to be for Democrats to admit it's an emergency?”

以下はByron Yorkの見解:民主党は非常事態に陥っている。国境問題の影響は計り知れない!

“Conservative support for Trump wall soars to 99 percent”


“Democrats need to help fix the border crisis or get out of Trump’s way”


Thank you @Trish_Regan!

FOXニュースのTrish Reaganに感謝!

The New York Times had no legitimate sources, which would be totally illegal, concerning the Mueller Report. In fact, they probably had no sources at all! They are a Fake News paper who have already been forced to apologize for their incorrect and very bad reporting on me!


There is nothing we can ever give to the Democrats that will make them happy. This is the highest level of Presidential Harassment in the history of our Country!


According to polling, few people seem to care about the Russian Collusion Hoax, but some Democrats are fighting hard to keep the Witch Hunt alive. They should focus on legislation or, even better, an investigation of how the ridiculous Collusion Delusion got started - so illegal!


Despite the unnecessary and destructive actions taken by the Fed, the Economy is looking very strong, the China and USMCA deals are moving along nicely, there is little or no Inflation, and USA optimism is very high!




The First Step Act proves that our Country can achieve amazing breakthroughs when we put politics aside, and put the interests of ALL Americans FIRST. 45.wh.gov/gF3mc7


Congress must get together and immediately eliminate the loopholes at the Border! If no action, Border, or large sections of Border, will close. This is a National Emergency!


4-3  I was never planning a vote prior to the 2020 Election on the wonderful HealthCare package that some very talented people are now developing for me & the Republican Party. It will be on full display during the Election as a much better & less expensive alternative to ObamaCare. This will be a great campaign issue. I never asked Mitch McConnell for a vote before the Election as has been incorrectly reported (as usual) in the @nytimes, but only after the Election when we take back the House etc. Republicans will always support pre-existing conditions!

 才能豊かなグループが私と共和党のために構想してくれている健康医療保険を一体化した制度を2020年の選挙の前に議会に提案するなど考えたことがない。この構想の内容は選挙の際に全貌が明らかにされ、オバマケアよりずっと優れ、かつ、費用がかからない。これが大統領選挙の主要な論点となる。私はMitch McConnell共和党上院院内総務に選挙前に議会で採決して貰いたいと要請したことは一度もない。ニューヨークタイムスの報道はいつものごとく誤報である。選挙で共和党が下院の多数を奪還した後に議会に出す。共和党は既往症も医療保険の対象とする。

Today, it was my great honor to welcome @NATO Secretary General @JensStoltenberg to the @WhiteHouse!

本日NATOのJens Stoltenberg事務総長をホワイトハウスに迎える栄誉に浴した!

Today, we celebrate the tremendous accomplishments of Americans with ASD and reaffirm our commitment to work together to ensure that every member of our society is afforded equal opportunities to reach their full potential. #WorldAutismAwarenessDay


“I haven’t seen any Democrats down here at the Border working with us or asking to speak to any of us. They have an open invitation. We are getting overrun, our facilities are overcapacity. We are at an emergency crisis.” Art Del Cueto, National Border Patrol Council.

以下は国境警備協会のArt Del Cuetoの言:『国境でわれわれと行動を共にしている民主党員を見たことがない。われわれに話しかけてきた民主党員もいない。われわれは手一杯で、収容施設は満杯である』 われわれは非常事態の真っ只中にいる!


After many years (decades), Mexico is apprehending large numbers of people at their Southern Border, mostly from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. They have ALL been taking U.S. money for years, and doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for us, just like the Democrats in Congress!


There is no amount of testimony or document production that can satisfy Jerry Nadler or Shifty Adam Schiff. It is now time to focus exclusively on properly running our great Country!

民主党のJerry NadlerやAdam Schiffを満足させるような証言や文書作成に費やす余計な時間は全くない。この国のための仕事に専念し、前進するときだ!

Robert Mueller was a God-like figure to the Democrats, until he ruled No Collusion in the long awaited $30,000,000 Mueller Report. Now the Dems don’t even acknowledge his name, have become totally unhinged, and would like to go through the whole process again. It won’t happen!


World Autism Awareness Day 2019: Significance, history and theme via @htTweets


In 1998, Rep.Jerry Nadler strongly opposed the release of the Starr Report on Bill Clinton. No information whatsoever would or could be legally released. But with the NO COLLUSION Mueller Report, which the Dems hate, he wants it all. NOTHING WILL EVER SATISFY THEM! @foxandfriends

1998年にニューヨーク州選出Jerry Nadler下院議員はクリントン大統領に関するStarr報告の公表に強く反対し、クリントン大統領に関する調査結果が合法的に公開されなかった。民主党が見向きもしなくなったMueller報告については公表を求めている。民主党を納得させる報告書など全くないのだ! FOXニュースより。

Puerto Rico got 91 Billion Dollars for the hurricane, more money than has ever been gotten for a hurricane before, & all their local politicians do is complain & ask for more money. The pols are grossly incompetent, spend the money foolishly or corruptly, & only take from USA. The best thing that ever happened to Puerto Rico is President Donald J. Trump. So many wonderful people, but with such bad Island leadership and with so much money wasted. Cannot continue to hurt our Farmers and States with these massive payments, and so little appreciation!


The Democrats today killed a Bill that would have provided great relief to Farmers and yet more money to Puerto Rico despite the fact that Puerto Rico has already been scheduled to receive more hurricane relief funding than any “place” in history. 


The people of Puerto Rico are GREAT, but the politicians are incompetent or corrupt. Puerto Rico got far more money than Texas & Florida combined, yet their government can’t do anything right, the place is a mess - nothing works. 


FEMA & the Military worked emergency miracles, but politicians like the crazed and incompetent Mayor of San Juan have done such a poor job of bringing the Island back to health. 91 Billion Dollars to Puerto Rico, and now the Dems want to give them more, taking dollars away from our Farmers and so many others. Disgraceful!

緊急事態対応省と軍は魔法がかかったかのような活動を行なったが、気が狂った無能なSan Juan市の市長は島の復旧に全く成果を挙げていない。910億ドルもの支援受け、今回民主党はそれを超える支援をわが国の農家その他から与えようというのである。何たることか!

4-2   Everybody agrees that ObamaCare doesn’t work. Premiums & deductibles are far too high - Really bad HealthCare! Even the Dems want to replace it, but with Medicare for all, which would cause 180 million Americans to lose their beloved private health insurance. The Republicans are developing a really great HealthCare Plan with far lower premiums (cost) & deductibles than ObamaCare. In other words it will be far less expensive & much more usable than ObamaCare. 


Vote will be taken right after the Election when Republicans hold the Senate & win back the House. It will be truly great HealthCare that will work for America. Also, Republicans will always support Pre-Existing Conditions. The Republican Party will be known as the Party of Great HealtCare. Meantime, the USA is doing better than ever & is respected again!


Democrats should stop fighting Sen. David Perdue’s disaster relief bill. They are blocking funding and relief for our great farmers and rural America!

民主党は、ジョージア州選出David Perdue共和党上院議員が提出した災害救助法反対を中止すべきである。民主党はアメリカの偉大な農家を農業地域救済支援を妨害している!

No matter what information is given to the crazed Democrats from the No Collusion Mueller Report, it will never be good enough. Behind closed doors the Dems are laughing!


The cost of ObamaCare is far too high for our great citizens. The deductibles, in many cases way over $7000, make it almost worthless or unusable. Good things are going to happen! @SenRickScott @senatemajldr @SenJohnBarrasso @SenBillCassidy


Can you believe that the Radical Left Democrats want to do our new and very important Census Report without the all important Citizenship Question. Report would be meaningless and a waste of the $Billions (ridiculous) that it costs to put together!


Mexico must use its very strong immigration laws to stop the many thousands of people trying to get into the USA. Our detention areas are maxed out & we will take no more illegals. Next step is to close the Border! This will also help us with stopping the Drug flow from Mexico!


Everybody is asking how the phony and fraudulent investigation of the No Collusion, No Obstruction Trump Campaign began. We need to know for future generations to understand. This Hoax should never be allowed to happen to another President or Administration again!


Democrats, working with Republicans in Congress, can fix the Asylum and other loopholes quickly. We have a major National Emergency at our Border. GET IT DONE NOW!


4-1  Now that the long awaited Mueller Report conclusions have been released, most Democrats and others have gone back to the pre-Witch Hunt phase of their lives before Collusion Delusion took over. Others are pretending that their former hero, Bob Mueller, no longer exists!

待ちに待たれたMueller報告の結論が公開された後、民主党議員団と賛同者は魔女狩りがはじまる前の癒着という幻想を未だ抱いていなかった状況に押し戻されてBob Muellerという英雄など全くいなかったかのように振舞っている。

The Democrats are allowing a ridiculous asylum system and major loopholes to remain as a mainstay of our immigration system. Mexico is likewise doing NOTHING, a very bad combination for our Country. Homeland Security is being sooo very nice, but not for long!


3-31   “Outrageous, it’s the Adam Schiff problem. People abusing the access to classified data to then go out in public and make allegations that didn’t prove to be true. You look at a decision to essentially investigate a political rival. Who made it?” James Freeman, @WSJ

以下はウオールストリートジャーナル紙のJames Freemanの見解:『Adam Schiff民主党下院議員の問題は言語同断である。機密情報に接することが出来る人間が公開の場で疑惑を述べ、その疑惑が疑惑のまま拡散している。それが政敵を調べ上げる決定に繋がって行く。決定するのは誰になるのか?』