
2019-10-1  You cannot judge my Stock Market performance since the Inauguration, which was very good, but only from the day after the big Election Win, which was spectacular due to the euphoria of getting Obama/Biden OUT, & getting Trump/Pence IN. WentI up BIG between Nov. 9 & Inauguration!


The Corrupt Media refuses to cover this! https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1177669563477118976


CNNの映像:民主党シフ下院議員を糾弾するBlaze TVをキャリー。


My great friend, @RepMarkMeadows, has been an EXCELLENT Chairman of the House @FreedomCaucus, which has been a tremendous success. I am looking forward to close collaboration with his successor (starting Tuesday) and Strong Leader, @RepAndyBiggsAZ!

下院のFreedom Caucasの委員長が交代する。

BIG NEWS by @Hyundai, @Kia, and @Aptiv on a 4 BILLION DOLLAR joint venture to develop autonomous driving technologies in the USA. That’s a lot of $$ and JOBS! Great jobs coming back to America!!


Great news! @Apple announced that it is building its new Mac Pro in Texas. This means hundreds of American jobs in Austin and for suppliers across the Country. Congratulations to the Apple team and their workers!


Navistar will be building a new 250 MILLION DOLLAR truck factory in San Antonio with 600 new jobs. Congratulations San Antonio and Texas! America makes the GREATEST trucks in the world!

Navistar社がテキサス州San Antonioに250百万ドルを投じてトラック工場を新設する。600件の新規雇用が生まれる。世界最高のトラックの生産を祝す!

The Fake News Media wants to stay as far away as possible from the Ukraine and China deals made by the Bidens. A Corrupt Media is so bad for our Country! In actuality, the Media may be even more Corrupt than the Bidens, which is hard to do!


Very simple! I was looking for Corruption and also why Germany, France and others in the European Union don’t do more for Ukraine. Why is it always the USA that does so much and puts up so much money for Ukraine and other countries? By the way, the Bidens were corrupt!


“President Trump’s Job Approval Numbers have just reached the highest level since his Inauguration, around 50%, and you can add to that many votes from voters that don’t talk about their vote. Once they saw the President’s numbers going up, they said ‘We gotta do something,’ so they made this whole thing up. Impeachment is also a pre-emptive strike for what they think is coming on the Obama Administration’s handling of the 2016 Election.” Jim McLaughlin, highly respected pollster. @WashTimes @FoxNews

ワシントンタイムスとFOXニュースが伝えた見識が高く評価されているJim McLaughlinの見解: 「トランプ大統領の支持率は就任後初めて50%の最高に達している。無党派の支持を上乗せ可能である。支持率上昇が数字に出はじめると無党派層は自分たちの支持の結果と感じてさらに支持を高める。民主党による大統領弾劾の動きはオバマ政権下の2016年選挙結果の再来を阻止する事前攻撃である」



Again, the President of Ukraine said there was NO (ZERO) PRESSURE PUT ON HIM BY ME. Case closed!


“After many years, the United States is finally waking up to Beijing’s plans and ambitions to pass us as the dominant economic & military superpower in the 21st Century. What’s happening now is that the U.S. is finally responding (thank you President Trump). This is taking place in TRADE, it’s taking shape in Military Competition.” Johnathan Ward, author and China expert. We are winning, and we will win. They should not have broken the deal we had with them. Happy Birthday China!

中国問題専門家Johnathan Wardの見解:「21世紀にアメリカを凌駕するという中国の計画にアメリカはようやく気が付いた。大統領のお陰で対応がはじまっている。対応は貿易問題ではじまっており、軍事力で具体的に表れて来る。」 われわれは勝利しつつあり、勝利する。中国はアメリカとの交渉結果を破棄すべきではない。建国70周年を祝う!

Rep. Adam Schiff illegally made up a FAKE & terrible statement, pretended it to be mine as the most important part of my call to the Ukrainian President, and read it aloud to Congress and the American people. It bore NO relationship to what I said on the call. Arrest for Treason?


The Fake Whistleblower complaint is not holding up. It is mostly about the call to the Ukrainian President which, in the name of transparency, I immediately released to Congress & the public. The Whistleblower knew almost nothing, its 2ND HAND description of the call is a fraud!


2019-9-30 “China Trade Turmoil: China Urging a CALM AND RATIONAL Solution.” @MariaBartiromo @FoxBusiness China is doing very poorly while the USA, under your favorite President’s leadership, continues to soar to new heights - and, despite the Do Nothing Democrats, we have just begun!

Maria Bartiromoの見解:「中国は穏やかかつ合理的な解決を切望している」 アメリカがトランプ大統領の下でさらなる高揚に向かう中、中国はうまく対応できていない。

The Greatest Witch Hunt in the history of our Country!





“This is about proving that Donald Trump was framed by the Democrats.” @RudyGiuliani


“Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats can’t put down the Impeachment match. They know they couldn’t beat him in 2016 against Hillary Clinton, and they’re increasingly aware of the fact that they won’t win against him in 2020, and Impeachment is the only tool they have to get rid of Donald J. Trump - And the Democrats don’t care if they burn down and destroy this nation in the process. I have never seen the Evangelical Christians more angry over any issue than this attempt to illegitimately remove this President from office, overturn the 2016 Election, and negate the votes of millions of Evangelicals in the process. They know the only Impeachable offense that President Trump has committed was beating Hillary Clinton in 2016. That’s the unpardonable sin for which the Democrats will never forgive him. If the Democrats are successful in removing the President from office (which they will never be), it will cause a Civil War like fracture in this Nation from which our Country will never heal.” Pastor Robert Jeffress, @FoxNews

以下はRobert Jeffress牧師の見解:「民主党は選挙でトランプ大統領を打ち負かせないと分かっているから弾劾に取り組んでいる。違法な手段で大統領を追い落とそうとしている民主党に対するEvangelicalsキリスト教信徒のかくも強い怒りに接したことはない。民主とはトランプ大統領がヒラリー候補に勝利したことが弾劾に値する許し得ない罪だと考えているのだ。民主党が弾劾に成功すれば内戦が起こる」

“State Department has stepped up Hillary Clinton Email probe.” @foxandfriends You mean the 33,000 Emails that she has deleted and acid washed so they can never be found, even though she said that all 33,000 pertained only to her daughter’s wedding, and her Yoga!


“All that’s swirling around us now is Impeachment. We talk about it day and night, it’s what’s on the news, there is NOTHING that has turned up that is Impeachable. Our founding fathers set impeachment to be extremely rare. We need to get good stuff done. Let the people vote, we are going to have an Election very shortly.” Rep. Jeff Van Drew, Democrat of New Jersey. @foxandfriends Thank you. Just another Witch Hunt by Nancy Pelosi and the Do Nothing Democrats!

以下はニュージャージー州Jeff Van Draw民主党下院議員の発言:「大統領罷免に値するようなことではない。アメリカ建国の父は大統領罷免を滅多なことでないと取り上げなかった」

These Radical Left, Do Nothing Democrats, are doing great harm to our Country. They are lying & cheating like never before in our Country’s history in order to destabilize the United States of America & it’s upcoming 2020 Election. They & the Fake News Media are Dangerous & Bad!


Like every American, I deserve to meet my accuser, especially when this accuser, the so-called “Whistleblower,” represented a perfect conversation with a foreign leader in a totally inaccurate and fraudulent way. Then Schiff made up what I actually said by lying to Congress. His lies were made in perhaps the most blatant and sinister manner ever seen in the great Chamber. He wrote down and read terrible things, then said it was from the mouth of the President of the United States. I want Schiff questioned at the highest level for Fraud & Treason. In addition, I want to meet not only my accuser, who presented SECOND & THIRD HAND INFORMATION, but also the person who illegally gave this information, which was largely incorrect, to the “Whistleblower.” Was this person SPYING on the U.S. President? Big Consequences!




Wishing a Happy New Year to all of those celebrating Rosh Hashanah in America, Israel, and around the World!

アメリカ、イスラエル、全世界でRosh Hashanahを祝う人々に新年おめでとう。



2019-9-29The Fake News doesn’t dare mention the corrupt Democrats!


RNC Researchを22件リツイート:

The only people that don’t like my conversation with the new Ukrainian President are those that heard Rep. Adam Schiff read a made up and totally fraudulent statement to the House and public, words that I did not say but that he fabricated (& admitted to this fabrication). Sick!


It is disgraceful what the Do Nothing Democrats are doing (the Impeachment Scam), but it is also disgraceful what they are NOT doing, namely, the USMCA vote, Prescription Drug Price Reduction, Gun Safety, Infrastructure, and much more!


They are trying to stop ME, because I am fighting for YOU!



WOW, they got caught. End the Witch Hunt now!


Federalistの共同設立者Sean Davisの論説を全文添付:その見出しは次の通り:Federal records show that the intelligence community secretly revised the formal whistleblower complaint form in August 2019 to eliminate the requirement of direct, first-hand knowledge of wrongdoing.(2019年8月に連邦政府の内部告発者保護規定が改正され、告発者が噂などセカンドハンドの情報に基づいて告発しても受け付けられるようになった。それ以前は、ファーストハンドの情報でないと受け付けられなかった。)

The Whistleblower’s complaint is completely different and at odds from my actual conversation with the new President of Ukraine. The so-called “Whistleblower” knew practically NOTHING in that those ridiculous charges were far more dramatic & wrong, just like Liddle’ Adam Schiff fraudulently and illegally inserted his made up & twisted words into my call with the Ukrainian President to make it look like I did something very wrong. He then boldly read those words to Congress and millions of people, defaming & libeling me. He must resign from Congress!


How do you impeach a President who has created the greatest Economy in the history of our Country, entirely rebuilt our Military into the most powerful it has ever been, Cut Record Taxes & Regulations, fixed the VA & gotten Choice for our Vets (after 45 years), & so much more? The conversation with the new and very good Ukraine President, who told the Fake News, at the United Nations, that HE WAS NOT PRESSURED BY ME IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FORM, should by and of itself bring an end to the new and most recent Witch Hunt. Others ended in ashes!





2019-9-28  Can you imagine if these Do Nothing Democrat Savages, people like Nadler, Schiff, AOC Plus 3, and many more, had a Republican Party who would have done to Obama what the Do Nothings are doing to me. Oh well, maybe next time!


Presidential Proclamation on Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day, 2019



Voter I.D. is the best way. Go for it Doug!



Thank you to General McMaster. Just more Fake News!


Natasha Beltlandを添付:Flashback, May 16, 2017: McMaster says Trump’s conversation with Russian diplomats in the Oval Office was “wholly appropriat



This is just the beginning of an all-out fight to defend our democracy & our president. Dozens of House Dems campaigned on working with@realDonaldTrump, yet fell in line with Pelosi & the Squad. Voters don't support this impeachment charade & it’s going to backfire come 2020!


If that perfect phone call with the President of Ukraine Isn’t considered appropriate, then no future President can EVER again speak to another foreign leader!


Sounding more and more like the so-called Whistleblower isn’t a Whistleblower at all. In addition, all second hand information that proved to be so inaccurate that there may not have even been somebody else, a leaker or spy, feeding it to him or her? A partisan operative?


The Democrats are now to be known as the DO NOTHING PARTY!


Rep. Adam Schiff totally made up my conversation with Ukraine President and read it to Congress and Millions. He must resign and be investigated. He has been doing this for two years. He is a sick man!




Iran wanted me to lift the sanctions imposed on them in order to meet. I said, of course, NO!



Rep. Adam Schiff fraudulently read to Congress, with millions of people watching, a version of my conversation with the President of Ukraine that doesn’t exist. He was supposedly reading the exact transcribed version of the call, but he completely changed the words to make it sound horrible, and me sound guilty. HE WAS DESPERATE AND HE GOT CAUGHT. Adam Schiff therefore lied to Congress and attempted to defraud the American Public. He has been doing this for two years. I am calling for him to immediately resign from Congress based on this fraud!


Obama loving (wrote Obama book) Peter Baker of the Failing New York Times, married to an even bigger Trump Hater than himself, should not even be allowed to write about me. Every story is a made up disaster with sources and leakers that don’t even exist. I had a simple and very nice call with with the new President of Ukraine, it could not have been better or more honorable, and the Fake News Media and Democrats, working as a team, have fraudulently made it look bad. It wasn’t bad, it was very legal and very good. A continuing Witch Hunt!


2019-9-27  To show you how dishonest the LameStream Media is, I used the word Liddle’, not Liddle, in discribing Corrupt Congressman Liddle’ Adam Schiff. Low ratings @CNN purposely took the hyphen out and said I spelled the word little wrong. A small but never ending situation with CNN!

Liddle’ Liddleの相違。詳細不明。

Will be a GREAT and very accurate show tonight by @seanhannity on @foxnews (9:00 PM). Will play my full statement from Air Force One!


So many lies by Sleepy Joe and the Do Nothing Democrats


Will be a GREAT and very accurate show tonight by @seanhannity on @foxnews (9:00 PM). Will play my full statement from Air Force One!


The President of Ukraine said that he was NOT pressured by me to do anything wrong. Can’t have better testimony than that! As V.P., Biden had his son, on the other hand, take out millions of dollars by strong arming the Ukrainian President. Also looted millions from China. Bad!


No one has done more behind the scenes for STRONG BORDER SECURITY than @SenCapito. Her bill passed Committee today with $5B for the BORDER WALL. West Virginia is a great State and Shelley gets it done. Keep it up!

ウエストバージニア州選出共和党Shelley Capito上院議員は壁の建設費の議会承認に陰ながら大いに働いてくれた。

Congratulations to my friend @SenShelby, our powerful Appropriations Chairman, for his hard work on many strong bills that continue to rebuild our military, invest in border security, and many other priorities. Good work and keep fighting, you are winning!


Liddle’ Adam Schiff, who has worked unsuccessfully for 3 years to hurt the Republican Party and President, has just said that the Whistleblower, even though he or she only had second hand information, “is credible.” How can that be with zero info and a known bias. Democrat Scam!


Adam Schiff has zero credibility. Another fantasy to hurt the Republican Party!


A whistleblower with second hand information? Another Fake News Story! See what was said on the very nice, no pressure, call. Another Witch Hunt!


That, and many other reasons, is why Republicans will win North Carolina!


“Is there a case for impeachment? Absolutely not! There is no high crime or misdemeanor, no crime, no extortion, no treason.” Robert Ray@FoxNews

Robert RayFOXニュースでの見解:弾劾の要件は全くない。


“Is there a case for impeachment? Absolutely not! There is no high crime or misdemeanor, no crime, no extortion, no treason.” Robert Ray



So true, but it will never work! https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1176686526006276097





2019-9-26 I have informed @GOPLeader Kevin McCarthy and all Republicans in the House that I fully support transparency on so-called whistleblower information but also insist on transparency from Joe Biden and his son Hunter, on the millions of dollars that have been quickly and easily taken out of Ukraine and China. Additionally, I demand transparency from Democrats that went to Ukraine and attempted to force the new President to do things that they wanted under the form of political threat.


Wow! “Ukraine Whistleblower’s lead attorney donated to Biden.” @FreeBeacon


Nancy Pelosi should be embarrassed. The transcript debunks the Democrats’ false claims against President @realDonaldTrump and demonstrates that their call to impeach him is a total farce.


66-29 huge majority believes the Democrats should work w/ 


 to solve the nations problems rather than impeachment; 58-32 voters believe the Democrats and the WashDC establishment are blocking changes President is trying to make. https://mclaughlinonline.com/2019/09/25/september-2019-national-results-congressional-democrats/


Since the day President Trump was elected to office, Democrats have tried to find any opportunity to undermine his presidency. In this most recent attempt, they made accusations before any facts were presented. 1/3


1) Having read DOJ’s Trump-Ukraine release, here’s the real story: This is another internal attempt to take out a president, on the basis of another non-smoking-gun.


Dems launched an impeachment inquiry based on a rumor instead of waiting for the facts. It's now clear: there was no quid pro quo.@realDonaldTrump didn't break any laws. But this has never been about facts or laws for Dems & the media—they just want to undo the 2016 election.


“...involving an industry and business he knew nothing about.” It is an absolute joke. The only corruption worse than Biden’s is that of the media who choose to ignore and look the other way. #NothingToSeeHere


None of what Democrats said happened on the call between


& Ukrainian President Zelensky was true. No quid pro quo, no talk of aid, no crimes committed. They moved to impeach yesterday before they even knew the facts.


Once again, Democrats reveal that impeachment is not really about our country, but about their own imperative to maintain power, reverse the will of the people, and undermine the President. (2/2)


Nothing remotely impeachable in transcript. Ukrainian President brought up Giuliani before @POTUS Trump mentioned Biden. No quid pro quo. Pursuing impeachment is indefensible.


As the left now tries to move the goalposts, remember that for days, all we heard was that @realDonaldTrump offered quid pro quo to trade foreign aid in exchange for investigating the Bidens. It was wrong. Again. Another day, another conspiracy theory debunked.


Unprecedented and unpatriotic. Nancy Pelosi undermined the solemn duty of impeachment that a future House may have to undertake if there is something ACTUALLY wrong. The Left couldn’t even wait for the #UkraineTranscript before calling for a fact-free #TrumpImpeachment


“He (President Trump) didn’t specifically mention the explicit quid pro quo of…unless you investigate this…we’re going to withhold military aid to you.” Pamela Brown


“You don’t see a direct quid pro quo in this.” @BretBaier



“Democrats wrote to the Ukrainian government in May 2018 urging it to continue investigations into President Donald Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia in the 2016 presidential campaign — collusion later found NOT TO EXIST.”


Will the Democrats apologize after seeing what was said on the call with the Ukrainian President? They should, a perfect call - got them by surprise!


“The Democrats have been talking about Impeaching Donald Trump since before he was inaugurated.” @SteveDoocy @foxandfriends And for no reason other than the great success we are having with the Economy, the Military, Vets, Tax and Regulation Cuts, HealthCare, and so much more!


Speaker Pelosi’s decree changes absolutely nothing. As I have been telling Chairman Nadler for weeks, merely claiming the House is conducting an impeachment inquiry doesn’t make it so. Until the full House votes to authorize an inquiry, nobody is conducting a formal inquiry.


POTUS says he's releasing the full transcript of the Ukraine call, and amazingly Democrats now say the whistleblower complaint is more important Folks, the 'whistleblower' wasn't on the call They think a secondhand account of the call will tell you more than the *actual call*


This “whistleblower” was found by the Intelligence Community IG to have a political bias against @POTUS @realDonaldTrump and supports one of his opponents in the 2020 race. You. Don’t. Say. #Hannity


There has been no President in the history of our Country who has been treated so badly as I have. The Democrats are frozen with hatred and fear. They get nothing done. This should never be allowed to happen to another President. Witch Hunt!


2019-9-25  Great new book by the brilliant Andrew McCarthy, BALL OF COLLUSION, THE PLOT TO\\ RIG AN ELECTION AND DESTROY A PRESIDENCY. Get it, and some other great new books which I will soon be recommending. They tell you about the Crooked Pols and the Witch Hunt that has now been exposed!

Andrew McCarthyの新著の紹介。

Thank you @LouDobbs and @JudgeJeanine!


Thank you @kevinomccarthy!


“He (Trump) has already been suffering from this type of a Witch Hunt since before his Inauguration. If it’s not one thing, it’s another. It’s a DISGRACE!” @pnjaban @LouDobbs

『トランプ大統領はこの種の魔女狩りを就任前から受けていた』Lou Dobbsの見解。

"They (Dems) are scrambling for a theme and narrative. They've gone everywhere from Russian Hoax to Russian Collusion...and now they've come to this...they think they should have won the 2016 election, they think in their bizarre brains that they did..."


“Mark Levin: Media trying to protect Biden, ignoring MASSIVE DEMOCRAT SCANDAL”

Mark Levinの見解:メディアはバイデンを庇い、民主党のスキャンダルに目を瞑っている』

“Attorney For Anti-Trump ‘Whistleblower’ Worked For Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer”


Secretary of State Pompeo recieved permission from Ukraine Government to release the transcript of the telephone call I had with their President. They don’t know either what the big deal is. A total Witch Hunt Scam by the Democrats!


They never even saw the transcript of the call. A total Witch Hunt!


Pelosi, Nadler, Schiff and, of course, Maxine Waters! Can you believe this?

民主党のPelosi Nadler Schiff Maxine Waters各議員はこれを信じるのか?

Such an important day at the United Nations, so much work and so much success, and the Democrats purposely had to ruin and demean it with more breaking news Witch Hunt garbage. So bad for our Country!


Today is #NationalVoterRegistrationDay, make sure you are registered to vote! Let’s KEEP AMERICA GREAT in 2020! http://vote.gop


The Democrats are so focused on hurting the Republican Party and the President that they are unable to get anything done because of it, including legislation on gun safety, lowering of prescription drug prices, infrastructure, etc. So bad for our Country!




2019-9-24  I am currently at the United Nations representing our Country, but have authorized the release tomorrow of the complete, fully declassified and unredacted transcript of my phone conversation with President Zelensky of Ukraine. You will see it was a very friendly and totally appropriate call. No pressure and, unlike Joe Biden and his son, NO quid pro quo! This is nothing more than a continuation of the Greatest and most Destructive Witch Hunt of all time!


This is the real corruption that the Fake News Media refuses to even acknowledge!


.@realDonaldTrump is showing that real strength and statesmanship can coexist with restraint. America is unquestionably the mightiest military power in the world and can win any military conflict. President Trump is wise to evaluate what is and is not in our national interest.

Rand Paul上院議員をリツイート:トランプ大統領は真の強さとステーツマンシップが自制の下で両立できることを立証している。アメリカの軍事力は世界最強で、紛争に勝利することは疑いの余地はない。大統領は良識をもってアメリカにとって何がよいか、何がよくないか識別している。

Q: "You can authorize to release the transcript. Will you do that?" President Trump: "I can do it very easily, but I'd rather not do it from the standpoint of all of the other conversations I have. I may do it, 'cause it was a very innocent call."

CSPANをリツイート:大統領への質問:『メモの公表を認める気はないか』 答え:『やろうと思えばすぐにできるがその気はない。全体を配慮するからである。会話全体が全く善意の内容だからである』

President Trump: "I think I'll get a Nobel prize for a lot of things,"


True. A wonderful meeting!


“Today, it is my true honor to be the first President of the United States to host a meeting at the United Nations on religious freedom,” @realDonaldTrump. #historic #UNGA

Hogan Gidreyをリツイート:『信仰の自由に関する国連会議で初の議長を務めたのは真に名誉なことであった』

She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future. So nice to see!


@FoxNews bombshell information reports that the so-called Whistleblower did not have firsthand knowledge of that phone conversation with Ukraine’s President.” Wow! @HARRISFAULKNER It is all a Democrat/Adam Schiff Scam! Doing this for 3 years now, and found NOTHING!


94% approval rating in the Republican Party. Thank you!


Thank you, working hard!


"With one clear voice, the United States of America calls on the nations of the world to end religious persecution." #UNGA


President @realDonaldTrump just delivered a critical message on religious freedom and global persecution. "Our founders understood that no right is more fundamental to a peaceful, prosperous, and virtuous society, than the right to follow one's religious convictions."


2019-9-23  “The very thing that they are accusing President Trump of doing (which I didn’t do), was actually done by Joe Biden. Continues to be a double standard.” @RepDevinNunes @foxandfriends These people are stone cold Crooked. Also, who is this so-called “whistleblower” who doesn’t know the correct facts. Is he on our Country’s side. Where does he come from. Is this all about Schiff & the Democrats again after years of being wrong?

以下はDevin Nunes上院議員の発言:大統領がやってもいないことを民主党は取り上げているが、民主党がやっていることそのものではないのか。

Just leaving the Great State of Ohio for New York and a few big days at the United Nations. Your Country will be well represented!


Now the Fake News Media says I “pressured the Ukrainian President at least 8 times during my telephone call with him.” This supposedly comes from a so-called “whistleblower” who they say doesn’t even have a first hand account of what was said. More Democrat/Crooked Media con Breaking News: The Ukrainian Government just said they weren’t pressured at all during the “nice” call. Sleepy Joe Biden, on the other hand, forced a tough prosecutor out from investigating his son’s company by threat of not giving big dollars to Ukraine. That’s the real story!


He has already made the American economy strong again. He has achieved much for the US and for the world. We, in India, have connected well with President Trump: PM Modi #HowdyModi



That’s a Texas-sized crowd! Electric atmosphere at the NRG arena in Houston as 50,000 strong Indian Americans wait for the historic occasion when PM @narendramodi comes on stage together with US President @realDonaldTrump at #HowdyModi.

The USA Loves India!

Justice Kavanaugh should sue The Failing New York Times for all they are worth!


Will be in Houston to be with my friend. Will be a great day in Texas!

“They are trying to destroy and influence Justice Kavanaugh, a very good man.” @LindseyGrahamSC 100% correct, and they should be fully exposed for what they are!


Dems say they will impeach @realDonaldTrump, but have no reason. Dems say they won't ban guns, but their bills do just that. Dems say they're not socialists, but push socialist policies. They lie about what they stand for because they know America will reject their radicalism.


I go along with Joe!


“Go across the world and you’ll see either very low interest rates, or negative rates. The President wants to be competitive with these other countries on this, but I don’t think he’ll fire Jay Powell (even if I should!).” We should always be paying less interest than others!


2019-9-22 “The real story involves Hunter Biden going around the world and collecting large payments from foreign governments and foreign oligarchs.” Peter Schweizer Laura Ingraham Hunter made a fortune in Ukraine and in China. He knew nothing about Energy, or anything else.


President @realDonaldTrump took a firsthand look at border wall construction and received a progress update from Border Patrol officials.



The Fake News Media nowadays not only doesn’t check for the accuracy of the facts, they knowingly make up the facts. They even make up sources in order to protect their partners, the Democrats. It is so wrong, but they don’t even care anymore. They have gone totally CRAZY!!!!

The LameStream Media had a very bad week. They pushed numerous phony stories and got caught, especially The Failing New York Times, which has lost more money over the last 10 years than any paper in history, and The Amazon Washington Post. They are The Enemy of the People!


“Ukraine Foreign Minister disputes reports of any pressure from Trump. This conversation was long, friendly, and it touched on many questions.” @NBCNews

Correct. If your looking for something done wrong, just look at the tape of Sleepy Joe. He is being protected by the Media!


“It appears that an American spy in one of our intelligence agencies may have been spying on our own president. The complaint suggests that this intel agent was listening in on Trump’s conversation with a foreign leader. Was this person officially asked to listen to the conversation or was he or she secretly listening in?” @GreggJarrett

大統領の外国首脳との電話の傍聴についてのGregg Jarrettの発言。

“The pretend Ukraine scandal is an another malicious seditious effort to protect the Obama/Clinton gang. Criminal classified leaks and spying targeting Trump — again.” @TomFitton

Tom Fittonのウクライナスキャンダルについての見解。


Friday FOIA dump confirms coup planned to take down @RealDonaldTrump, and McCabe used the FBI to pursue the collusion narrative. Two years of investigating debunked that narrative—and showed bad actors used the FBI to settle personal scores. Where are the other McCabe memos?

Some of the best Economic Numbers our Country has ever experienced are happening right now. This is despite a Crooked and Demented Deep State, and a probably illegal Democrat/Fake News Media Partnership the likes of which the world has never seen. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


Now that the Democrats and the Fake News Media have gone “bust” on every other of their Witch Hunt schemes, they are trying to start one just as ridiculous as the others, call it the Ukraine Witch Hunt, while at the same time trying to protect Sleepy Joe Biden. Will fail again!


2019-9-21 The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, want to stay as far away as possible from the Joe Biden demand that the Ukrainian Government fire a prosecutor who was investigating his son, or they won’t get a very large amount of U.S. money, so they fabricate a story about me and a perfectly fine and routine conversation I had with the new President of the Ukraine. Nothing was said that was in any way wrong, but Biden’s demand, on the other hand, was a complete and total disaster. The Fake News knows this but doesn’t want to report!


Thank you @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS for a wonderful evening.

Scott Morisonをリツイート:


Rachel Campos-Duffy has written a wonderful book for children, “Paloma Wants To Be Lady Freedom.” She and her husband, Sean Duffy, have done so much for our Country. Buy this book - great for the kids!


Thank you, working hard!


Our history is filled with the stories of courageous men and women who went beyond the call of duty to protect and defend. Today. we honor those who were Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action. You are not forgotten.


Welcome to the 


PM Morrison and Mrs. Morrison! 

Melania Trumpをリツイート:

The Radical Left Democrats and their Fake News Media partners, headed up again by Little Adam Schiff, and batting Zero for 21 against me, are at it again! They think I may have had a “dicey” conversation with a certain foreign leader based on a “highly partisan” whistleblowers statement. Strange that with so many other people hearing or knowing of the perfectly fine and respectful conversation, that they would not have also come forward. Do you know the reason why they did not? Because there was nothing said wrong, it was pitch perfect!


2019-9-20 Oh no, really big political news, perhaps the biggest story in years! Part time Mayor of New York City, 


, who was polling at a solid ZERO but had tremendous room for growth, has shocking dropped out of the Presidential race. NYC is devastated, he’s coming home!


“The U.S. Economy is the envy of the world, as Europe and Asia slide ever toward recession. But the Left is trying to avoid talking about the Trump Economy.” @IngrahamAngle The Best Is Yet To Come.


'when President Trump took office, 1.9m more unemployed than job openings' 'now: 1.2m more job openings than unemployed' @AndyPuzder: skills training vital to keep economy growing more details in my conversation w @IvankaTrump Sunday 9p @NextRevFNC

Steve Hiltonをリツイート:

Oversight hearing on DC statehood. Dems’ planned map would carve out Trump Hotel. Is it because they want the tax revenue? DC Council Chair: “That’s kind of a crass way to put it, but yea.” Or maybe it’s because they just want to harass the President.

REP. Jim Jordanをリツイート:民主党はワシントンDCにあるトランプホテルの行政区画を変えようとしている。税収増を狙っているのか大統領いじめを狙っているのか。


When youth engage in sports, their life outcomes improve dramatically yet youth sports participation has in the past decade. We will reverse this trend!

Ivanka Trumpをリツイート:若者のスポーツ参加の効果は大きい。もっと促進する!

Great news. @MariaBartiromo just renewed her deal with Fox. I don’t care how much they paid her, they got a beautiful bargain. Congratulations to both!

Maria BartiromoがFOXニュースと契約を更改した。おめでとう!

GREAT progress on the Border Wall!





Nice meeting with Mark Zuckerberg of @Facebook in the Oval Office today. https://facebook.com/153080620724/posts/10163173035125725?sfns=mo…

フェイスブックのZuckerberg CEOと今日ホワイトハウスで会談する。

Because of my Administration, drug prices are down for the first time in almost 50 years — but the American people need Congress to help. I like Sen. Grassley’s drug pricing bill very much, and it’s great to see Speaker Pelosi’s bill today. Let’s get it done in a bipartisan way!


Presidential Harassment!


2019-9-19  Another Fake News story out there - It never ends! Virtually anytime I speak on the phone to a foreign leader, I understand that there may be many people listening from various U.S. agencies, not to mention those from the other country itself. No problem! Knowing all of this, is anybody dumb enough to believe that I would say something inappropriate with a foreign leader while on such a potentially “heavily populated” call. I would only do what is right anyway, and only do good for the USA!


All Polls, and some brand new Polls, show very little support for impeachment. Such a waste of time, especially with sooo much good that could be done, including prescription drug price reduction, healthcare, infrastructure etc.




Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve Fail Again. No “guts,” no sense, no vision! A terrible communicator!

Jay Powell FRB議長とFRBは再度失敗した。度胸がない。これでは意味がない。ビジョンがない!市場の状況を読めない集団だ!

President @realDonaldTrump has delivered the lowest black unemployment ever; 8000+ urban revitalization enterprise zones; and the 1st Step Act. He has created an economic environment within which every citizen can flourish, and achieve the American dream ~

Allen Suttonをリツイート:トランプ大統領が成し遂げたこと、黒人失業率最低、8000を超える都市部の再開発と1st Step法の制定。すべての市民が繁栄を手にし、アメリカンドリームを実現できる経済環境を生み出したこと。

President @realDonaldTrump is the best president to happen for America since Abraham Lincoln. President Lincoln saved America; President Trump, by his "America first" policies, is restoring it for the future ~

Allen Suttonをリツイート:トランプ大統領はアブラハムリンカーン以来最高の大統領である。リンカーンはアメリカを救った。トランプのアメリカファースト政策はアメリカの未来を明るく、確かなものにしている。

Happy 72nd Birthday to our GREAT @USAirForce! #HBDUSAF https://instagram.com/p/B2jvRllHJvc/?igshid=oev7tnflmn2y


The Trump Administration is revoking California’s Federal Waiver on emissions in order to produce far less expensive cars for the consumer, while at the same time making the cars substantially SAFER.


 This will lead to more production because of this pricing and safety advantage, and also due to the fact that older, highly polluting cars, will be replaced by new, extremely environmentally friendly cars.


 There will be very little difference in emissions between the California Standard and the new U.S. Standard, but the cars will be far safer and much less expensive. Many more cars will be produced under the new and uniform standard, meaning significantly more JOBS, JOBS, JOBS! Automakers should seize this opportunity because without this alternative to California, you will be out of business.


.@realDonaldTrumpnames new national security adviser:

The RNC smashed another fundraising record last month. Between @realDonaldTrump 's accomplishments and our grassroots infrastructure, Republicans are going to be unstoppable in 2020!


I am pleased to announce that I will name Robert C. O’Brien, currently serving as the very successful Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs at the State Department, as our new National Security Advisor. I have worked long & hard with Robert. He will do a great job!

大統領特別補佐官の後任にRobert C. O’Brien国務省人質対策特別補佐官を任命する。本人と長い間厳しい仕事を共にして来た。活躍を期待している。


I have just instructed the Secretary of the Treasury to substantially increase Sanctions on the country of Iran!



So nice that our Country is now Energy Independent. The USA is in better shape than ever before. Strongest Military by far, biggest Economy (no longer even close), number one in Energy! MAGA = KAG!



Terrence K. Williams, “You can’t impeach Trump for being a winner!”


IIhan Omar, a member of AOC Plus 3, will win us the Great State of Minnesota. The new face of the Democrat Party! https://twitter.com/w_terrence/status/1173743104098209792


TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME Corey Lewandowski to Sheila Jackson Lee: "Could you repeat the question? I didn't hear it. Just a rant." The Dems did nothing but cry & complain about Pres @realDonaldTrump YOU CANT IMPEACH TRUMP FOR BEING A WINNER! #TrumpDerangementSyndrome


Since Jan 2017, we’ve made enormous strides in implementing the President’s Working Family Agenda, including doubling the Child Tax Credit in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.



It secured the largest ever increase (from $2.9 to $5.3 billion) in the Child Care and Development Block Grant program as a major new investment in child care affordability.



The New York Times is now blaming an editor for the horrible mistake they made in trying to destroy or influence Justice Brett Kavanaugh. It wasn’t the editor, the Times knew everything. They are sick and desperate, losing in so many ways!


Dummy Beto made it much harder to make a deal. Convinced many that Dems just want to take your guns away. Will continue forward!


Twitter friends: give a follow to the newest conservative member of Congress from North Carolina: @RepGregMurphy!


This latest Kavanaugh “accusation” reminds me an awful lot of the Russia story. Democrats and the mainstream press come out with a salacious (and false) accusation. And we only learn the truth because of hard work by a handful of good reporters.


Today at 1 pm (ET), you get a chance to get my new book, The United States of Trump, FREE. 5 interviews w President @realDonaldTrump , including one on Air Force One. 2 with @DonaldJTrumpJr. Join me for today's first-ever Great American Wealth Project:


Heading to sunny California today! Since President @realDonaldTrump’s election, 870,000 jobs have been ADDED and the unemployment rate is at a RECORD LOW for the state!


Wheels up to California, where President @realDonaldTrump is delivering BIG results!


Another record-breaking crowd in New Mexico! @realDonaldTrump expanded the map for Republicans in 2016, and he’s going to d o it again in 2020. He’s delivering results and winning over new supporters every day!


Thanks to President  @realDonaldTrump’s historic tax reform legislation, 879 Opportunity Zones will stimulate investment in the California communities that need it most.



Brad Parscaleを引用:.@realDonaldTrump rally in NM was a data gold mine.  45K people registered for tickets (94% from within NM)  78% of registrants matched to voter file  Over 20% voted in 1 or 0 of last 4 elections (9.3%=0, 11.5%=1)  52% male, 48 % female  40% Latino   31% Democrat (ニューメキシコ州はさながら金鉱脈のようだ!チケット購入者は45,000名。うち94%がニューメキシコ州市民。過去の投票歴に照合すると78%がトランプ支持。過去4回の選挙で1回投票に行った人は11.5%、行かなかった人は9.3%。男女比は男子52:女子48。スペイン語系アメリカ人40%。民主党支持者31%。)


Thank you @realDonaldTrump. No collusion no obstruction — the American people know it, and lll continue to remind them. #Senate2020. #StandwithCorey https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1174025953468530688


Jerry Nadler is wasting more of America’s time by hauling @realDonaldTrump’s former campaign manager in to testify. Mueller’s report proved Nadler's collusion lies were just that – LIES. Democrats need to accept they lost in 2016 and move on!

Ronna McDanielをリツイート:Jerry Nadler下院法務委員長はこれ以上時間の無駄を止め、2016年の選挙の結果を受け入れ、次に進むことだ!

Latinos for @realDonaldTrump were out in full force at the #TrumpRally in New Mexico last night! What a GREAT way to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month! 

Historically LOW unemployment   Wages are UP   Workforce participation is UP   Household income at HIGHEST level ever 

Team Trumpをリツイート:ニューメキシコ州でのトランプ選挙集会で、トランプ支持の潮流が動いた。スペイン語系アメリカ人の失業率低下、賃金上昇、就業増、家計収入のすべてが史上最高!

To all the Democrats who demonize half the country... To all the Hollywood liberals who want us boycotted... It's because of you that @realDonaldTrump's team is raising over $15 MILLION in California. Thank you!

Ronna McDanielをリツイート:

.@KatrinaPierson: 30 Years Of GOP ‘Minority Outreach’ Failed — Until @realDonaldTrump Brought Real Results

Team Trumpをリツイート:

Which @nytimes editor deleted the salient fact that the alleged Kavanaugh victim neither recalled the incident nor agreed to an interview? Authors last night said the key fact was in original draft.

Laura Ingrahamをリツイート:

Totally agree—a sign of weakness would be a trigger-happy reaction to the drone strike. @realDonaldTrump’s right. https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1174112317782413317

Laura Ingrahamをリツイート:

Guess who caught the New York Times' Kavanaugh authors in another huge error? This time in the Atlantic. "Witnesses Defended Kavanaugh. NYT Authors Falsely Claimed Silence"


.@CLewandowski_worked with the Trump campaign for nearly 2 years. He testified they did not collude or coordinate with Russia. Sounds familiar. James Comey, sitting at the same table as Lewandowski: same answer. Bob Mueller: same table, same answer. Time to move on.

トランプ選対に2年近く在籍していたC. Lewandowskiが議会で宣誓証言した。その通りだ。

The Witch Hunt is the greatest political scam in U.S. history! #MAGA


Trump’s OVERFLOW crowd is bigger than any audience Bernie or Biden will ever see. Stood outside at Rio Rancho to support their President. Go you good things, go. #NM #Trump2020


2019-9-18 As Corey Lewandowski stated very clearly yesterday in front of the House Judiciary Committee, President Trump didn’t do anything wrong or illegal. But they all know that. The Democrats are hurting our Country, and getting nothing done. Shameful! 


Corey Lewandowskiが昨日下院法務委員会で証言した。民主党は国家に損害を与えているだけで、何物も得ていない。恥さらしだ!

No Lindsey, it was a sign of strength that some people just don’t understand!

(アメリカの偵察ドローンが撃墜された事件への対応は弱さの証左というLindsey Grahamの見解に対して)それは違う。私の対応は力強さの証である。1部の人たちは分かっていないだけである。・

The New York Times is now blaming an editor for the horrible mistake they made in trying to destroy or influence Justice Brett Kavanaugh. It wasn’t the editor, the Times knew everything. They are sick and desperate, losing in so many ways!


Such a beautiful Opening Statement by Corey Lewandowski! Thank you Corey! 



John Adams called the drafting of the Constitution—the bedrock of the rule of law for our Nation—"the greatest single effort of national deliberation that the world has ever seen." Happy #ConstitutionDay! http://45.wh.gov/RNWaaW

ホワイトハウスをリツイート:John Adamsが憲法起草を呼び掛けた。憲法記念日。

Just departed New Mexico for California, where we are delivering results!



2019-9-17 The New York Times is at its lowest point in its long and storied history. Not only is it losing a lot of money, but it is a journalistic disaster, being laughed at even in the most liberal of enclaves. It has become a very sad joke all all over the World. Witch Hunt hurt them. ”That story (Kavanaugh) is nowhere near the standard that should be met in publishing a story.” @brithume @FoxNews


ニューヨークタイムスは、業績だけでなく社会の木鐸としての役割において、その長く語り伝えられた評価をこれ以上失うところがないほどまで失い、リベラルを自認する読者から笑いものにされている。世界中の悲しいジョークのネタにされている。魔女狩りが評判を落とした。FOXニュースのBrit Humeの言葉を借りると「今回のカバナー最高裁判判事についての報道は報道倫理に照らすまでもなく没にされて然るべき記事」である。

If you want to stop the drug smugglers, human traffickers, and vicious MS-13 gang members from threatening our communities and poisoning our youth, you have only one choice — you must elect more REPUBLICANS! #KAG2020


We are all united by the same love of Country, the same devotion to family, and the same profound faith that America is blessed by the eternal grace of ALMIGHTY GOD! Bound by these convictions, we will campaign for every vote & we will WIN the Great State of NEW MEXICO in 2020!


Beautiful evening in New Mexico with Great American Patriots!


Oil production is up an incredible 110 percent—PLUS, New Mexico's entire mining and logging sector has seen a 40 percent increase in jobs since President Trump’s election!


Business creation is thriving in New Mexico!


Proud to recognize Mariano Rivera at the @WhiteHouse today to receive the Medal of Freedom. We celebrate his incredible career in baseball and ability to bring people together not only through love of the game, but also his philanthropic efforts.

ファーストレディーをリツイート:Mariano Rivera投手への賛辞。

On my way to New Mexico — see you all shortly at the @StarCenter!  #KAG2020 https://instagram.com/p/B2fP1cmB9XD/?igshid=1t50mu46fjsy5…


I call for the Resignation of everybody at The New York Times involved in the Kavanaugh SMEAR story, and while you’re at it, the Russian Witch Hunt Hoax, which is just as phony! They’ve taken the Old Grey Lady and broken her down, destroyed her virtue and ruined her reputation. She can never recover, and will never return to Greatness, under current Management. The Times is DEAD, long live The New York Times!


Earlier: President @realDonaldTrump welcomed the Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the Oval Office!


“How many stories are wrong? Almost all of the stories the New York Times has done are inaccurate and wrong.” @greggutfeld The New York Times should close its doors and throw away the keys. The women mentioned in the Kavanaugh story said she didn’t even remember the event.

「如何に誤報が多いか。ニューヨークタイムスが扱ったニュースのほとんどが詰めが甘く、間違っている」とはGreg Gutfieldの見解。ニューヨークタイムスは正門を閉鎖し、鍵を捨てるべきだ。カバナー最高裁判事の記事で名指しされた女性は思い起こすことさえ出来ないと語っている。4R5

Congratulations @MarianoRivera!

“How many stories are wrong? Almost all of the stories the New York Times has done are inaccurate and wrong.” @greggutfeld The New York Times should close its doors and throw away the keys. The women mentioned in the Kavanaugh story said she didn’t even remember the event.




Thank you, working hard! #KAG2020


Big crowd expected in New Mexico tonight, where we will WIN. Your Border Wall is getting stronger each and every day — see you in a few hours!


In a short while I will be presenting the New York @Yankees @MarianoRivera, the reatest relief pitcher (Closer!) of all time, with the Presidential Medal of Freedom in the East Room of the @WhiteHouse!


They failed on the Mueller Report, they failed on Robert Mueller’s testimony, they failed on everything else, so now the Democrats are trying to build a case that I enrich myself by being President. Good idea, except I will, and have always expected to, lose BILLIONS of DOLLARS for the privilege of being your President - and doing the best job that has been done in many decades. I am far beyond somebody paying for a hotel room for the evening, or filling up a gas tank at an airport I do not own. These Radical Left Democrats are CRAZY! Obama Netflix?



“Democrats would rather talk about gun control than get something done.” Governor John Sununu @FoxNews @BillHemmer The big questions are, will they “move the goalposts” and, is this just a ploy to TAKE YOUR GUNS AWAY? I hope NOT on both counts, but I’ll be able to figure it out! 


Remember when Iran shot down a drone, saying knowingly that it was in their “airspace” when, in fact, it was nowhere close. They stuck strongly to that story knowing that it was a very big lie. Now they say that they had nothing to do with the attack on Saudi Arabia. We’ll see?


Just Out: “Kavanaugh accuser doesn’t recall incident.” @foxandfriends DO YOU BELIEVE WHAT THESE HORRIBLE PEOPLE WILL DO OR SAY. They are looking to destroy, and influence his opinions - but played the game badly. They should be sued!


“What’s happening to Justice Kavanaugh is a disgrace. This guy is not a good man, he is a great man. He has to go to his church with his family while these terrible reports are being written about him, a disgrace!” Dan Bongino @foxandfriends

以下はFOXに述べたDan Bonginoの見解:カバナー判事は立派である。この忌まわしい偽ニュースの中で教会に家族そろって出かけねばならないのだ!

“The New York Times walks back report on Kavanaugh assault claim.” @foxandfriends

The one who is actually being assaulted is Justice Kavanaugh - Assaulted by lies and Fake News! This is all about the LameStream Media working with their partner, the Dems.


Producer prices in China shrank most in 3 years due to China’s big devaluation of their currency, coupled with monetary stimulus. Federal Reserve not watching? Will Fed ever get into the game? Dollar strongest EVER! Really bad for exports. No Inflation...Highest Interest Rates. The United States, because of the Federal Reserve, is paying a MUCH higher Interest Rate than other competing countries. They can’t believe how lucky they are that Jay Powell & the Fed don’t have a clue. And now, on top of it all, the Oil hit. Big Interest Rate Drop, Stimulus!


Because we have done so well with Energy over the last few years (thank you, Mr. President!), we are a net Energy Exporter, & now the Number One Energy Producer in the World. We don’t need Middle Eastern Oil & Gas, & in fact have very few tankers there, but will help our Allies!


The @nytimes. “This week, the Senate passed a milestone in confirming the 150th Federal Judge of Mr. Trump’s Administration to a lifetime appointment, far outstripping Barack Obama’s pace and fulfilling pledges by Mr. Trump and Mr. O’Connell to remake the Federal Judiciary ’These Conservative Judicial appointments will impact our nation for years to come,’ said Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, who leads the Judiciary Committee and who has been speeding through Trump nominees.” The entire Court System is changing at a record pace!


2019-9-16 House Judiciary has given up on the Mueller Report, sadly for them after two years and $40,000,000 spent - ZERO COLLUSION, ZERO OBSTRUCTION. So they say, OK, lets look at everything else, and all of the deals that “Trump” has done over his lifetime. But it doesn’t work that way. I have a better idea. Look at the Obama Book Deal, or the ridiculous Netflix deal. Then look at all the deals made by the Dems in Congress, the “Congressional Slush Fund,” and lastly the IG Reports. Take a look at them. Those investigations would be over FAST!



“We cannot have what happened to this President happen again.” Joe DiGenova. “It is time for Justice to come barreling in.” @LouDobbs Can you imagine that with everything going on in this World, the Witch Hunt, though on a respirator, is still whimpering along. A disgrace!

Lou Dobbsによると、Joe DiGenovaは『同じことがほかの大統領に起こってはならない。

The Fake News is saying that I am willing to meet with Iran, “No Conditions.” That is an incorrect statement (as usual!).


Here we go again with General Motors and the United Auto Workers. Get together and make a deal!




Saudi Arabia oil supply was attacked. There is reason to believe that we know the culprit, are locked and loaded depending on verification, but are waiting to hear from the Kingdom as to who they believe was the cause of this attack, and under what terms we would proceed!


Based on the attack on Saudi Arabia, which may have an impact on oil prices, I have authorized the release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, if needed, in a to-be-determined amount sufficient to keep the markets well-supplied. I have also informed all appropriate agencies to expedite approvals of the oil pipelines currently in the permitting process in Texas and various other States.



Can’t believe the @washingtonpost wrote a positive front page story, “Unity Issue Has Parties Pointing To Trump. GOP Goes All In, While Democrats Clash Over Ideology & Tactics. Mr. President, We Are With You The Entire Way. REPUBLICANS Have Coalesced Around Trump.” Then, on top of it all, Kathleen Parker, of all people, wrote “In Case You Were Wondering, Trump Won The Debate.” True, but what is going on at the @washingtonpost? NOT Fake News!

信じられないことが起こった。ワシントンポスト紙が1面トップで、中道右派で400ものメディアにキャリーされるKathleen Parkerコラムニストの見解を報道した。『国論分断阻止問題について、共和党はトランプ大統領を支持で結束しているが、民主党は、国論分断阻止問題について、イデオロギーとその実現方法について党内で対立している。大統領閣下、われわれは大統領に全面的に賛成する。共和党は大統領支持で結束している。意見を決めかねている人に、トランプ大統領は勝った』 その通りだ!ワシントンポストで何が起こったのか?これは偽ニュースではない!

ウイキペディアより:Kathleen Parker is a center-right[1][2] columnist for The Washington Post. Her columns are syndicated nationally and appear in more than 400 media outlets, both online and in print.[3] Parker is a consulting faculty member at the Buckley School of Public Speaking, a popular guest on cable and network news shows and a regular panelist on NBC's "Meet the Press" and MSNBC's "Hardball" with Chris Matthews. 


I am fighting the Fake (Corrupt) News, the Deep State, the Democrats, and the few remaining Republicans In Name Only (RINOS, who are on mouth to mouth resuscitation), with the help of some truly great Republicans, and others. We are Winning big (150th Federal Judge this week)!


Can’t let Brett Kavanaugh give Radical Left Democrat (Liberal Plus) Opinions based on threats of Impeaching him over made up stories (sound familiar?), false allegations, and lies. This is the game they play. Fake and Corrupt News is working overtime! #ProtectKavanaugh

Brett Kavanaughを守らなければならない。

Brett Kavanaugh should start suing people for liable, or the Justice Department should come to his rescue. The lies being told about him are unbelievable. False Accusations without recrimination. When does it stop? They are trying to influence his opinions. Can’t let that happen!


Now the Radical Left Democrats and their Partner, the LameStream Media, are after Brett Kavanaugh again, talking loudly of their favorite word, impeachment. He is an innocent man who has been treated HORRIBLY. Such lies about him. They want to scare him into turning Liberal!

