8-16 The United States is now, by far, the Biggest, Strongest
and Most Powerful Economy in the World, it is not even close! As others falter, we will only get stronger. Consumers
are in the best shape ever, plenty of cash. Business Optimism is at an All Time High!
If President Xi would meet directly and
personally with the protesters, there would be a happy and enlightened ending to the Hong Kong problem. I have no doubt!
(link: https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1161774305895694336) witter.com/realdonaldtrum…
It would show great weakness if Israel allowed Rep. Omar and Rep.Tlaib to visit.
They hate Israel & all Jewish people, & there is nothing that can be said or done to change their minds. Minnesota
and Michigan will have a hard time putting them back in office. They are a disgrace!
The Philadelphia shooter should never have been allowed to be on the streets. He had a long and very dangerous criminal
record. Looked like he was having a good time after his capture, and after wounding so many police. Long sentence - must
get much tougher on street crime!
Go out and get Andrew McCarthy’s new book, “Ball of Collusion.” “Supervision became the investigator, and when they pushed
the envelope, there was nobody there to tell them NO. It goes right to the President (Obama). Plenty of information that
Obama was informed & knew exactly what they were doing. There’s plenty of indication, we don’t have to speculate.”
@SteveDoocy “Holy cow, got to read this book.” @ainsleyearhardt “WOW!” @foxandfriends A very serious situation. Can never
be allowed to happen again! DRAIN THE SWAMP
Thank you, and the Wall is under major construction!
What is going on in Philadelphia explains how dangerous it is to be a police officer. Our prayers are with them, all the
wounded and the ones still engaged. Attacking police officers is an attack on our decent and lawful society.
大統領法律顧問Rudy Giulianiをリツイート:フィラデルフィアで発生した事件は警察官の職務が如何に危険な職務であるかを如実に示した。祈りを捧げる。警察官に対する襲撃は毅然とした法治社会に対する攻撃である。
Democrats also boycotted Lincoln's inauguration bc he had this radical idea of ending slavery. Let that sink in.
#TrumpInaugration #MAGA
Lori Hendryをリツイート:民主党は奴隷解放という急進的政策を掲げたリンカーン共和党大統領の就任式典をボイコットした。よくわかる。
I appreciate the opportunity to interview and learn the Trump Administration strategies and policies towards these serious
issues around the world.
Greta Van Susterenをリツイート:Bolton大統領補佐官をインタビューした。
Two great entertainers and, more importantly, great people! Check out their show.
New Hampshire Poll: Corey Lewandowski Leads GOP Senate Field
Corey Lewandowski をリツイート:ニューハンプシャー州の共和党上院議員予備選挙でCorey Lewandowski がリードしている。
RUDY: "I’ve never had a client that’s been cleared three times. Once is usually enough, twice is ridiculous, three times?! Get
over it." (link: https://hannity.com/media-room/rudy-on-impeachment-trump-cleared-3-times-democrats-need-to-get-over-it/)
Rudy Giulianiをリツイート:既出
Congress must adopt USMCA after its six-week recess, @GlennHamer writes.
ホワイトハウスをリツイート:議会は夏休み明けにアメリカ、メキシコ、カナダ3ヵ国貿易協定を採決すべきであるとアリゾナ州商業会議所Glenn Hamer会長が書いている。
Lewandowski joining N.H. Trump rally amid rumors of Senate run. Can’t wait for @realDonaldTrump to come back to NH to deliver
his message of America First!
Two great and loyal friends!
Diamond and Silkは立派な信頼できる友人である。
"There is no evidence that we are in the midst of an epidemic of mass shootings,"
@jamesalanfox, the leading researcher on the topic, tells @nickgillespie. Podcast. (link:
https://reason.com/podcast/james-alan-fox-there-is-no-evidence-of-an-epidemic-of-mass-shootings/) reason.com/podcast/james-…
via @reason
以下はFOXニュースのJames Alanの見解:「問題の専門家の見解は、銃による大量殺戮が伝染病のように拡散する状況ではない」
Without direct evidence, branding the President a white supremacy adherent becomes a cheap piece of political propaganda. And I
would say the same thing about any politician maligned that way if flimsy evidence were used in the smear.
Bill O‘reillyをリツイート:確たる事実がないにも関わらず大統領を白人至上主義というブランドを付けるのは安っぽい政治宣伝に過ぎない。取るに足りない事実がレッテル張りに使われるならば同じことが政治家に起こってくると言いたい。
President Trump VS Democrats
I know President Xi of China very well.
He is a great leader who very much has the respect of his people. He is also a good man in a “tough business.” I have ZERO doubt
that if President Xi wants to quickly and humanely solve the Hong Kong problem, he can do it. Personal meeting?
Good things were stated on the call with
China the other day. They are eating the Tariffs with the devaluation of their currency and “pouring” money into their system. The
American consumer is fine with or without the September date, but much good will come from the short deferral to December. It
actually helps China more than us, but will be reciprocated. Millions of jobs are being lost in China to other non-Tariffed
countries. Thousands of companies are leaving. Of course China wants to make a deal. Let them work humanely with Hong Kong
Jr.を引用:So while @realDonaldTrump has spent his entire career standing up to China and leading the fight against their authoritarian
regime, @JoeBiden has spent his entire career cheering China on and watching his son get rich off of it.
WE MUST ENFORCE OUR LAWS! Both suspects are illegal aliens. One was ordered removed but never left. The other was deported &
illegally returned. Dems MUST work with @realDonaldTrump to enforce the border! Dems’ OPEN BORDERS plan is NOT THE ANSWER!
Brad Parscaleをリツイート:法を守らねばならない。2名の容疑者は不法入国者である。1人は国外退去を命じられたが退去していない。もう一人は退去後に再度不法入国している。民主党は大統領に協力して国境を守るべきである。民主党の国境開放計画は問題の解決にならない!
Unlike others, our economy is strong!
America needs four more years of President @realDonaldTrump and the people of North Carolina agree!
ペンス副大統領をリツイート:大統領にさらに4年間務めてもらわねばならない。ノースカロライナ州の有権者は次の比率で民主党候補よりトランプ大統領を支持している。Trump/Biden: 45/44 Trump/Sanders: 46/44 Trump/Harris:
47/41 Trump/Warren: 46/43
We are winning, big time, against China. Companies & jobs
are fleeing. Prices to us have not gone up, and in some cases, have come down. China is not our problem, though Hong Kong is not
Our problem is with the Fed. Raised too much & too fast.
Now too slow to cut. Spread is way too much as other countries say THANK YOU to clueless Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve. Germany,
and many others, are playing the game! CRAZY INVERTED YIELD CURVE! We should easily be reaping big Rewards & Gains, but the Fed is
holding us back. We will Win!
The Great Charles Payne @cvpayne correctly stated that Fed Chair Jay Powell made TWO enormous mistakes. 1. When he said “mid cycle
adjustment.” 2. We’re data dependent. “He did not do the right thing.” I agree (to put it mildly!). @Varneyco
FOXニュースの金融担当アナリストのCharles Payneは、Jay
Tremendous amounts of money pouring into the United States. People want safety!
“So far, you’ve had Tariffs imposed on 300 Billion Dollars worth of Chinese products, but
you can’t tell me that it has hurt our economy...& it really hasn’t led to any kind of serious rise in prices at the consumer
level.” @Varneyco @FoxBusiness And we are taking in $Billions!
以下はFOXニュースに出たVarney社の見解:「中国からの3,000億ドルの対米輸出に関税が課されているが、アメリカ経済に打撃は生じていない。その分だけ消費者物価は上昇していない」 事実アメリカに数十億ドルの関税収入が入金している!
“The Fed has got to do something! The Fed is the Central Bank of the United States, not the
Central Bank of the World.” Mark Grant @Varneyco Correct! The Federal Reserve acted far too quickly, and now is very, very late. Too
bad, so much to gain on the upside!
Grantの見解:「連銀はアメリカの中央銀行であって、世界の中央銀行ではない」 その通りだ!連銀は金利を引き上げた際は機敏に行動したが、引き下げが必要な時に逡巡している。よくない。経済はもっとよくなる!
8-15 Join me tomorrow night in Manchester, New Hampshire at 7:00 P.M. Eastern!
A fighter and champion, GREAT!
ダイヤモンドバックスで2001年のワールドチャンピオンに輝いたCurt Schilling投手がアリゾナ州から共和党候補として下院議員選挙に立候補する。立派だ!
Great interview of Ron Vitiello, Former Acting Ice Director, by @JesseBWatters, on @FoxNews, about all of the work that is being (& has
been) done on our Southern Border. Thanks Ron, terrific job! Now if only the Democrats would fix the Loopholes & Asylum.
前国土安全保障省Ron Vitiello長官代理がインタビューで国境の壁がしっかりと建設されていることを語ってくれた。素晴いインタビューだった。あとは民主党が抜け穴封じと亡命問題の法制に賛成すれば一件落着する。
Great day in the incredible Commonwealth of Pennsylvania today, with the amazing energy workers, construction workers, and craft workers
who make America run – and who make America PROUD. No one in the world does it better than YOU!
Voter fraud is real: Los Angeles county has a registration rate of 112% its adult population The
entire state of California has a registration rate of 101% 11 of 58 counties in CA have registration rates above 100% Is this why
California is solid Blue?
No debate on Election Security should go forward without first agreeing that Voter ID (Identification) must play a very strong part in any
final agreement. Without Voter ID, it is all so meaningless!
The Trump Economy is delivering incredible results for the blue-collar workers who need it most. In case you missed it:
Harris thought she was going to a nursing home... Ended up being taken to school
Mr. Trump’s statements against illegal immigration, Muslim terrorism, and the economic failure
of some third world countries are being used to create a racial theory, but theories are not facts and are often wrong.
Thank You Bill!
Bill O‘Reillyをリツイート:
If 2020 Democrats like Biden have their way, they’d eliminate ALL fossil fuels. They want to kill millions of American jobs and enact a
socialist $93 TRILLION “Green New Deal.” We can’t let that happen.
True! Without being stuck at an airport, where CNN buys (at a big price) an uninterested audience, they’ve got nothing going. @CNN is BAD
for America!
It always happens! When a Conservative does even a fraction of what Chris Cuomo did with his lunatic ranting, raving, & cursing, they
get destroyed by the Fake News. But when a Liberal Democrat like Chris Cuomo does it, Republicans immediately come to his defense. We never
Ok Fredo
See you in New Hampshire!
There are 34,000 U.S. troops in Germany protecting Germans and Europeans. I can tell you this:
@RolandNelles&@SPIEGELONLINEare wrong. Americans don’t understand why Germany isn’t meeting its NATO obligations & helping the
West. And they are growing very annoyed by it.
Richrd Grennelをリツイート:ドイツに34,000名の米軍兵士が駐留し、ドイツとヨーロッパを守っている。これは事実であって、Roland NellsとSPIEGEL ON
2020 Democrat Julian Castro says he’s “very proud” of his brother’s target list of @realDonaldTrump supporters. Castro has no business
being president and – if you look at the polls – nearly every American agrees.
how can a man ( @realDonaldTrump) provide this type of moment to a family and be considered by the scarecrows of america as a racist? the
day OZ gives them all their own brains, maybe they will repent.
Tisha Mosley, DEAF, MBA, MSをリツイート:
I assume @cnn not available for comment. Imagine their coverage of this if they were a real news organization?
Donald Trump Jr.をリツイート:
Bill de Blasio draws 15-person crowd in Iowa
Donald Trump Jr.をリツイート:
Just leaving. Incredible Complex. JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!
IN THE NEWS: Whispering Pines will present Christmas tree for the Vice President’s Residence| WLUK
Kamala Harris isn’t fooling anyone on health care. Here’s one of Iowa’s seniors calling her out for her socialist plan.
Ronna McDanielをリツイート:
Remember when Anna Navarro referred to Don Jr. as Fredo while filing her nails on the @ChrisCuomoshow. I don't remember him calling her out
for using that word. Now he's all upset because someone used the word on him. #Hypocrite Boo Hoo, Cry me a river!
Diamond and Silkをリツイート:
So terrible!
NYT Executive Editor @DeanBaquet taking heat today for Trump Unity headline. Can he handle? When
@Project_Veritas merely asked him some questions on NYC streets, Baquet was rendered mute. (link:
https://www.cjr.org/public_editor/nyt-headline-trump-mass-shootings.php) cjr.org/public_editor/…
James O’Keefeをリツイート:ニューヨークタイムスのDean
BREAKING @Project_Veritas: Current Sr. Google Engineer Goes
Public on Camera: Tech is "dangerous," "taking sides" -- SEE FULL: (link:
Disturbing video taken in #Shenzhen just across the boarder with #HongKong. Something extraordinarily bad is about happen. #China
#HongKongProtests #Democracy #SaveHongKong
Alexsandre Krausをリツイート:林立する高層ビル街を兵士を載せて長蛇の列をなす中国軍の車輛の映像を添付:深圳と香港の国境で撮影された動画。只ならぬことが起ろうとしている。
We've just had two incendiary mass shootings. In one, the shooter was pro-white supremacy. In the other, the shooter was
pro-socialist. Guess which attacker's motives have been buried by the media.
Dinesh D’Souzaをリツイート:偶発した2件の銃撃事件の犯人の動機は白人至上主義と社会主義であった。メディアはいずれの動機を報道したか、考えて貰いたい。
Ahead of his trip to Pennsylvania, @realDonaldTrump has achieved energy dominance in America! Meanwhile, 2020 Democrats continue to run on
eliminating the fossil fuel sector and the jobs that go with it.
Team Trumpを引用:大統領はアメリカのエネルギー優位を確立した。2020年選挙で民主党はペンシルベニア州の化石燃料セクターを廃業させ、雇用を奪う計画である。
Put it back up. We are living with a Rigged & Fake Media!
トランプJr.を引用:Unbelievable: @Youtube has taken down the viral video showing
@chriscuomo threatening to assault a heckler and then grotesquely comparing “Fredo” to the N word. Youtube/Google literally covering up his
racism and violent threats. You can’t make this stuff up. #StopTheBias(CNNのキャスターの人種差別的発言や暴言をユーチューブやグーグルに投稿しても消されてしまう。)
Just landed in Pennsylvania. Looking forward to making a speech on energy. So important!
Our Intelligence has informed us that the Chinese Government is moving troops to the Border with
Hong Kong. Everyone should be calm and safe!
8-14 Many are blaming me, and the United States, for the problems going on in Hong
Kong. I can’t imagine why?
As usual, China said they were going to be buying “big” from our great American Farmers. So far they have not done what they said. Maybe this
will be different!
Would Chris Cuomo be given a Red Flag for his recent rant? Filthy language and a total loss of control. He shouldn’t be allowed to have any
weapon. He’s nuts!
CNNのChris Cuomoキャスターは最近の暴言に対しレッドカードを受けるべきだ。野卑な言葉を使い、自制できなくなっている。こんな男に銃を持たせてはいけない。
Through massive devaluation of their currency and pumping vast sums of money into their system, the tens of billions of dollars that the U.S.
is receiving is a gift from China. Prices not up, no inflation. Farmers getting more than China would be spending. Fake News won’t report!
I thought Chris was Fredo also. The truth hurts. Totally lost it! Low ratings @CNN
Thank you John, you are a special guy!
Curt Schilling, a great pitcher and patriot, is considering a run for Congress in Arizona. Terrific! @foxandfriends
Curt Schilling投手がアリゾナ州下院議員選挙に立候補する。素晴らしい!
Jim Jordan: Why didn't you charge Joseph Mifsud for lying to the FBI? Robert Mueller: I can’t get into it This video is a must watch:
#MuellerReport #MuellerHearings
Alana Mastrangeloをリツイート:オハイオ州選出Jim Jordan下院議員の「なぜJoseph MifsudのFBIに対する虚偽の証言を追求しないのか」との質問に対し、Mueller検察官の回答は「権限外」との回答。このビデオは必見。
Who won the debate? Joe Biden 2% Kamala Harris 1% Andrew Yang 4%
President Donald J Trump 93%
Alana Mastrangeloをリツイート:論戦の勝者の判定。トランプ93%、民主党3人合わせて7%。
The more working class Americans know about "Medicare for All" the more they reject it.
The Trump administration on Monday rolled out some of the broadest changes in decades to enforcement of the landmark Endangered Species Act.
2020 Democrats have been peddling their socialist policies in Iowa while ignoring something that would help all Iowans: The #USMCA. Why won’t
they support it? Because all they do is obstruct @realDonaldTrump.