
2019-9-1 Today I saw firsthand the critical and innovative research and ground tests for the international space community being done right here in #Ohio at NASA’s facilities in #Cleveland and #Sandusky.
Rob Portmanをリツイート:宇宙開発に取り組む国際チームの活動の見学報告。
As I travel around the state, a lot of people ask about securing the US-Mexico border & what Congress can do to fix the broken immigration process. Last month, I visited the US-Mexico border with @SenJoniErnst & @SenBillCassidy to see firsthand what needs to be done.
James Lankfordをリツイート:国境視察報告。
Nobody knows more about Healthcare than John. Great guy!
An amazing guy, respected by all!
Nobody works harder or smarter than Joni!
One of the greats!
Great job Thom!
8-31 Thank you Kevin. Great things are happening at the Border!
“They could have charged Comey with theft of government documents, 641 of the Criminal Code, because the IG found these were not his personal documents, these were government documents.” @GreggJarrett “Comey’s claim that these were just his own personal recollections would not pass the laugh test, and the Inspector General just knocked that down.” @ByronYork @LouDobbs
Just arrived at Camp David!
This should NEVER happen to another President again!
“One of the most disgraceful examples of an abuse of power by a government official…when you read this report…this is a systematic effort to go after Candidate Trump, President Elect-Trump, and President Trump....you could virtually call this an attempted coup." @RepPeteKing
以下はPete King下院議員の言:この報告書が明らかにしている事実、すなわち、政府職員によるトランプ候補の情報収集は明らかな権力の乱用で、政府職員によるクーデターと見做せるものである。
Thanks @RepDougCollins - TRUE!
The United States of America was not involved in the catastrophic accident during final launch preparations for the Safir SLV Launch at Semnan Launch Site One in Iran. I wish Iran best wishes and good luck in determining what happened at Site One.
Prepare today and stay informed as #Dorian approaches.
Watch as the eye of #HurricaneDorian2019 begins to form in this 1-minute visible loop from NOAA's #GOESEast. "Dangerous Hurricane #Dorian poses a significant threat to #Florida and the northwestern #Bahamas," according to the @NHC_Atlantic . Latest: http://go.usa.gov/xVB3K
If the Fed would cut, we would have one of the biggest Stock Market increases in a long time. Badly run and weak companies are smartly blaming these small Tariffs instead of themselves for bad management...and who can really blame them for doing that? Excuses!
The Euro is dropping against the Dollar “like crazy,” giving them a big export and manufacturing advantage...and the Fed does NOTHING! Our Dollar is now the strongest in history. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Except to those (manufacturers) that make product for sale outside the U.S. We don’t have a Tariff problem (we are reigning in bad and/or unfair players), we have a Fed problem. They don’t have a clue!
Bryan Dean Wright, former CIA Officer(Dem): “In 2016 we had a Coup. We have to take Comey and others to task. Makes no sense not to prosecute him. Comey got a book deal. I fear for my Country. He tried to kneecap our duly elected president, and there are no consequences.” @fox &Fs
以下はFOXニュースに出たBryan Dean Wright元CAI職員の発言:『2016年にわれわれはクーデターを起こしていた。コーミー他を不起訴にするのはナンセンスである。この国のためによろしくない。選挙で正当に選ばれた大統領を狙ったのだ』
The fact that James Comey was not prosecuted for the absolutely horrible things he did just shows how fair and reasonable Attorney General Bill Barr is. So many people and experts that I have watched and read would have taken an entirely different course. Comey got Lucky!
James Comeyの恐るべき罪状にもかかわらずBarr司法長官が不起訴にしたのは長官が公正かつ遵法精神に優れていることの証左である。私の知る限りみんなが起訴すべきとしていた。Çomeyは幸せ者だ!
The disastrous IG Report on James Comey shows, in the strongest of terms, how unfairly I, and tens of millions of great people who support me, were treated. Our rights and liberties were illegally stripped away by this dishonest fool. We should be given our stolen time back?
James Comeyに関する検事総長報告は大統領をその支援者が如何に法的に酷な仕打ちを受けていたかを明らかにしている。われわれの権利と自由が剥奪されていたのだ。失われた時間を与えられなばならないのではないか。
WATCH: Club for Growth president David McIntosh defends his organization's support for President Trump despite the trade war with China. #MTP #IfItsSunday @DavidMMcintosh : "The tariffs are attacks on the American people."
中国との貿易戦争にも関わらずDavid McIntosh社長は『中国による対米関税はアメリカ国民に対する攻撃である』と述べて大統領を擁護した。
@chucktodd asks: How could you say Trump is a free-market conservative as he issues tariffs? @DavidMMcintosh : "What we like about President Trump's vision on trade is his goal of 0-0 tariffs. ... These tariffs are his way of forcing China to come to the table." #MTP
NBCのChuck Toddキャスターの『関税を発動するトランプ大統領は自由経済を信奉する保守主義者と思うか』との質問に対して、インディアナ州選出David Mcintosh下院議員は『大統領は関税ゼロ主義者であって欲しいと思っている。関税は中国を交渉のテーブルに就かせるための彼一流の手段である』と語った。
Agreed, @SenTedCruz & @taxreformer . We’re not tired of all this winning. @realdonaldtrump should boost our already winning economy by indexing capital gains to inflation. Great read via @rc_markets :
テキサス州選出Ted Cruz上院議員の意見に賛成する。議員は、これまでの経済の好調で満足していない。大統領はさらに経済を繁栄させるために
キャピタルゲインをインフレ率に連動させるべきだとの考えを表明している。Real Clear Marketsを検索されたい。
An idea liked by many?
Steve Forbesの意見は大方の賛同を得るのではないか。
8-30 General Motors, which was once the Giant of Detroit, is now one of the smallest auto manufacturers there. They moved major plants to China, BEFORE I CAME INTO OFFICE. This was done despite the saving help given them by the USA. Now they should start moving back to America again?
There's an increasing chance for #Dorian to bring a triple-threat of dangers to the Florida east coast...
Establishment of the U.S. Space Command!
Perhaps never in the history of our Country has someone been more thoroughly disgraced and excoriated than James Comey in the just released Inspector General’s Report. He should be ashamed of himself!
今出された検事総長報告で、James Comeyほど酷く非難されたものはこの国にいない。自らの恥を知るべきである。
・The Wall is going up very fast despite total Obstruction by Democrats in Congress, and elsewhere! https://instagram.com/p/B1t2uUeBXdU/?igshid=b6tjibw3fnws
The Farmers are going to be so happy when they see what we are doing for Ethanol, not even including the E-15, year around, which is already done. It will be a giant package, get ready! At the same time I was able to save the small refineries from certain closing. Great for all!
The Economy is doing GREAT, with tremendous upside potential! If the Fed would do what they should, we are a Rocket upward!
The totally inaccurate reporting by Lawrence O’Donnell, for which he has been forced by NBC to apologize, is NO DIFFERENT than the horrible, corrupt and fraudulent Fake News that I (and many millions of GREAT supporters) have had to put up with for years. So bad for the USA!
NBCが改めてLawrence O’Donnellキャスターに謝罪するよう求めたことは偽ニュースメディアが謝罪しているようなものである。アメリカにとってひどい話だ!
Crazy Lawrence O’Donnell, who has been calling me wrong from even before I announced my run for the Presidency, even being previously forced by NBC to apologize, which he did while crying, for things he said about me & The Apprentice, was again forced to apologize, this time for the most ridiculous claim of all, that Russia, Russia, Russia, or Russian oligarchs, co-signed loan documents for me, a guarantee. Totally false, as is virtually everything else he, and much of the rest of the LameStream Media, has said about me for years. ALL APOLOGIZE!
NBCのLawrence O’Donnellキャスターは私が大統領選に出馬する前から私を悪し様に罵り、NBCから謝罪を迫られた経緯があるが、今回、改めてロシアロシアロシアと言い続けて来たことに謝罪するよう求められた。本人だけでなくメディアを含めて謝罪すべきだ!
Hurricane Dorian looks like it will be hitting Florida late Sunday night. Be prepared and please follow State and Federal instructions, it will be a very big Hurricane, perhaps one of the biggest!
8-29 Puerto Rico is in great shape with Hurricane Dorian taking a largely different route than anticipated. Thank you to FEMA, first responders, and all, for working so hard & being so well prepared. A great result! The bad news, Florida get ready! Storm is building and will be BIG!
“Look what [@realDonaldTrump] did with Japan at the G7. This is a huge trade agreement he secured with them— agriculture, beef, but also digital technology.” -@KellyannePolls
共和党をリツイート:以下はKellyanne Pollsの発言:『G7において大統領は日本との間で、農産品、牛肉だけでなくデジタルテクノロジーについて大きな成果を上げた』
There has never been a time in the history of our Country that the Media was so Fraudulent, Fake, or Corrupt! When the “Age of Trump” is looked back on many years from now, I only hope that a big part of my legacy will be the exposing of massive dishonesty in the Fake News!
The Amazon Washington Post and @CNN just did a Fake Interview on Pardons for Aids on the Wall, and that I didn’t think the Wall on the Southern Border was that important to stop Illegals wanting to come into our Country. WRONG, vitally important. Will make a BIG impact. So bad!
・The Wall is going up very fast despite total Obstruction by Democrats in Congress, and elsewhere! https://instagram.com/p/B1t2uUeBXdU/?igshid=b6tjibw3fnws
A sad day for the Democrats, Kirsten Gillibrand has dropped out of the Presidential Primary. I’m glad they never found out that she was the one I was really afraid of!
ヒラリーの議席を継いだニューヨーク州選出民主党Kirsten Gillibrand上院議員が大統領選挙予備選挙から脱落した。私が警戒していた強力な対立候補であった。
Thank you for the support as we MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Another totally Fake story in the Amazon Washington Post (lobbyist) which states that if my Aides broke the law to build the Wall (which is going up rapidly), I would give them a Pardon. This was made up by the Washington Post only in order to demean and disparage - FAKE NEWS!
Puerto Rico is one of the most corrupt places on earth. Their political system is broken and their politicians are either Incompetent or Corrupt. Congress approved Billions of Dollars last time, more than anyplace else has ever gotten, and it is sent to Crooked Pols. No good! And by the way, I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to Puerto Rico!
Our Federal Reserve cannot “mentally” keep up with the competition - other countries. At the G-7 in France, all of the other Leaders were giddy about how low their Interest Costs have gone. Germany is actually “getting paid” to borrow money - ZERO INTEREST PLUS! No Clue Fed!
Just watched @FoxNews heavily promoting the Democrats through their DNC Communications Director, spewing out whatever she wanted with zero pushback by anchor, @SandraSmithFox. Terrible considering that Fox couldn’t even land a debate, the Dems give them NOTHING! @CNN & @MSNBC. are all in for the Open Border Socialists (or beyond). Fox hires “give Hillary the questions” @donnabrazile, Juan Williams and low ratings Shep Smith. HOPELESS & CLUELESS! They should go all the way LEFT and I will still find a way to Win - That’s what I do, Win. Too Bad! I don’t want to Win for myself, I only want to Win for the people. The New @FoxNews is letting millions of GREAT people down! We have to start looking for a new News Outlet. Fox isn’t working for us anymore!
Would be very hard for Jeremy Corbyn, the leader of Britain’s Labour Party, to seek a no-confidence vote against New Prime Minister Boris Johnson, especially in light of the fact that Boris is exactly what the U.K. has been looking for, & will prove to be “a great one!” Love U.K.
We are tracking closely tropical storm Dorian as it heads, as usual, to Puerto Rico. FEMA and all others are ready, and will do a great job. When they do, let them know it, and give them a big Thank You - Not like last time. That includes from the incompetent Mayor of San Juan!
So interesting to read and see all of the free and interesting advice I am getting on China, from people who have tried to handle it before and failed miserably - In fact, they got taken to the cleaners. We are doing very well with China. This has never happened to them before!
8-28 “The infestation of bedbugs at The New York Times office” @OANN was perhaps brought in by lightweight journalist Bret Stephens, a Conservative who does anything that his bosses at the paper tell him to do! He is now quitting Twitter after being called a “bedbug.” Tough guy!
ニューヨークタイムスのBret Stephensは軽口の評論家で、上司の言うことなら何でのやる男だ。
A made up Radical Left Story about Doral bedbugs, but Bret Stephens is loaded up with them! Been calling me wrong for years, along with the few remaining Never Trumpers - All Losers!
次期G7の候補地にダニなどいない。急進左派民主党のためにする風評だ。Bret Stephensの名が出ている。
Can you believe it? I’m at 94% approval in the Republican Party, and have Three Stooges running against me. One is “Mr. Appalachian Trail” who was actually in Argentina for bad reasons. Another is a one-time BAD Congressman from Illinois who lost in his second term by a landslide, then failed in radio. The third is a man who couldn’t stand up straight while receiving an award. I should be able to take them!
Axios (whatever that is) sat back and said GEEEEE, let’s see, what can we make up today to embarrass the President? Then they said, “why don’t we say he wants to bomb a hurricane, that should do it!” The media in our Country is totally out of control!
They do stories so big on Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren’s crowd sizes, adding many more people than are actually there, and yet my crowds, which are far bigger, get no coverage at all. Fake News!
Elizabeth Warren民主党候補の選挙集会の人数が水増しされている。私の選挙集会の人数の方がはるかに多いのに報道されない。偽ニュースだ!
It is amazing that I can be at 51% with Zogby when the Fake & Corrupt News is almost 100% against me. Great job Mr. President!
The G7 in France was so successful, and yet when I came back and read the Corrupt and Fake News, and watched numerous networks, it was not even recognizable from what actually took place at the Great G7 event!
Looking forward to being with Dan Bishop in two weeks, in North Carolina. His opponent believes in Open Borders and Sanctuary Cities, and won’t protect your Second Amendment!
ノースカロライナ州選出Dan Bishop共和党上院議員と2週間後に再会するのを心待ちにしている。民主党の対立候補は国境開放と聖域都市を支持している。憲法修正第2条の銃による自衛を認めない!
.@JudgeJeanine Pirro is following up her #1 Best Seller with another book that is destined to also be #1 – “Radicals, Resistance, and Revenge: The Left's Plot to Remake America.” Out today, go get it!
元ニューヨーク州Westchesterカウンティ―検事で、現在、FOXニュースでJeanie検事の正義という番組を担当しているJeanie Pirroキャスターが『急進派と抵抗と報復』と題する新著を本日出版する。ベストセラーになった同様ベストセラーになる。すぐに買って読もう!
The Federal Reserve loves watching our manufacturers struggle with their exports to the benefit of other parts of the world. Has anyone looked at what almost all other countries are doing to take advantage of the good old USA? Our Fed has been calling it wrong for too long!
Messy. John Kerry’s son cut business ties with Hunter Biden over Ukrainian oil deal
オバマ政権のJohn Kerry国務長官の息子がバイデン候補のウクライナの石油利権から手を引いた。
100% Confirmed!
Wow! Yet another big storm heading to Puerto Rico. Will it ever end? Congress approved 92 Billion Dollars for Puerto Rico last year, an all time record of its kind for “anywhere.”
The G-7 was a great success for the USA and all. LameStream Media coverage bore NO relationship to what actually happened in France - FAKE NEWS. It was GREAT!
No bedbugs at Doral. The Radical Left Democrats, upon hearing that the perfectly located (for the next G-7) Doral National MIAMI was under consideration for the next G-7, spread that false and nasty rumor. Not nice!
8-27 Starting to look good for the highly respected Prime Minister of the Italian Republic, Giuseppe Conte. Represented Italy powerfully at the G-7. Loves his Country greatly & works well with the USA. A very talented man who will hopefully remain Prime Minister!
イタリーのGiuseppe Conteは立派であった。
I have gotten to know President @jairbolsonaro well in our dealings with Brazil. He is working very hard on the Amazon fires and in all respects doing a great job for the people of Brazil - Not easy. He and his country have the full and complete support of the USA!
Just returned to Washington from France and the very successful G-7, only to find that the Fake News is still trying to perpetuate the phony story that I wanted to use Nuclear weapons to blow up hurricanes before they reach shore. This is so ridiculous, never happened!
Thank you Mark!
I agree 100%!
ウイスコンシン州選出Sean Duffy下院議員の追悼。
Just wrapped up a great meeting with my friend Prime Minister @NarendraModi of India at the #G7Summit in Biarritz, France!
Very productive meeting with Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, at the #G7Summit in Biarritz, France!
Great respect for the fact that President Xi & his Representatives want “calm resolution.” So impressed that they are willing to come out & state the facts so accurately. This is why he is a great leader & representing a great country. Talks are continuing!
The story by Axios that President Trump wanted to blow up large hurricanes with nuclear weapons prior to reaching shore is ridiculous. I never said this. Just more FAKE NEWS!
Great meeting this morning with President @AlsisiOfficial of Egypt at the Hôtel du Palais in Biarritz, France! #G7Summit
All Trump Haters and Lovers must watch. Thank you Steve Hilton!
Next Revolutionは必見。
Thank you Katie!
8-26  .@SteveHiltonx “The Democrats statements about Donald Trump are lies. Here are the Facts.” I will soon be posting the entire segment. Too much positive news, too many good things, to Tweet. PLEASE BE SURE TO WATCH! Thank you Steve Hilton for being a real pro and not being afraid!
民主党のトランプ情報の誤りを指摘したSteve Hiltonの発言に感謝。
Congratulations to Louisiana’s Champions. See you at the White House!
My Stock Market gains must be judged from the day after the Election, November 9, 2016, where the Market went up big after the win, and because of the win. Had my opponent won, CRASH!
No, we actually had a very good and productive meeting. Nice!
In France we are all laughing at how knowingly inaccurate the U.S. reporting of events and conversations at the G-7 is. These Leaders, and many others, are getting a major case study of Fake News at it’s finest! They’ve got it all wrong, from Iran, to China Tariffs, to Boris!
.@TomFitton on @LouDobbs : “The more we learn about #SpyGate targeting of Trump, the worse it looks for the Obama administration. Every piece of information that comes out further exonerates President @realDonaldTrump while implicating the Obama gang." http://jwatch.us/bJaMC5
Judicial WatchのTom Fittonをリツイート:オバマ政権下のトランプ選対スパイゲート事件は実に酷い。
JW announced that U.S. District Court Judge ordered the FBI to conduct a search w/in 60 days for records of communications w/former British spy and dossier author Christopher Steele post-dating Steele’s service as an FBI confidential source/ READ:
Judicial Watch Director of Investigation Chris Farrell joins @SebGorka on America First to discuss the federal court hearings on the #HillaryClinton emails that are taking place in Washington D.C. on Thursday, August 22, 2019. READ MORE HERE: http://jwatch.us/ELrU4g
JWのChris Farrellがヒラリーの電子メール問題で証言する。
JW announced it received records of 14 of FBI employees to the organization’s Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) for the unauthorized disclosure of sensitive or classified information.
Dozens of foreign nationals with shady backgrounds have vanished from the FBI’s radar after the agency brought them to the U.S. to help with investigations. The nation’s premier intel-driven law enforcement agency can’t keep track of its own informants.
Americans need an Intelligence Committee that can be trusted, and Representative #AdamSchiff has proven that he cannot be trusted with classified information. RETWEET if you agree & click HERE: http://jwatch.us/KWcbAF
A Judicial Watch lawsuit forced the state of California to begin removing more than 1.5 million potentially invalid names off their voter rolls. But there is more work to be done. Sign HERE: http://jwatch.us/B1UeYa
8-25 Great meetings at the @G7 in Biarritz, France! #G7Biarritz
Thank you Eric. So true!
The question I was asked most today by fellow World Leaders, who think the USA is doing so well and is stronger than ever before, happens to be, “Mr. President, why does the American media hate your Country so much? Why are they rooting for it to fail?”
At #G7Biarritz, President @realDonaldTrump and Canadian Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau talked about the importance of USMCA
Jesse & Emma, Great News. Congratulations!!!!!
.@USTradeRep Lighthizer on today's trade announcement: "It has 3 parts—agriculture, industrial tariffs, and digital trade . . . This will open up markets to over 7 BILLION dollars of those products."
"We have excess corn in various parts of our country with our farmers because China did not do what they said they were going to do. And Prime Minister @AbeShinzo, on behalf of Japan, they're going to be buying all of that corn." — President @realDonaldTrump
President @realDonaldTrump never stops working on behalf of the American people!
"Our relationship with Prime Minister @AbeShinzo and Japan has been, I think, the best it's ever been." —President @realDonaldTrump at #G7Biarritz
Stephanie Grishamをリツイート:
President @realDonaldTrump : "Thus far, this has been really a great G7. And I want to congratulate France." #G7Biarritz
President @realDonaldTrump met with Prime Minister @BorisJohnson to discuss the special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom.
Happy Birthday Vince!
Big Trade Deal just agreed to with Prime Minister Abe of Japan. Will be great for our Farmers, Ranchers and more. Really big Corn purchase!
So @donnabrazile gives Crooked Hillary the Questions, and now she’s on @FoxNews !
Rasmussen at 50%. @MediaBuzzFNC & @FoxNews are only getting worse! Now 
@donnabrazile & others on Fox. Not what it used to be! https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1165071131608571904
North Carolina Governor Cooper Vetoed a Bill that would have required Sheriffs to cooperate with Ice. This is a terrible decision for the great people of North Carolina. He should reverse his decision and get back to the basics of fighting crime!
Looking forward to helping New York City and Governor @andrewcuomo complete the long anticipated, and partially built, Second Avenue Subway. Would be extended to East 125th Street in Harlem. Long in the making, they now have the team that can get it done!
Just had lunch with French President @EmmanuelMacron . Many good things are happening for both of our countries. Big weekend with other world leaders!
“Face It, You Probably Got A Tax Cut!” This was a New York Times headline, and it is very true. If Republicans take back the House, and keep the Senate and Presidency, one of our first acts will be to approve a major middle income Tax Cut! Democrats only want to raise your taxes!
8-24 When I looked up to the sky and jokingly said “I am the chosen one,” at a press conference two days ago, referring to taking on Trade with China, little did I realize that the media would claim that I had a “Messiah complex.”
They knew I was kidding, being sarcastic, and just. having fun. I was smiling as I looked up and around. The MANY reporters with me were smiling also. They knew the TRUTH...And yet when I saw the reporting, CNN, MSNBC and other Fake News outlets covered it as serious news & me thinking of myself as the Messiah. No more trust!
For all of the Fake News Reporters that don’t have a clue as to what the law is relative to Presidential powers, China, etc., try looking at the Emergency Economic Powers Act of 1977. Case closed!
偽ニュースの記者は大統領権限、中国その他についてと法との関係が分かっていない。1997年Emergency Economic Powers Actを読んでみたまえ!
Such a sad and pathetic fall for @CNN and Jeff Z!
Garret Vetryの数字を引用して、CNNの看板番組のJeff Zの視聴率は27という悲惨な数字が出ている。
Other good polls also in fifties, despite only Fake News, and then phony polls by A.P., CNN, NBC and, as always, Fox, who were WAY OFF on 2016 Election! https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1163521046055665664
CNNがAndrew McCabeをニュースコントリビューターとして契約した事実をJim Jordan下院議員を引用して非難。
Thank you Ivanka. Really Amazing!
最近の失業率の低下は女性の就労を支援しているIvanka Trumpの活動に負うところが大きい。感謝。
Looking forward to being with great leaders in France! Leaving soon.
Highest Condolences! Thank you V.P.
Great going Harris!
Great! He said MAGA country did it. So terrible!
Thank you to @DiamondandSilk for the really nice words and thoughts on @LouDobbs, tonight hosted by Lou’s friend, @DavidAsmanfox. Great job by all. P.S. Check out these two great women on tour tomorrow night in NYC at the Marriott Marquis Hotel, Broadway. Have fun!
Just spoke with President @JairBolsonaro of Brazil. Our future Trade prospects are very exciting and our relationship is strong, perhaps stronger than ever before. I told him if the United States can help with the Amazon Rainforest fires, we stand ready to assist!
Jair Bolsonaroブラジル大統領と今しがた電話で話した。両国の貿易の見通しはよく、両国の関係は恐らくこれまでで最もよい。熱帯雨林火災対応で求められればアメリカはいつでも支援できる。
For many years China (and many other countries) has been taking advantage of the United States on Trade, Intellectual Property Theft, and much more. Our Country has been losing HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS a year to China, with no end in sight. Sadly, past Administrations have allowed China to get so far ahead of Fair and Balanced Trade that it has become a great burden to the American Taxpayer.
As President, I can no longer allow this to happen! In the spirit of achieving Fair Trade, we must Balance this very unfair Trading Relationship. China should not have put new Tariffs on 75 BILLION DOLLARS of United States product (politically motivated!). Starting on October 1st, the 250 BILLION DOLLARS of goods and products from China, currently being taxed at 25%, will be taxed at 30%. Additionally, the remaining 300 BILLION DOLLARS of goods and products from China, that was being taxed from September 1st at 10%, will now be taxed at 15%. Thank you for your attention to this matter!
The Dow is down 573 points・・・
Our Country has lost, stupidly, Trillions of Dollars with China over many years. They have stolen our Intellectual Property at a rate of Hundreds of Billions of Dollars a year, & they want to continue. I won’t let that happen! We don’t need China and, frankly, would be far better off without them. The vast amounts of money made and stolen by China from the United States, year after year, for decades, will and must STOP. 
Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA. I will be responding to China’s Tariffs this afternoon.
This is a GREAT opportunity for the United States. Also, I am ordering all carriers, including Fed Ex, Amazon, UPS and the Post Office, to SEARCH FOR & REFUSE all deliveries of Fentanyl from China (or anywhere else!). Fentanyl kills 100,000 Americans a year. President Xi said this would stop - it didn’t. Our Economy, because of our gains in the last 2 1/2 years, is MUCH larger than that of China. We will keep it that way!
As usual, the Fed did NOTHING! It is incredible that they can “speak” without knowing or asking what I am doing, which will be announced shortly. We have a very strong dollar and a very weak Fed. I will work “brilliantly” with both, and the U.S. will do great. My only question is, who is our bigger enemy, Jay Powell or Chairman Xi?
Now the Fed can show their stuff!
This despite the Fake News and Polls! https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1163521046055665664
The Economy is strong and good, whereas the rest of the world is not doing so well. Despite this the Fake News Media, together with their Partner, the Democrat Party, are working overtime to convince people that we are in, or will soon be going into, a Recession. They are willing to lose their wealth, or a big part of it, just for the possibility of winning the Election. But it won’t work because I always find a way to win, especially for the people! The greatest political movement in the history of our Country will have another big win in 2020!
94% Approval Rating within the Republican Party. Thank you!
Because of you, America is safe. Because of you, America is strong. Because of you, America is free. And because of you, America will forever remain the bravest, mightiest, and greatest Nation on the face of the Earth.”
Happy birthday James!
Under the #USMCA Utah will have more jobs, more opportunity, and more prosperity. Congress needs to pass the #USMCA for the people of Utah and the people of our great country!
"You're one of the all-time greats in the history of sports," President @realDonaldTrump
told basketball legend Bob Cousy in the Oval Office. "Today, America honors and celebrates everything that you have achieved."
.@SenCoryGardner has done a fantastic job representing the people of Colorado. He really knows how to win. Strong on Crime, Borders & the 2nd A, Cory fights hard for our Military & Vets. John Hickenlooper is badly damaged after his horrible run for President. Big Primary trouble!
Thank you, Utah!
Congratulations to the GREAT Bob Cousy!
Bob Cousy is celebrated as one of the greatest players in the history of basketball. Off the court, Cousy fought racism and became a leader for racial equality both within and beyond the NBA. In 1600 Daily, the latest recipient of the Medal of Freedom: http://45.wh.gov/5yKBD8
Looking forward to soon being in North Carolina to hold a big rally for wonderful Dan Bishop, who is running for Congress. His opponent wants Open Borders, Sanctuary Cities, and Socialism. He likes the “Squad” more than North Carolina. Dan has my Full and Complete Endorsement!
Check out a FANTASTIC new book, “STILL WINNING – Why America Went All In On Donald Trump-And Why We Must Do It Again” by the great writer, @CharlesHurt. An excellent read. Thank you!
Just concluded a very good meeting on preventing Mass Shootings. Talks are ongoing w/ both Republicans & Democrats. We are likewise engaging with lawful gun owners, survivors, grieving family members, law enforcement, the NRA, mental health professionals, and school officials. I am hopeful Congress will engage with my Team to pass meaningful legislation that will make a real difference and, most importantly, Save Lives!
8-23 Just heard that Sean Spicer will be on “Dancing with the Stars.” He will do great. A terrific person who loves our Country dearly!
The Economy is doing really well. The Federal Reserve can easily make it Record Setting! The question is being asked, why are we paying much more in interest than Germany and certain other countries? Be early (for a change), not late. Let America win big, rather than just win!
Germany sells 30 year bonds offering negative yields. Germany competes with the USA. Our Federal Reserve does not allow us to do what we must do. They put us at a disadvantage against our competition. Strong Dollar, No Inflation! They move like quicksand. Fight or go home!
Thank you @RealWayneRoot!
It was my honor to sign a Presidential Memorandum facilitating the cancellation of student loan debt for 25K of our most severely disabled Veterans. With today’s order, we express the everlasting love & loyalty of a truly grateful Nation. God bless our Vets, & God Bless America!
Great! @LouDobbs interviewed on @seanhannity
tonight at 9:00 P.M. @FoxNews
Henry Ford would be very disappointed if he saw his modern-day descendants wanting to build a much more expensive car, that is far less safe and doesn’t work as well, because execs don’t want to fight California regulators. Car companies should know that when this Administration’s alternative is no longer available, California will squeeze them to a point of business ruin. Only reason California is now talking to them is because the Feds are giving a far better alternative, which is much better for consumers!
Henry Fordは、現在の経営陣がカリフォルニア州の環境規制に対して闘わずにいるために起こってくる高価格で、安全性と機能性に問題がある車を生産しているのを見て、失望するであろう。トランプ政権が提案している環境規制の対案が採用されない場合、カリフォルニア州は自動車メーカーが成り立たなくなるところまで規制を強めて来ることを知るべきである。
The Legendary Henry Ford and Alfred P. Sloan, the Founders of Ford Motor Company and General Motors, are “rolling over” at the weakness of current car company executives willing to spend more money on a car that is not as safe or good, and cost $3,000 more to consumers. Crazy!
フォード自動車を創立したHenry FordとGMを創立したAlfred P. Sloanは、車の品質と安全性が充分でない上に私が見るところ平均3,000ドルも高く売っている車に対してなお投資しようとする現在の経営陣の経営姿勢に仰天しているであろう。正気の沙汰ではない!
“Tax cuts, deregulation, and an Administration dedicated to growing business have allowed the U.S. economy to flourish. The resulting surge in job creation and record low unemployment has put the American worker in the driver’s seat.“ @SecretaryRoss
President @realDonaldTrump is directing @usedgov to eliminate all federal student loan debt owed by American veterans who are completely and permanently disabled.
President @realDonaldTrump joined @AMVETSHQ to celebrate 75 years of love, loyalty, and lifelong service to veterans and their families!
.@NATO, very unfair to the United States!
For the record, Denmark is only at 1.35% of GDP for NATO spending. They are a wealthy country and should be at 2%. We protect Europe and yet, only 8 of the 28 NATO countries are at the 2% mark. The United States is at a much, much higher level than that. Because of me, these countries have agreed to pay ONE HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS more - but still way short of what they should pay for the incredible military protection provided. Sorry!
8-22 On my way to the Great Commonwealth of Kentucky to deliver remarks at the 
@AMVETSHQ 75th Annual National Convention. Look forward to being with all of my friends! #AMVETS75th
So Germany is paying Zero interest and is actually being paid to borrow money, while the U.S., a far stronger and more important credit, is paying interest and just stopped (I hope!) Quantitative Tightening. Strongest Dollar in History, very tough on exports. No Inflation! WHERE IS THE FEDERAL RESERVE?
My proposal to the politically correct Automobile Companies would lower the average price of a car to consumers by more than $3000, while at the same time making the cars substantially safer. Engines would run smoother. Very little impact on the environment! Foolish executives!
Doing great with China and other Trade Deals. The only problem we have is Jay Powell and the Fed. He’s like a golfer who can’t putt, has no touch. Big U.S. growth if he does the right thing, BIG CUT - but don’t count on him! So far he has called it wrong, and only let us down.中国その他の国との貿易交渉はうまく行っている。ただ一つの問題はパウエルFRB議長とFRBである。ホールを狙えないで空振りするゴルファーである。正しいこと、大幅金利引き下げを実行すればアメリカは大幅に成長する。だが議長をあてにしない。議長は金利引き下げは間違いだと言い、アメリカを打ちのめそうとしている。
We are competing with many countries that have a far lower interest rate, and we should be lower than them. Yesterday, “highest Dollar in U.S.History.” No inflation. Wake up Federal Reserve. Such growth potential, almost like never before!
The Fake News LameStream Media is doing everything possible to “create” a U.S. recession, even though the numbers & facts are working totally in the opposite direction. They would be willing to hurt many people, but that doesn’t matter to them. Our Economy is sooo strong, sorry!
“The speed bump has been missteps by the Federal Reserve.” @cvpayne @foxandfriends So true!
Rep Tlaib wants to cut off aid to Israel. This is the new face the of Democrat Party? Read the AOC PLUS 3 statements on their hatred of Jews and Israel. Check out Rep. Omar (the great people of Minnesota won’t stand for this).
Brandon Judd, President, National Border Patrol Council. “This will effectively end Catch and Release and curb illegal entries.”
以下はBrandon Judd国境警備隊隊長の発言:『これによって不法移民の拘束、即釈放と不法入国を阻止できる』
“Thank you to Wayne Allyn Root for the very nice words. “President Trump is the greatest President for Jews and for Israel in the history of the world, not just America, he is the best President for Israel in the history of the world... 
以下のWayne Allyn Root氏の発言に感謝:『トランプ大統領はアメリカではなくユダヤ人とイスラエルにとって世界で最も偉大な大統領である。世界史の中でユダヤ人とイスラエルにとって世界で最もよい大統領である。
and the Jewish people in Israel love him like he’s the King of Israel. They love him like he is the second coming of God...But American Jews don’t know him or like him. They don’t even know what they’re doing or saying anymore. It makes no sense! But that’s OK, if he keeps doing what he’s doing, he’s good for all Jews, Blacks, Gays, everyone. And importantly, he’s good for everyone in America who wants a job.” Wow! @newsmax @foxandfriends @OANN
Denmark is a very special country with incredible people, but based on Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen’s comments, that she would have no interest in discussing the purchase of Greenland, I will be postponing our meeting scheduled in two weeks for another time. The Prime Minister was able to save a great deal of expense and effort for both the United States and Denmark by being so direct. I thank her for that and look forward to rescheduling sometime in the future!
アメリカによるグリーンランド買収についてMette Frederiksen首相は興味を示されなかった。2週間後あるいはそれに近いタイミングで予定していた会談を延期する。この話が実現すればデンマークは種々の負担から解放される。将来、いつの日にか会談が再設定されることを願う。
Sunday on Full Measure: Claims of media bias aren’t new, but they are heightened. What will this mean for the 2020 election? Find out results of our Full Measure poll. #2020
Full News Mediaをリツイート:メディアの偏向報道に対するクレームは続いているが、増加している。2020年選挙に対する意味合いは何か。われわれの世論調査の結果を注目願いたい。
CONGRATULATIONS @EricTrump and @LaraLeaTrump, on the birth of Carolina Dorothy Trump. So proud!
Sunday on Full Measure: Claims of media bias aren’t new, but they are heightened. What will this mean for the 2020 election? Find out results of our Full Measure poll. #2020
Sorry, I don’t buy Rep. Tlaib’s tears. I have watched her violence, craziness and, most importantly, WORDS, for far too long. Now tears? She hates Israel and all Jewish people. She is an anti-Semite. She and her 3 friends are the new face of the Democrat Party. Live with it!
8-21 The LameStream Media is far beyond Fake News, they are treading in very dangerous territory! https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1163425829331841024
Thank you!
Jesse Watters Nails it  President @realDonaldTrump has Super Human like Energy #Trump has this Economy humming like a fine tuned engine  All the Democrats have fear and hate for this President and the Great Americans that Voted for him #KeepAmericaGreat2020 #WattersWorld
Bob Ewashingtonを引用:トランプ大統領は人のために尽くす超人的エネルギーを持つ。調整されたエンジンのような快音を経済に響かせている。民主党員全員がこの大統領とその支持者を恐れ、憎悪している。2020年に向けてアメリカを維持しよう!
.@realDonaldTrump puts Americans first and it’s paying off: *85% of blue-collar workers say their lives are headed in the right direction *Manufacturing optimism at an all-time high *Economic confidence is at record highs
共和党Ronna McDanielチェアーウーマンを引用:トランプ大統領のアメリカファーストは実績が出ている。労働者の85%が生活が向上していると評価し、製造業の景況感は最高で、経済の前途への確信も最高である。
Since @realDonaldTrump was elected: *6M+ new jobs, over half for women *500K manufacturing jobs created *Record-low unemployment among African Americans, Hispanics, Asian Americans He's just getting started!
共和党Ronna McDanielチェアーウーマンを引用:トランプ大統領就任以来、600万件の雇用が創出された。その中の製造業の雇用創出は50万件である。アフリカ系、スペイン語系、アジア系アメリカ人の失業率は最低である。大統領の仕事ははじまったばかりである!
Just another disgruntled former employee who got fired for gross incompetence!
Anthony Scaramucci has ZERO credibility. He’s a disgruntled employee attacking @realDonaldTrump for his own personal gain. The media shouldn’t even give him airtime.共和党Ronna McDanielチェアーウーマンを引用:
.@MSNBC giddily talked about a recession this morning and even said a recession would be OK! The liberal media is so deranged by President @RealDonaldTrump that they’re now cheering for the economy to tank – sorry to disappoint Democrats, but the economy has never been stronger!
Brad Perscaleをリツイート:NBCは景気後退の気配があり、景気後退を歓迎すると言った。リベラルを標榜するメディアは大統領を畏怖し、経済の変調を期待している。民主党には申し訳ないが経済は堅調である!
Ratings are way down, lost all credibility. Beautiful to watch!
Geraldo Rivieraを引用:Sad watching CNN & MSNBC waxing hopeful US economy will soon collapse. Hatred of @realDonaldTrump led Democrats & their allies in the permanent government to waste 2 years of America’s time with #CollusionDelusion. Now same folks are rooting for USA’s economic collapse.
Maria, despite all of their will and energy, it won’t work!
Mariaを引用:Democratic candidates embrace recession concerns as a strategy against Trump http://ow.ly/EyyZ30pnybZ @MorningsMaria @FoxBusiness @GovMikeHuckabee(民主党の大統領候補は対トランプ戦略として景気後退懸念を吹聴している。)
Traveling to the great state of Michigan with @SecretaryCarson to address the @deteconomicclub about how President @realDonaldTrump ’s economic agenda is WORKING for American families & American business!
Wow, Report Just Out! Google manipulated from 2.6 million to 16 million votes for Hillary Clinton in 2016 Election! This was put out by a Clinton supporter, not a Trump Supporter! Google should be sued. My victory was even bigger than thought! 
Thank you Mike!
ペンス副大統領を引用:President @realDonaldTrump has been delivering on his promises to the American people since day one. From the historic tax cuts to rolling back red tape to unleashing American energy, our Administration is working hard for Americans all across the country!
Since election day, businesses large and small have created more than 6.2 MILLION jobs and the unemployment rate is at a 50-year low! The forgotten men and women of America are forgotten no more!
"Foreign individuals should not be allowed to come to America in order to take advantage of its welfare programs⁠," the Washington Examiner editorial board writes. "This shouldn't be a controversial statement." Today's stories: http://45.wh.gov/8V3xFi
ホワイトハウスをリツイート:以下はワシントンエグザミナー紙の論説:「外国国籍のものはアメリカの福祉制度の恩恵を受けるためにこの国に入国を認められてはならない。議論の余地はない」 今日現在のアメリカの現実なのだ。
Two incredible people. I can’t believe they’re not working (few work harder)!
Wall construction is underway near Otay Mesa, California! 
カリフォルニア州Otay Mesa近郊での壁の建設映像。
The Fake and Corrupt Media is sooo bad for our Country, The Enemy of the People!
The average household has seen their income go up by more than $5,000, wages are rising at their fastest pace in an almost decade—and, most important, they’re rising fastest for our blue-collar workers. Our economy is thriving and Americans are winning!
Under @POTUS’ leadership, the auto industry is roaring back in MI! This year alone, GM announced it will add 400 jobs, Ford has announced it will create 900 new jobs & Fiat-Chrysler is already building a $1.6B new assembly plant that will create 6,400 jobs in the Motor City!
For years, "anti-business policies squeezed corporations and left American workers out of the economic recovery," @SecretaryRoss
writes. Today, President @realDonaldTrump’s policies are helping American companies AND American workers succeed together.
Congratulations, Great Show!
Thank you to my great supporters at the 2019@IowaStateFair!
Because of @realDonaldTrump's policies, American companies and their workers are succeeding together.
Wilbur Ross商務長官をリツイート:大統領の政策によってアメリカの企業と勤労者はともに成功している。
Thank you Jon, working hard!
Nobody ever heard of this dope until he met me. He only lasted 11 days!
I promise not to do this to Greenland!
Great discussion with Prime Minister @BorisJohnson today. We talked about Brexit and how we can move rapidly on a US-UK free trade deal. I look forward to meeting with Boris this weekend, at the @G7, in France!
Boris Johnson英国新首相とEU離脱問題と米英自由貿易協定の早期締結について大いに議論した。今週末にフランスで開かれるG7での再会を心待ちにしている!
Spoke to my two good friends, Prime Minister Modi of India, and Prime Minister Khan of Pakistan, regarding Trade, Strategic Partnerships and, most importantly, for India and Pakistan to work towards reducing tensions in Kashmir. A tough situation, but good conversations!
Massive overflow crowds in New Hampshire last week. Couldn’t get into packed SNHU Arena. Fake and Corrupt News would like you to believe otherwise. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Wow, Report Just Out! Google manipulated from 2.6 million to 16 million votes for Hillary Clinton in 2016 Election! This was put out by a Clinton supporter, not a Trump Supporter! Google should be sued. My victory was even bigger than thought! 
以下はJudicial Watchの発表:ヒラリークリントン陣営関係者が明らかにしたところによると、グーグル社は2016年の大統領選挙でクリントンへの投票数を260万票から1,600万票に水増ししていた。この発表はトランプ陣営関係者から行われたものではない。グーグルは訴追されるべきである。2016年の私の勝利は実際よりもっと大きいものであった!
8-20 Our Economy is very strong, despite the horrendous lack of vision by Jay Powell and the Fed, but the Democrats are trying to “will” the Economy to be bad for purposes of the 2020 Election. Very Selfish! 
アメリカ経済はJay Powell連銀理事長とFRBのビジョンの欠落にもかかわらず堅調である。民主党は2020年の選挙を控えて経済を悪化させようと狙っている。あまりにも利己的である。
Our dollar is so strong that it is sadly hurting other parts of the world. The Fed Rate, over a fairly short period of time, should be reduced by at least 100 basis points, with perhaps some quantitative easing as well. If that happened, our Economy would be even better, and the World Economy would be greatly and quickly enhanced-good for everyone!
Democrats want Open Borders and Crime! So dangerous for our Country. But we are building a big, beautiful, NEW Wall! I will protect America, the Dems don’t know where to start!
Anthony Scaramucci is a highly unstable “nut job” who was with other candidates in the primary who got shellacked, & then unfortunately wheedled his way into my campaign. I barely knew him until his 11 days of gross incompetence-made a fool of himself, bad on TV. Abused staff, got fired. Wrote a very nice book about me just recently. Now the book is a lie? Said his wife was driving him crazy, “something big” was happening with her. Getting divorced. He was a mental wreck. We didn’t want him around. Now Fake News puts him on like he was my buddy!
2017年7月にホワイトハウスの広報部長に就任、10日後に解任されたAnthony Scaramucciに関する論評。
8-19 Great cohesion inside the Republican Party, the best I have ever seen. Despite all of the Fake News, my Poll Numbers are great. New internal polls show them to be the strongest we’ve had so far! Think what they’d be if I got fair media coverage!
I love @realDonaldTrump . He’s the only President in my lifetime who stands for our country.
Retweet @POTUS isn't RACIST when @Prince wrote @realDonaldTrump Black Version! 
Donald Trump: Black Version Maybe that's WHAT YOU NEED A man that fulfills YOUR EVERY WISH YOUR EVERY DREAM Donald Trump: Black Version COME ON TAKE A CHANCE A 2020 @WhiteHouse A Real Bromance! 
Oliver McGee Phd MBAをリツイート:大統領は人種差別主義者ではない。ブラックバージョンというビデオは登場人物が求めていることを編集したものではないのか。2020年にチャンスを掴もう!
Retweet The Lies, False Facts & Fake News of @CNN's @Acosta on @POTUS! Raise our Hand if you LOVE @realDonaldTrump has SHUTOFF the @WhiteHouse @PressSec 
Briefing Cameras & KICKED THE PRESS OUTSIDE next to a Buzzing Marine One Helicopter! Where's Acosta @AprilDRyan on the Lawn?
Wow. Throwback to when Senator Barack Obama agreed with @realDonaldTrump on immigration! RT this so your friends see this!
WATCH: “MSNBC is rewarding hate-filled conspiracy theorists with air time because their Trump Derangement Syndrome demands it” — @JesseBWatters
Trump rarely uses racial categories. It is the media and Democratic leaders who routinely issue race-based denunciations, writes @HMDatMI @MorningsMaria @FoxBusiness
The New York Times will be out of business soon after I leave office, hopefully in 6 years. They have Zero credibility and are losing a fortune, even now, especially after their massive unfunded liability. I’m fairly certain they’ll endorse me just to keep it all going!
Thank you @TedCruz, I couldn’t agree more!
テキサス州選出共和党Ted Cruz上院議員を引用:The NYT is destroying itself w/ Trump hatred. And it’s ultimately bad for freedom of the press when “journalists” openly revel in being partisan propagandists. When our Nation is so tribalised that each side has their own “news” & “facts” and we don’t even talk to each other.(ニューヨークタイムズはトランプを嫌悪する連中と手を組んで自壊の道を辿っている。『報道機関』が一部の人たちの自己主張に賛同するのは報道の自由にとって究極的にマイナスである。この国が2派に分かれて、互いにこれがニュースだ、これが事実だと主張し、話し合おうとしない時に。)
House Democrats want to take action against Israel because it is fighting back against two (maybe four) people that have said unthinkably bad things about it & the Israeli people. Dems have such disdain for Israel! What happened? AOC Plus 4 is the new face of the Democrat Party!
Our economy is the best in the world, by far. Lowest unemployment ever within almost all categories. Poised for big growth after trade deals are completed. Import prices down, China eating Tariffs. Helping targeted Farmers from big Tariff money coming in. Great future for USA!
Juan Williams at @FoxNews is so pathetic, and yet when he met me in the Fox Building lobby, he couldn’t have been nicer as he asked me to take a picture of him and me for his family. Yet he is always nasty and wrong!
FOXニュースのJuan Williams記者は落ち込んでいる。どこか不快で、間違っている!
We are doing very well with China, and talking!
Doing really well!
Opportunity Zone incentives—part of President @realDonaldTrump 's historic tax cut legislation—are expected to spur $100 billion in long-term private capital investment in 8,764 underserved American communities.(減税の一環として行われた特定地域に対する優遇措置は8,764の行政区に対して1,000億ドルを越える民間資金による長期間の投資を呼び込むと期待されている。)
Lindsey Graham on IG investigation into Russia probe: I want the American people to see what happened http://ow.ly/SQ3b30pneN4 @SundayFutures @FoxNews @LindseyGrahamSC
サウスカロライナ州選出Lindsey Graham共和党上院議員が検事総長によるロシア疑惑捜査について「アメリカ国民にことの真相が明らかにされることを期待している」と語った。
With all that this Administration has accomplished, think what my Poll Numbers would be if we had an honest Media, which we do not!
8-18 The Failing New York Times, in one of the most devastating portrayals of bad journalism in history, got caught by a leaker that they are shifting from their Phony Russian Collusion Narrative (the Mueller Report & his testimony were a total disaster), to a Racism Witch Hunt.ものごとを正面から見ないニューヨークタイムスは、歴史上最悪のニュースメディアの1つに数えられるのだが、ばかげたロシア疑惑による魔女狩りから人種差別問題による魔女狩りへ方向転換したことを暴露された。
”Journalism” has reached a new low in the history of our Country. It is nothing more than an evil propaganda machine for the Democrat Party. The reporting is so false, biased and evil that it has now become a very sick joke...But the public is aware! #CROOKEDJOURNALISM
Trump Jr.が再投稿した6月27日のTrump Jr.のTIME誌の表紙を再度リツイート:2020⇒2024⇒2028⇒・・・⇒2048までトランプがTIME誌の表紙に出てくる映像
I read that Trump rally was rambling/half-empty. I also read the opposite. I like to watch candidates' rallies myself so I can see... without the spin. I did so in 2016-16. It's not entirely why I predicted (starting in 15) Trump would win, but it was part of the picture.
Coming up this Sunday on Full Measure - the media's "huge credibility problem" #mediamiss
From what I can tell, he was not there, it was a campaign event and protest.
SAVED & Peace & Prosperity @realDonaldTrump OUR / WE 45th @POTUS W/ @FLOTUS
& Family Sacrificed Wealth Health Safety Placed Themselves Dangerous Harms Way TO SAVE ThankYou @ThomasPKennedy3 @PROUD_USAER  @KayHair1 @JohnLeksander @bobsacard @TerranceCreamer @WitmerCarl https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1162175486560280577…
Such a disgrace at the once great  @nytimes !
In 2016, Trump voters were Deplorable In 2017, Trump voters were Russians In 2018, Trump voters were Nazis In 2019, Trump voters are wittingly or unwittingly, white supremacists. The people calling you these things would like you to vote for them. #TrumpForever #MAGA2020
America -- Get ready for a campaign the likes of which has never been seen in American history. President  @realDonaldTrump is not just going to win. He is going to give everything he's got to crush the vile opposition. This isn't normal politics. This is about your FREEDOMS. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1162555865351761920
Everywhere the group ANTIFA (Anti-First Amendment) goes, violence and chaos follows. This is a violent, anti-civil liberties, group of thugs looking to hurt and injure anyone in their way.
Do the math: At the most, the Wall will cost $20 billion Illegals cost US taxpayers $165 billion a year
I’m hearing some Republicans, pundits say we should “move on” from the #MullerReport in order to heal the nation... I disagree. We are a nation of laws, and until we start enforcing the very same laws congress holds us to, there will be no healing in this nation. Am I wrong?
Question raised by leaked New York Times transcript, plus rollout of 1619 project: Should the public still view the Times as a news outlet? Or as something else?
They are eaten alive by hate for our President & his voters! They care more about illegal immigrants than they do for American citizens! Look no further than CA re-directing money away from US citizens to illegal immigrants. Thank you for putting America 1st Mr. President
I love this president @realDonaldTrump
It was a GREAT rally!! The energy Trump brought was ELECTRIC! Felt like i was at a Beatles concert!! Love my President! Keep it up 45!
@realDonaldTrump the best President in history!
We care because the news would have us think he has no support and that Joe Biden is leading in the polls when he can’t even get 96 people to stay awake at his rally.
I was there and it was such an incredible experience!! I was lucky to get all th way to the front 
The Fake News Media HATES to see this!
Sorry Elton John, your record's not still standing: Fire marshal says Donald Trump's boast that he smashed pop star's attendance record at MAGA arena is TRUE(Elton Johnには申し訳枚ないが会場の防災担当者はトランプ集会の参加者数がコンサートより多かったと言っている。)
Thanks to President @realDonaldTrump, we're the first country with comprehensive legislation on women's leadership in political and civic life. 
Thank you to @SaraCarterDC. A great and legitimate reporter, as opposed to those at the Failing New York Times!
Sara Carter記者に感謝。
Sara Carterを引用:.@nytimes Executive Editor Outlines Plans to Shift Trump Coverage from #Russia to Race http://bit.ly/33HKUFl via @BreitbartNews(ブライトバードニュースによると、ニューヨークタイムスの編集責任者がトランプ大統領追及の矛先をロシア癒着問題から人種差別問題に切り替える意向を表明した。)
The Justice Department must investigate Glenn Simpson, the head of opposition-research firm Fusion GPS, writes 
MUST WATCH: Massive overflow crowd outside of @realDonaldTrump's rally in New Hampshire chants "Four More Years!" & "USA!" while watching the president speak. For the HATERS, "overflow" is the area outside a packed arena where people who can't get in can watch on screens!
From Daily Mail: NH fire marshal: @realDonaldTrump DID smash Elton John’s arena attendance record
Major consideration is being given to naming ANTIFA an “ORGANIZATION OF TERROR.” Portland is being watched very closely. Hopefully the Mayor will be able to properly do his job!
8-17  Soooo much love in Ocean City, Maryland! ThankU! #KAG2020
Biggest crowd EVER, according to Arena people. Thousands outside trying to get in. Place was packed! Radical Left Dems & their Partner, LameStream Media, saying Arena empty. Check out pictures. Fake News. The Enemy of the People! https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1162195296924946433
Look at the tremendous overflow at packed arena in New Hampshire last night. Sorry we couldn’t get you in, will be back soon!
Great time in New Hampshire last night. Placed was maxed out, totally packed, with thousands coming to the arena floor at start. Thousands more outside that were not allowed in per code. Energy was really great to see. We will win New Hampshire in 2020!
Having dinner tonight with Tim Cook of Apple. They will be spending vast sums of money in the U.S. Great! 
アップル社のTim Cook CEOとディナーを共にした。アップル社はアメリカに多額の投資を予定している。素晴らしい!
Just completed a very good meeting on Afghanistan. Many on the opposite side of this 19 year war, and us, are looking to make a deal - if possible!
I donate 100% of my President’s salary, $400,000, back to our Country, and feel very good about it!
American industry is soaring and factory floors across the country are coming back to life, thanks to President @realDonaldTrump. http://45.wh.gov/BDrovP
Like it or not, Tlaib and Omar are fast becoming the face of the Democrat Party. Cortez (AOC) is fuming, not happy about this!
Rep. Tlaib wrote a letter to Israeli officials desperately wanting to visit her grandmother. Permission was quickly granted, whereupon Tlaib obnoxiously turned the approval down, a complete setup. The only real winner here is Tlaib’s grandmother. She doesn’t have to see her now!
民主党Rashida Tlaib下院議員はイスラエルの関係先に是が非でも祖母に会いたいとの手紙を書いていた。許可が出るや否や議員は不機嫌な態度で許可を断った。本件で一番の勝者は祖母である。祖母は急いで議員に会う必要などないのだ!
Israel was very respectful & nice to Rep. Rashida Tlaib, allowing her permission to visit her “grandmother.” As soon as she was granted permission, she grandstanded & loudly proclaimed she would not visit Israel. Could this possibly have been a setup? Israel acted appropriately!
『祖母』訪問を目的とした民主党Rashida Tlaib下院議員の入国申請を承認したイスラエル政府の賢明な措置に敬意を表する。承認が発表されるや否や議員はこれ見よがしにイスラエルを訪問しないと発表した。もともと訪問する気などなかったのではないか。イスラエル政府の措置は妥当である。
Senator Jim Risch of the Great State of Idaho has been an incredible supporter of our Agenda! He is tough on Crime, Strong on Borders, and will continue to fight for our Second Amendment. Jim will never let you down. He has my Full and Complete Endorsement!
アイダホ州選出共和党Jim Risch上院議員はトランプ政権の政策を強力に推進している。全面的に支持する。
Congratulations to Patrick Yoes for his election as National President of the great Fraternal Order of Police. Together we will fight for our incredible Law Enforcement Officers!
Thank you to my good friend Chuck Canterbury for 16 years of service to the Fraternal Order of Police and our great men and women in blue. You are an incredible patriot!
16年間にわたって警察官共済組合のために尽力してくれているChuck Canterbury会長に感謝。
"Americans can do anything, go anywhere, and outperform anyone. Nobody can beat us. Nothing can stop us because winning is what Americans do." —President Donald J. Trump
A great evening, with incredible people, in New Hampshire!
In September 2018, the unemployment rate in New Hampshire reached its LOWEST POINT since 1988 at 2.4—and remained there for nine straight months.
.@CBPArizona agents arrested a previously deported child rapist on Wednesday after he attempted to re-enter the United States illegally. He’d been deported twice before. THANK YOU to our amazing Border Patrol agents for making our country safer!
Thank you Rudy! ジュリアーニ法律顧問(前ニューヨーク市長)に感謝
ジュリニアーニ法律顧問を引用:I haven’t been at a Trump rally since the 50 or so during the 2016 campaign. These are masterful performances. No one in American politics can excite a crowd like @realDonaldTrump . Very few ever have. This is a unique and potent political weapon. (私は50回ほど行われた2016年のトランプ選挙集会に1回も出なかった。今回のニューハンプシャー州集会は最高の出来栄えだ。トランプ大統領ほど聴衆を熱狂させられる政治家はアメリカにいない。稀有な才能だ。他にない強力な武器である。)
#Trump2020 rally in Manchester, NH blows Biden and Dems away.
This is more than an hour before and it is as full as a playoff game for a rally for 
@realDonaldTrump No one has ever gotten these kinds of crowds. This was the reason he won in 2016 and will again. Don’t tell the dummies in the Fake Media.
8-16 This is a tour de force which is equivalent to Reagan and Clinton but has much bigger audiences and he excites them much more. He is one of our great campaigners which is how he defeats a hostile media. They don’t get it.
Great news! Tonight, we broke the all-time attendance record previously held by Elton John at #SNHUArena in Manchester, New Hampshire!
ビッグニュースだ!ニューハンプシャー州SNHUアリーナで行われたトランプ選挙集会の入場者数がこれまで最高のElton Johnのコンサートの入場者数を上回った!