2019年5 月下旬(全訳)

I will be announcing my Second Term Presidential Run with First Lady Melania, Vice President Mike Pence, and Second Lady Karen Pence on June 18th in Orlando, Florida, at the 20,000 seat Amway Center. Join us for this Historic Rally! Tickets:




As we celebrate LGBT Pride Month and recognize the outstanding contributions LGBT people have made to our great Nation, let us also stand in solidarity with the many LGBT people who live in dozens of countries worldwide that punish, imprison, or even execute individualson the basis of their sexual orientation. My Administration has launched a global campaign to decriminalize homosexuality and invite all nations to join us in this effort!


.@SeanHannity is having a DEEP STATE SHOW tonight on Fox News at 9:00 PM (E), exposing the tremendous abuse of power that has been uncovered. Tremendous guests, a must see – Enjoy!

Sean Hannityが今夜9時にFOXニュースでDEEP STATE(政府機構内政権抵抗組織)ショーを行い、これまで明るみに出なかった壮絶な権力濫用の実態を明らかにする。必見!

Saddened to hear about the loss of John Pinto, a Navajo Code Talker in World War II, over the Memorial Day Weekend. Code Talkers are true American HEROES and John never stopped serving his fellow citizens as a longtime New Mexico State Senator. John, Rest In Peace!

戦没者記念日の週末に94歳で突然逝去したニューメキシコ州選出民主党上院議員を悼む。議員は第2次世界大戦でNavajoインディアン部族の暗号通信兵として活躍した。Code Talkerは第2次世界大戦の真の英雄で、議員は94歳でなお上院議員として州の住民のために働いた。安らかに憩われんことを!

90% of the Drugs coming into the United States come through Mexico & our Southern Border. 80,000 people died last year, 1,000,000 people ruined. This has gone on for many years & nothing has been done about it. We have a 100 Billion Dollar Trade Deficit with Mexico. It’s time!


In order not to pay Tariffs, if they start rising, companies will leave Mexico, which has taken 30% of our Auto Industry, and come back home to the USA. Mexico must take back their country from the drug lords and cartels. The Tariff is about stopping drugs as well as illegals!


Mexico has taken advantage of the United States for decades. Because of the Dems, our Immigration Laws are BAD. Mexico makes a FORTUNE from the U.S., have for decades, they can easily fix this problem. Time for them to finally do what must be done!


Hard to believe that with the Crisis on the Border, the Dems won’t do the quick and easy fix. Would solve the problem but they want Open Borders, which equals crime!


Congratulations to the @AF_Academy Class of 2019!


Sean Davis, The Federalist: “Mueller proved his entire operation was a political hit job. Still ZERO evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion, and no new evidence from Mueller.” @TuckerCarlson @FoxNews

以下はFOXニュース番組の連邦主義者のSean Davisの見解:『Mueller特別検察官は政治的喝采を得ることが自分の役割のすべてであったことを証明した。にもかかわらずトランプのロシア癒着の事実は出て来なかったし、新たな事実も出なかった』

How do you impeach a Republican President for a crime that was committed by the Democrats? WITCH-HUNT!


Shame on Robert Mueller for exceeding his role Read the full story: http://bit.ly/2QxOAnd  Via: @AlanDersh

THE HILL の意見欄をリツイート:Mueller特別検察官の越権行為を厳しく指摘したハーバード大学法学部Alan Dershowitz教授の見解の全容をHILLSの報道で見てもらいたい。参照:http://bit.ly/2QxOAnd  :記者会見におけるMuellerの発言、すなわち、“if we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that”(大統領が犯罪を犯していないとわれわれが確信していればそう述べたであろう)という発言は2016年にヒラリー電子メール事件の際のComeyの発言 “although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”(クリントン国務長官とその同僚が機密情報の取り扱いに関する法規を意図的に破ろうとしたという明確な事実を突き止めることはできなかったが、クリントン国務長官とその同僚が機密性の高い微妙な情報の取り扱いに極度に不注意であったのは事実である) より悪質である。

Comey was universally criticized for going beyond his responsibility to state whether there was sufficient evidence to indict Clinton.(Comeyはクリントンを起訴する十分な証拠の有無を提示する職責を越えたと各方面から批判された。)


Mueller, however, did even more. He went beyond the conclusion of his report and gave a political gift to Democrats in Congress who are seeking to institute impeachment proceedings against President Trump. By implying that President Trump might have committed obstruction of justice, Mueller effectively invited Democrats to institute impeachment proceedings. Obstruction of justice is a “high crime and misdemeanor” which, under the Constitution, authorizes impeachment and removal of the president.(これに対してMuellerはさらに越権している。本人は報告の結論を越え、大統領の訴追を狙っている議会民主党に政治的贈り物を与えた。大統領が司法妨害をしたと仄めかすことによって、Muellerは訴追に着手するよう民主党を招き入れたのである。司法妨害は、憲法が定める大統領訴追と罷免の要件である『重罪と品格の欠如』そのものだからである。)


Until today, I have defended Mueller against the accusations that he is a partisan. I did not believe that he personally favored either the Democrats or the Republicans, or had a point of view on whether President Trump should be impeached. But I have now changed my mind. By putting his thumb, indeed his elbow, on the scale of justice in favor of impeachment based on obstruction of justice, Mueller has revealed his partisan bias. He also has distorted the critical role of a prosecutor in our justice system.(私は、Muellerが民主党の狂信者だという非難に対し本人を擁護して来た。党派に与することなく、また、大統領は罷免されるべきだという予断を持たない人物と信じてきたが、今回、考えを改めた。Muellerは民主党のパルチザンという本性を顕にした。本人はわれわれの司法制度における検察官という要の職責を歪めてしまった。)

5-31    I will be watching @AlanDersh on @IngrahamAngle at 10:00 P.M. He speaks the truth!

今夜10時、ハーバード大学法学部Alan Dershowitz教授のMeller特別検察官についてのTV番組を視聴する。真実が明らかにされる!

On June 10th, the United States will impose a 5% Tariff on all goods coming into our Country from Mexico, until such time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP. The Tariff will gradually increase until the Illegal Immigration problem is remedied, at which time the Tariffs will be removed. Details from the White House to follow.


The Navy put out a disclaimer on the McCain story. Looks like the story was an exaggeration, or even Fake News - but why not, everything else is!


Yesterday, Border Patrol agents apprehended the largest group of illegal aliens ever: 1,036 people who illegally crossed the border in El Paso around 4am. Democrats need to stand by our incredible Border Patrol and finally fix the loopholes at our Border!

昨日午前4時に国境警備隊はテキサス州El Paso国境からの不法入国者1,036名を拘束した。最大規模の不法入国である。民主党議員団は国境警備隊に寄り添い、国境の抜け穴封じに立ち上がるべきである!

“You are ready to fly, fight, and win!” — President Donald J. Trump


Thank you to all of the brave men and women graduating from the United States Air Force Academy today! “You could have chosen any school, any career you wanted, but you chose a harder path and a higher calling to protect and defend the United States of America.”


Just arrived in Colorado. Getting ready to deliver the commencement speech at the Air Force Academy graduation. Very exciting - probably will be broadcast live on TV. They want good ratings!




Very sad to hear the news on the passing of my friend, Senator Thad Cochran. He was a real Senator with incredible values - even flew back to Senate from Mississippi for important Healthcare Vote when he was desperately ill. Thad never let our Country (or me) down!

ミシシッピー州選出Thad Cochran共和党上院議員逝去の報に接した。病状よくない中、健康医療法案採決に当たって、ミシシッピー州から投票に馳せ参じた偉大な上院議員であった。

Robert Mueller came to the Oval Office (along with other potential candidates) seeking to be named the Director of the FBI. He had already been in that position for 12 years, I told him NO. The next day he was named Special Counsel - A total Conflict of Interest. NICE!

FBI長官の人事を進めていた際に、Robert Mueller特別検察官は、数名の適任者とともに大統領執務室に来たことがある。本人は12年間もFBIにいたので私は本人にノーと言った。翌日、本人は特別検察官に任命された。完全な利害相反である。そんなことありか?

“Comey and Brennan are turning on each other.” @kilmeade

以下はFOXニュースのBrian Kilmeadeの言:『Comey と Brennanは責任を相手の擦り合っている』

Congressman John Ratcliffe, “The Trump Campaign clearly did not conspire or collude.” @FoxNews

以下はテキサス州選出John Ratcliffe共和党下院議員の言:『トランプ政権は共謀していないし、癒着もしていない』

Russia, Russia, Russia! That’s all you heard at the beginning of this Witch Hunt Hoax...And now Russia has disappeared because I had nothing to do with Russia helping me to get elected. It was a crime that didn’t exist. So now the Dems and their partner, the Fake News Media, say he fought back against this phony crime that didn’t exist, this horrendous false accusation, and he shouldn’t fight back, he should just sit back and take it. Could this be Obstruction? No, Mueller didn’t find Obstruction either. Presidential Harassment!


The Greatest Presidential Harassment in history. After spending $40,000,000 over two dark years, with unlimited access, people, resources and cooperation, highly conflicted Robert Mueller would have brought charges, if he had ANYTHING, but there were no charges to bring!


I was not informed about anything having to do with the Navy Ship USS John S. McCain during my recent visit to Japan. Nevertheless, @FLOTUS and I loved being with our great Military Men and Women - what a spectacular job they do!

私は海軍艦船John S. McCain号の処遇について、日本訪問期間に何も知らされていなかった。私とファーストレディーはにもかかわらず男女を問わず海軍兵士の諸君とひと時を共にし、その素晴らしい活動を確認した!

5-30    Great show tonight @seanhannity, you really get it (9:00 P.M. @FoxNews), that’s why you’re Number One (by far)! Also, please tell Mark Levin congrats on having the Number One book!

今夜9時に、素晴らしいFOXニュースのSean Hannityショーが放送され、事実を知ることになる。これまでの所で視聴率ナンバーワンの理由がここにある!併せて、Mark Levinにベストセラー出版の祝意を伝えられたい!

How do you impeach a Republican President for a crime that was committed by the Democrats? WITCH-HUNT!


White House Statement on Mueller statement today:



『特別検察官は捜査を完了し、事務所を閉鎖し、事案を終了した。Mueller特別検察官は、明白に報告書以外に述べることはなく、従って、議会で証言する考えがないと語った。報告書は、癒着がなく、共謀もなく、司法省は司法妨害がなかったことを確認した。特別検察官は、また、Barr司法長官は報告書に誠意をもって対応したと語った。2年にわたる捜査を終えて、特別検察官は公務を離れ、私生活に戻る。すべての関係者も倣うべきである』 Sarah Sanders 

“Now it’s time to turn to the origins of the Russia hoax and get to the bottom of why the Trump campaign was spied on by the Obama-era DOJ and FBI.” Our statement on Mueller from @parscale @TeamTrump:

Keyleigh McErneyをリツイート:その時が来た。ロシア疑惑の発端に立ち返り、トランプ選挙活動が何故にオバマ政権下の司法省とFBIによってスパイされたのか、その深奥を突き止める時が来た。以下はわれわれの声明である。


Nothing changes from the Mueller Report. There was insufficient evidence and therefore, in our Country, a person is innocent. The case is closed! Thank you


Republicans cannot allow themselves to again lose the Senate seat in the Great State of Alabama. This time it will be for Six Years, not just Two. I have NOTHING against Roy Moore, and unlike many other Republican leaders, wanted him to win. But he didn’t, and probably won’t. If Alabama does not elect a Republican to the Senate in 2020, many of the incredible gains that we have made during my Presidency may be lost, including our Pro-Life victories. Roy Moore cannot win, and the consequences will be devastating....Judges and Supreme Court Justices!

共和党は2020年のアラバマ州上院議員選挙で再び敗れるわけには行かない。2020年は6年任期の議員を選ぶ選挙である。2016年の選挙は任期2年の議員を選ぶ選挙であった。私はRoy Moore候補に反対する理由はなく、州の共和党関係者とは違って、Moore候補に当選して貰いたいと思っているが、Moore候補は2016年に落選したし、2020年に勝てそうもない。もし2020年に共和党が再度敗れることになれば、私の大統領の任期の中で実現してきた信じがたい実績の多くが失われることになる。その中には妊娠中絶反対の司法判断がある。Moore候補は勝てない。その結果は破滅的である。判事の信任と最高裁の判決において・・・。




5-29    Back from Japan after a very successful trip. Big progress on MANY fronts. A great country with a wonderful leader in Prime Minister Abe!


I was actually sticking up for Sleepy Joe Biden while on foreign soil. Kim Jong Un called him a “low IQ idiot,” and many other things, whereas I related the quote of Chairman Kim as a much softer “low IQ individual.” Who could possibly be upset with that?


Just spoke to Governor @AsaHutchinson of the Great State of Arkansas to inform him that FEMA and the Federal Government will do whatever is necessary to help out with what has turned out to be Record Flooding. Asa and local officials are doing a great job!

アーカンサス州Asa Hutchinson知事に電話し、連邦緊急事態対応省が大水害への対応と復旧に必要な支援に当たることを伝えた。知事を州政府がしっかりと対応している!

.@GovMikeDeWine just updated me on the devastation from the many tornadoes that struck Ohio early this morning. My Administration fully supports the people of the great State of Ohio as they begin the cleanup and recovery.

オハイオ州Mike DeWine知事から今早朝に州を襲った複数の竜巻の被害状況について最新の報告を受けた。復興に着手するに当たり連邦政府は全面的に支援する。

Storms overnight across Ohio and many other States were very dangerous and damaging. My team continues to update me with reports from emergency managers in the States affected. Listen to your local officials and be resilient. We are with you!





Spoke with @GovStitt of Oklahoma last night from Japan because of the devastating tornadoes. Told him that @FEMA and the federal government are fully behind him and the great people of Oklahoma.


LIVE remarks from @POTUS Donald J. Trump aboard #USSWasp in #Japan!


5-28   Can’t wait to see you all soon!


EXCITING NEWS: I've written a book on the Kavanaugh confirmation with the inimitable @JCNSeverino. A behind-the-scenes look at the nomination and battle over the Supreme Court. Coming out July 9. Available for pre-order now! https://www.amazon.com/Justice-Trial-Kavanaugh-Confirmation-Supreme/dp/1621579832 …



I will be making two stops this morning in Japan to visit with our Great Military, then a quick stop in Alaska and back to D.C. Meetings with Prime Minister Abe went very well, and getting to spend time with the new Emperor and Empress of Japan was a great honor!


Anyone associated with the 1994 Crime Bill will not have a chance of being elected. In particular, African Americans will not be able to vote for you. I, on the other hand, was responsible for Criminal Justice Reform, which had tremendous support, & helped fix the bad 1994 Bill!


Hoping things will work out with Israel's coalition formation and Bibi and I can continue to make the alliance between America and Israel stronger than ever. A lot more to do! Super Predator was the term associated with the 1994 Crime Bill that Sleepy Joe Biden was so heavily involved in passing. That was a dark period in American History, but has Sleepy Joe apologized? No!

イスラエルの連立政権の成立に期待し、ネタニエフ首相とともにイスラエルとアメリカの同盟関係のさらなる強化に取り組む。やるべきことは山積している。1994年成立の犯罪取締り法に関連してSuper Predator(頂点捕食者)という言葉があるが、民主党大統領候補のバイデン元副大統領はこの法案の議会通過に尽力した。その後のアメリカは歴史上暗黒の時期を過ごしたが、バイデン候補は反省しているのか。答えはノーである!

Liz Cheney: Statements by agents investigating Trump 'could well be treason'

 ワイオミング州選出Liz Cheney共和党下院議員の発言:『トランプ大統領を査問の対象とした政府の情報機関職員は反逆罪に値する』

Hills Newsを引用:Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) said on Sunday that statements by FBI agents investigating President Trump sounded “an awful lot like a coup, and it could well be treason.” Cheney told Martha Raddatz on ABC’s “This Week” that the beginnings of special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia investigation were suspect and need to be investigated. (議員は『Mueller特別検察官のロシア疑惑捜査の発端を捜査する必要がある』とABC TVの番組でMartha Raddatzに語った。) 

U.S. President Donald Trump becomes first foreign leader to meet Japan's Emperor Naruhito.

日本の英字新聞ジャパン タイムスをリツイート:トランプ大統領は成人天皇に拝謁した最初の外国の指導者となった。



The Dems are getting NOTHING done in Congress! They only want a Do-Over on Mueller!


Impeach for what, having created perhaps the greatest Economy in our Country’s history, rebuilding our Military, taking care of our Vets (Choice), Judges, Best Jobs Numbers Ever, and much more? Dems are Obstructionists!


.@ianbremmer now admits that he MADE UP “a completely ludicrous quote,” attributing it to me. This is what’s going on in the age of Fake News. People think they can say anything and get away with it. Really, the libel laws should be changed to hold Fake News Media accountable!

政治評論家のIan Bremmerは、私について『全く奇妙な引用』を行なったことを認めている。偽ニュースの時代に日常化していたことである。何を言っても許される時代であった。偽ニュースメディアに責任を持たせるために名誉毀損法を改正すべきである!

President @realDonaldTrump and Prime Minister @AbeShinzo met for bilateral meetings and a working lunch at Akasaka Palace.


トランプ大統領とメラニア夫人は、天皇、皇后両陛下との会見に臨みました。@POTUS & @FLOTUS were received by Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan. #POTUSinJapan   


5-27  Great evening last night, thank you!


トランプ大統領は安倍首相と共に皇居での歓迎式典に出席しました。@POTUS & @AbeShinzo at the Imperial Palace for the Welcome Ceremony. #POTUSinJapan   


Congratulations to the Great (and my friend) Roger Penske on winning his 18th (UNBELIEVABLE!) Indianapolis 500. I am in Japan, very early in the morning, but I got to watch Simon drive one of the greatest races in the history of the sport. I will see them both, & TEAM, at the WH!

日本で早暁にRoger Penske選手のインディー500制覇をTVで見た。おめでとう!

The Great Patriots of Rolling Thunder WILL be coming back to Washington, D.C. next year, & hopefully for many years to come. It is where they want to be, & where they should be. Have a wonderful time today. Thank you to our great men & women of the Pentagon for working it out!

来年、オートバイを連ねる愛国者集団のRolling ThunderがワシントンD.C.を走れることになった。来年以降も続けられることを願う。ワシントンは走行したい場所であり、走行すべき場所である。朗報に接するよき日だった。実現に努力された国防総省の関係者に感謝!

“Why doesn’t the press apologize to President Trump for the Russian Collusion Delusion?” @marklevinshow @JudgeJeanine How about the Dems also?

以下はMark LevinショーにおけるJeanine判事の発言:『報道機関は何故ロシア癒着という幻想に囚われたことを大統領に謝罪しないのか』 民主党も同じ穴の狢ではないか。

Thank you @JPN_PMO @AbeShinzo! #POTUSinJapan  


Tonight in Tokyo, Japan at the Ryōgoku Kokugikan Stadium, it was my great honor to present the first-ever U.S. President’s Cup to Sumo Grand Champion Asanoyama. Congratulations! A great time had by all, thank you @AbeShinzo!!

両国国技館で新設のアメリカ大統領杯を優勝力士の朝の山に授与するという大いなる名誉に浴した。全員が素晴らしい一時を共にした。安倍総理に感謝!! 写真4枚添付。

Great progress being made in our Trade Negotiations with Japan. Agriculture and beef heavily in play. Much will wait until after their July elections where I anticipate big numbers!


Great fun and meeting with Prime Minister @AbeShinzo. Numerous Japanese officials told me that the Democrats would rather see the United States fail than see me or the Republican Party succeed - Death Wish!




Great morning of golf with Prime Minister @AbeShinzo at Mobara Country Club in Chiba, Japan!


Welcome back to Japan, Mr. President! @POTUS #POTUSinJapan #Alliance トランプ大統領、日本へようこそ!  

ビル ハガティー駐日アメリカ大使をリツイート:

North Korea fired off some small weapons, which disturbed some of my people, and others, but not me. I have confidence that Chairman Kim will keep his promise to me, & also smiled when he called Swampman Joe Biden a low IQ individual, & worse. Perhaps that’s sending me a signal?


5-26   Going to play golf right now with @AbeShinzo. Japan loves the game. Tremendous fans of @JackNicklaus, @TigerWoods, and @PhilMickelson — I said what about @GaryPlayer, they said we love Gary too!


President Trump and the First Lady are staying in Japan as the first State Guests of the new era “Reiwa”! TOKYO SKYTREE welcomes their historic visit with a special lighting inspired by the Stars and Stripes. Akie and I are looking forward to seeing them tomorrow !


.@POTUS kicks off historic state visit by discussing ways to deepen economic ties with business leaders. #POTUSinJapan #Alliance トランプ大統領 @POTUS の今回の歴史的な日本訪問は、日本のビジネスリーダーらと経済関係の強化についての意見交換から始まりました。  

ビル ハガティー駐日アメリカ大使をリツイート:

The @realDonaldTrump administration's fight for better trade deals doesn't end with China. The president is working hard to strengthen our relationship with Japan, and that includes negotiating a new, fairer trade deal.

Ronna McDanielをリツイート:トランプ政権の対中貿易交渉は終わっていない。大統領は日本との関係強化に努めている。その中に新しいより一層公平な貿易関係の確立が含まれている。

In addition to great incompetence and corruption, The Smollett case in Chicago is also about a Hate Crime. Remember, “MAGA COUNTRY DID IT!” That turned out to be a total lie, had nothing to do with “MAGA COUNTRY.” Serious stuff, and not even an apology to millions of people!


Dems plan a government TAKEOVER of healthcare. That means ELIMINATING private plans (like Blue Cross/Blue Shield)! @realdonaldtrump will make healthcare more affordable & accessible using free market principles & will protect pre-existing conditions!

Officjal Trump Teamをリツイート:民主党は健康維持に関する政府機能を乗っ取ろうとしている。国営化である。トランプ政権は既往症を保険の対象に含めた市場原理に忠実かつ負担能力に応じた保険制度を創設する!


Thank you John, so nice!

『親愛なるアメリカ国民に寄せる』と題した(俳優で共和党支持者の)John Voightのメッセージに感謝!リンカーン以降最高の大統領と賞賛している。

Another activist Obama appointed judge has just ruled against us on a section of the Southern Wall that is already under construction. This is a ruling against Border Security and in favor of crime, drugs and human trafficking. We are asking for an expedited appeal!


After arriving in Tokyo, President @realDonaldTrump spoke with Japanese business leaders at the U. S. Ambassador to Japan’s residence.


Getting ready to land in Japan with First Lady Melania. We look forward to seeing everyone soon!


Can’t believe that Rolling Thunder would be given a hard time with permits in Washington, D.C. They are great Patriots who I have gotten to know and see in action. They love our Country and love our Flag. If I can help, I will!

オートバイ雷集団のRolling TnunderがワシントンD.C.を走行するのが難しくなっている。この集団は愛国者である。請われれば応援する!

Democrat Senator Mark Warner is acting and talking like he is in total control of the Senate Intelligence Committee. Their is nothing bipartisan about him. He should not be allowed to take “command” of that Committee. Too important! Remember when he spoke to the Russian jokester?

バージニア州選出Mark Warner民主党上院議員は上院情報委員会を完全に掌握しているがごとき発言を繰り返している。ロシアに関する発言は問題ではないか?

"Rep. Jordan: When your focus is attacking Trump, you can't do what's best for America"

Rep. Jim Jordanをリツイート:『トランプ大統領の攻撃に焦点を絞っていてはアメリカにとって最適解は得られない』

The real trade war began 30 years ago, and we lost. This is a bright new Age, the Age of Enlightenment. We don’t lose anymore!


Rep. Jim Jordanを2件リツイート:

5-25   In Alaska with our GREAT TROOPS, departing shortly for Japan!


Mitch McConnell and our Republican Senators have been very solid and strong. We have accomplished a great deal together, in particular with our Courts, 107 Federal Judges (with many more to come) and 2 Supreme Court Justices - we are getting into record territory! Thank you all and have a great Memorial Day Weekend The Dems want a second shot at Bob Mueller, are very unhappy with the No Collusion Report. They should not be allowed to play this game any longer - no second chances - must get back to work. So bad for our Country! 




Departed the @WhiteHouse and am now on Air Force One with the First Lady heading to Japan and looking forward to honoring, on behalf of the United States, His Majesty, the Emperor of Japan. I will also be discussing Trade and Military with my friend, Prime Minister @AbeShinzo.


Just spoke to Prime Minister @NarendraModi where I congratulated him on his big political victory. He is a great man and leader for the people of India - they are lucky to have him!


Congratulations to Tom Cotton - his book, “Sacred Duty: A Solider’s Tour at Arlington National Cemetery” just hit the best sellers list. I was at @ArlingtonNatl yesterday & the people there were so grateful for Tom’s inspiring portrait of “The Old Guard.” Great job @TomCottonAR!

Tom Cotton の新著『神聖な職責―アーリントン国立墓地への道程』の出版を祝す。

I don’t know why the Radical Left Democrats want Bob Mueller to testify when he just issued a 40 Million Dollar Report that states, loud & clear & for all to hear, No Collusion and No Obstruction (how do you Obstruct a NO crime?) Dems are just looking for trouble and a Do-Over!


“If they try to Impeach President Trump, who has done nothing wrong (No Collusion), they will end up getting him re-elected” @LindseyGrahamSC Impeachment is for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. There were no High Crimes and Misdemeanors, except for those committed by the other side!

以下はLindseey Grahamの見解:『何も悪事を働いていない大統領が民主党によって弾劾されれば、大統領の再選の可能性がなくなる。弾劾は重罪および侮蔑すべき事態に行われる。今回、重罪および侮蔑すべき事態は大統領の反対陣営にだけ発生している!

“Intelligence Agencies were used against an American President.” @DevinNunes @ShannonBream @FoxNews This should NEVER happen to a President again! Dems are furious at Robert Mueller for his findings - NO COLLUSION, NO OBSTRUCTION. Now they should go back to work and legislate!

以下はDevin Nunesの見解:『政府の情報機関が大統領に対して利用されている』 こんなことは2度と起こってはならない!民主党はMueller報告に激怒しているが、常軌に戻るべきである!

When is Twitter going to allow the very popular Conservative Voices that it has so viciously shut down, back into the OPEN? IT IS TIME!



Wow! CNN Ratings are WAY DOWN, record lows. People are getting tired of so many Fake Stories and Anti-Trump lies. Chris Cuomo was rewarded for lowest morning ratings with a prime time spot - which is failing badly and not helping the dumbest man on television, Don Lemon!




“Nancy Pelosi should not be out there doing the kinds of things she is doing. She will diminish herself and her membership. She cannot put a subject with a predicate in the same sentence. What’s going on?” Ed Rollins @GreggJarrett @LouDobbs

以下はEd Rollinsの見解:Nancy Pelosiはいつまでも民主党全体を代表する立場に立つべきではない。自分の派閥に応じた立場に立つべきである。主語として語った事柄について述語として結果を示せないからである。現実に起こっていることは何なんだ?』

J. Trump directed the intelligence community to quickly and fully cooperate with the Attorney General’s investigation into surveillance activities during the 2016 Presidential election. The Attorney General has also been delegated full and complete authority to declassify information pertaining to this investigation, in accordance with the long-established standards for handling classified information. Today’s action will help ensure that all Americans learn the truth about the events that occurred, and the actions that were taken, during the last Presidential election and will restore confidence in our public institutions.” @PressSec


5-24   The U.S. Senate has just approved a 19 Billion Dollar Disaster Relief Bill, with my total approval. Great!


We will never forget our fallen HEROES. It was our great honor to be with you today! #FlagsIn


Congratulations to Prime Minister @NarendraModi and his BJP party on their BIG election victory! Great things are in store for the US-India partnership with the return of PM Modi at the helm. I look forward to continuing our important work together!


.@NWS and @USACEHQ are monitoring the damaging storms and flooding in Oklahoma. Listen to the warnings of your local officials and stay safe. We are with you!


 Our hearts go out to the people of Missouri as they woke up to assess the damage from storms. You are strong and resilient, and we are here to assist.


When the Democrats in Congress refinish, for the 5th time, their Fake work on their very disappointing Mueller Report finding, they will have the time to get the REAL work of the people done. Move quickly!


I was extremely calm yesterday with my meeting with Pelosi and Schumer, knowing that they would say I was raging, which they always do, along with their partner, the Fake News Media. Well, so many stories about the meeting use the Rage narrative anyway - Fake & Corrupt Press!


Rex Tillerson, a man who is “dumb as a rock” and totally ill prepared and ill equipped to be Secretary of State, made up a story (he got fired) that I was out-prepared by Vladimir Putin at a meeting in Hamburg, Germany. I don’t think Putin would agree. Look how the U.S. is doing!

国務長官としの資質を欠いていた(更迭された)Rex Tillerson前国務長官はドイツハンブルグでのプーチンロシア大統領との会談で私はしてやられたとの事実と異なる話をしている。プーチンが同意するとは思わない。その後のアメリカの対ロ政策を見ればわかる。

The Democrats have become known as THE DO NOTHING PARTY!


The Democrats are getting nothing done in Congress. All of their effort is about a Re-Do of the Mueller Report, which didn’t turn out the way they wanted. It is not possible for them to investigate and legislate at the same time. Their heart is not into Infrastructure, lower drug prices, pre-existing conditions and our great Vets. All they are geared up to do, six committees, is squander time, day after day, trying to find anything which will be bad for me. A pure fishing expedition like this never happened before, & it should never happen again!


Democrats don’t want to fix the loopholes at the Border. They don’t want to do anything. Open Borders and crime!


Zero is getting done with the Democrats in charge of the House. All they want to do is put the Mueller Report behind them and start all over again. No Do-Overs!


5-23   In a letter to her House colleagues, Nancy Pelosi said: “President Trump had a temper tantrum for us all to see.” This is not true. I was purposely very polite and calm, much as I was minutes later with the press in the Rose Garden. Can be easily proven. It is all such a lie!

民主党下院リーダーのNancy Pelosiは下院民主党議員への手紙に中で『トランプ大統領は私達全員に対して癇癪を爆発させた』と書き送っている。全くの嘘である。私は数分後にローズガーデンでの記者会見で示した通り、意図的に極めて丁重に穏やかに対応した。証言をしてもらえる。

I want to welcome you all to the @WhiteHouse as we award our very bravest law enforcement officers and firefighters our nation’s highest public safety award – The Medal of Valor.


So sad that Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer will never be able to see or understand the great promise of our Country. They can continue the Witch Hunt which has already cost $40M and been a tremendous waste of time and energy for everyone in America, or get back to work. But they really want a do-over!  

下院民主党のリーダーのNancy Pelosi議員と上院のリーダーのChuck Schumer議員が国に対する役割を一切見ようとせず、また理解しようとしないことを悲しむ。民主党は4,000万ドルの経費と膨大な時間とエネルギーを費やした魔女狩りを続けることは可能である。現にやり直そうとしている!

You can’t investigate and legislate simultaneously - it just doesn’t work that way. You can’t go down two tracks at the same time. Let Chuck, Nancy, Jerry, Adam and all of the rest finish playing their games. In the meantime, my Administration is achieving things that have never been done before, including unleashing perhaps the Greatest Economy in our Country’s history. Democrat leadership is tearing the United States apart, but I will continue to set records for the American People – and Nancy, thank you so much for your prayers, I know you truly mean it!


WATCH LIVE: Trump expected to discuss the Mueller investigation during a previously unscheduled news conference at the White House


As I have long been saying, and has now been proven out, this is a Witch Hunt against the Republican Party and myself, and it was the other side that caused the problem, not us!


“He (Jerry Nadler) wants a show. He wants to use Mr. McGahn as a prop to spend three hours claiming that Mr. Trump tried to obstruct the Mueller investigation. YET MR. MUELLER WASN’T OBSTRUCTED IN ANY WAY, HIS COPIOUS REPORT WAS RELEASED FOR ALL TO SEE, & THERE WAS NO COLLUSION BETWEEN RUSSIA AND THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN. Mr. McGahn can be forgiven for declining the honor of appearing in Mr. Nadler’s pseudo-impeachment drama.” Wall Street Journal Editorial Board Today - May 21, 2019

以下はウオールストリートジャーナル5月21日の論説:『下院法務委員会Jerry Nadler委員長が望んでいるのは政治ショーである。(大統領就任後1年9ヵ月補佐官を務めた)Don McGahnを証人に呼んで3時間にわたってトランプ大統領がMueller特別検察官の捜査を妨害したと追求したいのだ。特別検察官は捜査妨害を受けていないし、膨大な報告が公開され、ロシアとトランプ選対の間に癒着なしの結論が出ている。元補佐官はNadler委員長の大統領擬似弾劾ドラマ演出の意向を拒否しても許されるであろう』

以下はニューヨークポスト紙に掲載されたMichael Goodwinの見解:『民主党は政党の体をなさなくなる危機に瀕している。国家を骨折り損の草臥れ儲けに陥れるからである。政治に立ち戻るべきである』

Everybody, including me, thought that when the 40 Million Dollar Mueller Report was released with No Collusion and No Obstruction (of a crime caused by others), that was the end. But no, the Democrats want to keep it going in an effort to help them in 2020. Bad for the Country!


Much of the Wall being built at the Southern Border is a complete demolition and rebuilding of old and worthless barriers with a brand new Wall and footings. Problem is, the Haters say that is not a new Wall, but rather a renovation. Wrong, and we must build where most needed. Also, tremendous work is being done on pure renovation - fixing existing Walls that are in bad condition and ineffective, and bringing them to a very high standard!


Without the ILLEGAL Witch Hunt, my poll numbers, especially because of our historically “great” economy, would be at 65%. Too bad! The greatest Hoax in American History.


Today, tens of thousands of peace officers gathered in our nation’s capital to honor the service and sacrifice of their fallen brothers and sisters in uniform. I was proud to cosponsor the resolution designating this week as ‘National Police Week.’







The Democrats are getting ZERO work done in Congress. All they are focused on is trying to prove the Mueller Report wrong, the Witch Hunt!


After two years of an expensive and comprehensive Witch Hunt, the Democrats don’t like the result and they want a DO OVER. In other words, the Witch Hunt continues!


Everything the Democrats are asking me for is based on an illegally started investigation that failed for them, especially when the Mueller Report came back with a NO COLLUSION finding. Now they say Impeach President Trump, even though he did nothin wrong, while they “fish!”


Congratulations to Governor @MattBevin on winning the Republican Primary for Governor tonight in the Great State of KENTUCKY. Matt, you are doing a fantastic job!

ケンタッキー州知事選の共和党予備選挙に勝利したMatt Bevin候補を祝す。立派な知事なってくれる!

Great news for Republicans: Fred Keller has just won the hard fought for Pennsylvania Congressional contest in a LANDSLIDE, over 70% of the vote. Thanks to the thousands who showed up for the Rally last night. Congratulations to Fred and his wonderful family!

共和党に朗報!Fred Keller候補が70%得票し、地滑り的勝利を博した。候補と家族へおめでとう!

John Brennan on the Mueller probe, “I don’t know if I received bad information, but I THINK I SUSPECTED THAT THERE WAS MORE THAN THERE ACTUALLY WAS.” Wow, he admits he was wrong! Congress should go back to work on drug prices etc.

以下はCIA John Brennan長官の発言:『私は犯罪だという情報の報告を受けたかどうか知るところではないが、現実に起こったこと以上の何かが起こっていたと疑っていた』 長官のこの発言は間違っていたことを認めたのだ!議会は薬価引き下げなどの問題の審議に戻る時だ。

The Democrats are on a fishing expedition, wanting to interview the same people, and see the same things, as we just went through for two years with Robert Mueller and the 18 Angry Dems. Never happened to a president before. Never even happened to President Obama!


5-22    After spending 40 Million Dollars, reviewing 1.4 million pages of documents, & interviewing 500 people with the total support of the White House, the Mueller Report was a BIG DISAPPOINTMENT to the Democrats, so they want a DO OVER. It doesn’t work that way-so bad for our Country!



Shahira Knight has done a wonderful job as my Legislative Affairs Director at the White House. She was outstanding for us and for our Country - will be a tremendous success in the private sector!

ホワイトハウスのShahira Knight文書統括部長は公務でこの国に尽くしているが、プライベートで大成功する。

Wow, Mark Levin’s new book opened at #1. It is great – keep it there for a long time!

Mark Levinの新著『マスコミにおける許されない自由』が発刊された。ベストセラーになっている。長期間にわたるベストセラーが続くように!

Johnny, we will miss you – you did a great job!

Johonny DeStefanoさんの辞任を惜しむ。素晴らしい仕事をしてくれた。

So even though I didn’t have to do it with Presidential Privilege, I allowed everyone to testify, including White House Counsel Don McGahn (for over 30 hours), to Robert Mueller and the 18 Angry Trump-Hating Democrats, and they arrived at a conclusion of NO COLLUSION and NO OBSTRUCTION! The Dems were unhappy with the outcome of the $40M Mueller Report, so now they want a do-over.

私は大統領に認めたれた職権を発動しないで誰に対してもMueller特別検察官と18名のトランプを憎悪する民主党員による査問を受けさせた。ホワイトハウスのDon McGahn補佐官の場合、査問は30時間に及んだ。査問の結果は疑惑なし、司法妨害なしであった!4,000万ドルを費やした報告の結果に民主党は不満で、やり直しを求めているのだ。

I am pleased to announce my nomination of Barbara Barrett of Arizona, and former Chairman of the Aerospace Corporation, to be the next Secretary of the Air Force. She will be an outstanding Secretary! #FlyFightWin

アリゾナ州の航空宇宙産業のBarbara Barrett前会長を空軍長官に指名する。女史は立派に職務に当たるであろう。

Pennsylvania - Don’t forget to get out and VOTE TODAY for Republican Fred Keller for Congress. Fred is Strong on Crime, Second Amendment, Military, Vets, and Healthcare. He has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

ペンシルバニア州の共和党Fred Keller候補に投票を!

I am very disappointed that Mexico is doing virtually nothing to stop illegal immigrants from coming to our Southern Border where everyone knows that because of the Democrats, our Immigration Laws are totally flawed & broken. Mexico’s attitude is that people from other countries, including Mexico, should have the right to flow into the U.S. & that U.S. taxpayers should be responsible for the tremendous costs associated w/this illegal migration. Mexico is wrong and I will soon be giving a response!


To the great people of Kentucky, please go out and vote for Matt Bevin today. Very important. He has done a fantastic job for you and America! #MAGA

ケンタッキー州のみなさん、Matt Bevin候補に投票を!

Just returned to the beautiful @WhiteHouse after a great evening in Pennsylvania!


Megan King, who is running for Superior Court Judge in the Pennsylvania election, has my Full and Total Endorsement. She is tough on crime and fully understands all aspects of the law. Vote for Megan tomorrow (Tuesday).

ペンシルバニア州最高裁判所判事の選挙に立候補しているMegan King候補を全面的かつ完全に支持する。明日、火曜日には投票を!

Massive crowds in Pennsylvania tonight. Thank you for joining me!


5-21  Beautiful evening for a MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN rally tonight in Pennsylvania. Thank you, I love you! #MAGA


Landing shortly in Montoursville, Pennsylvania - see everyone shortly!


Fred Keller of the Great State of Pennsylvania has been an outstanding State Representative. Now he is running as the Republican Nominee for Congress, and has my Complete and Total Endorsement. He will do a fantastic job - I look forward to seeing everyone tonight! #MAGA

ペンシルバニア州共和党Fred Keller下院議員は再選を目指している。完全かつ全面的に支持する。

See you tonight at 7:00 P.M. Eastern, Montoursville, Pennsylvania! #MAGA


The Fake News put out a typically false statement, without any knowledge that the United States was trying to set up a negotiation with Iran. This is a false report. Iran will call us if and when they are ever ready. In the meantime, their economy continues to collapse - very sad for the Iranian people!


On this Cuban Independence Day, we stand by the people of Cuba in their quest for freedom, democracy and prosperity. The Cuban regime must end its repression of Cubans & Venezuelans. The United States will not stand idly by as Cuba continues to subvert democracy in the Americas!


Looks like Bernie Sanders is history. Sleepy Joe Biden is pulling ahead and think about it, I’m only here because of Sleepy Joe and the man who took him off the 1% trash heap, President O! China wants Sleepy Joe BADLY!

民主党がBernie Sandersに似てくるのは歴史の必然だ。中国はJoe Biden前副大統領に是が非でも勝利して貰いたいと願っている!

Why are the Democrats not looking into all of the crimes committed by Crooked Hillary and the phony Russia Investigation? They would get back their credibility. Jerry Nadler, Schiff, would have a whole new future open to them. Perhaps they could even run for President!

何故なのだ?民主党はヒラリークリントンと嘘のロシア疑惑を捜査による犯罪を解明しないのか?そうしない限り信用回復は出来ない。そうすればJerry NadlerとAdam Schiffの未来が開け、民主党の大統領候補になり得る!

“We have a booming economy, and working people are making gains that they haven’t seen in decades.” Stuart Varney @foxandfriends

以下はFOXニュースのStuart Varneyの言:『経済はブーム。勤労者はここ数十年なかった利益を手にしている』


God Bless President Trump--- Iran's so called leaders must think they're dealing with Bush or Obama. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1130207891049332737 …

Lou Dobbsをリツイート:トランプ大統領に神の祝福がありますように―イランの指導者はブッシュかオバマと交渉していると考えなければならない。

The Mainstream Media hates to cover this!


Starting Monday, our great Farmers can begin doing business again with Mexico and Canada. They have both taken the tariff penalties off of your great agricultural product. Please be sure that you are treated fairly. Any complaints should immediately go to @SecretarySonny Perdue!


A great win for Brooks. Congratulations to a great champion!


The Mainstream Media has never been as corrupt and deranged as it is today. FAKE NEWS is actually the biggest story of all and is the true ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE! That’s why they refuse to cover the REAL Russia Hoax. But the American people are wise to what is going on. 


Now the new big story is that Trump made a lot of money and buys everything for cash, he doesn’t need banks. But where did he get all of that cash? Could it be Russia? No, I built a great business and don’t need banks, but if I did they would be there...and DeutscheBank was very good and highly professional to deal with - and if for any reason I didn’t like them, I would have gone elsewhere....there was always plenty of money around and banks to choose from. They would be very happy to take my money. Fake News!


The Failing New York Times (it will pass away when I leave office in 6 years), and others of the Fake News Media, keep writing phony stories about how I didn’t use many banks because they didn’t want to do business with me. WRONG! It is because I didn’t need money. Very old fashioned, but true. When you don’t need or want money, you don’t need or want banks. Banks have always been available to me, they want to make money. Fake Media only says this to disparage, and always uses unnamed sources (because their sources don’t even exist).


God Bless President Trump--- Iran's so called leaders must think they're dealing with Bush or Obama. #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dobbs https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1130207891049332737 …

Lou Dobbsをリツイート:トランプ大統領に神の祝福がありますように―イランの指導者はブッシュかオバマと交渉していると考えなければならない。

The Mainstream Media hates to cover this!


Starting Monday, our great Farmers can begin doing business again with Mexico and Canada. They have both taken the tariff penalties off of your great agricultural product. Please be sure that you are treated fairly. Any complaints should immediately go to @SecretarySonny Perdue!


5-20  A great win for Brooks. Congratulations to a great champion!


Hard to believe that @FoxNews is wasting airtime on Mayor Pete, as Chris Wallace likes to call him. Fox is moving more and more to the losing (wrong) side in covering the Dems. They got dumped from the Democrats boring debates, and they just want in. They forgot the people who got them there. Chris Wallace said, “I actually think, whether you like his opinions or not, that Mayor Pete has a lot of substance...fascinating biography.” Gee, he never speaks well of me - I like Mike Wallace better...and Alfred E. Newman will never be President!

FOX ニュースが民主党大統領候補として予備選挙に立候補するMayor Peteに時間を割いているのは信じ難い。FOXは敗者になる民主党に報道内容を傾斜させている。司会者のChris WallaceはPeter ButtigiegのことをMayor Peteを呼んでいるのだが、本人のことを『私は本人がしっかりした資質を持つと考えている』と評価している。ユーモアを売りにしているマガジンの登場人物のAlfred E. Newmanが大統領になれないのと同じくらい本人が大統領になれるわけがない。

I will be interviewed by Steve Hilton tonight at 9:00 P.M. on @FoxNews. Enjoy!

今夜9時にFOXニュースのSTEVE HILTONのインタビューを受ける。

If Iran wants to fight, that will be the official end of Iran. Never threaten the United States again!


False reporting yesterday. “There are no plans to send migrants to Northern or Coastal Border facilities, including Florida.” @FoxNews Not by airplanes or any other way. Our Country is FULL, will not, and can not, take you in!

昨日誤報があった。現実は『フロリダ州を含め移民をアメリカ各州の収容設備に送る計画はない』 航空機その他のいかなる手段を用いようとも、収容施設が満杯でこれ以上移民を受け入れ得ない。

Our Economy and Jobs Market is BOOMING, the best in the World and in our Country’s history - and we have just started!


With the wonderful College, University and other Graduations taking place all over the USA, there has never been a better time than now to graduate. Best jobs market ever, great housing and financing. Go out there, work hard, & have a GREAT life. You deserve it. Congratulations!


・Watched some of the Fake News Political Shows this morning and continue to be amazed at how every question is asked in the most negative way. The Mainstream Media should be ashamed of itself - But the good news is that the USA is wise to your game of dishonesty and deception!


Never a fan of @justinamash, a total lightweight who opposes me and some of our great Republican ideas and policies just for the sake of getting his name out there through controversy. If he actually read the biased Mueller Report, “composed” by 18 Angry Dems who hated Trump, he would see that it was nevertheless strong on NO COLLUSION and, ultimately, NO OBSTRUCTION...Anyway, how do you Obstruct when there is no crime and, in fact, the crimes were committed by the other side? Justin is a loser who sadly plays right into our opponents hands!

共和党のリバタリアンに属するJustin Amashは私と共和党本流の考え方に組しない軽薄な政治家で、私は協賛したことはないが、売名のための論議をする。本人が18名のトランプを嫌悪する民主党員の作文である偏ったMueller報告を読んだのなら、その中で共謀の疑惑と司法妨害の疑惑が否定されているのを知っている筈である。実際に犯罪が行われていないのだから妨害はあり得ないのであり、犯罪があるとすればそれはトランプに対する反対陣営が行なったものである。本人は政敵の手中に嵌まり込んだ敗者である!

For all of the Fake News Sunday Political Shows, whose bias & dishonesty is greater than ever seen in our Country before, please inform your viewers that our Economy is setting records, with more people employed today than at any time in U.S. history, our Military, which was a depleted disaster, will soon be stronger than ever before, our Vets are finally being taken care of and now have Choice, our Courts will have 145 great new Judges, and 2 Supreme Court Justices, got rid of the disastrous Individual Mandate & will protect Pre-Existing Conditions, drug prices down for first time in 51 years (& soon will drop much further), Right to Try, protecting your 2nd Amendment, big Tax & Reg Cuts, 3.2 GDP, Strong Foreign Policy, & much much more that nobody else would have been able to do. Our Country is doing GREAT!


5-19  As most people know, and for those who would like to know, I am strongly Pro-Life, with the three exceptions - Rape, Incest and protecting the Life of the mother - the same position taken by Ronald Reagan.


 We have come very far in the last two years with 105 wonderful new Federal Judges (many more to come), two great new Supreme Court Justices, the Mexico City Policy, and a whole new & positive attitude about the Right to Life. The Radical Left, with late term abortion (and worse), is imploding on this issue. We must stick together and Win for Life in 2020. If we are foolish and do not stay UNITED as one, all of our hard fought gains for Life can, and will, rapidly disappear!


Courts & Dems in Congress, neither of which have a clue, are trying to FORCE migrants into our Country! OUR COUNTRY IS FULL, OUR DETENTION CENTERS, HOSPITALS & SCHOOLS ARE PACKED. Crazy!


Will Jerry Nadler ever look into the fact that Crooked Hillary deleted and acid washed 33,000 emails AFTER getting a most powerful demand notice for them from Congress?


My Campaign for President was conclusively spied on. Nothing like this has ever happened in American Politics. A really bad situation. TREASON means long jail sentences, and this was TREASON!




All people that are illegally coming into the United States now will be removed from our Country at a later date as we build up our removal forces and as the laws are changed. Please do not make yourselves too comfortable, you will be leaving soon!


Never in American history has there been such a spy effort against a candidate (@RealDonaldTrump) and abuse of power targeting its political opposition. Never before, not Nixon...never before. And Barack Obama, this is his legacy, this corruption.

Tom Fittonをリツイート:大統領選挙の候補者に対するこのようなスパイ行為とと政敵に対する権力の乱用はかつてなかったことである。

Now THIS is obstruction: FBI notes: "Hillary cover up operation work ticket archive cleanup." FBI knew of cover-up related to Clinton’s email server but no prosecutions. If that doesn’t tell you investigation by FBI & DOJ was sham, I don’t know what will. https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-uncovers-cover-up-discussions-in-latest-production-of-clinton-email-documents/ …

Tom Fittonをリツイート:これが司法妨害の実例である:FBIの記録によれば『ヒラリークリントンは隠蔽した』とされている。FBIは電子メール消去の事実を知ってたが、訴追しなかった。このことはFBIの捜査が本物でなかったことの証である。次に何が起こるってくるのか。

Sure enough, Weissmann had key role in hiring the "13 angry Democrats" for Mueller @realDonaldTrump harassment operation -- just exposed by @JudicialWatch https://www.judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/judicial-watch-obtains-doj-documents-showing-andrew-weissmann-leading-hiring-effort-for-mueller-special-counsel/ …

Tom Fittonをリツイート:Andrew WeissmannはMueller特別検察官の捜査チームに13名の民主党議員を採用したことに相当の責任がある。

Comey has significant potential criminal liability for his Spygate targeting of @RealDonaldTrump. @JudicialWatch @FoxNews https://video.foxnews.com/v/6038366307001/ …

Tom Fittonをリツイート:Comey元FBI長官はトランプ大統領を標的にしたスパイゲート事件で相当大きな犯罪に問われる可能性がある。

Thank you Dan!


Dan Bonginoを引用:My new book “Exonerated: The Failed Takedown of President Donald Trump by the Swamp” blows the doors off of the scheme to destroy the Trump presidency. It will scare you and enlighten you at the same time. Pick up a copy here(『潔白の証明』―政界のヘドロによるトランプ下しの挫折―と題する私の新著はトランプの大統領職を解体の計画の端緒を打破した。読者にとって驚きであろうが啓蒙の書である。手にとって見てもらいたい)

Word is out that book is GREAT!


Mark Levinを引用:民主党と新聞社は強い批判にさらされる。

If he’s anything like Trump congratulations to you all. You have a leader who loves your country and will put citizens first. God Bless!

charmane harbertをリツイート:候補者がトランプのような人であって欲しい。国を愛し、市民を最優先する人がリーダーを務めている。神の祝福がありますように!

Congratulations to Scott on a GREAT WIN!

オーストラリアのScott Morrison首相の大勝利を祝す!

5-18  Our courageous and vigilant Armed Forces safeguard the blessings of liberty for us and for future generations by selflessly answering the call of duty. Today, and every day, we acknowledge and celebrate all who proudly wear our Nation’s uniforms! http://45.wh.gov/b5uNuT 



Consumer Sentiment in the month of May is the highest in 15 years. Very nice! @FoxNews


Today, it was my great honor to address the the National Association of REALTORS!

本日、National Association of REALTORSで演説の機会を与えられた。めいよなことである!

With all of the Fake and Made Up News out there, Iran can have no idea what is actually going on!


It now seems the General Flynn was under investigation long before was common knowledge. It would have been impossible for me to know this but, if that was the case, and with me being one of two people who would become president, why was I not told so that I could make a change?


The Fake News Media is hurting our Country with its fraudulent and highly inaccurate coverage of Iran. It is scattershot, poorly sourced (made up), and DANGEROUS. At least Iran doesn’t know what to think, which at this point may very well be a good thing!


Will Jerry Nadler ever look into the fact that Crooked Hillary deleted and acid washed 33,000 emails AFTER getting a most powerful demand notice for them from Congress?

2019年から下院司法委員会委員長を務めているJerry Nadler委員長は、ヒラリークリントンが議会から電子メールの提出を強く求められた後に33,000通の電子メールを消去し、漂白した事実を糾明したことがあるか?

My Campaign for President was conclusively spied on. Nothing like this has ever happened in American Politics. A really bad situation. TREASON means long jail sentences, and this was TREASON!


New Fox Poll: 58% of people say that the FBI broke the law in investigating Donald J. Trump. @foxandfriends






“What happened is that Donald Trump won. Down goes Comey.” @foxandfriends


・Will the Democrats give our Country a badly needed immigration win before the election? Good chance!


・All people that are illegally coming into the United States now will be removed from our Country at a later date as we build up our removal forces and as the laws are changed. Please do not make yourselves too comfortable, you will be leaving soon!


・Border Patrol is apprehending record numbers of people at the Southern Border. The bad “hombres,” of which there are many, are being detained & will be sent home. Those which we release under the ridiculous Catch & Telease loophole, are being registered and will be removed later!


5-17  The Democrats now realize that there is a National Emergency at the Border and that, if we work together, it can be immediately fixed. We need Democrat votes and all will be well!



.@BilldeBlasio is the worst Mayor in the history of New York City - he won’t last long!

Bill de Blasioニューヨーク市長は歴代最悪の市長だ!長続きしないだろう!

“America’s last major overhaul of our legal admissions policy was 54 YEARS ago. Think of that. So a major update, and that's what is—merit system and a heart system—is long overdue."


"Our plan includes a sweeping modernization of our dysfunctional legal immigration process . . . The system will finally be fair, transparent, and promote equality and opportunity for all."


We are here on this beautiful spring day to unveil our plan to create a fair, modern & LAWFUL system of immigration for the U.S. If adopted, our plan will transform America’s immigration system into the pride of our Nation and the envy of the modern world.


Congratulations to Dan Bishop on his big Republican Primary victory in the 9th Congressional District of North Carolina. Dan is strong on Crime, Loves our Military, Vets, 2A, and great Healthcare. He has my Complete and Total Endorsement! #MAGA

ノースカロライナ州下院の予備選挙に勝利したDan Bishop候補を祝す。犯罪に厳格、現役を退役軍人の処遇、自衛のための銃器所持、抜本的医療保険制度の改革の賛成推進を支持している。完全かつ全面的に支持する。

The Fake News Washington Post, and even more Fake News New York Times, are writing stories that there is infighting with respect to my strong policy in the Middle East. There is no infighting whatsoever. Different opinions are expressed and I make a decisive and final decision - it is a very simple process. All sides, views, and policies are covered. I’m sure that Iran will want to talk soon. 


5-16  The Dems are getting another beauty to join their group. Bill de Blasio of NYC, considered the worst mayor in the U.S., will supposedly be making an announcement for president today. He is a JOKE, but if you like high taxes & crime, he’s your man. NYC HATES HIM!

民主党ではもう1人、ニューヨークのBill de Blasio市長が大統領選挙に名乗りを上げそうである。増税と犯罪を喜ぶ人は投票されるがよろしかろう。

Tonight, the White House was lit in blue in honor of Peace Officers Memorial Day.
