
5ー31 Will be giving a Full Pardon to Dinesh D’Souza today. He was treated very unfairly by our government! 
(インドに生まれ、アメリカに留学、その後帰化して、カッレジの学長や文筆活動を続け、オバマ政権下で投獄された)Dinesh D’Souzaの全面的恩赦を本日与える。本人はアメリカ政府によって不公正な処遇を受けていた。
Very good meetings with North Korea. 
Not that it matters but I never fired James Comey because of Russia! The Corrupt Mainstream Media loves to keep pushing that narrative, but they know it is not true! 
私がFBI長官の James Comeyを更迭したのはロシア問題でないことだけは言っておく。腐敗した大手メディアは嘘と知りなが更迭はロシア問題だと言い続けている。
The corrupt Mainstream Media is working overtime not to mention the infiltration of people, Spies (Informants), into my campaign! Surveillance much? 
Iger, where is my call of apology? You and ABC have offended millions of people, and they demand a response. How is Brian Ross doing? He tanked the market with an ABC lie, yet no apology. Double Standard! 
ABCのIger会長は私に謝罪の電話を架けたか?貴方とABCは数百万もの視聴者を攻撃した。攻撃された大衆は釈明を求めている。ABCの(ニュースキャスターの) Brian Rossは今どうしているか?誤報で株価を大暴落させた本人は何の釈明もしていない。ダブルスタンダードではないのか!
Trump set to promote youth sports, wants such activities to be more accessible to economically disadvantaged children: 
AP POLITICSをリツイート:トランプ大統領は若者のスポーツ活動を促進し、スポーツ活動が困難な子供たちに費用がかからないでスポーツに参加できることを求めている。
Children race as @realDonaldTrump looks on with @IvankaTrump and New York Yankees legend Mariano Rivera they as they participate in the White House Sports and Fitness Day on the South Lawn of the White House, 
DOUGH MILLSをリツイート:ホワイトハウスの南庭の芝生で、大統領とIVANKA TRUMPとニューヨークヤンキースのレジェンドの Mariano Riveraがスポーツとフィットネスの日の行事に参加した。
Today @POTUS hosted #FieldDay at the @WhiteHouse with the announced President’s Council on Sports, Fitness and Nutrition. Together, we reaffirmed our commitment to increasing #YouthSports participation, because all children deserve the chance to play. 
What an awesome day in D.C. participating @WhiteHouse Sports & Fitness Day with @IvankaTrump @POTUS @MistyMayTreanor @MarianoRivera !! #PCFSN #youthsports #FieldDay 
(アメリカンフットボールのランニングバックとして活躍後、現在は総合格闘家の)HERSCHEL WALKERをリツイート:首都ワシントンで、ホワイトハウスのスポーツ・フィットネス・ニュートリションの日の行事に、Ivanka Trump、大統領、旧女子バレーボールMisty May-Treanor 選手他のみなさんとともに参加した。荘厳な素晴らしい1日だった。
RUSH LIMBAUGH “If the FBI was so concerned, and if they weren’t targeting Trump, they should have told Trump. If they were really concerned about the Russians infiltrating a campaign (hoax), then why not try to stop it? Why not tell Trump? Because they were pushing this scam.” 
以下は(教養のある知識人というスタンスではなく、生活感に根ざしたリベラル嫌悪に根ざす言いたい放題の庶民派パーソナリティとして人気がある) RUSH LIMBAUGH の言:『もし、FBIが大いに関心を寄せ、トランプを標的にしていなかったのであれば、FBIはトランプにその旨を伝えるべきであった。もし、FBIがロシアによる選挙介入を真に心配していたのであれば、なぜFBIは選挙介入を阻止しなかったのか。なぜ、トランプに伝えなかったのか?その理由は、FBIがロシアの選挙介入を詐欺と決めつけていたからである』
“The recusal of Jeff Sessions was an unforced betrayal of the President of the United States.” JOE DIGENOVA, former U.S. Attorney. 
FOXニュースにアナリストとして、また、コメンテーターとして登場する司法省の前弁護人のJOE DIGENOVAは次の意見を表明している:『Sessions司法長官がロシア問題を忌諱しているのはアメリカ合衆国大統領に対する強制されざる背信行為である』
President Trump kisses Jordan McLinn, who suffers from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), after signing the #RightToTry Act today at the @WhiteHouse. http://45.wh.gov/RightToTry  
トランプ大統領は、試行権利法に署名後、デュシェンヌ型筋ジストロフィーという難病と闘っている Jordan McLinn少年を慰めた。
Very importantly, @RepDanDonovan will win for the Republicans in November...and his opponent will not. Remember Alabama. We can’t take any chances on losing to a Nancy Pelosi controlled Democrat! 
11月の選挙で共和党のDan Dnovan議員が勝利し、対立候補が落選することが極めて重要である。アラバマ州を思い起こしてもらいたい。 Nancy Pelosi が支配する民主党を敗戦に追い込むためにあらゆる努力をしなければならない!
There is no one better to represent the people of N.Y. and Staten Island (a place I know very well) than @RepDanDonovan, who is strong on Borders & Crime, loves our Military & our Vets, voted for Tax Cuts and is helping me to Make America Great Again. Dan has my full endorsement! 
ニューヨーク州と(私がよく知っている)Staten Island 選出議員として共和党のDan Dnovan議員は最適任である。議員は国境と犯罪の問題に厳正に対応し、軍と退役軍人を愛し、減税法案に賛成、アメリカを再び偉大な国にするのに協力している。Donovan議員は私の全面的支持を得ている!
Great meeting with @KimKardashian today, talked about prison reform and sentencing. 
Kim Kardashianと会い、刑務所改革と判決について話し合った。
Moments ago, it was my great honor to sign #RightToTry into law! http://45.wh.gov/RightToTry  
With the #RightToTry Law I signed today, patients with life threatening illnesses will finally have access to experimental treatments that could improve or even cure their conditions. These are experimental treatments and products that have shown great promise... 
Today I am proud to keep another promise to the American people as I sign the #RightToTry Legislation into law. 
5ー31 Bob Iger of ABC called Valerie Jarrett to let her know that “ABC does not tolerate comments like those” made by Roseanne Barr. Gee, he never called President Donald J. Trump to apologize for the HORRIBLE statements made and said about me on ABC. Maybe I just didn’t get the call? 
ABC TVのBob Iger会長(ディズニーランド最高経営者)はオバマ政権の8年間に上級顧問を務めた Valerie Jarrett女史 に電話を架け、『ABCは Roseanne Barrがやったようなコメントを容赦しない』と伝えた。同じ人物がABC TVの私に関する聞くに堪えない発言に対してトランプ大統領に電話して謝罪したことはない。私が受話器を取らなかったというだけのことなのか?
The Failing and Corrupt @nytimes estimated the crowd last night at “1000 people,” when in fact it was many times that number - and the arena was rockin’. This is the way they demean and disparage. They are very dishonest people who don’t “get” me, and never did! 
5-30 Rep.Trey Gowdy, “I don’t think so, I think what the President is doing is expressing frustration that Attorney General Sessions should have shared these reasons for recusal before he took the job, not afterward. If I were the President and I picked someone to be the country’s chief law enforcement officer, and they told me later, ‘oh by the way I’m not going to be able to participate in the most important case in the office, I would be frustrated too...and that’s how I read that - Senator Sessions, why didn’t you tell me before I picked you. There are lots of really good lawyers in the country, he could have picked somebody else!” And I wish I did! 
私の気持ちはGodwayの言う通りで、出来ることならそのようにしたかったということである。以下は(昨年から下院行政改革委員会委員長を務めている)Trey Gowdy共和党下院議員の発言:「私Godwayの考えはそうではない。私の考えは次の通り。トランプ大統領がやっていることはフラストレーションをさらけ出しているということなのだ。フラストレーションとは、Sessions司法長官が任命後ではなく、任命前に、今、トランプ大統領がSessions長官に抱いている(例えば優柔不断などの)理由を指摘して任命を辞退してくれたらよかったのにということである。仮定の話だが、もし私Godwayが大統領で、国の法律を執行する最高責任者を指名して、指名後に本人から『ところで、私は司法省の最も重要な事案に取り組むことが出来ない』と言われたならば、私はフラストレーションを持たざるを得なくなる。Sessions上院議員、あなたは私が司法長官に指名する前に何故そのことを言ってくれなかったのかというのが私Godwayが読み解くトランプ大統領の本音である。この国の法曹界には適任者が数多くいる。トランプ大統領はSessions長官以外の人物を起用出来た筈である」
5-29 The Fake Mainstream Media has, from the time I announced I was running for President, run the most highly sophisticated & dishonest Disinformation Campaign in the history of politics. No matter how well WE do, they find fault. But the forgotten men & women WON, I’m President! 
Sorry, I’ve got to start focusing my energy on North Korea Nuclear, bad Trade Deals, VA Choice, the Economy, rebuilding the Military, and so much more, and not on the Rigged Russia Witch Hunt that should be investigating Clinton/Russia/FBI/Justice/Obama/Comey/Lynch etc. 
Why aren’t the 13 Angry and heavily conflicted Democrats investigating the totally Crooked Campaign of totally Crooked Hillary Clinton. It’s a Rigged Witch Hunt, that’s why! Ask them if they enjoyed her after election celebration! 
The 13 Angry Democrats (plus people who worked 8 years for Obama) working on the rigged Russia Witch Hunt, will be MEDDLING with the mid-term elections, especially now that Republicans (stay tough!) are taking the lead in Polls. There was no Collusion, except by the Democrats! 
“This investigation involved far more surveillance than we ever had any idea about. It wasn’t just a wiretap against a campaign aide...it was secretly gathering information on the Trump Campaign...people call that Spying...this is unprecedented and scandalous.” Mollie Hemingway 
(インターネットマガジンのThe Federalistのシニアー編集委員の)Mollie Hemingway によると『スパイゲート事件の調査はわれわれのこれまでの経験からは想定出来ない範囲に及ぶであろう。選対関係者に対する盗聴、トランプ選対に対する機密情報の蒐集・・・言うところのスパイ活動、想定外のスキャンダルなどなど・・・』
We have put a great team together for our talks with North Korea. Meetings are currently taking place concerning Summit, and more. Kim Young Chol, the Vice Chairman of North Korea, heading now to New York. Solid response to my letter, thank you! 
アメリカは北朝鮮との会談に向けて交渉チームを派遣している。首脳会談に関する折衝がはじまっている。折衝はこれだけではない。北朝鮮のKim Young Chol 副委員長がニューヨークに向かっている。私の書簡を受けた明確な対応である。
Democrats mistakenly tweet 2014 pictures from Obama’s term showing children from the Border in steel cages. They thought it was recent pictures in order to make us look bad, but backfires. Dems must agree to Wall and new Border Protection for good of country...Bipartisan Bill! 
California has a rare opportunity to turn things around and solve its high crime, high tax, problems - along with so many others. On June 5th., vote for GOP Gubernatorial Candidate JOHN COX, a really good and highly competent man. He’ll Make California Great Again! 
カリフォルニア州は高犯罪率、高税率その他の諸問題をめぐる局面を転換させるまたとないチャンスを迎える。6月5日(火)の共和党カリフォルニア州知事候補の予備選挙で JOHN COX 候補に投票しよう。COX候補は実に素晴らしい立派な人物で、カリフォルニア州を再び偉大な州にしてくれる!
A Democratic lawmaker just introduced a bill to Repeal the GOP Tax Cuts (no chance). This is too good to be true for Republicans...Remember, the Nancy Pelosi Dems are also weak on Crime, the Border and want to be gentle and kind to MS-13 gang members...not good! 
民主党議員が単独で共和党の減税案を廃案にする法案を提出した。成立する可能性は皆無で、共和党の減税が素晴らしいことを実証することになる。Nancy Pelosi 他の民主党議員で、犯罪と国境の治安維持に弱腰でMS-13ギャング団に対して柔軟で親切な態度を取ろうとしている。とんでもない!
Our fallen heroes have not only written our history they have shaped our destiny. They saved the lives of the men and women with whom they served. They cared for their families more than anything in the world, they loved their families. They inspired their communities... 
The heroes who rest in these hallowed fields, in cemeteries, battlefields, and burial grounds near and far are drawn the full tapestry of American life. They came from every generation from towering cities and wind swept prairies, from privilege and from poverty... 
5-29 Thank you for joining us on this solemn day of remembrance. We are gathered here on the sacred soil of @ArlingtonNatl Cemetery to honor the lives and deeds of America's greatest heroes, the men and women who laid down their lives for our freedom. #MemorialDay 
戦没将兵を追悼する荘厳な日を迎え、この集会にご参集頂いたみなさん方に感謝。われわれは自由のために命を捧げられた男性と女性の最も偉大な英雄の一生とその行いを讃えるためにこの神聖なArlington 国立墓地に集っている。戦没将兵追悼記念式典はこちら:#MemorialDay
5-28 “We now find out that the Obama Administration put the opposing campaigns presidential candidate, or his campaign, under investigation. That raises legitimate questions. I just find this really odd...this goes to the heart of our electoral system.” Jonathan Turley on @FoxNews 
FOXニュースで述べられた Jonathan Turley教授の見解(続):『われわれは、オバマ政権が対立候補の選挙活動あるいはオバマ候補自身の選挙活動を監視下に置いていたという事実を確認している。このことは法律上の問題を提起している。私は実に奇妙なことだと承知している。われわれの選挙制度の核心を衝く問題である』
“Sally Yates is part of concerns people have raised about bias in the Justice Dept. I find her actions to be really quite unbelievable.” Jonathan Turley 
『(司法省に27年間勤務し、オバマ大統領によって司法長官代理に任命され、トランプ大統領の旅行禁止政策に反対して回顧された) Sally Yatesは、司法省内部の偏向に関し提起された問題の関係者に含まれる。彼女の行動は本当に信じられないものであった』とは(George Washington 大学法学部) Jonathan Turley教授 の見解。
“The President deserves some answers.” @FoxNews in discussing “SPYGATE.”
Happy Memorial Day! Those who died for our great country would be very happy and proud at how well our country is doing today. Best economy in decades, lowest unemployment numbers for Blacks and Hispanics EVER (& women in 18years), rebuilding our Military and so much more. Nice! 
Memorial Day! 
Why didn’t President Obama do something about the so-called Russian Meddling when he was told about it by the FBI before the Election? Because he thought Crooked Hillary was going to win, and he didn’t want to upset the apple cart! He was in charge, not me, and did nothing. 
5-28 Our United States team has arrived in North Korea to make arrangements for the Summit between Kim Jong Un and myself. I truly believe North Korea has brilliant potential and will be a great economic and financial Nation one day. Kim Jong Un agrees with me on this. It will happen! 
5-27 Why didn’t the 13 Angry Democrats investigate the campaign of Crooked Hillary Clinton, many crimes, much Collusion with Russia? Why didn’t the FBI take the Server from the DNC? Rigged Investigation! 
13名の怒れる民主党議員団は、なぜ、歪んだ Hillary Clinton選対と多くの犯罪とロシア疑惑を調査しなかったのか?なぜ、FBIは民主全国委員会のコンピュータサーバーを押収しなかったのか?
Fantastic to have 400,000 GREAT MEN & WOMEN of Rolling Thunder in D.C. showing their patriotism. They love our Country, they love our Flag, they stand for our National Anthem! Thanks to Executive Director Artie Muller. 
40万ものすばらしい人たちがRolling Thunder 運動に参加して首都ワシントンに集い、愛国心を披歴している。みんなこの国を愛し、星条旗を愛し、国歌に対して立礼している!運動を取り仕切っている Artie Muller氏に感謝。
Who’s going to give back the young and beautiful lives (and others) that have been devastated and destroyed by the phony Russia Collusion Witch Hunt? They journeyed down to Washington, D.C., with stars in their eyes and wanting to help our nation...They went back home in tatters! 
Joshua Holt氏の帰国を歓迎!
When will the 13 Angry Democrats (& those who worked for President O), reveal their disqualifying Conflicts of Interest? It’s been a long time now! Will they be indelibly written into the Report along with the fact that the only Collusion is with the Dems, Justice, FBI & Russia? 
脚注〕1〕バスケットボールの用語に『ディスクォリファイング・ファウル』(非常に悪質なファウル。宣告されれば退場)というのがある。 2〕就任前にトランプ大統領は大統領職を自分のビジネスのために利用するのではないかと厳しく査問されている。 Conflicts of Interestとは公私混同と理解しておけば分かり易い。
This whole Russia Probe is Rigged. Just an excuse as to why the Dems and Crooked Hillary lost the Election and States that haven’t been lost in decades. 13 Angry Democrats, and all Dems if you include the people who worked for Obama for 8 years. #SPYGATE & CONFLICTS OF INTEREST! 
With Spies, or “Informants” as the Democrats like to call them because it sounds less sinister (but it’s not), all over my campaign, even from a very early date, why didn’t the crooked highest levels of the FBI or “Justice” contact me to tell me of the phony Russia problem? 
The Failing @nytimes quotes “a senior White House official,” who doesn’t exist, as saying “even if the meeting were reinstated, holding it on June 12 would be impossible, given the lack of time and the amount of planning needed.” WRONG AGAIN! Use real people, not phony sources. 
5-27 Unlike what the Failing and Corrupt New York Times would like people to believe, there is ZERO disagreement within the Trump Administration as to how to deal with North Korea...and if there was, it wouldn’t matter. The @nytimes has called me wrong right from the beginning! 
5-26 Thanks to very brave Teacher & Hero Jason Seaman of Noblesville, Indiana, for his heroic act in saving so many precious young lives. His quick and automatic action is being talked about all over the world! 
インディアナ州 NoblesvilleのJason Seaman 先生の勇敢かつ英雄的行動に感謝。先生の英雄的行為によって多くの若い命が救われた。素早く反射的に行われた行動は全世界で語り継がれるであろう!
Looking forward to seeing Joshua Holt this evening in the White House. The great people of Utah are Celebrating! 
Joshua Holtさんにホワイトハウスで面会するのが待たれる。ユタ州の素晴らしい人たちを祝す(Joshua Holtさんはユタ州在住のモルモン教徒で、2016年にベネズエラ国籍のThamy さんと結婚するため同国を訪問中に拘束された)。
Put pressure on the Democrats to end the horrible law that separates children from their parents once they cross the Border into the U.S. Catch and Release, Lottery and Chain must also go with it and we MUST continue building the WALL! DEMOCRATS ARE PROTECTING MS-13 THUGS. 
子供たちが親と共に一旦国境を越えると親から隔離されるという恐ろしい法律の撤廃を民主党議員団に迫らなければならない。拘束した不法移民を釈放する法律と籤引きによる移民入国とチェインイミグレーションの法律の撤廃および壁の建設も同時に行わねばならない!民主党議員団はMS-13 ギャング団を擁護しているのである。
Good news about the release of the American hostage from Venezuela. Should be landing in D.C. this evening and be in the White House, with his family, at about 7:00 P.M. The great people of Utah will be very happy! 
We are having very productive talks with North Korea about reinstating the Summit which, if it does happen, will likely remain in Singapore on the same date, June 12th., and, if necessary, will be extended beyond that date. 
Senator Schumer and Obama Administration let phone company ZTE flourish with no security checks. I closed it down then let it reopen with high level security guarantees, change of management and board, must purchase U.S. parts and pay a $1.3 Billion fine. Dems do nothing but complain and obstruct. They made only bad deals (Iran) and their so-called Trade Deals are the laughing stock of the world! 
Funny to watch the Democrats criticize Trade Deals being negotiated by me when they don’t even know what the deals are and when for 8 years the Obama Administration did NOTHING on trade except let other countries rip off the United States. Lost almost $800 Billion/year under “O” 
Chicago Police have every right to legally protest against the mayor and an administration that just won’t let them do their job. The killings are at a record pace and tough police work, which Chicago will not allow, would bring things back to order fast...the killings must stop! 
To the @NavalAcademy Class of 2018, I say: We know you are up to the task. We know you will make us proud. We know that glory will be yours. Because you are WINNERS, you are WARRIORS, you are FIGHTERS, you are CHAMPIONS, and YOU will lead us to VICTORY! God Bless the U.S.A.! 
On behalf of the American People, CONGRATULATIONS! We love you! 
Today, it was my great honor to deliver the 2018 Commencement Address at the United States @NavalAcademy in Annapolis, Maryland. Congratulations! Good luck. Godspeed. And ANCHORS AWEIGH! 
本日、メリーランド州 Annapolisのアメリカ合衆国海軍士官学校の2018年度卒業式で祝辞を述べる。卒業おめでとう!幸多からんことを。武運長久。校歌!
5-26 Very good news to receive the warm and productive statement from North Korea. We will soon see where it will lead, hopefully to long and enduring prosperity and peace. Only time (and talent) will tell! 
5-25 Democrats are so obviously rooting against us in our negotiations with North Korea. Just like they are coming to the defense of MS 13 thugs, saying that they are individuals & must be nurtured, or asking to end your big Tax Cuts & raise your taxes instead. Dems have lost touch! 
“Everyone knows there was a Spy, and in fact the people who were involved in the Spying are admitting that there was a Spy...Widespread Spying involving multiple people.” Mollie Hemingway, The Federalist Senior Editor.  But the corrupt Mainstream Media hates this monster story! 
The Federalist 誌の上級編集者のMollie Hemingwayの言である。『スパイがいたことはみんなが知っている。本件の関係者はスパイがいたことを認めている。スパイ活動は広範囲で行われ、多くの人を巻き込んでいた。腐敗している主要マスメディアはこのことを忌諱している!
Can anyone even imagine having Spies placed in a competing campaign, by the people and party in absolute power, for the sole purpose of political advantage and gain? And to think that the party in question, even with the expenditure of far more money, LOST! 
The Democrats are now alluding to the concept that having an Informant placed in an opposing party’s campaign is different than having a Spy, as illegal as that may be. But what about an “Informant” who is paid a fortune and who “sets up” way earlier than the Russian Hoax? 
I will be making the Commencment Address today at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. Look forward to being with some of the greatest people on earth! 
本日、メリーランド州 Annapolisの海軍士官学校の卒業式で祝辞を述べる。この地上の類まれな人たちに出会えるのが待たれる!
Not surprisingly, the GREAT Men & Women of the FBI are starting to speak out against Comey, McCabe and all of the political corruption and poor leadership found within the top ranks of the FBI. Comey was a terrible and corrupt leader who inflicted great pain on the FBI! #SPYGATE 
再掲。FBIの勇気ある職員は男性・女性を問わず、前長官のComeyとMcCabe副長官および FBIトップの腐敗と指導力の欠如について語りはじめた。 Comeyは恐るべき腐敗したリーダーで、FBIに激痛を引き起こした。スパイゲートだ!
Last week after visiting FLOTUS Melania, POTUS Trump went to visit wounded HEROES at Walter Reed Medical Center. He told them that when they got out, to come visit him at the @WhiteHouse anytime. Yesterday, prior to departing for NY, he welcomed and met with them in the Oval... 
Dan Scavino Jr.をリツイート:先週、トランプ大統領はWalter Reed Medical Center にメラニア夫人を見舞った際に、負傷した退役軍人を見舞い、退院したらホワイトハウスを訪問するように伝えていた。昨日、ニューヨークに戻る前に、大統領執務室で訪れた退役軍人を歓迎した・・・。
Today, President Trump issued an Executive Grant of Clemency (Full Pardon) posthumously to John Arthur “Jack” Johnson, the first African American Heavyweight Champion of the World, for a Mann Act conviction that occurred...https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/statement-press-secretary-regarding-pardon-john-arthur-jack-johnson/ … 
Dan Scavino Jr.をリツイート:本日、トランプ大統領はアフリカンアメリカンの初代ヘビー級チャンピオン John Arthur “Jack” Johnsonに特赦を与えた。
.@Delta CEO: “We all owe @POTUS a huge thank you” for defending fairer skies and protecting US aviation jobs. #OurFutureOurFight 
Dan Scavino Jr.が引用したDelta航空CEOを転載:国際航空公正な運航と雇用機会を守ってくれた大統領に大いなる謝意を捧げる。
Today, @POTUS @realDonaldTrump welcomed 106-year-old Pearl Harbor veteran Ray Chavez of Poway, California to the @WhiteHouse. Chavez is the oldest living Pearl Harbor veteran. http://instagram.com/p/BjLSyRLgIQE/  
Dan Scavino Jr.をリツイート:本日、トランプ大統領は、カリフォルニア州Poway 在住の真珠湾被爆で生き残った最高齢の退役軍人の Ray Chavez氏をホワイトハウスに迎えた。

Today, it was my great honor to present the #MedalOfHonor to @USNavy (SEAL) Master Chief Special Warfare Operator Britt Slabinski in the East Room of the @WhiteHouse. Full ceremony:  http://45.wh.gov/MedalOfHonor 
本日、ホワイトハウスイーストルームで Britt Slabinskiアメリカ海軍特殊戦闘部隊隊員に名誉勲章を授与する栄誉に浴した。儀式の全貌はこちら:http://45.wh.gov/MedalOfHonor 
Today, it was my honor to sign #S2155, the "Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act.” Read more: http://45.wh.gov/hqZUcZ  
本日、『経済成長、消費者救済・保護法』に関する法S2155にサインする栄誉に浴した。詳細はhttp://45.wh.gov/hqZUcZ  を参照。
I have decided to terminate the planned Summit in Singapore on June 12th. While many things can happen and a great opportunity lies ahead potentially, I believe that this is a tremendous setback for North Korea and indeed a setback for the world... 
It was my great honor to host a roundtable re: MS-13 yesterday in Bethpage, New York. Democrats must abandon their resistance to border security so that we can SUPPORT law enforcement and SAVE innocent lives! 
昨日、ニューヨーク州 BethpageでMS-13ギャング団に関する円卓会議を開催する栄誉に浴した。民主党議員団は国境安全問題への妨害行為を中止し、われわれが法を執行し、無辜の人々の生命を守る活動を展開できるようにすべきである!
5-25 Sadly, I was forced to cancel the Summit Meeting in Singapore with Kim Jong Un. 
His Excellency(閣下) Kim Jong Un Chairman of the State Affairs Commission
 of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Pyongyang
委員長殿 (Dear Mr. Chairman:)
われわれアメリカは6月12日にシンガポールで予定された両国首脳の会談に向けての折衝と協議に貴台が時間と忍耐と努力を惜しまれなかったことを大いに多とするものである。アメリカは(韓国から)会談が北朝鮮からの要請で計画されたことを伝えられたが、アメリカはアメリカの判断で会談を応諾した。私はシンガポールでの貴台との会談を大いに期待した。残念ながら、私は、貴台のここ数日に示された大いなる憤怒とあからさまな敵意を考慮し、長い時間をかけて準備されて来た会談を現状において行うことは適切でないと思っている。シンガポール首脳会談を実現させないことが米朝両国および世界のためになることをこの書簡をもって伝達する(serve:deliver a document in a legal and formal manner. I.S.E.D. p.986R)。貴台は貴国の核戦力に言及しているが、わが国の核戦力はその規模と戦力において比肩し得ないものであり、私は核戦力が決して発動されることがないように神に祈るものである。
(We greatly appreciate your time, patience, and effort with respect to our recent
negotiations and discussions relative to a summit long sought by both parties, which was
scheduled to take place on June 12 in Singapore. We were informed that the meeting was
requested by North Korea, but that to us is totally irrelevant. I was very much looking 
forward to being there with you. Sadly, based on the tremendous anger and open hostility
displayed in your most recent statement, I feel it is inappropriate, at this time, to have this
long-planned meeting. Therefore, please let this letter serve to represent that the
Singapore summit, for the good of both parties, but to the detriment of the world, will not
take place. You talk about your nuclear capabilities, but ours are so massive and powerful
that I pray to God they will never to be used.)
(I felt a wonderful dialogue was building up between you and me, and ultimately, it is
only that dialogue that matters. Someday, I look very much forward to meeting you. In
the meantime, I want to thank you for the release of hostages who are now home with
their families. That was a beautiful gesture and was very much appreciated.)
貴台が考えを変え、この最も重要な首脳会談を行おうとされる場合は、遠慮なく電話または書面で連絡願いたい。世界、就中、北朝鮮は永続的平和への大きなチャンスと富への大きなチャンスを失ってしまった。このチャンスの喪失は真に残念な歴史のひとこまである。アメリカ合衆国大統領 ドナルドトランプ
(If you change your mind to do with this most important summit, please do not
hesitate to call me or write. The world, and North Korea in particular, has lost a great
opportunity for lasting peace and great opportunity for wealth. This missed opportunity is
a truly sad moment in history. signature )
5-24 Not surprisingly, the GREAT Men & Women of the FBI are starting to speak out against Comey, McCabe and all of the political corruption and poor leadership found within the top ranks of the FBI. Comey was a terrible and corrupt leader who inflicted great pain on the FBI! #SPYGATE 
FBIの勇気ある職員は男性・女性を問わず、前長官のComeyとMcCabe副長官および FBIトップの腐敗と指導力の欠如について語りはじめた。 Comeyは恐るべき腐敗したリーダーで、FBIに激痛を引き起こした。スパイゲートだ!
Clapper has now admitted that there was Spying in my campaign. Large dollars were paid to the Spy, far beyond normal. Starting to look like one of the biggest political scandals in U.S. history. SPYGATE - a terrible thing! 
(2010年にオバマ大統領によって国家情報局長官に任命された)James Clapperがトランプ選対にスパイがいたことを認めるに至った。常識を遥かに上まわる大金が支払われていた。アメリカ合衆国史上かつてない最大の政治スキャンダルがはじまる。スパイゲート事件だ。恐るべき事態だ!
Will be interviewed on @foxandfriends tomorrow morning at 6:00 A.M. Enjoy! 
明日、東部時間午前6時にFOX TVのインタビューを受ける。ご期待を!
Great to be in New York for the day. Heading back to the @WhiteHouse now, lots of work to be done! 
Thank you to all of the incredible law enforcement officers and firefighters in Bethpage, New York. Keep up the great work! 
Crippling loopholes in our laws have enabled MS-13 gang members and other criminals to infiltrate our communities - and Democrats in Congress REFUSE to close these loopholes, including the disgraceful practice known as Catch-and-Release. Democrats must abandon their resistance... 
Today on Long Island, we were all moved to be joined by families who have suffered unthinkable heartbreak at the hands of MS-13. I was truly honored to be joined again by the courageous families who were my guests at the State of the Union... 
本日、Long Islandで、MSー13ギャング団の手によって考えられない残酷な被害を蒙った家族の参加を得てわれわれ一同勇気づけられている。年頭教書演説に際して招待したご家族に再会出来たことを心から誇りに思っている。       
5-24 Thank you @SBAList! #SBAGala 
There will be big news coming soon for our great American Autoworkers. After many decades of losing your jobs to other countries, you have waited long enough! 
Big legislation will be signed by me shortly. After many years, RIGHT TO TRY and big changes to DODD FRANK.
Our Trade Deal with China is moving along nicely, but in the end we will probably have to use a different structure in that this will be too hard to get done and to verify results after completion. 
“Trump should be happy that the FBI was SPYING on his campaign” No, James Clapper, I am not happy. Spying on a campaign would be illegal, and a scandal to boot! 
(2010年にオバマ大統領によって国家情報局長官に任命された)James Clapperは『トランプはFBIによって選挙活動がスパイされことを以て瞑すべし』と言ったが、それは違う。選挙活動に対するスパイ行為は違法であり、スキャンダルなのだ!
Everybody is with Tomi Lahren, a truly outstanding and respected young woman! @foxandfriends 
みんなが若くして実に才能豊かな尊敬に値するTomi Lahren女史を応援している!
SPYGATE could be one of the biggest political scandals in history! 
“It’s clear that they had eyes and ears all over the Trump Campaign” Judge Andrew Napolitano 
以下はコラムニストのJudge Andrew Napolitanoの弁:『ディープステートがトランプ選対全体に見張りと聞き耳を張り巡らせていたのは明らかだ』
Look how things have turned around on the Criminal Deep State. They go after Phony Collusion with Russia, a made up Scam, and end up getting caught in a major SPY scandal the likes of which this country may never have seen before! What goes around, comes around! 
If the person placed very early into my campaign wasn’t a SPY put there by the previous Administration for political purposes, how come such a seemingly massive amount of money was paid for services rendered - many times higher than normal. Follow the money! The spy was there early in the campaign and yet never reported Collusion with Russia, because there was no Collusion. He was only there to spy for political reasons and to help Crooked Hillary win - just like they did to Bernie Sanders, who got duped!  
前オバマ政権の政治目的によって選挙活動の早い段階で私の選対に送り込まれた人物がスパイでないと言うなら、送り込まれた人物の活動に対して支払われた一見して巨額な資金はどのようにして調達されたのか。支払われた金額は通常の数倍に上っている。金の行方を追求せよ!このスパイはトランプ選対に早い時期に潜入しながらロシアとの癒着について何も報告していないのだ。癒着などなかったのだから当然である。この人物は政治目的のスパイ行為のために潜入し、歪んだヒラリーが勝利するために活動していたのである。Bernie Sandersはこの連中の計略に嵌められ予備選挙で敗れたのだ!
For the first time since Roe v. Wade, America has a Pro-Life President, a Pro-Life Vice President, a Pro-Life House of Representatives and 25 Pro-Life Republican State Capitals! 
It was my honor to welcome @NASCAR Cup Series Champion @MartinTruex_Jr and his team to the @WhiteHouse yesterday! 
昨日、(改造市販車による)NASCAR自動車レースに年間優勝したMartin Truex Jr.とそのチームをホワイトハウスに迎える栄誉に浴した。
5-23 Today, it was my great honor to welcome President Moon Jae-in of the Republic of Korea to the @WhiteHouse! 
本日、Moon Jae-in韓国大統領をホワイトハウスに迎える。
5-22 .@AsaHutchinson, the great Governor of Arkansas, is in a primary tomorrow. He has done an incredible job with a focus on lower taxes, border security, and crime prevention. Asa loves our military and our veterans. I fully endorse Asa for Governor! 
Asa Hutchinsonアーカンソー州知事が再選を目指して明日の共和党の予備選挙に出馬する。減税、国境警備、犯罪防止について素晴らしい実績を上げている。知事は軍隊と退役軍人を大事にしている。私は知事を全面的に支援する!
5-21 Under our potential deal with China, they will purchase from our Great American Farmers practically as much as our Farmers can produce. 
The Wall Street Journal asks, “WHERE IN THE WORLD WAS BARACK OBAMA?” A very good question! 
“John Brennan is panicking. He has disgraced himself, he has disgraced the Country, he has disgraced the entire Intelligence Community. He is the one man who is largely responsible for the destruction of American’s faith in the Intelligence Community and in some people at the top of the FBI. Brennan started this entire debacle about President Trump. We now know that Brennan had detailed knowledge of the (phony) Dossier...he knows about the Dossier, he denies knowledge of the Dossier, he briefs the Gang of 8 on the Hill about the Dossier, which they then used to start an investigation about Trump. It is that simple. This guy is the genesis of this whole Debacle. This was a Political hit job, this was not an Intelligence Investigation. Brennan has disgraced himself, he’s worried about staying out of Jail.” Dan Bongino 
以下は シークレットサービスに勤務し、現在コメンテーターのDan Bonginoの弁:(2013年から2017年までオバマ政権下で第23代CIA長官を務めた)『John Brennanがパニックに陥っている。自分自身を貶め、国を過たせ、すべての機密情報関係者を蔑ろにした。アメリカの機密情報関係機関とFBIの責任者に対する社会の信頼を破壊した責任を問われる1人である。Brennanが生み出した一連の問題はトランプ大統領からはじまっている。今になって分かっていることだが、Brennanは(馬鹿げた)一連文書の詳細を知っていたのに知らないと言い、この文書を取り上げてトランプ疑惑を追求した議会筋の8人のならず者について説明していたのだ。ことはかくも簡単なのだ。Brennanは混迷を生み出した元凶である。これは政治工作の問題であり、機密情報調査の問題ではないのだ。Brennanの心痛は自らを貶めたことであり、刑務所行を免れていることにある。
China must continue to be strong & tight on the Border of North Korea until a deal is made. The word is that recently the Border has become much more porous and more has been filtering in. I want this to happen, and North Korea to be VERY successful, but only after signing! 
On China, Barriers and Tariffs to come down for first time. 
China has agreed to buy massive amounts of ADDITIONAL Farm/Agricultural Products - would be one of the best things to happen to our farmers in many years! 
I ask Senator Chuck Schumer, why didn’t President Obama & the Democrats do something about Trade with China, including Theft of Intellectual Property etc.? They did NOTHING! With that being said, Chuck & I have long agreed on this issue! Fair Trade, plus, with China will happen! 
私は民主党のChuck Schumer上院議員に尋ねたい。オバマ大統領と民主党が知的財産の剽窃その他の問題を含めて対中貿易に無為無策であり続けた理由は何なのかと。民主党政権は見事に無為無策であった!この間、Chuck Schumer議員は中国との公正貿易に関する限り私と同意見であった!中国との公正貿易プラスアルファが実現する!
5-21 I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes - and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration! 
It is emotional day being back at @StJude in celebration of our dear friend Colin! He was a beautiful child who we will all remember forever. We will win the fight against pediatric cancer. 
ERIC TRUMPをリツイート:小児がんで亡くなった Colinを思う感慨深い日が来た。かわいらしい子供だった。私たちは君を忘れない。小児がんとの闘いにわれわれは勝利する。
5-21 The Witch Hunt finds no Collusion with Russia - so now they’re looking at the rest of the World. Oh’ great! 
5-20 What ever happened to the Server, at the center of so much Corruption, that the Democratic National Committee REFUSED to hand over to the hard charging (except in the case of Democrats) FBI? They broke into homes & offices early in the morning, but were afraid to take the Server? ....and why hasn’t the Podesta brother been charged and arrested, like others, after being forced to close down his very large and successful firm? Is it because he is a VERY well connected Democrat working in the Swamp of Washington, D.C.? 
腐敗の巣窟となっていた民主党全国委員会のコンピューターサーバーに起こったことは何なのか。民主党政権下のFBIが強く求めたサーバーを民主党全国委員会は提供を拒んだ(民主党は例外とされた)。FBIは早朝に捜索に入ったのだが何かに恐れをなしてサーバーを押収しなかった。大成功を収めていたPodesta 兄弟が事務所閉鎖を余儀なくされた後、何故に訴追・逮捕されなかったのか。何故に例外とされたのか。Podesta兄弟がワシントンに巣食うヘドロの中の民主党の活動分子としっかりと繋がっているためではないのか?
Now that the Witch Hunt has given up on Russia and is looking at the rest of the World, they should easily be able to take it into the Mid-Term Elections where they can put some hurt on the Republican Party. Don’t worry about Dems FISA Abuse, missing Emails or Fraudulent Dossier! 
ロシア問題をネタにした魔女狩りから何も出なかった。中間選挙に向けた魔女狩りの新たな矛先が求められている。中には共和党を貶めるネタもあり得るが心配することはない。民主党には外国諜報活動偵察法 の濫用問題、電子メール廃棄問題あるいは詐欺まがいの文書問題がある!
Things are really getting ridiculous. The Failing and Crooked (but not as Crooked as Hillary Clinton) @nytimes has done a long & boring story indicating that the World’s most expensive Witch Hunt has found nothing on Russia & me so now they are looking at the rest of the World! At what point does this soon to be $20,000,000 Witch Hunt, composed of 13 Angry and Heavily Conflicted Democrats and two people who have worked for Obama for 8 years, STOP! They have found no Collussion with Russia, No Obstruction, but they aren’t looking at the corruption in the Hillary Clinton Campaign where she deleted 33,000 Emails, got $145,000,000 while Secretary of State, paid McCabes wife $700,000 (and got off the FBI hook along with Terry M) and so much more. Republicans and real Americans should start getting tough on this Scam. 
ものごとが奇妙な展開を見せはじめている。ものごとを正面から見ない上に(ヒラリークリントンほどではないが)歪んだ見方をするニューヨークタイムスが長文の退屈この上ない報道を行い、前例を見ないほど多額の資金を投じたロシア疑惑とトランプを狙った魔女狩りから結局何も出て来なかったことを明らかにした。その結果、13名の憤懣やる方ない民主党議員とオバマ政権で8年間要職を務めた2人にやがて2,000万ドルを費やす魔女狩りの矛先が向けられようとしている。何をあばきだす出せば魔女狩りは終焉するのか!魔女狩りに血道をあげた連中はロシア疑惑も司法妨害もあばき出せなかったが、ヒラリークリントン選挙陣営の腐敗に目を向けて来なかった。ヒラリー選対では、33,000件の電子メール廃棄、国務長官として1億4,500万ドルもの国費取得、 McCabes夫人に対する70万ドルの資金供与、(Terry Mに絡んだFBIの捜査逃れ)などなどの腐敗があったのだ。共和党員と真のアメリカ国民は民主党のこの欺瞞に対して厳しく対応せねばならない。
If the FBI or DOJ was infiltrating a campaign for the benefit of another campaign, that is a really big deal. Only the release or review of documents that the House Intelligence Committee (also, Senate Judiciary) is asking for can give the conclusive answers. Drain the Swamp! 
Great to have our incredible First Lady back home in the White House. Melania is feeling and doing really well. Thank you for all of your prayers and best wishes! 
5-20 Happy #ArmedForcesDay to our GREAT military men and women for their selfless service to our Nation! 
5-19 America is blessed with extraordinary energy abundance, including more than 250 years worth of beautiful clean coal. We have ended the war on coal, and will continue to work to promote American energy dominance! 
California finally deserves a great Governor, one who understands borders, crime and lowering taxes. John Cox is the man - he’ll be the best Governor you’ve ever had. I fully endorse John Cox for Governor and look forward to working with him to Make California Great Again! 
カリフォルニア州は国境と犯罪と減税問題に対応する立派な知事を選ぶ機会を手にした。John Cox 候補がその人である。カリフォルニア州最高の知事となるであろう。私はCox候補を全面的に支持し、カリフォルニア州を再び偉大な州にするために協力できるのを楽しみにしている!
脚注〕 John Cox:11月6日の州知事選挙の共和党候補。Brown現知事が憲法による3選禁止のため出馬出来ない。
Just met with UN Secretary-General António Guterres who is working hard to “Make the United Nations Great Again.” When the UN does more to solve conflicts around the world, it means the U.S. has less to do and we save money. @NikkiHaley is doing a fantastic job! 
António Guterres国連事務総長と会談したところだ。総長は、国連を再び偉大にすべく懸命に取り組んでいる。国連が世界の紛争解決に成功するとアメリカの負担が軽減される。Nikki Haley国連大使は素晴らしい仕事をしている!
America is a Nation that believes in the power of redemption. America is a Nation that believes in second chances - and America is a Nation that believes that the best is always yet to come! #PrisonReform 
.@realDonaldTrump speech on drug costs pays immediate dividends. New @Amgen drug lists at 30% less than expected. Middlemen like Pharmacy Benefit Managers, insurers & hospitals would do well by passing discounts on to patients. @SecAzar @SGottliebFDA 
(Forbes誌の会長兼編集長の)Steve Forbesをリツイート:薬価に関する大統領発表は即効性のある効果を生み出す。Amgen社の料金体系は想定を30%下回っている。薬価引き下げの恩恵は薬局、医療保険、医療現場の関係者を通して患者に還元される。
We grieve for the terrible loss of life, and send our support and love to everyone affected by this horrible attack in Texas. To the students, families, teachers and personnel at Santa Fe High School – we are with you in this tragic hour, and we will be with you forever... 
テキサス州で起こった銃撃事件で亡くなった人々を悼み、巻き込まれたすべての人に支援と思いを届ける。Santa Fe 高等学校の生徒とご両親と教職員のみなさん、私たちはこの瞬間そしてこれからもみなさん方とともにいる。
5-19 School shooting in Texas. Early reports not looking good. God bless all! 
5-18 Reports are there was indeed at least one FBI representative implanted, for political purposes, into my campaign for president. It took place very early on, and long before the phony Russia Hoax became a “hot” Fake News story. If true - all time biggest political scandal! 
Why isn’t disgraced FBI official Andrew McCabe being investigated for the $700,000 Crooked Hillary Democrats in Virginia, led by Clinton best friend Terry M (under FBI investigation that they killed) gave to McCabe’s wife in her run for office? Then dropped case on Clinton! 
(FBIの職員であった)Andrew McCabeが訴追されない理由は何なのか?ヒラリーの最高の友であるTerry M の差配で、バージニア州の民主党ヒラリー陣営から McCabeの妻の選挙資金に70万ドルが支払われているのだ。クリントンの件も取り下げられている!
Fake News Media had me calling Immigrants, or Illegal Immigrants, “Animals.” Wrong! They were begrudgingly forced to withdraw their stories. I referred to MS 13 Gang Members as “Animals,” a big difference - and so true. Fake News got it purposely wrong, as usual! 
“Apparently the DOJ put a Spy in the Trump Campaign. This has never been done before and by any means necessary, they are out to frame Donald Trump for crimes he didn’t commit.” David Asman @LouDobbs @GreggJarrett Really bad stuff! 
『オバマ政権の司法省がトランプ選対にスパイを送り込んだのは明らかだ。こんなことはかつてなかったし、全く必要がないことだ。トランプ候補を犯罪に巻き込もうとするもので、容認できない』とは(FOXニュースのTV司会者を務める) David Asman 、Lou Dobbs、Gregg Jarrettの弁。あってはならないことだ!
It was my great honor to visit with our HEROES last night at Walter Reed Medical Center. There is nobody like them! 
昨晩 Walter Reedメディカルセンターで(若くして退役を余儀なくされた)兵士を訪問する栄誉に浴した。素晴らしい人たちであった!
Tomorrow, the House will vote on a strong Farm Bill, which includes work requirements. We must support our Nation’s great farmers! 
Great talk with my friend President Mauricio Macri of Argentina this week. He is doing such a good job for Argentina. I support his vision for transforming his country’s economy and unleashing its potential! 
Mauricio Macriアルゼンチン大統領と今週会談する。大統領は私の友人で、アルゼンチンのために素晴らしい仕事をしている。私はアルゼンチンの経済を改革し、その潜在力を存分に発揮させる大統領のビジョンを支援する!
Talking trade with the Vice Premier of the People’s Republic of China, Liu He. 
Liu He 中華人民共和国副首相と通商問題について話し合った。
Congratulations to our new CIA Director, Gina Haspel! 
Gina Haspel CIA長官の就任を祝す!

5-18 Congrats to the House for passing the VA MISSION Act yesterday. Without this funding our veterans will be forced to stand in never ending lines in order to receive care. Putting politics over our veterans care is UNACCEPTABLE – Senate must vote yes on this bill by Memorial Day! 
昨日、下院で退役軍人MISSION Actが承認された。この法案が成立しない場合、退役軍人は治療を受ける場所が限られるために終わりのない行列で待たされることになる。退役軍人の医療問題を政争の具に供することはしてはならないことである。メモリアルデーまでに上院はこの法案を成立させなければならない!
5-17 Despite the disgusting, illegal and unwarranted Witch Hunt, we have had the most successful first 17 month Administration in U.S. history - by far! Sorry to the Fake News Media and “Haters,” but that’s the way it is! 
Wow, word seems to be coming out that the Obama FBI “SPIED ON THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN WITH AN EMBEDDED INFORMANT.” Andrew McCarthy says, “There’s probably no doubt that they had at least one confidential informant in the campaign.” If so, this is bigger than Watergate! 
オバマ政権下のFBIが『密かに情報提供者をトランプ選対に送り込んでいた』ことが明るみに出ているようだ。Andrew McCarthy の言である。『選対に少なくとも1人の情報提供者を諜報員として送り込んでいた』とされている。もしこれが事実なら(ニクソンを退陣に追い込んだ)ウオーターゲート事件以上の大問題だ!
Congratulations America, we are now into the second year of the greatest Witch Hunt in American History...and there is still No Collusion and No Obstruction. The only Collusion was that done by Democrats who were unable to win an Election despite the spending of far more money! 
Gina Haspel is one step closer to leading our brave men and women at the CIA. She is exceptionally qualified and the Senate should confirm her immediately. We need her to keep our great country safe! #ConfirmGina 
FBI長官に指名したGina Haspel女史はCIAの勇敢な男女職員のリードするに必要な議会承認に一歩近づいた。女史の資質は素晴らしく、上院は直ちに承認すべきである。われわれはこの国を安全に保つために女史を必要としている。
Lou Barletta will be a great Senator for Pennsylvania but his opponent, Bob Casey, has been a do-nothing Senator who only shows up at election time. He votes along the Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren lines, loves sanctuary cities, bad and expensive healthcare and voted against the massive Tax Cut Bill. He’s also weak on borders and crime. Sadly, our great Military and Vets mean nothing to Bobby Jr. Lou Barletta will win! #MAGA 
Lou Barletta候補はペンシルバニア州の上院議員としてしっかり仕事をするであろう。現職の民主党 Bob Casey議員は選挙の時だけ出て来る無能議員で、民主党のリーダーのNancy PelosiとElizabeth Warrenの言うがままに投票し、都会の犯罪者聖域に賛成、高額な医療制度を支持し、大幅減税に反対した。Casey議員は国境問題と犯罪問題への対応も弱腰である。わが偉大なる軍隊と退役軍人にとってCasey議員は何の役にも立たない。Lou Barletta候補が中間選挙で勝利するであろう!アメリカを再び偉大な国にしよう。
Today, it was my great honor to welcome President Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan to the @WhiteHouse! 
本日、 Mirziyoyevウズべキスタン大統領をホワイトハウスで歓迎する栄誉に浴した。
5-17 House votes today on Choice/MISSION Act. Who will stand with our Great Vets, caregivers, and Veterans Service Organizations? Must get Choice passed by Memorial Day! 
本日、下院は(退役軍人が必要な医療を自由に選択出来るようにする)Choice/MISSION 法を採決する。国のために尽くした退役軍人と介護関係者と関係機関のために賛成の票を投じるのは誰かを見極めよう。退役軍人記念日までに法案を成立させよう!
5-16 The Washington Post and CNN have typically written false stories about our trade negotiations with China. Nothing has happened with ZTE except as it pertains to the larger trade deal. Our country has been losing hundreds of billions of dollars a year with China. We have not seen China’s demands yet, which should be few in that previous U.S. Administrations have done so poorly in negotiating. China has seen our demands. There has been no folding as the media would love people to believe, the meetings haven’t even started yet! The U.S. has very little to give, because it has given so much over the years. China has much to give! 
ワシントンポスト紙とCNN TVは中国との通商交渉について典型的な誤報を流している。重要な交渉項目に進展が見られない限りZTE に対する救済措置がとられることはない。アメリカは毎年数千億ドルの貿易赤字を記録しているのであり、中国から現在何の要望も受けていない。中国からの要望事項は殆どないであろう。オバマ政権のまずい交渉によって中国に不満がないからである。中国はトランプ政権から要望事項を受取っている。交渉は未だはじまっていない段階なので、メディアが向こう受けを狙って報道しようと待ち構えている交渉内容は何もない。アメリカはこれまで中国に一方的に譲歩して来たので現時点で譲歩できることは殆どない。多く譲歩できるのは中国である。
Congratulations to Deb Fischer. The people of Nebraska have seen what a great job she is doing - and it showed up at the ballot box! #MAGA 
ネブラスカ州共和党上院議員予備選挙を制した Deb Fischer候補がしっかりと仕事をしてきたことを州の人たちはよく知っている。予備選挙の投票結果に如実に表れている!アメリカを再び偉大な国にしよう。
Congratulations to Lou Barletta of Pennsylvania. He will be a great Senator and will represent his people well - like they haven’t been represented in many years. Lou is a friend of mine and a special guy, he will very much help MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
ペンシルバニア州共和党上院議員予備選挙を制したLou Barletta候補を祝す。長い間民意を代表する議員がいなかったこの地域の立派な上院議員として活躍するであろう。候補は私の友で、好人物である。アメリカを再び偉大な国にするために大いに働いてくれるであろう。
Thank you to the Washington Examiner and @CortesSteve on the great article - on WINNING! 
『勝利』に関する論説を掲げた Washington Examiner紙と執筆したCortes Steve氏に感謝!
脚注〕トランプ大統領の経済運営とアジア大陸をめぐる外交の成果は、1970年代にバスケットボールでUCLAブルーインズを率いて3シーズンに亘って88連勝という不滅の記録を残したJohn Woodenコーチの記録に匹敵する(Trump's winning streak rivals one of the greatest streaks in sports:John Wooden, perhaps the best basketball coach of all-time, once led his UCLA Bruins to 88 straight wins over three seasons in the early 1970s, still an NCAA men’s record. That streak, plus 10 national championships, earned him the nickname: the “Wizard of Westwood.”
If President Donald Trump has more win streaks like his present one, he might well become known as the “Wizard of Washington.” From the economy to important victories across the vast Asian continent, America is winning under Trump’s leadership.)
失業率は3.9%。2000年以来の最低。オバマ時代は求職者数の減少によって失業率が低下したのだが、トランプ政権下で100万人もの人が就職して失業率が下がっている。その結果フードスタンプ(生活保護)受給件数が2017年に200万件も減少した。自立世帯の増加は家庭の安定、犯罪の減少、政府依存の減少に繋がっている(The unemployment rate fell to 3.9 percent, falling under 4 percent for the first time since 2000. Even better, unlike during the Obama presidency, the low jobless rate was not due to people giving up and leaving the workforce. Instead, since Trump’s election, almost 1 million new workers have re-entered the labor market. That movement toward self-sufficiency reaps myriad benefits for our society including more stable families, lower crime, and less government dependency. In fact, an amazing 2 million Americans stopped receiving food stamps during fiscal 2017.)。
仕事の内容も改善し、2018年第1四半期には賃金上昇が加速し、社会的弱者に恩恵が及んでいる。ヒスパニック系の失業率が5%を下回ったのはこれまでわずかに7ヵ月だけであったが、このうちの6ヵ月がトランプ政権の下で生じたのだ。トランプ大統領が人種差別主義者とメディアは決めつけているが、やっていることは人種差別とは逆である(In addition, the quality of the jobs improved as wages accelerated in the first quarter of 2018 at the fastest pace in a decade. This trend particularly benefits minorities. For example, in U.S. history, Hispanic unemployment has registered below 5 percent for only seven months, ever. Amazingly, six of those seven months have occurred in the past year under the pro-growth policies of this president. If President Trump is as racist as media pundits claim he is, he’s remarkably bad at it.)。
国内で実現した強いアメリカは海外での強いアメリカを支えている。ブッシュ政権とオバマ政権とは違って、最高司令官トランプ大統領はアメリカの軍事力を敵対勢力を戒める力として明確に打ち出している(A strong America at home supports a strong America abroad as well. On the international scene, this commander in chief, in contrast to his two predecessors, is restrained in his use of American might, but also clear-eyed in his admonitions to our adversaries.)。
Steve CortesはCNN の政治問題コメンテーター。大統領選挙アドバイザー。ヒスパニック社会に関するトランプ政権へのアドバイザー。
Today is one of the most important and solemn occasions of the year – the day we pay tribute to the Law Enforcement Heroes who gave their lives in the line of duty. They made the ultimate sacrifice so that we could live in safety and peace. We stand with our police (HEROES) 100%! 
5-16 Nebraska - make sure you get out to the polls and VOTE for Deb Fischer today! 
ネブラスカ州の予備選挙の日だ。 Deb Fischer候補に投票しよう!
5-15 Can you believe that with all of the made up, unsourced stories I get from the Fake News Media, together with the $10,000,000 Russian Witch Hunt (there is no Collusion), I now have my best Poll Numbers in a year. Much of the Media may be corrupt, but the People truly get it! 