2018年6月下旬 全訳

6-30 When people come into our Country illegally, we must IMMEDIATELY escort them back out without going through years of legal maneuvering. Our laws are the dumbest anywhere in the world. Republicans want Strong Borders and no Crime. Dems want Open Borders and are weak on Crime! 
I will be interviewed by @MariaBartiromo on Sunday on @FoxNews at 10:00 A. M. Enjoy! 
Either we need to elect more Republicans in November or Republicans must end the ridiculous 60 vote, or Filibuster, rule - or better yet, do both. Cryin’ Chuck would do it on day one, but we’ll never give him the chance. Some great legislation awaits - be smart! 
われわれが今必要としていることは、11月の中間選挙で定員100名の上院に60名以上の共和党議員を送り込むか、あるいは、共和党によって上院の採決に60票の賛成票が必要という Filibusterルールを変えさせるかのいずれか、もしくはその両方である。泣き虫 Chuck民主党上院の少数派リーダーは、号令一下、1日でFilibusterルールの矛盾を克服できるが、このチャンスを与えてはならない。選挙で大勝して、より一層根本的な改革に取り組む。賢明に行動する!
I never pushed the Republicans in the House to vote for the Immigration Bill, either GOODLATTE 1 or 2, because it could never have gotten enough Democrats as long as there is the 60 vote threshold. I released many prior to the vote knowing we need more Republicans to win in Nov. 
A friend of mine and a man who has truly seen politics and life as few others ever will, Sean Spicer, has written a great new book, “The Briefing: Politics, the Press and the President.” It is a story told with both heart and knowledge. Really good, go get it! 
私の友人であり、政治と日常生活を独自の観点から捉えて来た(共和党全国委員会主席戦略官を務めた後トランプ政権の報道官を務めた) Sean Spicer君が『記者会見:政治とマスコミと大統領』と 題して出版した。真心と知識によって語られた好著である。購読を薦める!
I will be making my choice for Justice of the United States Supreme Court on the first Monday after the July 4th Holiday, July 9th! 
Just spoke to King Salman of Saudi Arabia and explained to him that, because of the turmoil & disfunction in Iran and Venezuela, I am asking that Saudi Arabia increase oil production, maybe up to 2,000,000 barrels, to make up the difference...Prices to high! He has agreed! 
To the great and brave men and women of ICE, do not worry or lose your spirit. You are doing a fantastic job of keeping us safe by eradicating the worst criminal elements. So brave! The radical left Dems want you out. Next it will be all police. Zero chance, It will never happen! 
The Democrats are making a strong push to abolish ICE, one of the smartest, toughest and most spirited law enforcement groups of men and women that I have ever seen. I have watched ICE liberate towns from the grasp of MS-13 & clean out the toughest of situations. They are great! 

6-30 “@GovMikeHuckabee: Trump could nominate Moses for Supreme Court and Democrats would fight it” 
6-29 Six months after our TAX CUTS, more than 6 MILLION workers have received bonuses, pay raises, and retirement account contributions. #TaxCutsandJobsAct 
Before going any further today, I want to address the horrific shooting that took place yesterday at the Capital Gazette newsroom in Annapolis, Maryland. This attack shocked the conscience of our Nation, and filled our hearts with grief... 
本日、仕事をはじめる前に、昨日メリーランド州 Annapolisの新聞社のニュースルームで発生した銃撃事件について述べる。この事件はわが国の良心に衝撃を与えた。われわれの心は悲しみに覆われた・・・。
Thank you @SecPompeo. It was an honor to join you and your talented, passionate colleagues at @StateDept to honor the heros on the frontlines in the fight against human trafficking and release the 2018 TIP report. #EndTrafficking 
Ivanka Trumpをリツイート:Pompeo国務長官に感謝。長官および国務省の才能豊かな情熱にあふれたスタッフとともに、人身売買との戦いの最前線で奮闘されている関係職員の努力と2018年度活動報告の刊行を讃える栄誉に与った。
(引用された国務長官のツイッター:Thank you @IvankaTrump for your advocacy on behalf of the victims of #humantrafficking. Your engagement on this issue illustrates the priority @POTUS and the Trump Administration place on fighting this horrific crime. #EndTrafficking )
Thank you Senator Alexander for your leadership on career + technical education. 11+ million students and workers across our nation benefit from #PerkinsCTE. Thank you, and all the members of Congress, who have fought so hard to modernize and reauthorize it. 
Ivanka Trumpをリツイート:技能習得研修促進のための Alexander上院議員のリーダーシップに感謝。アメリカ全体で1,100万人を越える学生と労働者が恩恵を受ける。
(引用された上院議員のツイッター:#PerkinsCTE would make important, necessary updates to career and technical education to give workers and students the skills they need to find high-skill, high-wage and in-demand jobs. Thank you @SenatorEnzi and @IvankaTrump for your work to get this legislation reauthorized. )
To the great and brave men and women of ICE, do not worry or lose your spirit. You are doing a fantastic job of keeping us safe by eradicating the worst criminal elements. So brave! The radical left Dems want you out. Next it will be all police. Zero chance, It will never happen! 
The Democrats are making a strong push to abolish ICE, one of the smartest, toughest and most spirited law enforcement groups of men and women that I have ever seen. I have watched ICE liberate towns from the grasp of MS-13 & clean out the toughest of situations. They are great! 
“@GovMikeHuckabee: Trump could nominate Moses for Supreme Court and Democrats would fight it” 
Six months after our TAX CUTS, more than 6 MILLION workers have received bonuses, pay raises, and retirement account contributions. #TaxCutsandJobsAct 
Before going any further today, I want to address the horrific shooting that took place yesterday at the Capital Gazette newsroom in Annapolis, Maryland. This attack shocked the conscience of our Nation, and filled our hearts with grief... 
本日、仕事をはじめる前に、昨日メリーランド州 Annapolisの新聞社のニュースルームで発生した銃撃事件について述べる。この事件はわが国の良心に衝撃を与えた。われわれの心は悲しみに覆われた・・・。
Thank you @SecPompeo. It was an honor to join you and your talented, passionate colleagues at @StateDept to honor the heros on the frontlines in the fight against human trafficking and release the 2018 TIP report. #EndTrafficking 
Ivanka Trumpをリツイート:Pompeo国務長官に感謝。長官および国務省の才能豊かな情熱にあふれたスタッフとともに、人身売買との戦いの最前線で奮闘されている関係職員の努力と2018年度活動報告の刊行を讃える栄誉に与った。
(引用された国務長官のツイッター:Thank you @IvankaTrump for your advocacy on behalf of the victims of #humantrafficking. Your engagement on this issue illustrates the priority @POTUS and the Trump Administration place on fighting this horrific crime. #EndTrafficking )
Thank you Senator Alexander for your leadership on career + technical education. 11+ million students and workers across our nation benefit from #PerkinsCTE. Thank you, and all the members of Congress, who have fought so hard to modernize and reauthorize it. 
Ivanka Trumpをリツイート:技能習得研修促進のための Alexander上院議員のリーダーシップに感謝。アメリカ全体で1,100万人を越える学生と労働者が恩恵を受ける。


(引用された上院議員のツイッター:#PerkinsCTE would make important, necessary updates to career and technical education to give workers and students the skills they need to find high-skill, high-wage and in-demand jobs. Thank you @SenatorEnzi and @IvankaTrump for your work to get this legislation reauthorized. )

The new plant being built by Foxconn in Wisconsin is incredible. Congratulations to the people of Wisconsin and to Governor Scott Walker @GovWalker and his talented representatives for having pulled it off. Great job!

ウイスコンシン州で Foxconn 社によって建設される新工場は想像を遥かに越えている。ウイスコンシン州の人たちと知事とこの工場を誘致した才気煥発な議会関係者に祝意を表す。大仕事だ!

.@IvankaTrump: "I think one of the tremendous opportunities that were seeing because the economy is so strong is that people who have been out of the workforce are coming back off the sideline."


“@ICEgov New York operation leads to arrests of 3 dozen Darknet vendors selling illicit goods, weapons, drugs seized and more than $23.6 million”


6-29 Six months after our TAX CUTS, more than 6 MILLION workers have received bonuses, pay raises, and retirement account contributions. #TaxCutsandJobsAct


6--28 Prior to departing Wisconsin, I was briefed on the shooting at Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. Thank you to all of the First Responders who are currently on the scene.


ウイスコンシン州に出発する前に、メリーランド州Annapolisの Capital Gazette新聞社で発生した銃撃事件の説明を受けた。

.@ClayHiggins18 has been a great help to me on 

Prior to departing Wisconsin, I was briefed on the shooting at Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families. Thank you to all of the First Responders who are currently on the scene.




Today, we broke ground on a plant that will provide jobs for up to 15,000 Wisconsin Workers! As Foxconn has discovered, there is no better place to build, hire and grow than right here in the United States!


I am in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, for meetings. Soon to leave for a big groundbreaking for Foxconn, which is building a great new electronics plant in Wisconsin. 15,000 Jobs, so great!


When is Bob Mueller going to list his Conflicts of Interest? Why has it taken so long? Will they be listed at the top of his $22,000,000 Report. And what about the 13 Angry Democrats, will they list their conflicts with Crooked H? How many people will be sent to jail and persecuted on old and/or totally unrelated charges (there was no collusion and there was no obstruction of the no collusion)...And what is going on in the FBI & DOJ with Crooked Hillary, the DNC and all of the lies? A disgraceful situation!

Bob Mueller特別検察官は自分の公私峻別調書を何時提出するのか。何故まだ提出されていないのか。公私峻別案件は2,200万ドルの報告書の冒頭で開示されるのか。13名の怒れる民主党議員はヒラリークリントンとの関りを掲出するのか。どれだけの人たちが言われもない言いがガリをつけられて投獄されたり、訴追されたことか。ヒラリーについて、民主党について、そして語られた虚偽についてFBIと司法省でどのような捜査が行われているのか。全く常軌を逸した状況である!

Peter Strzok worked as the leader of the Rigged Witch Hunt for a long period of time - he got it started and was only fired because the gig was up. But remember, he took his orders from Comey and McCabe and they took their orders from you know who. Mueller/Comey best friends!

Peter Strzokは不正な魔女狩りのリーダーを長年にわたって務めて来た。ことをはじめたのは本人、役割を終えた時に解雇された。忘れてはいけないのは、Peter StrzokがComeyとMcCabeから命令されていたことで、命令を出した2人はMueller/Comeyの親友の関係がその背後にあったことを知っていたことである。

Just watched @SharkGregNorman on @foxandfriends. Said “President is doing a great job. All over the world, people want to come back to the U.S.” Thank you Greg, and you’re looking and doing great!

FOXニュースでShark Greg Normannの番組を見た。『大統領は立派だ。全世界で人々はアメリカに行きたいと思っている』と言った。ありがとう! 立派に仕事をしている。

Amy Kremer, Women for Trump, was so great on @foxandfriends. Brave and very smart, thank you Amy! @AmyKremer

(FOXニュースに出演したトランプ支持者の)Amy Kreme女史に感謝。勇敢でかつスマートだった!

Russia continues to say they had nothing to do with Meddling in our Election! Where is the DNC Server, and why didn’t Shady James Comey and the now disgraced FBI agents take and closely examine it? Why isn’t Hillary/Russia being looked at? So many questions, so much corruption!


Lover FBI Agent Peter Strzok was given poor marks on yesterday’s closed door testimony and, according to most reports, refused to answer many questions. There was no Collusion and the Witch Hunt, headed by 13 Angry Democrats and others who are totally conflicted, is Rigged!

昨日行われたFBIのPeter Strzokの秘密聴聞会のメディアの評価はPeter Strzokに厳しい結果となった。本人は多くの質問に対して黙秘した。

In recent days we have heard shameless attacks on our courageous law enforcement officers. Extremist Democrat politicians have called for the complete elimination of ICE. Leftwing Activists are trying to block ICE officers from doing their jobs and publicly posting their home addresses – putting these selfless public servants in harm’s way. These radical protesters want ANARCHY – but the only response they will find from our government is LAW AND ORDER!


6-28 Thank you North Dakota. Together, we are MAKING AMERICA SAFE AND GREAT AGAIN! #MAGA


6-27 Just landed in North Dakota with @SenJohnHoeven and @RepKevinCramer. We will see everyone at Scheels Arena shortly!

ノースダコタ州に到着した。Scheels Arenaでみなさんにお目にかかる!

Today, it was my great honor to welcome President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa of Portugal to the @WhiteHouse!  

本日、Marcelo Rebelo de Sousaポルトガル大統領をホワイトハウスで歓迎する栄誉に浴する。

Donald J. TrumpさんがKevin Cramerをリツイートしました

Heading to North Dakota to fully stand with and endorse Kevin Cramer for Senate. He is an extraordinary Congressman who will hopefully soon represent this great state as your Senator. He is tough on crime, strong on borders, loves our Military, and our Vets! #NDSen

ノースダコタ州に向かう。改選期を迎えているKevin Cramer上院議員を全力で支援するためである。

Statement on Justice Anthony Kennedy. #SCOTUS

(レーガン大統領によって任命され、バランスの取れた立場をとってきたとされる)Anthony Kennedy最高裁判所判事についての声明。

Today, I was thrilled to join student leaders from Colleges and Universities across the country...


Harley-Davidson should stay 100% in America, with the people that got you your success. I’ve done so much for you, and then this. Other companies are coming back where they belong! We won’t forget, and neither will your customers or your now very HAPPY competitors!

Harley-Davidsonは100%アメリカに留まるべきである。会社の成功をもたらした従業員がいるからである。にもかかわらず海外へ工場を移転するという。ほかの企業はかつて所在していた社会に戻ってきている! HD社の顧客ともろ手を叩いて喜んでいる競争相手を含めわれわれはこのことを忘れはしない。

Supreme Court rules in favor of non-union workers who are now, as an example, able to support a candidate of his or her choice without having those who control the Union deciding for them. Big loss for the coffers of the Democrats!




共和党下院議員団は、本日午後、民主党が上院で可決に応じないことを承知の上で、GOODLATTE II法案と名付けられた実効性のある公正な移民法を採決すべきである。下院の法案可決は共和党が厳正な国境管理と犯罪対応を求めているのに対して民主党は国境の開放即ち犯罪を容認していることを白日の下に示すことになる。勝利あるのみ!


Congratulations to Maxine Waters, whose crazy rants have made her, together with Nancy Pelosi, the unhinged FACE of the Democrat Party. Together, they will Make America Weak Again! But have no fear, America is now stronger than ever before, and I’m not going anywhere!

Nancy Pelosi下院議員ととともに民主党の新しい顔に選ばれたアフリカ系アメリカンのカリフォルニア州選出民主党下院議員Maxine Waters女史に祝意を表したい。女史の狂気の演説はバランスを失った民主党全体の顔をさらけ出した。民主党の顔は2人して再び弱いアメリカを作り出そうとしている!今、アメリカはかつてなかったほど強さを取り戻している。私がいる限り心配することはない!

Big and conclusive win by Mitt Romney. Congratulations! I look forward to working together - there is so much good to do. A great and loving family will be coming to D.C.

共和党上院議員選挙候補者Mitt Romneyの決定的大勝利を祝す!11月にはワシントンに返り咲くであろう。

The legendary Gary Player at Turnberry in Scotland!

TurnberryゴルフコースでレジェンドのGary Playerがすごいプレーをした!

A great First Lady!


The Democrats are in Turmoil! Open Borders and unchecked Crime a certain way to lose elections. Republicans are for Strong Borders, NO Crime! A BIG NIGHT!


Wow! Big Trump Hater Congressman Joe Crowley, who many expected was going to take Nancy Pelosi’s place, just LOST his primary election. In other words, he’s out! That is a big one that nobody saw happening. Perhaps he should have been nicer, and more respectful, to his President!

すごいことが起こった!トランプ嫌いの大物で、将来Nancy Pelosi 上院議員の後継者として民主党を引っ張ると思われていたニューヨーク州選出民主党下院議員のJoe Crowleyが予備選挙で敗北した。こCrowleyは野球でいえばアウトだ。誰も想像しなかった大事件だ。この男は大統領に対して礼を尽くし、敬意を払っているべきだったのだ

Tremendous win for Congressman Dan Donovan. You showed great courage in a tough race! New York, and my many friends on Staten Island, have elected someone they have always been very proud of. Congratulations!

ニューヨーク市を選挙区とするDan Donovan下院議員の大勝利を祝す。

6-27  Congratulations to Governor Henry McMaster on your BIG election win! South Carolina loves you. We are all proud of you and Peggy! @henrymcmaster

サウスカロライナ州Henry McMaster知事の大勝利を祝す。

6-26 Today, we tell the story of an incredible HERO who defended our nation in World War Two – First Lieutenant Garlin Murl Conner. Although he died 20 years ago, today he takes his rightful place in the Eternal Chronicle of American Valor...

本日、第2次世界大戦においてわが国を救った英雄Garlin Murl Conner准将について話す。准将は20年前に亡くなったが、今日、アメリカの勇気を永遠に称えるに相応しい場所を与えられた。



“The most profound question of our era: Was there a conspiracy in the Obama Department of Justice and the FBI to prevent Donald Trump from becoming President of the U.S., and was Strzok at the core of the conspiracy?” Judge Andrew Napolitano

元ニュージャージー州高裁判事、現FOXニュース他に寄稿しているコラムニストのJudge Andrew Napolitanoによると『現代の最も深刻な問題点は、オバマ政権の司法省とFBIの内部でトランプ候補の当選を阻止しようという共同謀議があったか否か、および、Strzokがその謀議の中心にいたかということである』

The face of the Democrats is now Maxine Waters who, together with Nancy Pelosi, have established a fine leadership team. They should always stay together and lead the Democrats, who want Open Borders and Unlimited Crime, well into the future....and pick Crooked Hillary for Pres.

民主党の選挙の新しい顔は、Nancy Pelosi とともに繊細な指導陣を構成したMaxine Watersである。2人はいつも一緒にいて、今後、国境の開放と限りない犯罪を容認する民主党をリードし、クリントンを再び大統領選挙の候補者に担ごうとしている。

A Harley-Davidson should never be built in another country-never! Their employees and customers are already very angry at them. If they move, watch, it will be the beginning of the end - they surrendered, they quit! The Aura will be gone and they will be taxed like never before!

Harley-Davidsonのオートバイはアメリカ以外の国では製造されてはならない。絶対に! すでに従業員とユーザーは怒りの声をあげている。強行するなら終わりの始まりだ!HD社はすでにEUに降伏し、アメリカでの生産を止める。HDのオーラは消え失せ、これまでなかった関税をかけられる!

It was great being with Governor Henry McMaster last night in South Carolina. Henry is tough on Crime and Borders, loves our Military and our Vets and has created many jobs and a great economy. GO OUT AND VOTE FOR HENRY TODAY, HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN!

昨夜、サウスカロライナ州Henry McMaster知事と素晴らしいひと時を共にした。知事は犯罪と国境問題に厳正に対処し、軍と退役軍人を愛しており、多くの職場と好調な経済を実現している。今日、Henryに投票しよう!絶対に諸君のために働く!

....We are finishing our study of Tariffs on cars from the E.U. in that they have long taken advantage of the U.S. in the form of Trade Barriers and Tariffs. In the end it will all even out - and it won’t take very long!


....When I had Harley-Davidson officials over to the White House, I chided them about tariffs in other countries, like India, being too high. Companies are now coming back to America. Harley must know that they won’t be able to sell back into U.S. without paying a big tax!


....We are getting other countries to reduce and eliminate tariffs and trade barriers that have been unfairly used for years against our farmers, workers and companies. We are opening up closed markets and expanding our footprint. They must play fair or they will pay tariffs!


Early this year Harley-Davidson said they would move much of their plant operations in Kansas City to Thailand. That was long before Tariffs were announced. Hence, they were just using Tariffs/Trade War as an excuse. Shows how unbalanced & unfair trade is, but we will fix it.....


6-26 Thank you South Carolina. Now let’s get out tomorrow and VOTE for @HenryMcMaster!


6-25 Just landed in South Carolina - will be at the McMaster rally shortly! #MAGA


The hearing of Peter Strzok and the other hating frauds at the FBI & DOJ should be shown to the public on live television, not a closed door hearing that nobody will see. We should expose these people for what they are - there should be total transparency!

FBIと司法省職員のPeter Strzok他による憎むべき不正行為の取り調べはテレビ画面で公開さるべきである。誰も見ることができない密室で行われてはならない。関わった人物の正体を暴露し、完全に透明でなければならない。

Why is Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), perhaps in a near drunken state, claiming he has information that only he and Bob Mueller, the leader of the 13 Angry Democrats on a Witch Hunt, knows? Isn’t this highly illegal. Is it being investigated?

ヴァージニア州選出Mark Warner字ウイン議員が、半ば泥酔状態で、自分とBob Mueller特別検察官だけが知っている情報があると語っている。完全な違法行為であり、調査の対象とすべきではないのか?

Today, @realDonaldTrump and @FLOTUS welcomed @KingAbdullahII and @QueenRania of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to the White House.


“Director David Lynch: Trump Could Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents”

映画監督David Lynchの言:『トランプはアメリカの最も偉大な大統領の1人になる


Surprised that Harley-Davidson, of all companies, would be the first to wave the White Flag. I fought hard for them and ultimately they will not pay tariffs selling into the E.U., which has hurt us badly on trade, down $151 Billion. Taxes just a Harley excuse - be patient! #MAGA


Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, has become, together with Nancy Pelosi, the Face of the Democrat Party. She has just called for harm to supporters, of which there are many, of the Make America Great Again movement. Be careful what you wish for Max!

カリフォルニア州選出民主党下院議員Maxine Waters女史はNancy Pelosi上院議員とともに選挙の顔に選ばれた。女史はのIQは低く、アメリカを再び偉大な国にしようという活動家の中で迷惑がられている。女史に期待するのはいかがなものか。

Record High Economic Optimism: 51% of people think the economy is good or excellent - this is the highest number @CNBC has EVER recorded 

ERIC TRUMPをリツイート:51%もの人が経済の前途を楽観しているとCNBC TVの調査がはじまって以来の数字を報道している。

Congratulations to our dear friend and @TrumpCharlotte member, @ScottMcCarron, on his incredible win at the @AmFamChamp this weekend.

ゴルファーScott Mc Carronnの勝利を祝す。

Trump haters still haven’t realized how much they help him with their condescension of those who either voted for him or don’t share their hatred of him. And how much they help him with their irrational hostility towards those who work for him.

共和党大統領候補だったMarco Rubioをリツイート:トランプ嫌いの人々は、トランプに1票を投じた人々あるいはトランプ嫌いをよしとしない人々を馬鹿にする行為がどれほどトランプにプラスをもたらしているか、今になってもまだわかっていない。実際に活動しているトランプ支持に対する非理性的な敵対感情がどれほどトランプのプラスになっているか分かっていない。


Will be heading to one of my favorite places, South Carolina, to fight for one of my original “fighters,” Governor Henry McMaster. Speaking at 7:00 P.M.

サウスカロライナ州に向かう。午後7時にHenry McMaster知事の応援演説をする。

Hiring manythousands of judges, and going through a long and complicated legal process, is not the way to go - will always be disfunctional. People must simply be stopped at the Border and told they cannot come into the U.S. illegally. Children brought back to their country ・・・If this is done, illegal immigration will be stopped in it’s tracks - and at very little, by comparison, cost. This is the only real answer - and we must continue to BUILD THE WALL!


Such a difference in the media coverage of the same immigration policies between the Obama Administration and ours. Actually, we have done a far better job in that our facilities are cleaner and better run than were the facilities under Obama. Fake News is working overtime!


I have tried to stay uninvolved with the Department of Justice and FBI (although I do not legally have to), because of the now totally discredited and very expensive Witch Hunt currently going on. But you do have to ask why the DOJ & FBI aren’t giving over requested documents?


The Red Hen Restaurant should focus more on cleaning its filthy canopies, doors and windows (badly needs a paint job) rather than refusing to serve a fine person like Sarah Huckabee Sanders. I always had a rule, if a restaurant is dirty on the outside, it is dirty on the inside!

赤い鶏マークのレストランは、Sarah Huckabee Sanders.報道官のような素晴らしい人物の入店を拒む位なら外装を塗り替えるがよかろう。私は外装がみすぼらしいレストランはキッチンも薄汚れていると考えることにしている!

Former Attorney General Michael Mukasey said that President Trump is probably correct that there was surveillance on Trump Tower. Actually, far greater than would ever have been believed!

Michael Mukasey前法務長官は、トランプタワーが捜索の対象とされたことを考えると、トランプ大統領はおそらく間違っていないと語っていた。実際想定されている以上にことは明確である!


House Republicans could easily pass a Bill on Strong Border Security but remember, it still has to pass in the Senate, and for that we need 10 Democrat votes, and all they do is RESIST. They want Open Borders and don’t care about Crime! Need more Republicans to WIN in November! 


Taxes, creating great new healthcare programs at low cost, fighting for Border Security, our Military and are Vets. He is tough on Crime and has my full Endorsement. The Great State of Louisiana, we want Clay! 

Clay Higginsルイジアナ州選出共和党下院議員は、減税、安価な新健保医療保険制度、国境安全確保、軍と退役軍人問題への対応に際して私を大いに支援してくれた。議員は犯罪問題へも厳格に対応している。ルイジアナ州は議員を必要としている!

6-25   .@jimmyfallon is now whimpering to all that he did the famous “hair show” with me (where he seriously messed up my hair), & that he would have now done it differently because it is said to have “humanized” me-he is taking heat. He called & said “monster ratings.” Be a man Jimmy! 

NBC TVの深夜番組の人気キャスターJimmy Fallon私と共演したヘアーショウで最初はしくじったが、違うやり方に変えて凄い視聴率をあげたと電話して来た。流石Jimmyだ!

6-24 House Republicans could easily pass a Bill on Strong Border Security but remember, it still has to pass in the Senate, and for that we need 10 Democrat votes, and all they do is RESIST. They want Open Borders and don’t care about Crime! Need more Republicans to WIN in November! 


.@ClayHiggins18 has been a great help to me on Cutting Taxes, creating great new healthcare programs at low cost, fighting for Border Security, our Military and are Vets. He is tough on Crime and has my full Endorsement. The Great State of Louisiana, we want Clay! 

Clay Higginsルイジアナ州選出共和党下院議員は、減税、安価な新健保医療保険制度、国境安全確保、軍と退役軍人問題への対応に際して私を大いに支援してくれた。議員は犯罪問題へも厳格に対応している。ルイジアナ州は議員を必要としている!


The United States is insisting that all countries that have placed artificial Trade Barriers and Tariffs on goods going into their country, remove those Barriers & Tariffs or be met with more than Reciprocity by the U.S.A. Trade must be fair and no longer a one way street! 


Our Immigration policy, laughed at all over the world, is very unfair to all of those people who have gone through the system legally and are waiting on line for years! Immigration must be based on merit - we need people who will help to Make America Great Again!



Democrats, fix the laws. Don’t RESIST. We are doing a far better job than Bush and Obama, but we need strength and security at the Border! Cannot accept all of the people trying to break into our Country. Strong Borders, No Crime!




6-24   Major Wall Street Journal opinion piece today talking about the Russian Witch Hunt and the disgrace that it is. So many people hurt, so bad for our country - a total sham!




Thank you @NVGOP#MAGA


Happy Birthday to Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, a friend and great man!

最高裁判所Clarence Thomas判事の誕生日を祝す。私の友人の素晴らしい人物である!

It’s very sad that Nancy Pelosi and her sidekick, Cryin’ Chuck Schumer, want to protect illegal immigrants far more than the citizens of our country. The United States cannot stand for this. We wants safety and security at our borders!

民主党の Nancy Pelosi とそのちょうちん持ちの泣き虫Chuck Schumerはアメリカ市民より不法移民の保護により一層力を入れようとしている。これではアメリカが成り立たない。われわれは国境における安全と安心を望んでいる!

TONIGHT: the President of the United States, @realDonaldTrump, sits down to discuss his thoughts about international relationships, immigration, and much much more! Skip the #FakeNews and watch the Huckabee show tonight at 8/7c!

Huckabeeをリツイート:今夜8時、トランプ大統領はじっくりと腰を据えて外交問題、移民問題などなどについて考えを述べる。偽ニュースメディアのチャンネルを7チャンネルに切り替えて、Huckabee ショウを見て貰いたい!

Heading to Nevada to talk trade and immigration with supporters. Country’s economy is stronger than ever before with numbers that are getting better by the week. Tremendous potential, and trade deals are coming along well.



My thoughts and prayers are with Representative Katie Arrington of South Carolina, including all of those involved in last nights car accident, and their families.

昨夜自動車事故で不慮の死を遂げたサウスカロライナ州 Katie Arrington下院議員とそのご家族に哀悼の意を捧げる。

.@VP Pence is heading to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where we have both strongly endorsed one of the finest men around, Congressman Keith @RothfusForPA. He is running against #LambTheSham, who is telling everyone how much he likes me, but he will only vote with Nancy Pelosi. Keith is strong on borders and tough on crime — and loves cutting taxes! #MAGA

Pence副大統領がペンシルベニア州 Pittsburghに向かっている。 Keith 下院議員をわれわれは強力に支援している。 Keith議員は、口先ではトランプ大統領が大好きと言いながら Nancy Pelosiの言いなりに投票している民主党議員と戦っている。 Keith議員は国境問題と犯罪問題に厳正に対応し、減税を評価している!

Drudge Report “OBAMA KEPT THEM IN CAGES, WRAPPED THEM IN FOIL” We do a much better job while at the same time maintaining a MUCH stronger Border! Mainstream Fake Media hates this story.

Drudge Report は『オバマは不法移民を収監し、雁字搦めにした』と報じている。われわれはもっとうまく対処し、かつ、国境の安全を実現している。メディアはこの現実を受け容れない。

Disability applications plunge as economy strengthens” Failing New York Times


The National Association of Manufacturers just announced that 95.1% of Manufacturers “have a positive outlook for their companies.” This is the best number in the Association’s history!


The Russian Witch Hunt is Rigged!


.@FoxNews Poll numbers plummet on the Democrat inspired and paid for Russian Witch Hunt. With all of the bias, lying and hate by the investigators, people want the investigators investigated. Much more will come out. A total scam and excuse for the Dems losing the Election!


Congressman Ron DeSantis, a top student at Yale and Harvard Law School, is running for Governor of the Great State of Florida. Ron is strong on Borders, tough on Crime & big on Cutting Taxes - Loves our Military & our Vets. He will be a Great Governor & has my full Endorsement!


It’s shameful that dems and the media exploited this photo of a little girl to push their agenda. She was not separated from her mom. The separation here is from the facts. Dems should join POTUS and fix our broken immigration system. #ChangetheLaws

Sala Sanders大統領報道官をリツイート:民主党とメディアはこの少女の写真を自分たちの主張を述べるために利用している。恥さらしだ。この少女は母親から引き離されていない。たまたま離れた場所にいるだけだ。民主党議員団は破綻している移民制度を立て直す大統領と協働すべきだ。

Will be ? @TPUSA

Jessie Wattersをリツイート:そうなるだろう。

?Happening Now: President Trump delivers remarks on immigration with Angel Families:https://twitter.com/whitehouse/status/1010228577193717760?s=21 …

Dan Scavinoをリツイート:トランプ大統領が Angel一家の移民問題について所感を述べる。

We are gathered today to hear directly from the AMERICAN VICTIMS of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. These are the American Citizens permanently separated from their loved ones b/c they were killed by criminal illegal aliens. These are the families the media ignores. Our first duty, and our highest loyalty, is to the citizens of the United States. We will not rest until our border is secure, our citizens are safe, and we finally end the immigration crisis once and for all. 


REQUESTED by family members after their private meeting and visit to the Oval Office - which took place before public remarks, as seen in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building, below. 

Dan Scavino Jr.をリツイート:プライベートな立場で面談した家族と大統領執務室に向かう途中、アイゼンハワー記念館での挨拶・・・

.@POTUS’ agenda is the most pro-business agenda from a President in history. It been a game-changer for the American economic landscape. As a result of President Trump’s policies, international companies & investors are already going full speed ahead with opportunities in U.S. 


Steel is coming back fast! U.S. Steel is adding great capacity also. So are others.


FOXニュースを引用:Steel maker JSW to build new plant, invest $500M after Trump tariffs:日本製鉄はトランプ大統領の関税政策に対応して5億ドルを投じてアメリカに新工場を建設する。


We have to maintain strong borders or we will no longer have a country that we can be proud of – and if we show any weakness, millions of people will journey into our country.



Elect more Republicans in November and we will pass the finest, fairest and most comprehensive Immigration Bills anywhere in the world. Right now we have the dumbest and the worst. Dems are doing nothing but Obstructing. Remember their motto, RESIST! Ours is PRODUCE! 



6--23 Based on the Tariffs and Trade Barriers long placed on the U.S. and it great companies and workers by the European Union, if these Tariffs and Barriers are not soon broken down and removed, we will be placing a 20% Tariff on all of their cars coming into the U.S. Build them here! 


6-22 Hope OPEC will increase output substantially. Need to keep prices down! 


We must maintain a Strong Southern Border. We cannot allow our Country to be overrun by illegal immigrants as the Democrats tell their phony stories of sadness and grief, hoping it will help them in the elections. Obama and others had the same pictures, and did nothing about it! 


80% of Mexico’s Exports come to the United States. They totally rely on us, which is fine with me. They do have, though, very strong Immigration Laws. The U.S. has pathetically weak and ineffective Immigration Laws that the Democrats refuse to help us fix. Will speak to Mexico! 


Good job @FLOTUS  

Eric Trumpをリツイート:以下はCNN TVの報道

BREAKING: First lady Melania Trump touches down in McAllen, Texas, making an unannounced trip to get a first-hand look at the crisis affecting immigrant families at the US border https://cnn.it/2yvzUzl  :ファーストレディーメラニア大統領夫人がテキサス州McAllenをお忍びで訪問し、故郷で離別の危機に瀕している親子と面談した。詳しくはこちら: https://cnn.it/2yvzUzl  

Congressman Ron DeSantis, a top student at Yale and Harvard Law School, is running for Governor of the Great State of Florida. Ron is strong on Borders, tough on Crime & big on Cutting Taxes - Loves our Military & our Vets. He will be a Great Governor & has my full Endorsement! 

Yale大学を卒業後Harvard大学法学部をトップクラスで卒業した下院議員のRon DeSantisがフロリダ州知事選挙に出馬する。候補は国境問題と犯罪問題に厳格に対応し、減税にも大きく貢献した。軍備と退役軍人問題にも積極的で、素晴らしい知事になるであろう。私は全面的に支持している!

Congresswoman Martha Roby of Alabama has been a consistent and reliable vote for our Make America Great Again Agenda. She is in a Republican Primary run-off against a recent Nancy Pelosi voting Democrat. I fully endorse Martha for Alabama 2nd Congressional District! 

アラバマ州選出下院議員のMartha Roby女史はアメリカを再び偉大な国にするための議案に一貫して信頼に足る投票をして来た。11月には民主党の Nancy Pelosi一派の民主党議員と議席を争う。私はアラバマ州第2選挙区の Martha 候補を完全に支援する!

Governor Henry McMaster is a truly fine man who loves the People of South Carolina. He was one of my very early supporters and truly helped me to a Big South Carolina Victory. I will see you all in S.C on Monday and Vice President Pence will be there for Henry on Saturday! 

Henry McMasterサウスカロライナ州知事は州民を大切にする真に素晴らしい人物である。知事はごく初期のころから私を支持し、大統領選挙でサウスカロライナ州での大勝利に貢献した。月曜日にサウスカロライナ州で会いましょう。 Pence副大統領は土曜日にHenry知事の応戦に駆け付けます!

Republicans should stop wasting their time on Immigration until after we elect more Senators and Congressmen/women in November. Dems are just playing games, have no intention of doing anything to solves this decades old problem. We can pass great legislation after the Red Wave! 


Elect more Republicans in November and we will pass the finest, fairest and most comprehensive Immigration Bills anywhere in the world. Right now we have the dumbest and the worst. Dems are doing nothing but Obstructing. Remember their motto, RESIST! Ours is PRODUCE! 


Even if we get 100% Republican votes in the Senate, we need 10 Democrat votes to get a much needed Immigration Bill - & the Dems are Obstructionists who won’t give votes for political reasons & because they don’t care about Crime coming from Border! So we need to elect more R’s! 


Our great Judge Jeanine Pirro is out with a new book, “Liars, Leakers and Liberals, the Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy,” which is fantastic. Go get it! 

立派なJeanine Pirro裁判官が『偽証者、情報漏洩者とリベラル―反トランプ陰謀』という新著を出した。凄い内容だ。すぐ読もう!

Don’t worry, the Republicans, and your President, will fix it! 



You cannot pass legislation on immigration whether it be for safety and security or any other reason including “heart,” without getting Dem votes. Problem is, they don’t care about security and R’s do. Zero Dems voted to support the Goodlatte Bill. They won’t vote for anything! 

移民問題に関する安全、安心、あるいは、両親とその子供たちをめぐる『肉親の情』の問題について、民主党が協力しなければなにごとも前進しない。問題は、民主党が安全と共和党の施策に無関心なことだ。 Goodlatte(共和党が提案した移民法制改革に関する妥協)案に賛成票を投じた民主党議員は1人もいない。民主党は投票する気がないのだ!

We have to maintain strong borders or we will no longer have a country that we can be proud of – and if we show any weakness, millions of people will journey into our country. 


“I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U?” written on the back of Melania’s jacket, refers to the Fake News Media. Melania has learned how dishonest they are, and she truly no longer cares! 


Big Supreme Court win on internet sales tax - about time! Big victory for fairness and for our country. Great victory for consumers and retailers. 


Farm Bill just passed in the House. So happy to see work requirements included. Big win for the farmers! 


I was thrilled to be back in Minnesota for a roundtable with hardworking American Patriots. Thank you! 


"The real big story that affects everybody in America is the success of @POTUS's TAX CUT package and what it's done for our economy...” @Varneyco 

『アメリカ人1人ひとりの日常生活に生まれている大きな物語は大統領の減税政策とその結果生まれた経済の活性化に由来している』 FOXニュース Varneycoより。

6-22 My Administration is acting swiftly to address the illegal immigration crisis on the Southern Border. Loopholes in our immigration laws all supported by extremist open border Democrats...and that's what they are - they're extremist open border Democrats.... 


6-21 Democrats want open Borders, where anyone can come into our Country, and stay. This is Nancy Pelosi’s dream. It won’t happen! 

民主党は国境を開放し、誰でも、何時でもアメリカに入国し、滞在できるようにしようとしている。これは Nancy Pelosi議員の夢である。こんなことが実現するわけがない!

Henry McMaster has done a great job as Governor of South Carolina. The state is BOOMING, with jobs and new industry setting records. He is tough on Crime and Strong on Borders, Healthcare, the Military and our great Vets. Henry has my full and complete Endrosement! #MAGA 

Henry McMasterサウスカロライナ州知事の業績は素晴らしい。州の経済は雇用と新規事業の設立件数が新記録でブームになっている。知事は、犯罪と国境問題に厳しく対応し、健康医療問題、国防と退役軍人問題にもしっかり対応している。私は知事を全面的かつ完全に支持する!アメリカを再び偉大な国にしよう!

What is the purpose of the House doing good immigration bills when you need 9 votes by Democrats in the Senate, and the Dems are only looking to Obstruct (which they feel is good for them in the Mid-Terms). Republicans must get rid of the stupid Filibuster Rule-it is killing you! 

(100名の議員で構成されているアメリカ上院には、議決に必要な賛成票が過半数の51票ではなく60票が必要というFilibuster Ruleがある。このために51議席を獲得している共和党が上院で移民法を改正するために9票の民主党上院議員の賛成票が必要となっている。民主党が非協力による国政を停滞が中間選挙の勝利に有利と決め込んでいる現状において)下院が移民法制改革を前進させるためになすべきことは馬鹿げたFilibuster Ruleを撤廃することである。Filibuster Ruleは下院を無用の長物にしてしまう!


脚注〕アメリカが作った日本国憲法にはFilibuster Ruleは排除されている。


Last night in Minnesota was incredible. What a crowd! 

昨夜のMinnesota 集会は信じられない状況だった。なんという群衆!

I will be going the Columbia, South Carolina, on Monday night to do a campaign speech for one of my very early supporters, a man who truly loves the people of South Carolina, Governor Henry McMaster. Henry worked so hard & was so loyal to me that I look forward to reciprocating! 

サウスカロライナ州 Columbiaに向かう。 月曜夜にHenry McMaster知事の選挙を応援するためである。知事は私をずっと支持し、州の人々を愛して来た人である。知事は私の政策実現に全力を挙げ、忠実に立ち向かって来た。私は再選を望んでいる!

The Border has been a big mess and problem for many years. At some point Schumer and Pelosi, who are weak on Crime and Border security, will be forced to do a real deal, so easy, that solves this long time problem. Schumer used to want Border security - now he’ll take Crime! 

国境問題は長年の懸案である。 犯罪と国境問題に弱腰の民主党のリーダーであるSchumer議員とPelosi議員は実効のある対策を迫られる。永年の懸案に簡単に決着をつけることが出来る。国境の安全と犯罪のいずれを選ぶかを決めることだ!

We shouldn’t be hiring judges by the thousands, as our ridiculous immigration laws demand, we should be changing our laws, building the Wall, hire Border Agents and Ice and not let people come into our country based on the legal phrase they are told to say as their password. 




6-20 Just returning from the Great State of Minnesota where we had an incredible rally with 9,000 people, and at least 10,000 who could not get in - I will return! Congratulations to @PeteStauber who is loved and respected in Minnesota! 

ミネソタ州から今戻った。会場は9000人もの入場者で満員。入場できなかった人が10000人。信じられない。再訪する!Pete Staber候補はみんなに愛されている。おめでとう。

Thank you Duluth, Minnesota. Together, we are MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! 


Just landed in Duluth, Minnesota. Two events planned - looking forward to them and being with @PeteStauber and his wonderful family! 

ミネソタ州 Duluthに着陸した。2つのイベントに出る。1つは集会、今1つはPete Staber一家訪問。

Don’t worry, the Republicans, and your President, will fix it! 


So sorry, people wanting to get into the already packed arena - I LOVE YOU ALL! 


Look what Fake ABC News put out. I guess they had it prepared from the 13 Angry Democrats leading the Witch Hunt! #StopTheBias

ABC TVの放送内容は13名の怒れる民主党議員団がリードしている魔女狩りをネタにしているとしか思えない!

Had a great meeting with the House GOP last night at the Capitol. They applauded and laughed loudly when I mentioned my experience with Mark Sanford. I have never been a fan of his!


昨晩、共和党下院議員団と会合した。 (サウスカロライナ州選出共和党下院議員の)Mark Sanfordについて語った際、会場は爆笑に包まれた。私は議員のファンになったことはない!



Earlier today, @FLOTUS Melania and I were honored to welcome King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain to the @WhiteHouse! 

本日午前、大統領夫人を私はスペインの Felipe 4世国王と Letizia女王をホワイトハウスに迎える栄誉に浴した・

Homeland Security @SecNielsen did a fabulous job yesterday at the press conference explaining security at the border and for our country, while at the same time recommending changes to obsolete & nasty laws, which force family separation. We want “heart” and security in America! 

Sec Nielsen国土安全保障省長官は、昨日、記者会見で、国境における安全とアメリカにとっての意味を説明し、同時に家族を引き裂く全く時代遅れの世情にそぐわない法の改正を推奨する素晴らしい仕事をした。

I want to take a moment to address the current illegal immigration crisis on the Southern Border...it has been going on for many, many decades... 



NATIONAL FEDERATTION of INDEPENDENT BUSINESS 75周年記念大会における53分36秒の演説:誰の指図も受けない独立した企業がアメリカ社会のエンジンだという考えを述べた後、メキシコ国境の危機的状況について微に入り細に入って演説。法を改正しようとしても上院の議決に単純過半数の51票ではなく60票が必要で、民主党議員の賛成票が9票も必要とされるのだが民主党の協力が得られない・・・だから11月の中間選挙では共和党に投票を!・・・。自動車産業のアメリカ回帰・・・アフリカンアメリカン、ヒスパニック、女性の失業率が史上最低・・・アメリカ史上最大の減税・・・オバマケアに代わるプレミアムのない健保・医療保険制度を・・・。・・・史上最大の『マンカインド』のと私は言わない。史上最大の『ヒューマンカインド』の私は言うと述べて女性の参加者に共感を求めている。最後に、ゴッドブレスユーアンドユーナイテッドステーツオブアメリカ・・・サンキュー。

Join me tomorrow in Duluth, Minnesota for a #MAGA Rally! Tickets: http://donaldjtrump.com/rallies/duluth-mn-june-2018 … 

明日、ミネソタ州 Duluthで開催するアメリカを再び偉大な国にする集会に参加して下さい!チケットはこちら:http://donaldjtrump.com/rallies/duluth-mn-june-2018 … 

6-19 #CHANGETHELAWS Now is the best opportunity ever for Congress to change the ridiculous and obsolete laws on immigration. Get it done, always keeping in mind that we must have strong border security.


We must always arrest people coming into our Country illegally. Of the 12,000 children, 10,000 are being sent by their parents on a very dangerous trip, and only 2000 are with their parents, many of whom have tried to enter our Country illegally on numerous occasions.


Democrats are the problem. They don’t care about crime and want illegal immigrants, no matter how bad they may be, to pour into and infest our Country, like MS-13. They can’t win on their terrible policies, so they view them as potential voters!


If you don’t have Borders, you don’t have a Country!


Crime in Germany is up 10% plus (officials do not want to report these crimes) since migrants were accepted. Others countries are even worse. Be smart America!


6-19 “I can’t think of something more concerning than a law enforcement officer suggesting that their going to use their powers to affect an election!” Inspector General Horowitz on what was going on with numerous people regarding my election. A Rigged Witch Hunt!

以下は特別検察官報告を提出した Horowitzが私の選挙に関わった多くの関係者につて語った言葉:『法の執行に携わる人間が権力を行使して選挙に影響を及ぼすことを示唆した。これほど憂慮すべきことはない』 不正に仕組まれた魔女狩りの証拠だ!

6-18 If President Obama (who got nowhere with North Korea and would have had to go to war with many millions of people being killed) had gotten along with North Korea and made the initial steps toward a deal that I have, the Fake News would have named him a national hero!


It is the Democrats fault for being weak and ineffective with Boarder Security and Crime. Tell them to start thinking about the people devastated by Crime coming from illegal immigration. Change the laws!




Children are being used by some of the worst criminals on earth as a means to enter our country. Has anyone been looking at the Crime taking place south of the border. It is historic, with some countries the most dangerous places in the world. Not going to happen in the U.S.


We don’t want what is happening with immigration in Europe to happen with us!


The people of Germany are turning against their leadership as migration is rocking the already tenuous Berlin coalition. Crime in Germany is way up. Big mistake made all over Europe in allowing millions of people in who have so strongly and violently changed their culture!

ドイツ国民は移民問題が脆弱な連立政権を揺さぶるに至って政府のリーダーシップに背を向けはじめている。ドイツにおける犯罪は増加の一途を辿っている。ヨーロッパは、文化を強烈かつ激烈に変化させた移民を 全域で数百万も受け入れるという大きな過ちを冒した。

Why don’t the Democrats give us the votes to fix the world’s worst immigration laws? Where is the outcry for the killings and crime being caused by gangs and thugs, including MS-13, coming into our country illegally? 
“The highest level of bias I’ve ever witnessed in any law enforcement officer.” Trey Gowdy on the FBI’s own, Peter Strzok. Also remember that they all worked for Slippery James Comey and that Comey is best friends with Robert Mueller. A really sick deal, isn’t it? 
『法律を執行する政府職員の行動としてこれほど職責とかけ離れた事案をこれまで見たことがない』とはFBIのPeter Strzokに関する(サウスカロライナ州選出共和党)Trey Gowdy 下院議員の発言。忘れて貰って困るのはFBIのこれらの職員が 浅はかなJames Comey前長官のために働いたこととComeyが Robert Muellerの親友の1人であったことである。すべてが深刻な病巣である。そうでしょう!
The Democrats should get together with their Republican counterparts and work something out on Border Security & Safety. Don’t wait until after the election because you are going to lose! 
Why was the FBI’s sick loser, Peter Strzok, working on the totally discredited Mueller team of 13 Angry & Conflicted Democrats, when Strzok was giving Crooked Hillary a free pass yet telling his lover, lawyer Lisa Page, that “we’ll stop” Trump from becoming President? Witch Hunt! 
FBIの病巣の Peter Strzokが13名の民主党議員で構成されたMueller特別検察官のチームに入っていたのか?この男はHillary に自由に立ち入りを認めた上、弁護士資格を持つ愛人のLisa Pageと『われわれはトランプ候補が大統領になるのを阻止しよう』と語り合っていたのである。これを魔女狩りと言わずして何と言うか。
6-18 Why was the FBI giving so much information to the Fake News Media. They are not supposed to be doing that, and knowing the enemy of the people Fake News, they put their own spin on it - truth doesn’t matter to them! 
6-17 Happy Father's Day! 
WITCH HUNT! There was no Russian Collusion. Oh, I see, there was no Russian Collusion, so now they look for obstruction on the no Russian Collusion. The phony Russian Collusion was a made up Hoax. Too bad they didn’t look at Crooked Hillary like this. Double Standard! 
The IG Report totally destroys James Comey and all of his minions including the great lovers, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who started the disgraceful Witch Hunt against so many innocent people. It will go down as a dark and dangerous period in American History! 
My supporters are the smartest, strongest, most hard working and most loyal that we have seen in our countries history. It is a beautiful thing to watch as we win elections and gather support from all over the country. As we get stronger, so does our country. Best numbers ever! 
Democrats can fix their forced family breakup at the Border by working with Republicans on new legislation, for a change! This is why we need more Republicans elected in November. Democrats are good at only three things, High Taxes, High Crime and Obstruction. Sad! 
I’ve had to beat 17 very talented people including the Bush Dynasty, then I had to beat the Clinton Dynasty, and now I have to beat a phony Witch Hunt and all of the dishonest people covered in the IG Report...and never forget the Fake News Media. It never ends! 
Washington Post employees want to go on strike because Bezos isn’t paying them enough. I think a really long strike would be a great idea. Employees would get more money and we would get rid of Fake News for an extended period of time! Is @WaPo a registered lobbyist? 
脚注〕ウイキペディアよりBEZOS:(Jeffrey Preston Bezos, 1964年1月12日 - )は、アメリカ合衆国の実業家、作家、教育者。Amazon.com の共同創設者でありCEO、取締役会長、社長。出生名はジェフリー・プレストン・ジョーゲンセン(Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen)。世界最大の資産家であり、フォーブスの長者番付によると2018年時点で1120億ドルの資産を有する。2013年に米有力新聞ワシントン・ポストを買収しオーナーとなった。 
Our economy is perhaps BETTER than it has ever been. Companies doing really well, and moving back to America, and jobs numbers are the best in 44 years. 
The denuclearization deal with North Korea is being praised and celebrated all over Asia. They are so happy! Over here, in our country, some people would rather see this historic deal fail than give Trump a win, even if it does save potentially millions & millions of lives! 
Holding back the “war games” during the negotiations was my request because they are VERY EXPENSIVE and set a bad light during a good faith negotiation. Also, quite provocative. Can start up immediately if talks break down, which I hope will not happen! 
Funny how the Fake News, in a coordinated effort with each other, likes to say I gave sooo much to North Korea because I “met.” That’s because that’s all they have to disparage! We got so much for peace in the world, & more is being added in finals. Even got our hostages/remains! 
Daniel Henninger of The Wall Street Journal: “This IG Report makes it clear, as did Rod Rosenstein’s memo, that Trump was absolutely justified, unquestionably justified, in firing Jim Comey. So I think the Mueller Investigation is on pretty weak grounds right now.” Witch Hunt! 
以下はウオールストリートジャーナルのDaniel Henningerの言:『 特別検察官報告はRod Rosensteinメモで明らかになっていた事実、すなわち、ComeyFBI長官の更迭に関しトランプ大統領が完全に正当化されたこと、疑問を差しはさむ余地が全くないことを明確に示した。今となっては特別検察官の任命の根拠が相当程度薄弱であったと私は考えている』 魔女狩りの所以である!
Please clear up the Fake News! 
6-17 Chuck Schumer said “the Summit was what the Texans call all cattle and no hat.” Thank you Chuck, but are you sure you got that right? No more nuclear testing or rockets flying all over the place, blew up launch sites. Hostages already back, hero remains coming home & much more! 
(ニューヨーク州選出民主党上院議員の)Chuck Schumer は『米朝首脳会談はカウボーイハットを被らないで牛を全部捕まえようとしているテキサス男そのものだ』と言った。よくぞ言って呉れた。会談の意味が解っているのか?核実験あるいは所かまわずロケットが飛ぶは事態はもうなくなり、発射基地は破壊された。人質は帰国したし、戦場に倒れたまま残された英雄の魂は故郷に戻って来る。それだけではないのだ!
6-16 “Americans must demand their lawmakers support the legislation we need to defeat MS-13 once and for all, and to ensure every American child in every American community can grow up in safety, and grow up in security, and in peace.” 
The IG Report totally destroys James Comey and all of his minions including the great lovers, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who started the disgraceful Witch Hunt against so many innocent people. It will go down as a dark and dangerous period in American History! 
特別検察官報告は、数えきれないほど多くの無辜の人たちに対して不埒千万な魔女狩りを仕掛けたJames Comey 本人と Peter Strzok とLisa Pageを含めた手下どもを完全に打ちのめした。この報告はアメリカの歴史における暗黒かつ危険な時代に結びついて行くであろう。
My supporters are the smartest, strongest, most hard working and most loyal that we have seen in our countries history. It is a beautiful thing to watch as we win elections and gather support from all over the country. As we get stronger, so does our country. Best numbers ever! 
Democrats can fix their forced family breakup at the Border by working with Republicans on new legislation, for a change! This is why we need more Republicans elected in November. Democrats are good at only three things, High Taxes, High Crime and Obstruction. Sad! 
The Democrats are forcing the breakup of families at the Border with their horrible and cruel legislative agenda. Any Immigration Bill MUST HAVE full funding for the Wall, end Catch & Release, Visa Lottery and Chain, and go to Merit Based Immigration. Go for it! WIN! 
Great discussions with European Union Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker and EU Council President Donald Tusk at the #G7Summit in Canada last week. 
先週カナダで開催されたサミットでEUのJean-Claude Juncker大統領とDonald Tusk委員長と大いに議論した。
・The Fake News Media said that I did not get along with other Leaders at the #G7Summit in Canada. They are once again, WRONG! 
I have a great relationship with Angela Merkel of Germany, but the Fake News Media only shows the bad photos (implying anger) of negotiating an agreement - where I am asking for things that no other American President would ask for! 
 私はドイツのAngela Merkel首相としっかりした関係を築いているが偽ニュースメディアは合意内容の議論の際の(詰問するような)よくない写真だけを示している。(ドイツの国防費がGDPの1%で、ドイツより大きいGDPを持つアメリカの国防費がGDPの4%という)これまでアメリカの大統領が誰も求めなかったことを一体誰に求めよと言うのか。
I’ve had to beat 17 very talented people including the Bush Dynasty, then I had to beat the Clinton Dynasty, and now I have to beat a phony Witch Hunt and all of the dishonest people covered in the IG Report...and never forget the Fake News Media. It never ends! 
Wow, what a tough sentence for Paul Manafort, who has represented Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole and many other top political people and campaigns. Didn’t know Manafort was the head of the Mob. What about Comey and Crooked Hillary and all of the others? Very unfair! 
レーガン大統領の選対、Bob Dole 大統領候補の選対その他(共和党の)最高首脳を代表して来たPaul Manafortに対する特別検察官報告の評価が何と厳しいことか。私はManafortが悪の頭領とは知らなかった。それに比べ Comey や Hillaryほかの悪玉の評価はどうなんだ?全く不公平ではないか!
6-16 The Democrats are forcing the breakup of families at the Border with their horrible and cruel legislative agenda. Any Immigration Bill MUST HAVE full funding for the Wall, end Catch & Release, Visa Lottery and Chain, and go to Merit Based Immigration. Go for it! WIN! 
6-15 “Donald Trump was 100% right to fire James Comey.” Mark Levin 
FOXニュースのMark Levinの発言:『トランプ大統領がJames Comeyを辞めさせたのは100%正しかった』