
8-16 The United States is now, by far, the Biggest, Strongest and Most Powerful Economy in the World, it is not even close! As others falter, we will only get stronger. Consumers are in the best shape ever, plenty of cash. Business Optimism is at an All Time High!
If President Xi would meet directly and personally with the protesters, there would be a happy and enlightened ending to the Hong Kong problem. I have no doubt! (link: https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1161774305895694336) witter.com/realdonaldtrum…
It would show great weakness if Israel allowed Rep. Omar and Rep.Tlaib to visit. They hate Israel & all Jewish people, & there is nothing that can be said or done to change their minds. Minnesota and Michigan will have a hard time putting them back in office. They are a disgrace!
The Philadelphia shooter should never have been allowed to be on the streets. He had a long and very dangerous criminal record. Looked like he was having a good time after his capture, and after wounding so many police. Long sentence - must get much tougher on street crime!
Go out and get Andrew McCarthy’s new book, “Ball of Collusion.” “Supervision became the investigator, and when they pushed the envelope, there was nobody there to tell them NO. It goes right to the President (Obama). Plenty of information that Obama was informed & knew exactly what they were doing. There’s plenty of indication, we don’t have to speculate.” @SteveDoocy “Holy cow, got to read this book.” @ainsleyearhardt “WOW!” @foxandfriends A very serious situation. Can never be allowed to happen again! DRAIN THE SWAMP
Thank you, and the Wall is under major construction!
What is going on in Philadelphia explains how dangerous it is to be a police officer. Our prayers are with them, all the wounded and the ones still engaged. Attacking police officers is an attack on our decent and lawful society.
大統領法律顧問Rudy Giulianiをリツイート:フィラデルフィアで発生した事件は警察官の職務が如何に危険な職務であるかを如実に示した。祈りを捧げる。警察官に対する襲撃は毅然とした法治社会に対する攻撃である。
Democrats also boycotted Lincoln's inauguration bc he had this radical idea of ending slavery. Let that sink in. #TrumpInaugration #MAGA
Lori Hendryをリツイート:民主党は奴隷解放という急進的政策を掲げたリンカーン共和党大統領の就任式典をボイコットした。よくわかる。
I appreciate the opportunity to interview and learn the Trump Administration strategies and policies towards these serious issues around the world.
Greta Van Susterenをリツイート:Bolton大統領補佐官をインタビューした。
Two great entertainers and, more importantly, great people! Check out their show.
New Hampshire Poll: Corey Lewandowski Leads GOP Senate Field
Corey Lewandowski をリツイート:ニューハンプシャー州の共和党上院議員予備選挙でCorey Lewandowski がリードしている。
RUDY: "I’ve never had a client that’s been cleared three times. Once is usually enough, twice is ridiculous, three times?! Get over it." (link: https://hannity.com/media-room/rudy-on-impeachment-trump-cleared-3-times-democrats-need-to-get-over-it/) hannity.com/media-room/rud…
 Rudy Giulianiをリツイート:既出
Congress must adopt USMCA after its six-week recess, @GlennHamer writes.
ホワイトハウスをリツイート:議会は夏休み明けにアメリカ、メキシコ、カナダ3ヵ国貿易協定を採決すべきであるとアリゾナ州商業会議所Glenn Hamer会長が書いている。
Lewandowski joining N.H. Trump rally amid rumors of Senate run. Can’t wait for @realDonaldTrump to come back to NH to deliver his message of America First!
Two great and loyal friends!
Diamond and Silkは立派な信頼できる友人である。
"There is no evidence that we are in the midst of an epidemic of mass shootings," 
@jamesalanfox, the leading researcher on the topic, tells @nickgillespie. Podcast. (link: https://reason.com/podcast/james-alan-fox-there-is-no-evidence-of-an-epidemic-of-mass-shootings/) reason.com/podcast/james-… via @reason
以下はFOXニュースのJames Alanの見解:「問題の専門家の見解は、銃による大量殺戮が伝染病のように拡散する状況ではない」
Without direct evidence, branding the President a white supremacy adherent becomes a cheap piece of political propaganda. And I would say the same thing about any politician maligned that way if flimsy evidence were used in the smear.
Bill O‘reillyをリツイート:確たる事実がないにも関わらず大統領を白人至上主義というブランドを付けるのは安っぽい政治宣伝に過ぎない。取るに足りない事実がレッテル張りに使われるならば同じことが政治家に起こってくると言いたい。
President Trump VS Democrats
I know President Xi of China very well. He is a great leader who very much has the respect of his people. He is also a good man in a “tough business.” I have ZERO doubt that if President Xi wants to quickly and humanely solve the Hong Kong problem, he can do it. Personal meeting?
Good things were stated on the call with China the other day. They are eating the Tariffs with the devaluation of their currency and “pouring” money into their system. The American consumer is fine with or without the September date, but much good will come from the short deferral to December. It actually helps China more than us, but will be reciprocated. Millions of jobs are being lost in China to other non-Tariffed countries. Thousands of companies are leaving. Of course China wants to make a deal. Let them work humanely with Hong Kong first!
Jr.を引用:So while @realDonaldTrump has spent his entire career standing up to China and leading the fight against their authoritarian regime, @JoeBiden has spent his entire career cheering China on and watching his son get rich off of it. #ChinaJoe(トランプ大統領は生涯をかけて中国の強圧政治と闘っているのに対し、バイデン候補は中国に取り入って、息子に金儲けをさせるのに生涯をかけている。)
WE MUST ENFORCE OUR LAWS! Both suspects are illegal aliens. One was ordered removed but never left. The other was deported & illegally returned. Dems MUST work with @realDonaldTrump to enforce the border! Dems’ OPEN BORDERS plan is NOT THE ANSWER!
Brad Parscaleをリツイート:法を守らねばならない。2名の容疑者は不法入国者である。1人は国外退去を命じられたが退去していない。もう一人は退去後に再度不法入国している。民主党は大統領に協力して国境を守るべきである。民主党の国境開放計画は問題の解決にならない!
Unlike others, our economy is strong!
America needs four more years of President @realDonaldTrump and the people of North Carolina agree!
ペンス副大統領をリツイート:大統領にさらに4年間務めてもらわねばならない。ノースカロライナ州の有権者は次の比率で民主党候補よりトランプ大統領を支持している。Trump/Biden: 45/44 Trump/Sanders: 46/44 Trump/Harris: 47/41 Trump/Warren: 46/43
We are winning, big time, against China. Companies & jobs are fleeing. Prices to us have not gone up, and in some cases, have come down. China is not our problem, though Hong Kong is not helping. 
Our problem is with the Fed. Raised too much & too fast. Now too slow to cut. Spread is way too much as other countries say THANK YOU to clueless Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve. Germany, and many others, are playing the game! CRAZY INVERTED YIELD CURVE! We should easily be reaping big Rewards & Gains, but the Fed is holding us back. We will Win!
問題は連銀である。金利を大幅かつ急激に引き上げ、今、引き下げを逡巡していることである。その結果、アメリカと他国の金利差が拡大し、諸外国は情け容赦せずに金利を引き上げたJay Powell議長と連銀に感謝している。ドイツその他の諸国はこのチャンスを生かしている。収益曲線は異常な動きを示している。利鞘を稼げるチャンスなのだが連銀が規制している。勝たねばならない!
The Great Charles Payne @cvpayne correctly stated that Fed Chair Jay Powell made TWO enormous mistakes. 1. When he said “mid cycle adjustment.” 2. We’re data dependent. “He did not do the right thing.” I agree (to put it mildly!). @Varneyco
FOXニュースの金融担当アナリストのCharles Payneは、Jay Powell連銀議長が2点で間違ったと言っている。第1は、中期循環の景気調整としている点である。第2は連銀はデーターを重視しているとしている点である。私もそう思う(本当のところは間違っていると言いたいところだが)。
Tremendous amounts of money pouring into the United States. People want safety!
“So far, you’ve had Tariffs imposed on 300 Billion Dollars worth of Chinese products, but you can’t tell me that it has hurt our economy...& it really hasn’t led to any kind of serious rise in prices at the consumer level.” @Varneyco @FoxBusiness And we are taking in $Billions!
以下はFOXニュースに出たVarney社の見解:「中国からの3,000億ドルの対米輸出に関税が課されているが、アメリカ経済に打撃は生じていない。その分だけ消費者物価は上昇していない」 事実アメリカに数十億ドルの関税収入が入金している!
“The Fed has got to do something! The Fed is the Central Bank of the United States, not the Central Bank of the World.” Mark Grant @Varneyco Correct! The Federal Reserve acted far too quickly, and now is very, very late. Too bad, so much to gain on the upside!
以下はVarney社のMark Grantの見解:「連銀はアメリカの中央銀行であって、世界の中央銀行ではない」 その通りだ!連銀は金利を引き上げた際は機敏に行動したが、引き下げが必要な時に逡巡している。よくない。経済はもっとよくなる!
8-15 Join me tomorrow night in Manchester, New Hampshire at 7:00 P.M. Eastern! #KAG2020
A fighter and champion, GREAT!
ダイヤモンドバックスで2001年のワールドチャンピオンに輝いたCurt Schilling投手がアリゾナ州から共和党候補として下院議員選挙に立候補する。立派だ!
Great interview of Ron Vitiello, Former Acting Ice Director, by @JesseBWatters, on @FoxNews, about all of the work that is being (& has been) done on our Southern Border. Thanks Ron, terrific job! Now if only the Democrats would fix the Loopholes & Asylum.
前国土安全保障省Ron Vitiello長官代理がインタビューで国境の壁がしっかりと建設されていることを語ってくれた。素晴いインタビューだった。あとは民主党が抜け穴封じと亡命問題の法制に賛成すれば一件落着する。
Great day in the incredible Commonwealth of Pennsylvania today, with the amazing energy workers, construction workers, and craft workers who make America run – and who make America PROUD. No one in the world does it better than YOU!
Voter fraud is real: Los Angeles county has a registration rate of 112% its adult population The entire state of California has a registration rate of 101% 11 of 58 counties in CA have registration rates above 100% Is this why California is solid Blue?
Charlie Kirkをリツイート:有権者名簿の不正が現実に起こっている。ロスアンゼルスカウンティーの有権者数は成人数より12%多い。この数字はカリフォルニア全体で1%で、58あるカウンティーのうち11で有権者数が成人数を超えている。カリフォルニア州が民主党支持の青1色になっているのはこれが理由なのか。
No debate on Election Security should go forward without first agreeing that Voter ID (Identification) must play a very strong part in any final agreement. Without Voter ID, it is all so meaningless!
The Trump Economy is delivering incredible results for the blue-collar workers who need it most. In case you missed it:
Harris thought she was going to a nursing home... Ended up being taken to school
Mr. Trump’s statements against illegal immigration, Muslim terrorism, and the economic failure of some third world countries are being used to create a racial theory, but theories are not facts and are often wrong.
Bill O’reillyをリツイート:移民とモスレムのテロと第3世界の失政に対するトランプ大統領の発言が人種差別主義の理論とされているが、理論は事実ではなく、往々にして間違っていることが多い。
Thank You Bill!
Bill O‘Reillyをリツイート:
If 2020 Democrats like Biden have their way, they’d eliminate ALL fossil fuels. They want to kill millions of American jobs and enact a socialist $93 TRILLION “Green New Deal.” We can’t let that happen.
True! Without being stuck at an airport, where CNN buys (at a big price) an uninterested audience, they’ve got nothing going. @CNN is BAD for America!
It always happens! When a Conservative does even a fraction of what Chris Cuomo did with his lunatic ranting, raving, & cursing, they get destroyed by the Fake News. But when a Liberal Democrat like Chris Cuomo does it, Republicans immediately come to his defense. We never learn!
Ok Fredo
See you in New Hampshire!
There are 34,000 U.S. troops in Germany protecting Germans and Europeans. I can tell you this: @RolandNelles&@SPIEGELONLINEare wrong. Americans don’t understand why Germany isn’t meeting its NATO obligations & helping the West. And they are growing very annoyed by it.
Richrd Grennelをリツイート:ドイツに34,000名の米軍兵士が駐留し、ドイツとヨーロッパを守っている。これは事実であって、Roland NellsとSPIEGEL ON LINEは間違っている。アメリカ人はドイツがNATOの義務を果たしていない現状を理解できない。この現実にアメリカ人は益々理解に苦しんでいる。
2020 Democrat Julian Castro says he’s “very proud” of his brother’s target list of @realDonaldTrump supporters. Castro has no business being president and – if you look at the polls – nearly every American agrees.
how can a man ( @realDonaldTrump) provide this type of moment to a family and be considered by the scarecrows of america as a racist? the day OZ gives them all their own brains, maybe they will repent.
Tisha Mosley, DEAF, MBA, MSをリツイート:
I assume @cnn not available for comment. Imagine their coverage of this if they were a real news organization?
Donald Trump Jr.をリツイート:
Bill de Blasio draws 15-person crowd in Iowa
Donald Trump Jr.をリツイート:
Just leaving. Incredible Complex. JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!
IN THE NEWS: Whispering Pines will present Christmas tree for the Vice President’s Residence| WLUK 
Sean Hannityをリツイート:香港の民主主義を訴えるグループが星条旗を持ってアメリカ国歌を歌う映像
Kamala Harris isn’t fooling anyone on health care. Here’s one of Iowa’s seniors calling her out for her socialist plan.
Ronna McDanielをリツイート:
Remember when Anna Navarro referred to Don Jr. as Fredo while filing her nails on the @ChrisCuomoshow. I don't remember him calling her out for using that word. Now he's all upset because someone used the word on him. #Hypocrite Boo Hoo, Cry me a river!
Diamond and Silkをリツイート:
So terrible!
NYT Executive Editor @DeanBaquet taking heat today for Trump Unity headline. Can he handle? When @Project_Veritas merely asked him some questions on NYC streets, Baquet was rendered mute. (link: https://www.cjr.org/public_editor/nyt-headline-trump-mass-shootings.php) cjr.org/public_editor/…
James O’Keefeをリツイート:ニューヨークタイムスのDean Banquet編集責任者が団結を訴えたトランプについての報道の見出しを変更したことについて、ニューヨークの街中で厳しく非難された。Banquet編集責任者は無言を通した。
BREAKING @Project_Veritas: Current Sr. Google Engineer Goes Public on Camera: Tech is "dangerous," "taking sides" -- SEE FULL: (link: https://www.projectveritas.com/2019/07/24/current-sr-google-engineer-goes-public-on-camera-tech-is-dangerous-taking-sides) projectveritas.com/2019/07/24/cur…
James O’Keefeをリツイート:現職のグーグルの上級エンジニアがグーグルのもつ危険性と偏向について、公開の撮影に応じた。動画を全部見て貰いたい。
Disturbing video taken in #Shenzhen just across the boarder with #HongKong. Something extraordinarily bad is about happen. #China #HongKongProtests #Democracy #SaveHongKong
Alexsandre Krausをリツイート:林立する高層ビル街を兵士を載せて長蛇の列をなす中国軍の車輛の映像を添付:深圳と香港の国境で撮影された動画。只ならぬことが起ろうとしている。
We've just had two incendiary mass shootings. In one, the shooter was pro-white supremacy. In the other, the shooter was pro-socialist. Guess which attacker's motives have been buried by the media.
Dinesh D’Souzaをリツイート:偶発した2件の銃撃事件の犯人の動機は白人至上主義と社会主義であった。メディアはいずれの動機を報道したか、考えて貰いたい。
Ahead of his trip to Pennsylvania, @realDonaldTrump has achieved energy dominance in America! Meanwhile, 2020 Democrats continue to run on eliminating the fossil fuel sector and the jobs that go with it.
Team Trumpを引用:大統領はアメリカのエネルギー優位を確立した。2020年選挙で民主党はペンシルベニア州の化石燃料セクターを廃業させ、雇用を奪う計画である。
Put it back up. We are living with a Rigged & Fake Media!
トランプJr.を引用:Unbelievable: @Youtube has taken down the viral video showing 
@chriscuomo threatening to assault a heckler and then grotesquely comparing “Fredo” to the N word. Youtube/Google literally covering up his racism and violent threats. You can’t make this stuff up. #StopTheBias(CNNのキャスターの人種差別的発言や暴言をユーチューブやグーグルに投稿しても消されてしまう。)
Just landed in Pennsylvania. Looking forward to making a speech on energy. So important!
Our Intelligence has informed us that the Chinese Government is moving troops to the Border with Hong Kong. Everyone should be calm and safe!
8-14 Many are blaming me, and the United States, for the problems going on in Hong Kong. I can’t imagine why?
ALL THE NEWS THAT’S NOT FIT TO PRINT! “The New York Times is no longer the paper we grew up with. It is no longer a news organization. It is now an agenda driven organization out to change the Country (for the worse!).” Michael Goodwin, Highly Respected New York Post Columnist.
あらゆるニュースが印刷するに値しなくなっている。以下はニューヨークポスト紙の高名なコラムニストのMichael Goodwinの見解:「ニューヨークタイムスは子供のころの権威と信用を誇った新聞ではなくなった。もはや報道機関に値しない。この国を堕落させようとする宣伝機関に成り下がっている」
As usual, China said they were going to be buying “big” from our great American Farmers. So far they have not done what they said. Maybe this will be different!
Would Chris Cuomo be given a Red Flag for his recent rant? Filthy language and a total loss of control. He shouldn’t be allowed to have any weapon. He’s nuts!
CNNのChris Cuomoキャスターは最近の暴言に対しレッドカードを受けるべきだ。野卑な言葉を使い、自制できなくなっている。こんな男に銃を持たせてはいけない。
Through massive devaluation of their currency and pumping vast sums of money into their system, the tens of billions of dollars that the U.S. is receiving is a gift from China. Prices not up, no inflation. Farmers getting more than China would be spending. Fake News won’t report!
I thought Chris was Fredo also. The truth hurts. Totally lost it! Low ratings @CNN
Thank you John, you are a special guy!
Curt Schilling, a great pitcher and patriot, is considering a run for Congress in Arizona. Terrific! @foxandfriends
Curt Schilling投手がアリゾナ州下院議員選挙に立候補する。素晴らしい!
Jim Jordan: Why didn't you charge Joseph Mifsud for lying to the FBI? Robert Mueller: I can’t get into it This video is a must watch: #MuellerReport #MuellerHearings
Alana Mastrangeloをリツイート:オハイオ州選出Jim Jordan下院議員の「なぜJoseph MifsudのFBIに対する虚偽の証言を追求しないのか」との質問に対し、Mueller検察官の回答は「権限外」との回答。このビデオは必見。
Who won the debate? Joe Biden 2% Kamala Harris 1% Andrew Yang 4%
President Donald J Trump 93%
Alana Mastrangeloをリツイート:論戦の勝者の判定。トランプ93%、民主党3人合わせて7%。
The more working class Americans know about "Medicare for All" the more they reject it.
The Trump administration on Monday rolled out some of the broadest changes in decades to enforcement of the landmark Endangered Species Act.
2020 Democrats have been peddling their socialist policies in Iowa while ignoring something that would help all Iowans: The #USMCA. Why won’t they support it? Because all they do is obstruct @realDonaldTrump.
President @realDonaldTrumpin Iowa VS. Mayor@BilldeBlasio in Iowa
President @realDonaldTrumpis ensuring that non-citizens do not abuse American's public benefits. The Public Charge Rule will: Protect public resources  Encourage self-sufficiency   Preserve the social safety net 
This will protect U.S. taxpayers and uphold the rule of law!
The United States is learning much from the failed missile explosion in Russia. We have similar, though more advanced, technology. The Russian “Skyfall” explosion has people worried about the air around the facility, and far beyond. Not good!
.@DiamondandSilkon@LouDobbstalking about who's really playing the "Race Card"
Two great and loyal friends!
.@USAmbPoland: “Poland meets its 2% of GDP spending obligation towards NATO. Germany does not. We would welcome American troops in Germany to come to Poland.”
They call it “Thursday” at the Amazon Washington Post. Washington Post 'embarrassed' over gaffe-filled story needing 15 corrections (link: https://fxn.ws/2YTFRxU) fxn.ws/2YTFRxU #FoxNews
Arthur Schwartzをリツイート;ワシントンポスト紙の報道に15の事実誤認がある。
Scaramucci, who like so many others had nothing to do with my Election victory, is only upset that I didn’t want him back in the Administration (where he desperately wanted to be). Also, I seldom had time to return his many calls to me. He just wanted to be on TV!
Ambassador @RichardGrenelldoesn’t waste his time with PR stunts and he doesn’t have to. President Trump has repeatedly praised our Ambassador in Berlin. Spot on Ric. 
Kimberly Guilfoyleをリツイート:駐独Richard Grenellアメリカ大使は本心を語っている。トランプ大統領は大使を繰り返し称賛している。
"No battle is over in a minute. If it is, it wasn't worth fighting.” America's great farmers are standing firmly behind @RealDonaldTrump!
Why is the United States always stuck paying for everyone when prosperous nations don’t pay their fair share? @RichardGrenellis absolutely right. We need to reevaluate commitments all over the world and decide what is best for America first! @realDonaldTrumphas been doing this!
ケンタッキー州選出Rand Paul共和党上院議員をリツイート:豊かな国が自ら負担すべき費用をアメリカが支払い続ける理由は何なのか。Richard Grenellの主張は実に正当である。アメリカは世界各国に対する約束を然るべく見直す時を迎えている。大統領はそれに着手している。
8-13 JUST ANNOUNCED: President @realDonaldTrumpwill enforce a Clinton-era law to ensure that non-citizens do not abuse our public benefit programs and jeopardize the safety net needed by vulnerable Americans.
STRONG! "The American economy is doing very well [under @realDonaldTrump] & wages are up, but we cannot rely on the media or anyone else to share this message with the general public. We need to share it ourselves. There is too much at stake"-@ScottWalker
Marc Lotterをリツイート:以下はScott Walkerの発言:アメリカ経済は好調である。賃金も上がっている。この事実をメディアは伝えない。自分で確認せねばならない。
Joe Biden: “Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”
Trump War Roomをリツイート:貧乏人の子供だって裕福な白人の子供と変わらぬくらい聡明で才知がある!
Thank you NEGOP!
President @realDonaldTrumphas signed the LEGION Act, allowing the @AmericanLegionto extend benefits to 6 million additional veterans!
America's farmers support @realDonaldTrump!
Ronna McDanielをリツイート:農家はトランプ大統領を支持している!
While 2020 Democrats like Joe Biden threaten to eliminate all fossil fuels and wipe out Michigan’s auto industry, @realDonaldTrumpis putting American workers first.
Ronna McDanielをリツイート:2020年の大統領選挙でバイデン候補他の民主党候補は石油石炭などの化石系燃料の使用禁止とミシガン州から自動車産業を一掃しようと威嚇している。トランプ大統領はアメリカの勤労者の雇用を守る。
Many incredible things are happening right now for our Country. After years of being ripped off by other nations on both Trade Deals and the Military, things are changing fast. Big progress is being made. America is respected again. KEEP AMERICA GREAT!
8-12 So funny to watch Little Donny Deutsch on TV with his own failing show. When I did The Apprentice, Donny would call me (along with @ErinBurnett& others) and BEG to be on that VERY successful show. He had the TV “bug” & I would let him come on though he (& Erin) had very little TV talent. Then, during the 2016 Election, I would watch as Joe Scarborough & his very angry Psycho wife(?) would push Donny to the point of total humiliation. He would never fight back because he wanted to stay on TV, even on a very low rated show, all in the name of ambition!
Donny DeutschがTVに出演している。笑わせるだけだ!
Anthony Scaramucci, who was quickly terminated (11 days) from a position that he was totally incapable of handling, now seems to do nothing but television as the all time expert on “President Trump.” Like many other so-called television experts, he knows very little about me other than the fact that this Administration has probably done more than any other Administration in its first 2 1/2 years of existence. Anthony, who would do anything to come back in, should remember the only reason he is on TV, and it’s not for being the Mooch!
Anthony Scaramucciは私のことを何でも知っているとのことだが何も知っていない!
Joe Biden just said, “We believe in facts, not truth.” Does anybody really believe he is mentally fit to be president? We are “playing” in a very big and complicated world. Joe doesn’t have a clue!
Think how wonderful it is to be able to fight back and show, to so many, how totally dishonest the Fake News Media really is. It may be the most corrupt and disgusting business (almost) there is! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Died of SUICIDE on 24/7 SUICIDE WATCH ? Yeah right! How does that happen #JefferyEpstein had information on Bill Clinton & now he’s dead I see #TrumpBodyCount trending but we know who did this! RT if you’re not Surprised #EpsteinSuicide #ClintonBodyCount #ClintonCrimeFamily
Jeffrey Epsteinの自殺とクリントン大統領の“pedophilia island”訪問は関係している。
BREAKING: Documents were unsealed yesterday revealing that top Democrats, including Bill Clinton, took private trips to Jeffrey Epstein’s “pedophilia island”
ブルムバーグ ニュースをリツイート:クリントン大統領が“pedophilia island”を訪れていたとの記録が昨日暴露された。
China wants to make a deal so badly. Thousands of companies are leaving because of the Tariffs, they must stem the flow. At the same time China may be hoping for a Democrat to win so they could continue the great ripoff of America, & the theft of hundreds of Billions of $’s!
8-11 Got to see, by accident, wacko comedian Bill Maher’s show - So many lies. He said patients in El Paso hospital didn’t want to meet with me. Wrong! Had really great meetings with numerous patients. Said I was on vacation. Wrong! Long planned fix up of W.H., stay here rather than cause big disruption by going to Manhattan. Working almost all of the time, including evenings. Don’t have to be in W.H. to do that...And sooo many other false statements. He is right about one thing, though. I will win again in 2020. Otherwise, he pays 95% in taxes!
コメディアンのBill Maherショーは間違いが一杯ある。
Never has the press been more inaccurate, unfair or corrupt! We are not fighting the Democrats, they are easy, we are fighting the seriously dishonest and unhinged Lamestream Media. They have gone totally CRAZY. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
In a letter to me sent by Kim Jong Un, he stated, very nicely, that he would like to meet and start negotiations as soon as the joint U.S./South Korea joint exercise are over. It was a long letter, much of it complaining about the ridiculous and expensive exercises. 
It was also a small apology for testing the short range missiles, and that this testing would stop when the exercises end. I look forward to seeing Kim Jong Un in the not too distant future! A nuclear free North Korea will lead to one of the most successful countries in the world!
Maggie Haberman of the Failing @nytimes reported that I was annoyed by the lack of cameras inside the hospitals in Dayton & El Paso, when in fact I was the one who stated, very strongly, that I didn’t want the Fake News inside & told my people NOT to let them in. Fake reporting!
ものごとを正面から見ないニューヨークタイムスのMaggie Haberman記者はDayton と El Pasoの病院で報道陣のビデオカメラが少ないと私が当惑していたと伝えたが、私は偽ニュースメディアの取材を望まないこと、したがって、偽ニュースメディアの取材陣を入れないように強く言っておいたまでのことである。報道は間違っている!
Thanks to the unhinged mob on the left,@realDonaldTrumpraised $12M today, $2M more than originally expected. The support for our President is unprecedented and growing!
共和党Ronna McDaniel議長をリツイート:本日の選挙集会で予定を200万ドルうわまわる1,200万ドルの寄付が寄せられた。大統領への支持が想定以上に寄せられている!
8-10 Liberal Hollywood is Racist at the highest level, and with great Anger and Hate! They like to call themselves “Elite,” but they are not Elite. In fact, it is often the people that they so strongly oppose that are actually the Elite. The movie coming out is made in order to inflame and cause chaos. They create their own violence, and then try to blame others. They are the true Racists, and are very bad for our Country!
Serious discussions are taking place between House and Senate leadership on meaningful Background Checks. I have also been speaking to the NRA, and others, so that their very strong views can be fully represented and respected. Guns should not be placed in the hands of mentally ill or deranged people. I am the biggest Second Amendment person there is, but we all must work together for the good and safety of our Country. Common sense things can be done that are good for everyone! 
Imagine living in a time when a national newspaper revises its front page headline because the lefties can’t handle truth. Are @NYTjournalists OR reader-pleasers? There to punch for truth or pleasure for clicks? Trump urges unity vs racism is ACCURATE
Katie Hopkinsをリツイート:全国紙が1面トップの見出しを一部左翼の思惑に従って入れ替える時代になっている。ニューヨークタイムスは(社会の木鐸としての)ジャーナリストなのか、それとも、読者を弄ぶだけの存在なのか。大統領が団結かそれとも人種差別かと訴えたのが正しい見出しである。
LISTEN to my chat with Maggie Haberman from the failing @NYT‘Why has the failing NYT changed its headline?’
Katie Hopkinsをリツイート:ニューヨークタイムスが1面の見出しを変えた件について、私と同紙のMaggie Habermanとのやり取りを聞いてもらいたい。
Retweet if you see @IlhanMN GETS A PASS By The Media says @TuckerCarlson! "Media ignores @Ilhan Omar's Tax Fraud with someone she wasn't married to! Omar's Marriage History can't be verified by local reporters on accusations she married her brother to skip our immigration laws!"
Oliver McGeeをリツイート:Tucker Carlsonの言:『Iihan Omar民主党下院議員は結婚を詐称し、脱税している事実をメディアは見て見ない振りをしている。Omar下院議員は兄弟との結婚したことにして移民法制を潜り抜けたとの非難があるが、地方メディアによると結婚歴は確認されていない!』
Border Patrol took us to the border itself, including a boat patrol of the Rio Grande River. We saw Mexican government authorities patrolling. Border Patrol told us this was a direct result of the Trump Administration’s efforts to work with Mexico.
オハイオ州選出Jim Jordan下院議員をリツイート:国境警備隊がメキシコ国境のリオグランデ川を含め国境に案内してくれた。メキシコの国境警備隊が出動していた。トランプ大統領による共同警備の目に見える成果と説明された。
Rod Blagojevich, the former Governor of Illinois, was sentenced to 14 years in prison. He has served 7 years. Many people have asked that I study the possibility of commuting his sentence in that it was a very severe one. White House staff is continuing the review of this matter.
7年間務めたRod Blagojevich前イリノイ州知事が収監14年の判決を受けた。判決内容を確認している。
I am pleased to inform you that the Honorable Joseph Maguire, current Director of the National Counterterrorism Center, will be named Acting Director of National Intelligence, effective August 15th. Admiral Maguire has a long and distinguished career in the military, retiring from the U.S. Navy in 2010. He commanded at every level, including the Naval Special Warfare Command. He has also served as a National Security Fellow at Harvard University. I have no doubt he will do a great job!
海軍提督の8月15日付でテロ対策庁Joseph Maguire長官を国家情報局長官代行に任命する。長官は軍務の経験が長く、2010年に海軍を退役している。海軍特務部隊司令官その他各方面の職務を果たして来た。ハーバード大学国家安全研究所の特別フェローも務めている。確り職務を果たすと確信している。
Sue Gordon is a great professional with a long and distinguished career. I have gotten to know Sue over the past 2 years and have developed great respect for her. Sue has announced she will be leaving on August 15, which coincides with the retirement of Dan Coats. A new Acting Director of National Intelligence will be named shortly.
Sue Gordon国家情報局長官補佐は特筆すべき経歴の持ち主である。私は女史をこの2年間の職務を通じその人柄に敬意を持った。Dan Coats 長官の辞任と同じ8月15日付で退任の意向を表明しているが、偶然の一致である。国家情報局長官代行が近く任命される。
8-9 Iran is in serious financial trouble. They want desperately to talk to the U.S., but are given mixed signals from all of those purporting to represent us, including President Macron of France. I know Emmanuel means well, as do all others, but nobody speaks for the United States but the United States itself. No one is authorized in any way, shape, or form, to represent us!
As your President, one would think that I would be thrilled with our very strong dollar. I am not! The Fed’s high interest rate level, in comparison to other countries, is keeping the dollar high, making it more difficult for our great manufacturers like Caterpillar, Boeing, John Deere, our car companies, & others, to compete on a level playing field. 
アメリカ大統領としてドルが強いことに私が高揚感を覚えていると思う人がいるだろうと思う。違う!海外と比べるとドルは連銀の高金利政策によって相対的に強くなっているが、キャタピラーやボーイング、あるいは農業用車両メーカーのJohn Deereなどが国際競争市場で闘うのが困難になっている。
With substantial Fed Cuts (there is no inflation) and no quantitative tightening, the dollar will make it possible for our companies to win against any competition. We have the greatest companies in the world, there is nobody even close, but unfortunately the same cannot be said about our Federal Reserve. They have called it wrong at every step of the way, and we are still winning. Can you imagine what would happen if they actually called it right?
My time spent in Dayton and El Paso with some of the greatest people on earth. Thank you for a job well done!
DaytonとEl Pasoで出会った人々はみんな素晴らしかった。
Just watched a world class loser, Tim O’Brien, who I haven’t seen or spoken to in many years, & knows NOTHING about me except that he wrote a failed hit piece book about me 15 years ago. Fired like a dog from other jobs? Saw him on Lyin’ Brian Williams Trump Slam Show. Bad TV. I am so amazed that MSNBC & CNN can keep putting on, over and over again, people that have no idea what I am all about, and yet they speak as experts on “Trump.” Same people since long before the 2016 Election, and how did that work out for the Haters and Losers. Not well!.
Incredible afternoon in El Paso, Texas. We love you, and are with you, all the way!
El Pasoの午後の日程は素晴らしかった!
The Dems new weapon is actually their old weapon, one which they never cease to use when they are down, or run out of facts, RACISM! They are truly disgusting! They even used it on Nancy Pelosi. I will be putting out a list of all people who have been so (ridiculously) accused!
Leaving El Paso for the White House. What GREAT people I met there and in Dayton, Ohio. The Fake News worked overtime trying to disparage me and the two trips, but it just didn’t work. The love, respect & enthusiasm were there for all to see. They have been through so much. Sad!
El Pasoからホワイトハウスに向かう。2ヵ所の訪問を偽ニュースは誹謗したが、その狙いは外れた。愛と敬意と情熱が溢れていた。
I don’t know who Juaquin Castro is other than the lesser brother of a failed presidential candidate (1%) who makes a fool of himself every time he opens his mouth. Juaquin is not the man that his brother is, but his brother, according to most, is not much. Keep fighting Juaquin!
私はJuaquin Castroなる人物を知らない。
The people I met today in Dayton are the finest anywhere!
We love you Dayton, Ohio!
Watching Fake News CNN is better than watching Shepard Smith, the lowest rated show on 
@FoxNews. Actually, whenever possible, I turn to@OANN!
FOXニュースのShepard SmithよりCNNの方がまだましだ。CNNよりOANNの方がよい!
Just left Dayton, Ohio, where I met with the Victims & families, Law Enforcement, Medical Staff & First Responders. It was a warm & wonderful visit. Tremendous enthusiasm & even Love. Then I saw failed Presidential Candidate (0%) Sherrod Brown & Mayor Whaley totally misrepresenting what took place inside of the hospital. Their news conference after I left for El Paso was a fraud. It bore no resemblance to what took place with those incredible people that I was so lucky to meet and spend time with. They were all amazing!
8-8 President @realDonaldTrumpwith the incredible medical staff at Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton, Ohio today. Some extremely powerful moments throughout the entire visit, with so much enthusiasm and love, contrary to what the Trump Hating Dems would ever share or say.
DaytonのMiami Valley病院の医療スタッフの活動は見事だった。
8-6 Watching Sleepy Joe Biden making a speech. Sooo Boring! The LameStream Media will die in the ratings and clicks with this guy. It will be over for them, not to mention the fact that our Country will do poorly with him. It will be one big crash, but at least China will be happy!
Senate Dems spent months launching false accusations in an attempt to smear #JusticeKavanaugh’s reputation & block his confirmation to the U.S. Supreme Court, & now House Dems want to follow suit with yet another fishing expedition to tarnish his good name. Full statement →
Today, we honor all of our Country’s Purple Heart recipients, their loved ones, and our Gold Star Families for their immeasurable sacrifice. These American Patriots represent the unyielding and unmatched strength and determination of the U.S. Armed Forces:
 (link: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/presidential-message-purple-heart-day-2019/) whitehouse.gov/briefings-stat…
“Three more Central Banks cut rates.” Our problem is not China - We are stronger than ever, money is pouring into the U.S. while China is losing companies by the thousands to other countries, and their currency is under siege – 
『さらに連銀3行が金利を引き下げた』 アメリカ経済の問題は中国ではない。アメリカ経済は過去のどの時代よりも強い。資金がアメリカに還流しつつあり、中国は数千社の規模の企業の国外脱出に直面している。元が攻撃の対象となっている。
Our problem is a Federal Reserve that is too proud to admit their mistake of acting too fast and tightening too much (and that I was right!). They must Cut Rates bigger and faster, and stop their ridiculous quantitative tightening NOW.
Yield curve is at too wide a margin, and no inflation! Incompetence is a terrible thing to watch, especially when things could be taken care of sooo easily. We will WIN anyway, but it would be much easier if the Fed understood, which they don’t, that we are competing against other countries, all of whom want to do well at our expense!
“Meanwhile, the Dayton, Ohio, shooter had a history of supporting political figures like Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, and ANTIFA.” @OANN
I hope other news outlets will report this as opposed to Fake News. Thank you!
OANNの報道によると『オハイオ州Daytonの銃撃犯はバーニーサンダース、Elizabeth WarrenやANTIFAの政治的支持者であった』 偽ニュースに対抗するニュースメディアがこのことを報道することを望む。
“Trump Urges Unity Vs. Racism,” was the correct description in the first headline by the Failing New York Times, but it was quickly changed to, “Assailing Hate But Not Guns,” after the Radical Left Democrats went absolutely CRAZY! 
ものごとを正面から見ないニューヨークタイムスが1面トップに『トランプ大統領が人種差別主義を克服すべく団結を求めた』と報じたのは正確な報道であった。しかし狂信的民主党左翼が大騒ぎするや瞬く間に『Assailing Hate But Not Guns』(憎しみはよくない。銃をすてよ)に差し替えられた。
Fake News - That’s what we’re up against. ”This is an astounding development in journalism. I’ve never seen it happen before, I’ve just never seen anything like this! Is that journalism today? I don’t think so!” Mark Penn, Former Clinton Advisor. @TuckerCarlson After 3 years I almost got a good headline from the Times!
これがわれわれが闘うべき偽ニュースの現実である。以下はTucker Carlsonの言:『これはジャーナリズムの世界で今起こった驚くべき事態ではないのか。記事の差し替えには同意できないとクリントンのアドバイザーを務めたMark Pennが語っている』 私が大統領就任以来この3年の間でニューヨークタイムスがはじめて出したまともな1面見出しであったのに!
South Korea has agreed to pay substantially more money to the United States in order to defend itself from North Korea. Over the past many decades, the U.S. has been paid very little by South Korea, but last year, at the request of President Trump, South Korea paid $990,000,000.韓国は北朝鮮に対する防衛費の大幅増加に合意した。これまでの負担は僅かだったが昨年トランプ大統領の要請を受けて9.9憶ドルを支払った。
Talks have begun to further increase payments to the United States. South Korea is a very wealthy nation that now feels an obligation to contribute to the military defense provided by the United States of America. The relationship between the two countries is a very good one!
Beto (phony name to indicate Hispanic heritage) O’Rourke, who is embarrassed by my last visit to the Great State of Texas, where I trounced him, and is now even more embarrassed by polling at 1% in the Democrat Primary, should respect the victims & law enforcement - & be quiet!
(名前がヒスパニック系であることを示しているテキサス州民主党下院議員候補として共和党クルーズ議員に敗れた)Beto O’Rourkeは前回私がテキサス州に行った時注意しておいたのだが、今回、民主党大統領選挙候補に名乗り出ているもののその支持率は1%に過ぎない。Elpasoの犠牲者と治安維持関係者に敬意を払うべきである。発言を撤回すべきだ!
“California is trying to meddle with a ballot in order to oppose President Trump, and it’s clearly something California is not allowed to do. It violates the right of the Republican Party, or any party, to choose its leaders under the Free Speech clause, and under the 14th Amendment.” John Yoo. @IngrahamAngle 
以下はIngraham AngleのJohn Yooの発言:『カリフォルニア州はトランプ大統領の再選を阻むために選挙に介入しようとしている。許されないことである。共和党を含め政党が党のリーダーを選ぶ権利に抵触する。これは言論の自由と憲法修正条項第14条に悖るものである。
Former Governor Jerry Brown vetoed the same bill in that it was ridiculous and totally unconstitutional. Just more of the record setting Presidential Harassment. Don’t feel badly, New York State is far worse!
Jerry Brown前カリフォルニア州知事この内容の法案に賛成票を投じたことがある。完全にばかげた内容であり、違憲である。大統領いじめの新手法である。気にすることはない。ニューヨーク州の方がもっと酷い!
Will be going to Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas, tomorrow to meet with First Responders, Law Enforcement, and some of the victims of the terrible shootings.
DaytonとEl Pasoに向かう。
As they have learned in the last two years, our great American Farmers know that China will not be able to hurt them in that their President has stood with them and done what no other president would do - And I’ll do it again next year if necessary!
Massive amounts of money from China and other parts of the world is pouring into the United States for reasons of safety, investment, and interest rates! We are in a very strong position. Companies are also coming to the U.S. in big numbers. A beautiful thing to watch!
8-7 .@sundarpichaiof Google was in the Oval Office working very hard to explain how much he liked me, what a great job the Administration is doing, that Google was not involved with China’s military, that they didn’t help Crooked Hillary over me in the 2016 Election, & that they are NOT planning to illegally subvert the 2020 Election despite all that has been said to the contrary. 
It all sounded good until I watched Kevin Cernekee, a Google engineer, say terrible things about what they did in 2016 and that they want to “Make sure that Trump losses in 2020.” Lou Dobbs stated that this is a fraud on the American public. @peterschweizerstated with certainty that they suppressed negative stories on Hillary Clinton, and boosted negative stories on Donald Ttump. All very illegal. We are watching Google very closely!
この度GoogleのKevin Cernekeeエンジニアが2016年の選挙で行なった驚くべき行為と2020年の選挙でトランプを確実に落選させようと画策しているとの報道に接し、話が変わった。FOXニュースのLou Dobbsが言うには、アメリカの公衆に対する騙し討ちである。Peter Schweizerが断言するには、Googleはヒラリークリントンの足をぴっぱる情報はさし控え、トランプの足をぴっぱる情報は強力に流すという。違法である!Googleを詳細に監視する!
As we commemorate #DDay75, let us give thanks for the valiant Allied soldiers who helped turn the tide of the Second World War on that fateful day.
My statement regarding President Trump's call for bipartisan, bicameral cooperation following the mass murders in El Paso, Texas and Dayton, Ohio.
 (link: https://www.republicanleader.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/mcconnell-senate-republicans-ready-to-answer-presidents-call-to-action) republicanleader.senate.gov/newsroom/press…
マコーネル上院院内総務をリツイート:El PasoとDaytonの大量殺人事件に際して両党の協力を呼び掛けた大統領メッセージへの共感。
“It’s political season and the election is around the corner. They want to continue to push that racist narrative.” @ainsleyearhardt @foxandfriends And I am the least racist person. Black, Hispanic and Asian Unemployment is the lowest (BEST) in the history of the United States!
“Did George Bush ever condemn President Obama after Sandy Hook. President Obama had 32 mass shootings during his reign. Not many people said Obama is out of Control. Mass shootings were happening before the President even thought about running for Pres.” 
@kilmeade @foxandfriends
以下はFOXニュースのKilmeadeの発言:2012年に発生したSandy Hookでの銃撃事件後、ジョージブッシュ大統領はオバマ大統領を非難していない。オバマ大統領在任中には32回も銃による大量殺人事件が発生した。誰もオバマ大統領が無能とは言わなかった。トランプ大統領が立候補する以前から大量殺人事件は発生していた。
Thank you @PeterSchweizer!
Check out what @Google is up to for the 2020 election! #KAG2020
Thank you @LouDobbsand Tom Homan!・
We must honor the sacred memory of those we have lost by acting as ONE PEOPLE. Open wounds cannot heal if we are divided. We must seek real, bipartisan solutions that will truly make America safer and better for all.
Today, I am also directing the Department of Justice to propose legislation ensuring that those who commit hate crimes and mass murders face the DEATH PENALTY - and that this capital punishment be delivered quickly, decisively, and without years of needless delay.
The First Lady and I join all Americans in praying and grieving for the victims, their families, and the survivors. We will stand by their side FOREVER!
China is intent on continuing to receive the hundreds of Billions of Dollars they have been taking from the U.S. with unfair trade practices and currency manipulation. So one-sided, it should have been stopped many years ago!
8-6  Based on the historic currency manipulation by China, it is now even more obvious to everyone that Americans are not paying for the Tariffs – they are being paid for compliments of China, and the U.S. is taking in tens of Billions of Dollars! 
China has always used currency manipulation to steal our businesses and factories, hurt our jobs, depress our workers’ wages and harm our farmers’ prices. Not anymore!
China dropped the price of their currency to an almost a historic low. It’s called “currency manipulation.” Are you listening Federal Reserve? This is a major violation which will greatly weaken China over time!
Strong people stand up for themselves—but stronger people stand up for others. Thank you President @realDonaldTrump for standing up for America.
The Media has a big responsibility to life and safety in our Country. Fake News has contributed greatly to the anger and rage that has built up over many years. News coverage has got to start being fair, balanced and unbiased, or these terrible problems will only get worse!
We cannot let those killed in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, die in vain. Likewise for those so seriously wounded. We can never forget them, and those many who came before them. Republicans and Democrats must come together and get strong background checks, perhaps marrying this legislation with desperately needed immigration reform. We must have something good, if not GREAT, come out of these two tragic events!
El PasoとDaytonの銃乱射事件で死亡または重傷者およびそれ以前の被害者の犠牲を無駄にしないように共和党と民主党は銃購入者の履歴の調査を協力して促進するとともに履歴調査を何としても必要な移民法制の改正に結び付けるべきである。大きな成果は期待できないまでも今回の2件の銃撃事件から何らかの成果を挙げねばならない!
8-5 Today, I authorized the lowering of the flags to half-staff at all Federal Government buildings in honor of the victims of the tragedies in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio. The flags at the White House will be lowered today through Thursday, August 8. Melania and I are praying for all those impacted by this unspeakable act of evil!
God bless the people of El Paso Texas. God bless the people of Dayton, Ohio.
テキサス州El Pasoとオハイオ州Daytonの人々に神のご加護があらんことを!
The FBI, local and state law enforcement are working together in El Paso and in Dayton, Ohio. Information is rapidly being accumulated in Dayton. Much has already be learned in El Paso. Law enforcement was very rapid in both instances. Updates will be given throughout the day!
Today’s shooting in El Paso, Texas, was not only tragic, it was an act of cowardice. I know that I stand with everyone in this Country to condemn today’s hateful act. There are no reasons or excuses that will ever justify killing innocent people. Melania and I send our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to the great people of Texas.
テキサス州El Pasoの襲撃事件は悲劇であるだけでなく卑怯者の犯罪である。いかなる理由も言い訳もあり得ない。メラニアと共に心から哀悼の意を捧げる。
'God be with you all': Trump pledges full support for El Paso shooting victims as lawmakers also grieve (link: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2019/08/03/el-paso-massacre-trump-pelosi-pledge-support-after-shooting/1911058001/) usatoday.com/story/news/pol… via@usatoday
El Paso襲撃事件に全面的に支援すると大統領が表明。
There is nothing racist about President #Trump's suggesting that those who regularly spew hate at #America might spend their time more productively elsewhere – especially as the quotes are taken out of context, @PastorDScotttells@ericlandskroner
i24 English Newsを引用:アメリカを憎悪する発言を繰り返す人たちはもっと生産的な活動をしたらどうかというトランプ大統領の示唆は人種差別主義とは何のかかわりもない。大統領の発言はScott牧師の発言から引用されているのだ。
Pastor Scott, a great guy - and tough!
Contrary to what the Left's "Know Nothing Blacks" are saying (Tamar Braxton in particular) The President was involved in A$ap Rocky's situation almost from Day One! I know because 
@realkareemdream and myself personally involved him by connecting the Whitehouse to Rocky's manager!
Scott牧師をリツイート:(歌手のTamar Braxtonがそうなのだが)黒人のことを何も知らない左翼の連中とは違って大統領はスエーデンで拘留されたA$ap Rockyに関してことの発端から関わってくれた。私はことの詳細を把握している!
While the media is fixated on tweets and fear mongering here's are some employment stats for Black American in July. 284,000 returned to labor force Participation rate soars 62.7% from 61.9% Unemployment gap between Black and White now second lowest on record (record May 2018)
Charles Payhneをリツイート:7月のアフリカ系アメリカ人の雇用統計の数字をメディアは固唾を飲んで見守っている。28,400名が新たに就業し、就業率は61.9%から62.7%に急増した。黒人と白人の就業率の差は縮小し、2018年5月に次いで史上2番目の低さである。
Fight hard tonight Colby. You are a real Champ! #MAGA
Colby Covingtonをリツイート:大統領は公約は守る。公約は実現すると常に発言する大統領を支持する。アメリカを再び偉大な国にしてくれることに感謝。
8-4 Terrible shootings in ElPaso, Texas. Reports are very bad, many killed. Working with State and Local authorities, and Law Enforcement. Spoke to Governor to pledge total support of Federal Government. God be with you all!
Things are going along very well with China. They are paying us Tens of Billions of Dollars, made possible by their monetary devaluations and pumping in massive amounts of cash to keep their system going. So far our consumer is paying nothing - and no inflation. No help from Fed!
Countries are coming to us wanting to negotiate REAL trade deals, not the one sided horror show deals made by past administrations. They don’t want to be targeted for Tariffs by the U.S.
The nipple-height Mayor of Londonistan has NEVER been so unpopular. He has MINUS approval ratings because we are stab-city. London deserves better. Get Khan Out.
Katie Hopkinsをリツイート:ロンドン市長の支持率はマイナスに転じている。不信任すべきだ。
Great working with you John. A big win for our amazing ranchers!
ノースダコタ州選出共和党John Hoeven上院議員を引用:The US produces the highest quality beef anywhere in the world and with today's agreement, US ranchers will be able to almost triple the beef they are able to export to Europe. Thank you to @POTUS, @SecretarySonny and @USTradeRep for securing this agreement.(アメリカは世界最高の牛肉を生産している。本日締結された協定によってよろっぱ向け輸出を3倍に増加させ得る。大統領、Sonny農務長官、米国通商代表部に感謝。
Joining @VP condemning Iran’s reported punishment of Mahrokh Kanbari for practicing her Christian beliefs. America cannot and will not tolerate the Iranian regime’s continued affront to religious freedom and persecution of people of faith.
Mark Meadowsを引用:私はキリスト教の信仰に基づいて行動した女性に刑罰を与えたイランを非難した副大統領を賛同する。アメリカはこのようなイランを許すことは出来ないし許すべきではない。
I am appalled to hear reports that Iran’s despotic rulers have punished yet another Christian woman for exercising her freedom to worship.(ペンス副大統領の発言:キリスト教徒の女性の祈りを処罰したイランの専制を報道したニュースに愕然とした。)
Nice to see that one of my best pupils is still a giant Trump fan. Steve joined me after I won the primaries, but I loved working with him!
Our great Republican Congressman John Ratcliffe is being treated very unfairly by the LameStream Media. Rather than going through months of slander and libel, I explained to John how miserable it would be for him and his family to deal with these people. John has therefore decided to stay in Congress where he has done such an outstanding job representing the people of Texas, and our Country. I will be announcing my nomination for DNI shortly.
共和党John Ratcliffe下院議員がメディアからひどい仕打ちを受けている。議員に踏みとどまるよう説得した。
A$AP Rocky released from prison and on his way home to the United States from Sweden. It was a Rocky Week, get home ASAP A$AP!
A$AP Rockyがスエーデンで釈放された。
8- 3 Kim Jong Un and North Korea tested 3 short range missiles over the last number of days. These missiles tests are not a violation of our signed Singapore agreement, nor was there discussion of short range missiles when we shook hands. 
There may be a United Nations violation, but Chairman Kim does not want to disappoint me with a violation of trust, there is far too much for North Korea to gain - the potential as a Country, under Kim Jong Un’s leadership, is unlimited. 
Also, there is far too much to lose. I may be wrong, but I believe that Chariman Kim has a great and beautiful vision for his country, and only the United States, with me as President, can make that vision come true. He will do the right thing because he is far too smart not to, and he does not want to disappoint his friend, President Trump!
Four more years means more JOBS, more JUDGES, more SUPPORT FOR OUR TROOPS, and four more years of draining the swamp! #MAGA
Really bad news! The Baltimore house of Elijah Cummings was robbed. Too bad!
Elijah Cummingsボルティモア州選出民主党下院議員の自宅が略奪された。よくない!
I would like to thank two Great Iowa Senators, @ChuckGrassleyand @SenJoniErnst- for their support today on the Spending Bill. Their vote, and the vote of other Republicans and Democrats helped get this done in a bipartisan fashion. Thank you all!
アイオワ州選出共和党Chuck Grassly上院議員と共和党Johni Ernst上院議員の予算法案支持に感謝。両党の協力によって予算案が成立した。全議員に感謝!
Beautiful evening in Cincinnati, Ohio tonight — with GREAT American Patriots! #KAG2020
Thank you Cincinnati, Ohio. Together, we are going to KEEP AMERICA GREAT!
Our representatives have just returned from China where they had constructive talks having to do with a future Trade Deal. We thought we had a deal with China three months ago, but sadly, China decided to re-negotiate the deal prior to signing. 
More recently, China agreed to buy agricultural product from the U.S. in large quantities, but did not do so. Additionally, my friend President Xi said that he would stop the sale of Fentanyl to the United States – this never happened, and many Americans continue to die! 
Trade talks are continuing, and during the talks the U.S. will start, on September 1st, putting a small additional Tariff of 10% on the remaining 300 Billion Dollars of goods and products coming from China into our Country. This does not include the 250 Billion Dollars already Tariffed at 25%. 
We look forward to continuing our positive dialogue with China on a comprehensive Trade Deal, and feel that the future between our two countries will be a very bright one!
8-2 "A string of court cases that have been run through the legal system that have hit DEAD ENDS...." @BillHemmer @AmericaNewsroom
BIG RALLY tonight in Cincinnati, Ohio. See you there! P.S. Our Country is doing GREAT!
Budget Deal is phenomenal for our Great Military, our Vets, and Jobs, Jobs, Jobs! Two year deal gets us past the Election. Go for it Republicans, there is always plenty of time to CUT!
China, Iran & other foreign countries are looking at the Democrat Candidates and “drooling” over the small prospect that they could be dealing with them in the not too distant future. They would be able to rip off our beloved USA like never before. With President Trump, NO WAY!
Congratulations to Kelly Knight Craft of #Kentucky on her confirmation as United Nations Ambassador. After having served so admirably as Ambassador to Canada, & having done an outstanding job no matter how difficult the task, Kelly will be fantastic at the United Nations. Winner!
ケンタッキー州Kelly Knight Craft女史が議会によって駐カナダアメリカ大使に承認された。女史は駐カナダ大使の職責を難問が山積する中しっかりと務めた実績がある。素晴らしい大使となるであろう。
The people on the stage tonight, and last, were not those that will either Make America Great Again or Keep America Great! Our Country now is breaking records in almost every category, from Stock Market to Military to Unemployment. We have prosperity & success like never before. 
It will soon be time to choose to keep and build upon that prosperity and success, or let it go. We are respected again all around the world. Keep it that way! I said I will never let you down, and I haven’t. We will only grow bigger, better and stronger TOGETHER!
The cages for kids were built by the Obama Administration in 2014. He had the policy of child separation. I ended it even as I realized that more families would then come to the Border! @CNN
以下はCNNの報道:子供の隔離収容施設は2014年にオバマ政権が作った。子供を親から引き離したのはオバマ政権だ。 私はより多くの難民が国境に押し寄せる現実を見てこれを閉鎖したのだ!
Experts stated that the Fed should not have tightened, and then waited too long to undo their mistake. James Bullard of St. Louis Fed said they waited too long to correct the mistake that they made last December. “Mistake, Powell cut rate and then he started talking.” @LouDobbs
以下はLou Dobbsの発言:専門家は連銀の金融引き締めすべきではなく、政策の修正まで時間が掛りすぎた。セントルイス連銀のJames Bullard(理事)は昨年12月の引き締め政策の修正を今まで待たねばならなかった。『間違ったPawell議長は金利を引き下げ、弁明しはじめた』
Very low ratings for the Democratic Debate last night — they’re desperate for Trump!
Thank you Bill, say hello to our GREAT VETERANS!
We are in a political firestorm over the condition of Baltimore. So what is life really like there? I spoke with residents in Rep. Cummings district. Here's what they had to say: Rats. Trash. Crime. Abandoned by politicians. Begging for change. Want the truth? Please WATCH @TPUSA
Bennyをリツイート:ボルティモアの惨状。民主党Elijah C下院議員の選挙区の住民と話した。ネズミ、ごみ、犯罪、政治家に見捨てられた、変化を、真実をというのがその声だ!
The Radical Left Dems went after me for using the words “drug-infested” concerning Baltimore. Take a look at Elijah C.
民主党Elijah C下院議員の30秒のライブ映像:
“The 99% Get a Bigger Raise”
ウオールストリートジャーナルを引用:Political discourse nowadays is enough to depress anyone, and the media don’t help by ignoring good economic news. But buck up, Americans: Worker wages are growing much faster than previously reported.(政治ニュースはがっかりさせるものばかりでメディアは明るい経済ニュースが出ても報道していないが、心強いニュースがある。勤労者の賃金は予想を超える上昇を示している。)
What the Market wanted to hear from Jay Powell and the Federal Reserve was that this was the beginning of a lengthy and aggressive rate-cutting cycle which would keep pace with China, The European Union and other countries around the world.
マーケットがJay Powell議長とFRBに期待したことは、中国とEUほか世界各国との金利引き下げ競争の第1弾としての大幅引き下げであった。
As usual, Powell let us down, but at least he is ending quantitative tightening, which shouldn’t have started in the first place - no inflation. We are winning anyway, but I am certainly not getting much help from the Federal Reserve!
The Prosecutors who lost the case against SEAL Eddie Gallagher (who I released from solitary confinement so he could fight his case properly), were ridiculously given a Navy Achievement Medal. Not only did they lose the case, they had difficulty with respect to information that may have been obtained from opposing lawyers and for giving immunity in a totally incompetent fashion. I have directed the Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer & Chief of Naval Operations John Richardson to immediately withdraw and rescind the awards, I am very happy for Eddie Gallagher and his family!
私は海軍長官と海軍参謀長にEddie Gallagher事件担当検事に対して与えられた海軍功績メダルを直ちに返還させるよう命令した。私はEddie Gallagherとそのファミリーが勝訴したことを喜んでいる。
CNN’s Don Lemon, the dumbest man on television, insinuated last night while asking a debate “question” that I was a racist, when in fact I am “the least racist person in the world.” Perhaps someone should explain to Don that he is supposed to be neutral, unbiased & fair or is he too dumb (stupid} to understand that. 
No wonder CNN’s ratings (MSNBC’s also) have gone down the tubes - and will stay there until they bring credibility back to the newsroom. Don’t hold your breath!
8-1  Lowering drug prices for many Americans - including our great seniors! At my direction, @HHSGov@SecAzar just released a Safe Importation Action Plan. Our Governors will be very happy too! @GovRonDeSantis@GovofCO
7-31 If I hadn’t won the 2016 Election, we would be in a Great Recession/Depression right now. The people I saw on stage last night, & you can add in Sleepy Joe, Harris, & the rest, will lead us into an economic sinkhole the likes of which we have never seen before. With me, only up!
Such a great victory in court yesterday on the Russian Hoax, the greatest political scam in the history of our Country. TREASON! Hopefully, the Attorney Generel of the United States, and all of those working with him, will find out, in great detail, what happened. NEVER AGAIN!!!!
Wow! A federal Judge in the Southern District of N.Y. completely dismissed a lawsuit brought by the Democratic National Committee against our historic 2016 campaign for President. 
The Judge said the DNC case was “entirely divorced” from the facts, yet another total & complete vindication & exoneration from the Russian, WikiLeaks and every other form of HOAX perpetrated by the DNC, Radical Democrats and others. This is really big “stuff” especially coming from a highly respected judge who was appointed by President Clinton. The Witch Hunt Ends!