
6-30 Leaving South Korea after a wonderful meeting with Chairman Kim Jong Un. Stood on the soil of North Korea, an important statement for all, and a great honor!




The leaders of virtually every country that I met at the G-20 congratulated me on our great economy. Many countries are having difficulties on that score. We have the best economy anywhere in the world, with GREAT & UNLIMITED potential looking into the future!


The highly respected Farm Journal has just announced my Approval Rating with our great Farmers at 74%, and that despite all of the Fake & Corrupt News that they are forced to endure. Farmers have been unfairly treated for many years - and that is turning around FAST!


I am in South Korea now. President Moon and I have “toasted” our new Trade Deal, a far better one for us than that which it replaced. Today I will visit with, and speak to, our Troops - and also go to the the DMZ (long planned). My meeting with President Moon went very well!


I had a great meeting with President Xi of China yesterday, far better than expected. I agreed not to increase the already existing Tariffs that we charge China while we continue to negotiate. China has agreed that, during the negotiation, they will begin purchasing large amounts of agricultural product from our great Farmers.


At the request of our High Tech companies, and President Xi, I agreed to allow Chinese company Huawei to buy product from them which will not impact our National Security. Importantly, we have opened up negotiations again with China as our relationship with them continues to be a very good one. 


The quality of the transaction is far more important to me than speed. I am in no hurry, but things look very good! There will be no reduction in the Tariffs currently being charged to China.


6-30    G20開催国日本に感謝。

After some very important meetings, including my meeting with President Xi of China, I will be leaving Japan for South Korea (with President Moon). While there, if Chairman Kim of North Korea sees this, I would meet him at the Border/DMZ just to shake his hand and say Hello(?)!



脚注2〕Hillsニュースの映像:現地時間午後345分に38度線まで出向いてきた金委員長とコンクリートの標識を挟んで握手の後、15歩ほど北朝鮮に入り、再び握手。2人で戻ってくる45秒の映像。会談時間は50分。指定されたメンバーによる核廃棄交渉再開を合意。『現実的、包括的で内容のある合意(really complehensive, good deal)』が出来るかどうかが問題と大統領発言。金委員長発言『再会できて幸い。ここで会えるとは全く考えていなかった(Good to see you agin, I never expected to see you in this place.)』(通訳による)。

54% in Poll! I would be at 75% (with our great economy, maybe the best ever) if not for the Phony Witch Hunt and the Fake News Media!


6-29   The Stock Market went up massively from the day after I won the Election, all the way up to the day that I took office, because of the enthusiasm for the fact that I was going to be President. That big Stock Market increase must be credited to me. If Hillary won - a Big Crash!

私の当選後株価は大幅に上昇した。私が大統領の職責に忠実であろうとする熱意が買われたものだ。私への支持の表れである。ヒラリーが当選していたならば大暴落したであろう。I am in Japan at the G-20, representing our Country well, but I heard it was not a good day for Sleepy Joe or Crazy Bernie. One is exhausted, the other is nuts - so what’s the big deal?



All Democrats just raised their hands for giving millions of illegal aliens unlimited healthcare. How about taking care of American Citizens first!? That’s the end of that race!



Great to be back in Japan for the #G20OsakaSummit


Bipartisan Humanitarian Aid Bill for the Southern Border just passed. A great job done by all! Now we must work to get rid of the Loopholes and fix Asylum. Thank you also to Mexico for the work being done on helping with Illegal Immigration - a very big difference!


Seems totally ridiculous that our government, and indeed Country, cannot ask a basic question of Citizenship in a very expensive, detailed and important Census, in this case for 2020. I have asked the lawyers if they can delay the Census, no matter how long, until the United States Supreme Court is given additional information from which it can make a final and decisive decision on this very critical matter. Can anyone really believe that as a great Country, we are not able the ask whether or not someone is a Citizen. Only in America!


Thank you! #G20Summit


Welcome back @POTUS for the historic #G20Summit  in #Osaka! 歴史的な #G20サミット  参加のため再来日した #トランプ大統領 、ようこそ #大阪 へ!

6-28  Thank you @MSNBC, real professionals! @chucktodd @maddow

MSNBCのChuck ToddとRachel Maddowに感謝。この映像こそプロの報道機関の報道である!

I look forward to speaking with Prime Minister Modi about the fact that India, for years having put very high Tariffs against the United States, just recently increased the Tariffs even further. This is unacceptable and the Tariffs must be withdrawn!


再掲 2020・2024・2028・・・・・・

Just stopped in Alaska and said hello to our GREAT troops!


.@NBCNews and @MSNBC should be ashamed of themselves for having such a horrible technical breakdown in the middle of the debate. Truly unprofessional and only worthy of a FAKE NEWS Organization, which they are!




These flyers depict Australia’s policy on Illegal Immigration. Much can be learned!


@ByronYork: “What now, for those who denied a 'crisis' at the border?”

以下はワシントンイグザミナー紙に掲載されたByron Yorkの言:『国境に危機などないという人たちは現実を直視すべきではないのか?』

Ever since the passage of the Super Predator Crime Bill, pushed hard by @JoeBiden, together with Bill and Crooked Hillary Clinton, which inflicted great pain on many, but especially the African American Community, Democrats have tried and failed to pass Criminal Justice Reform. They came to me asking for help, and I got Criminal Justice Reform passed, with help from both Republicans and Democrats. Many said that nobody but President Trump could have done this. All previous administrations failed. Please ask why THEY failed to the candidates!


For tonight’s #DemDebate, be sure to follow @TeamTrump, @TrumpWarRoom, @Parscale, @KayleighMcEnany, @TimMurtaugh, and @Marc_Lotter for RAPID RESPONSE, FACT CHECKING, and the TRUTH! #MAGA #KAG Sorry, I’m on Air Force One, off to save the Free World!


Why aren’t the Democrats in the House calling Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Page and her FBI lover (whose invaluable phone records were illegally deleted), Crooked Hillary, Podesta, Ohr (and Nellie), the GPS Fusion characters, Christopher Steele, the DNC (& their missing server) and all of the others who have leaked, lied and did so many other terrible things? How is it even possible that these people are not being brought forward? Because it is a Rigged Democrat Con Game, and the Fake and Corrupt Media loves every minute of it!


The Republican Senate just passed bipartisan humanitarian assistance for our Southern Border, 84-8! In addition to aid, Congress must close the catastrophic loopholes that are driving the Crisis. We must end incentives for Smuggling Children, Trafficking Women, and Selling Drugs.


According to Fake News (and low ratings) @CNN, “Democrats say hearings could change impeachment debate.” That’s because they have lost the impeachment debate (80% say NO), and they are hoping that yet another DO OVER, after 2 1/2 years and $40,000,000, will turn things around. No Collusion, No Obstruction! Robert Mueller said he was done after his last 9 minute news conference, as later corrected. Now the Dems want to give it another try. Does it ever end?

(視聴率の低下に見舞われている)偽ニュースのCNNによると『議会の調査によって弾劾の議論が変化すると民主党は主張している』 民主党は弾劾をめぐる論議に敗れている。世論の80%はその必要なしと認めている。にもかかわらず民主党は2年半の歳月と4,000万ドルを費やした調査のやり直しを求めている。いつまでこだわるのか。

“I have been in office for many years, the Military is very important to me, and at no time in my professional life has the U.S. Military been as strong as it is right now.” Thank you @LindseyGrahamSC

以下はサウスカロライナ州選出Lindsey Graham共和党上院議員の発言:『長年にわたって議員を務めている私にとって軍事力は重要である。私が職責を果たしている期間の中で今ほど軍事力が強化された時代はない』 議員に感謝!


The Democrats would save many lives if they would change our broken and very DANGEROUS Immigration Laws. It can be done instantly!


Just departed for the #G20  Summit in Osaka, Japan!


The Democrats should change the Loopholes and Asylum Laws so lives will be saved at our Southern Border. They said it was not a crisis at the Border, that it was all just “manufactured.” Now they admit that I was right - But they must do something about it. Fix the Laws NOW!


It was my great honor to speak at the Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference today in Washington, D.C. Thank you! #RTM2019


Women’s soccer player, @mPinoe, just stated that she is “not going to the F...ing White House if we win.” Other than the NBA, which now refuses to call owners, owners (please explain that I just got Criminal Justice Reform passed, Black unemployment is at the lowest level in our Country’s history, and the poverty index is also best number EVER), leagues and teams love coming to the White House. I am a big fan of the American Team, and Women’s Soccer, but Megan should WIN first before she TALKS! Finish the job! We haven’t yet invited Megan or the team, but I am now inviting the TEAM, win or lose. Megan should never disrespect our Country, the White House, or our Flag, especially since so much has been done for her & the team. Be proud of the Flag that you wear. The USA is doing GREAT!

女子サッカーワールドカップアメリカ代表のMegan Pinoe選手が『優勝してもF****ing(伏字)なホワイトハウスには行かない』と今しがた語った。バスケットボールのNBAは私がオーナーに電話するのを拒んでいるが、オーナーもリーグもチームもホワイトハウスの歓迎を喜んでくれている。私はワールドカップアメリカ代表と女子サッカーの大ファンだが、Megan選手は話すよりまず優勝するのが先だと思う。自分の役割を果たすのが先である。アメリカ政府はMegan選手とチームの招待をまだ決めていないが、私は優勝の有無に関係なく招待しようと考えている。Megan選手は本人とチームのために多大の貢献をしているわが国とホワイトハウスと国旗を軽蔑してはならないと思う。国旗とユニフォームに誇りを持とう。アメリカは堂々とものごとに取り組んでいる!

Democrats want Open Borders, which equals violent crime, drugs and human trafficking. They also want very high taxes, like 90%. Republicans want what’s good for America - the exact opposite!


I will be interviewed by @MariaBartiromo today at 8:15 A.M. on @FoxBusiness. Enjoy!

本日午前8時15分にFOXニュースのMaria Bartiromoのインタビューを受ける!

Too bad the Dems in Congress won’t do anything at all about Border Security. They want Open Borders, which means crime. But we are getting it done, including building the Wall! More people than ever before are coming because the USA Economy is so good, the best in history.


Jared Kushner speaks at U.S. Mideast peace plan conference in Bahrain: "For a moment, imagine a new reality in the Middle East." http://abcn.ws/2hFejwL 

ABCニュース:Jared Kushner大統領補佐官がバーレーンで開催された米・中東平和計画会議で『まずは中東の新しいこの現実を思い描こう』と演説した。1分35秒の演説はこちら:http://abcn.ws/2hFejwL

Looking forward to collaborating with all of our #BeBest Ambassadors. Delighted to be working alongside so many people both inside and outside of government to better the lives of children everywhere!

Melania Trumpをリツイート:

Stock Market is heading for one of the best months (June) in the history of our Country. Thank you Mr. President!


Headed to Texas today to discuss #apprenticeship expansion, #PledgetoAmericasWorkers, and the #USMCA. Texas has added  620,900 jobs since January 2017 and set a new record low unemployment rate last month.


Proud to stand with 27 other governors in calling for Congress to ratify #USMCA. It updates our nation’s trade agreements with Arizona’s top trading partners and will result in more jobs and more economic opportunity for #AZ @WhiteHouse

Doug Duceyアリゾナ州知事をリツイート:27名の州知事と連名で議会に対して、アメリカ・メキシコ・カナダ新貿易協定の批准を求めることを誇りとする。

以下はホワイトハウスを引用:28 Governors issued a joint letter to Congress this morning: "As chief executives of our states, we urge Congress to pass USMCA quickly so American workers can begin reaping the benefits of improved trade with our North American neighbors."(われわれ28州の知事は州政府の最高責任者として3ヵ国新貿易協定の成果がアメリカの勤労者に及ぶようにするために議会の早期批准を要請する。) 

Tomorrow’s hearing on the “Hatch Act” is just the latest attempt to silence the Trump administration.    @KellyannePolls is as tough as nails, and it’s shameful that she’s being dragged into the Democrats’ impeachment circus.

オハイオ州選出Jim Jordan共和党下院議員をリツイート:

What Americans hear tomorrow night will only confirm that Mexico has done more in the last 10 DAYS to secure the southern border than Democrats in Congress have done in the last 10 YEARS! #LatinosForTrump


Great choice @realDonaldTrump choosing @StephGrisham45 as your @PressSec !!

Eric Bolingをリツイート:Stephanie Grisham女史をサンダース報道官の後任に指名した人事は素晴らしい!

Great keynoting the Senate’s weekly policy lunch and discussing workforce development policy, Higher Ed Act reauthorization, childcare affordability, and paid family leave.

Ivanka Trumpをリツイート:

I hope everyone reads and watches this video to see the corruption of big tech. ⁦@Google⁩ should be absolutely ashamed. Undercover video shows senior Google executive vowing to prevent 'the next Trump situation'

Eric Trumpをリツイート:

America needs 4 more years of prosperity, 4 more years of security, and 4 MORE YEARS of President @realDonaldTrump! #KeepAmericaGreat

ペンス副大統領をリツイート:アメリカが必要としていること、それは、向う年間の繁栄と向う4年間の安全と向う4年間のトランプ大統領である!Keep America Great

.@StephGrisham45 will be an incredible asset to the President and the country. I’m sad to leave the WH, but so happy our team will be in such great hands. Stephanie will do a phenomenal job. Proud to have another mom and a great friend in this role!

サンダース報道官をリツイート:Stephanie Grisham女史は大統領と国家にとってこの上ない資産となるでしょう。ホワイトハウスを去るのは悲しいことですが、立派な方にチームを引き継ぐことが出来大変幸せです。驚異的な働きをされるでしょう!

ファーストレディーを引用:I am pleased to announce @StephGrisham45 will be the next @PressSec & Comms Director! She has been with us since 2015 - @potus & I can think of no better person to serve the Administration & our country. Excited to have Stephanie working for both sides of the @WhiteHouse. #BeBest(2015年から大統領と私と共に過ごしてきたStephanie Grisham女史の次期大統領報道官就任発表を喜んでいます。これ以上の人事はあり得ません。)

Latino Americans know that it was freedom, not socialism, that gave us the most prosperous and powerful nation in the history of the world. President @realDonaldTrump and this entire Administration stands for FREEDOM, not socialism, and that is what makes our country GREAT!


Tomorrow exclusive join us as ⁦@POTUS⁩ ⁦@realDonaldTrump⁩ joins me #LIVE ⁦@MorningsMaria⁩ ⁦⁦@FoxBusiness⁩ 8am et

Maria Baltiromoをリツイート:

Wow, @FoxNews did great in the ratings. CNN is dead as a door nail (no credibility), and MSNBC is dying fast. @foxandfriends and @MariaBartiromo are doing great!


A Judicial Watch lawsuit forced the state of California to begin removing more than 1.5 million potentially invalid names off their voter rolls. But there is more work to be done. Sign the Petition now to support clean elections. http://jwatch.us/B1UeYa 

Judicial Watchをリツイート:われわれの訴訟の結果カリフォルニア州は選挙人名簿から150万人の不適格者を除外せざるを得なくなった。

Hillary Clinton is not above the law, yet she has a record of contempt for the rule of law. Our leaders are bound by the rule of law, so Clinton must be held accountable. Sign JW's petition now to demand that Hillary Clinton answer for her corruption! http://jwatch.us/8mKmB4 

Judicial Watchをリツイート:ヒラリークリントンは法を超える存在ではない。にもかかわらず最も長い期間訴追されずにいる。アメリカの指導者は法の適用を受けている。ヒラリーにも法を適用すべきである。ヒラリーの腐敗についての質問状への解答を求めるわれわれの訴状に賛同を!

6-27   .@TomFitton: “CA settled with JW & is taking steps to remove 1.5M inactive voters from the rolls. It’s important for election integrity because dirty voting rolls can mean dirty elections. Cleaning up those names from the rolls is essential to good governance/clean elections."

以下はTom Fittonの言:カリフォルニア州は選挙の公正確保のため150万人の選挙資格不適格者の削除に着手した。

Presidential Harassment!


Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina has really stepped up to the plate. Thom is tough on Crime, Strong on the Border and fights hard against Illegal Immigration. He loves our Military, our Vets and our great Second Amendment. I give Thom my Full and Total Endorsement!

ノースカロライナ州選出Thom Tillis共和党上院議員を支持する。

Staff Sgt. David Bellavia - today, we honor your extraordinary courage, we salute your selfless service, and we thank you for carrying on the legacy of American Valor that has always made our blessed nation the strongest and mightiest in the world!


Today, it was my great honor to present the Medal of Honor to Army Staff Sgt. David Bellavia (HERO) for his courageous actions as a squad leader in Fallujah. #MOH

David Bellavia陸軍軍曹に英雄勲章を授与する栄誉に浴した。

A brave former fighter jet pilot and warrior, Senator Martha McSally of Arizona has done an outstanding job in D.C., and is fully supportive of our agenda – she is with us all the way. Martha is strong on Crime and Borders, the 2nd Amendment, and loves our Military and Vets. She has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

空軍パイロット出身のアリゾナ州選出Martha McSally共和党上院議員はワシントンで議員の職責を全うしている。来るべき選挙で全面的に支持する!

Iran leadership doesn’t understand the words “nice” or “compassion,” they never have. Sadly, the thing they do understand is Strength and Power, and the USA is by far the most powerful Military Force in the world, with 1.5 Trillion Dollars invested over the last two years alone.


The wonderful Iranian people are suffering, and for no reason at all. Their leadership spends all of its money on Terror, and little on anything else. The U.S. has not forgotten Iran’s use of IED’s & EFP’s (bombs), which killed 2000 Americans, and wounded many more.

イラン国民は謂れなき圧政に苦しんでいる。国民の指導者は殆んどすべての資金をテロに投じており、即席爆発装置(Improved Explosive Device)および自己鍛造弾(Explosive Formed Penetrator)によって2,000名のアメリカ兵士が戦死し、多数の兵士が負傷していることを忘れていない。

Iran’s very ignorant and insulting statement, put out today, only shows that they do not understand reality. Any attack by Iran on anything American will be met with great and overwhelming force. In some areas, overwhelming will mean obliteration. No more John Kerry & Obama!


Stock Market is heading for one of the best months (June) in the history of our Country. Thank you Mr. President!


Thank you @IvankaTrump for joining me and our Republican Whip Team at the Capitol tonight to talk about the work you’re doing alongside @realDonaldTrump to make America great again!


Who thinks the debates just won't be the same without Donna Brazile working on them behind the scenes?

Sharry Attkinsonをリツイート:私は政府の行動に異議を唱える国民に供与される5万ドルを受けて、私のコンピューターに対してスパイ活動を行なった司法省・FBIと戦っている。その内容は民主党のDonna Brazileのケースとは全く異質である。

Looking forward to being in Miami today to kick off the @TeamTrump Latino Coalition! Under @realDonaldTrump more Hispanic Americans are working today than ever before in history & Hispanic Americans are starting new businesses at nearly 3 times the national average! #MAGA


6-26   Mexico is keeping its promise & now sending 15,000 troops to border to help with crisis. Meanwhile Dems won’t fund beds for migrant children. Mexico continues to do more than Congressional Dems to secure our border, and its time for them to STEP UP!


I am pleased to announce the launch of http://tmagac.winred.com . This new platform will allow my campaign and other Republicans to compete with the Democrats money machine. This has been a priority of mine and I’m pleased to share that it is up and running! #KeepAmericaGreat

トランプ・ペンス陣営の選挙のための新しいHPの作成を公表できたことを喜んで発表する。このHPは民主党の選挙資金集金システムに対抗して(毎月35ドル・50ドル・100ドル・・・2800ドルの選挙資金を)私だけでなく共和党上院・下院議員の立候補者のために集めようとするものである。基本はトランプ再選のためのものだが共和党全体で分かち合い、活動できればよいと考えている。Keep America Great

Despite a Federal Reserve that doesn’t know what it is doing - raised rates far too fast (very low inflation, other parts of world slowing, lowering & easing) & did large scale tightening, $50 Billion/month, we are on course to have one of the best Months of June in US history. Think of what it could have been if the Fed had gotten it right. Thousands of points higher on the Dow, and GDP in the 4’s or even 5’s. Now they stick, like a stubborn child, when we need rates cuts, & easing, to make up for what other countries are doing against us. Blew it!


China gets 91% of its Oil from the Straight, Japan 62%, & many other countries likewise. So why are we protecting the shipping lanes for other countries (many years) for zero compensation. All of these countries should be protecting their own ships on what has always been a dangerous journey. We don’t even need to be there in that the U.S. has just become (by far) the largest producer of Energy anywhere in the world! The U.S. request for Iran is very simple - No Nuclear Weapons and No Further Sponsoring of Terror!


Jeanie Pirrowの5分2秒の映像:

Lou Dobbsの分秒の映像:

Governor Holcomb is working hard alongside @IvankaTrump, Commerce @SecretaryRoss & America's top CEOs to scale Indiana's workforce solutions to the nation -- making sure everyone has the skills to fill the high-wage jobs of today & tomorrow! Check it out!

Eric Holcombをリツイート:

“The Trump administration served as a catalyst for perhaps the largest criminal justice public-private-partnership ever assembled, jobs for formerly incarcerated people as they reenter society.” OpEd  https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/john-koufos-former-prisoner-second-chance-hiring-trump-administration … #FirstStepAct #SecondChanceHiring


6-25  Mexico has done more to secure our border in 10 days than Democrats in Congress have in 10 YEARS. The time to put Americans first is now, we must act to fix the crisis on the border!


6-24   When our Country had no debt and built everything from Highways to the Military with CASH, we had a big system of Tariffs. Now we allow other countries to steal our wealth, treasure, and jobs - But no more! The USA is doing great, with unlimited upside into the future!


Wonderful Church service at Camp David. Thank you!


6-24   I want to give the Democrats every last chance to quickly negotiate simple changes to Asylum and Loopholes. This will fix the Southern Border, together with the help that Mexico is now giving us. Probably won’t happen, but worth a try. Two weeks and big Deportation begins!


I never called the strike against Iran “BACK,” as people are incorrectly reporting, I just stopped it from going forward at this time!



At the request of Democrats, I have delayed the Illegal Immigration Removal Process (Deportation) for two weeks to see if the Democrats and Republicans can get together and work out a solution to the Asylum and Loophole problems at the Southern Border. If not, Deportations start!


Iran cannot have Nuclear Weapons! Under the terrible Obama plan, they would have been on their way to Nuclear in a short number of years, and existing verification is not acceptable. We are putting major additional Sanctions on Iran on Monday. I look forward to the day that Sanctions come off Iran, and they become a productive and prosperous nation again - The sooner the better! 


I am at Camp David working on many things, including Iran! We have a great Economy, Tariffs have been very helpful both with respect to the huge Dollars coming IN, & on helping to make good Trade Deals. The Dow heading to BEST June in 80 years! Stock Market BEST June in 50 years!



Thank you Jessica!

NBC TVの映像:Florida Hispanic Voter: "Trump has been the most pro-Latino president"(フロリダ州のスペイン語系有権者にとってトランプ大統領はもっとも近い大統領である。)

A great book!

Eric Trumpを引用:So proud of our great friend, George Sorial, on the release of his new book “The Real Deal”. George worked incredibly hard on this book and it’s fantastic! A must-read for the summer!

The crowds and the spirit outside the Amway Center waiting for @realDonaldTrump is absolutely incredible! #Orlando #2020 #MakeAmericaGreatAgain!

Eric Trumpをリツイート:

This isn’t a campaign, this is a movement! Thank you Orlando - we love you! #Florida #KeepAmericaGreat

Eric Trumpをリツイート:



Eric Trumpを引用:This shatters every fundraising record! By comparison, Biden raised $6 million... the top 5 Democrats COMBINED only raised $14 million. The excitement for @realDonaldTrump last night was off the charts! #Winning(バイデン候補が集めた選挙資金は600万ドル、民主党の上位5人が集めた選挙資金は1,400万ドル。昨夜のトランプ選挙集会が集めた資金は目標金額の上限を突破した!)

Behind the scenes in #Orlando - what an amazing night! ⁦@DonaldJTrumpJr⁩ ⁦@IvankaTrump⁩


Eric Trumpをリツイート:


Stock Market is on track to have the best June in over 50 years! Thank you Mr. President! @WSJ


When people come into our Country illegally, they will be DEPORTED!


6-23   The people that Ice will apprehend have already been ordered to be deported. This means that they have run from the law and run from the courts. These are people that are supposed to go back to their home country. They broke the law by coming into the country, & now by staying.


There is a crisis at our border. Time for Congress to wake up, secure the border, and #DoWhatWeSaid.

Jim Jordan共和党下院議員をリツイート: 国境は危機である。議会は目覚める時である。

Oversight Committee Republibansを引用:#ICYMI: More than 1,500 migrants from two Central American caravans in the past year had criminal histories. • 60 were convicted of assault • 4 were convicted of murder • 2 were convicted of violence against law enforcement officials(昨年中南米から隊列を組んで入国した1600名のうち60名が暴行障害、4名が殺人、2名が警察官殺害犯である)

The irony of Washington Democrats all but ignoring the dire situation at the border: they're calling it a "manufactured crisis," even as they *actually* manufacture a crisis by investigating President Trump and the collusion hoax for the fifth time

ノースカロライナ州選出共和党Mark Meadows下院議員をリツイート:ワシントンの民主党にとって皮肉な現象は、民主党が言う作られた危機はトランプ大統領の身辺調査と5度に及ぶロシア疑惑によって民主党自らが作り出していることである。

Under @realDonaldTrump’s leadership, Florida is THRIVING!




President Obama made a desperate and terrible deal with Iran - Gave them 150 Billion Dollars plus I.8 Billion Dollars in CASH! Iran was in big trouble and he bailed them out. Gave them a free path to Nuclear Weapons, and SOON. 


Instead of saying thank you, Iran yelled. Death to America. I terminated deal, which was not even ratified by Congress, and imposed strong sanctions. They are a much weakened nation today than at the beginning of my Presidency, when they were causing major problems throughout the Middle East. 


Now they are Bust! On Monday they shot down an unmanned drone flying in International Waters. We were cocked & loaded to retaliate last night on 3 different sights when I asked, how many will die. 150 people, sir, was the answer from a General. 10 minutes before the strike I stopped it, not proportionate to shooting down an unmanned drone.


I am in no hurry, our Military is rebuilt, new, and ready to go, by far the best in the world. Sanctions are biting & more added last night. Iran can NEVER have Nuclear Weapons, not against the USA, and not against the WORLD!


6-22  Just revealed that the Failing and Desperate New York Times was feeding false stories about me, & those associated with me, to the FBI. This shows the kind of unprecedented hatred I have been putting up with for years with this Crooked newspaper. Is what they have done legal? ”This Russia Collusion Hoax was perpetrated in part by people inside the government, and in part by a compliant (Fake News) media.” Mollie Hemingway. @TuckerCarlson @foxandfriends The facts are starting to pour out. Stay tuned!

今しがた分かったことだが、ものごとを正面から見ない、絶望的状態に陥っているニューヨークタイムスが私と私に関わりのある人たちとFBIとの関係について誤った報道を行なった。このことは、この新聞社に対する想像出来なかった憎悪の感情を私が長年にわたってに我慢し続けてきたことを物語るものである。この新聞社が私に対して行なってきたことは法的に許されることなのか。以下はFOXニュースのTucker Carlsonの番組でMollie Hemingwayが語ったことである。『ロシア癒着に関する作り話は、政府機構内の一部の人間と共感するメディアが犯した犯罪である』 ものごとが明るみに出される。続報を待たれたい。

S&P closes at Record High! https://twitter.com/realdonaldtrump/status/1141706991464849408 …


It was my great honor to host Canadian Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau at the @WhiteHouse today!


本日、カナダのJustin Trudeu首相をホワイトハウスに歓迎する栄誉に浴した!

Iran made a very big mistake!


“The President has a really good story to tell. We have unemployment lower than we’ve seen in decades. We have people who stopped looking for work coming back into the labor force. We are in a record growth period.” Michael Steel @MSNBC (do you believe?)

NBCのMichael Steelキャスターがこんな報道を行なった。(信じられますか?)『大統領は実にすばらしい自慢話が出来ます。失業率はこの10年間で最低です。職探しをやめて実際に働きはじめた人がいます。私たちは記録的経済成長の時を迎えています』

6-21   S&P opens at Record High!



Since Election Day 2016, Stocks up almost 50%, Stocks gained 9.2 Trillion Dollars in value, and more than 5,000,000 new jobs added to the Economy. @LouDobbs If our opponent had won, there would have been a market crash, plain and simple! @TuckerCarlson @seanhannity @IngrahamAngle

以下はLou Dobbsの発言:2016年の大統領選挙以降株価はほぼ50%上昇し、時価総額は9兆2,000億ドル増加し、500万人の雇用が経済に追加されている。


以下はTucker Carlson、Sean Hannity、Ingraham Angleの共通の見解:大統領選挙で民主党が勝利すれば株価は大暴落する。単純明快!

Congratulations to President Lopez Obrador — Mexico voted to ratify the USMCA today by a huge margin. Time for Congress to do the same here!

メキシコのLopez Obrador大統領を祝す。アメリカ・メキシコ・カナダ3ヵ国貿易協定が大差で批准される。アメリカ下院も批准すべきである!

Just returning from Orlando and Doral (Miami), Florida, and heading to the Oval Office, where I will present the great Economist, Dr. Arthur Laffer, with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

フロリダ州OrlandとマイアミのDoralから帰着した。これから執務室で偉大なエコノミストのArthur Laffer博士に大統領自由勲章を授与する。


I will be interviewed LIVE tonight by @seanhannity on @FoxNews 9 P.M. Enjoy!

今夜9時、FOXニュースのSean Hannityのインタビューを受ける。お楽しみに!

So sad that the Democrats are putting wonderful Hope Hicks through hell, for 3 years now, after total exoneration by Robert Mueller & the Mueller Report. They were unhappy with result so they want a Do Over. Very unfair & costly to her. Will it ever end? Why aren’t they asking Hillary Clinton why she deleted and acid washed her Emails AFTER getting a subpoena from Congress? Anybody else would be in jail for that, yet the Dems refuse to even bring it up. Rigged House Committee

民主党が、Muellerレポートで冤罪が晴らされたしっかりもののHope Hicks元報道官を3年も前の件で再度辛酸をなめさせるというのは悲しむべきことである。民主党はMueller報告に満足できず、やり直しを求めている。極めて不公正で経費がかかることである。終わりがあるのか。なぜヒラリークリントンが議会から召喚状を受けた後に30,000件の電子メールを廃棄・消去したことを問題としないのか。ヒラリーでなければ刑務所に収監されているところだ。にもかかわらず民主党は下院の聴聞会の開催さえ拒否している。下院の聴聞会が茶番である証拠だ。

If I didn’t have the Phony Witch Hunt going on for 3 years, and if the Fake News Media and their partner in Crime, the Democrats, would have played it straight, I would be way up in the Polls right now - with our Economy, winning by 20 points. But I’m winning anyway!





The Dems are very unhappy with the Mueller Report, so after almost 3 years, they want a Redo, or Do Over. This is extreme Presidential Harassment. They gave Crooked Hillary’s people complete Immunity, yet now they bring back Hope Hicks. Why aren’t the Dems looking at the 33,000 Emails that Hillary and her lawyer deleted and acid washed AFTER GETTING A SUBPOENA FROM CONGRESS? That is real Obstruction that the Dems want no part of because their hearings are RIGGED and a disgrace to our Country!

民主党にとってMueller報告は満足できるものではなかった。3年もの歳月をかけてやり直しあるいは再調査を求めている。これは極端な大統領いじめである。民主党はヒラリー陣営の関係者を完全に潔白としながら(トランプ選対と政権移行チームのメンバーであり、トランプ政権発足後にホワイトハウスの広報にかかわった)Hope Hicks女史を引っ張り出そうとしているのか。民主党はどのような理由で議会から召喚状が発せられた後にヒラリー国務長官とその弁護士が廃棄または消去した33,000件のの電子メールを検証しないのか?これこそ議会の聴聞会を蔑ろにし、国家侮辱する司法妨害そのものである。

6-20   THANK YOU! #Trump2020



共和党全国委員会Ronna Mcdaniel委員長を引用:@realDonaldTrump has raised a record breaking $24.8M in less than 24 hours for his re-election. The enthusiasm across the country for this President is unmatched and unlike anything we’ve ever seen! #trump2020 #KeepAmericaGreat(トランプ大統領は24時間も立たないうちに2,480万ドルの再選のための選挙寄付金を獲得した。このことはアメリカ全土に漲っているこの大統領に対する熱い支持がこれまで見たことのない内容のものであることを物語っている。)

Don’t ever forget - this election is about YOU. It is about YOUR family, YOUR future, & the fate of YOUR COUNTRY. We begin our campaign with the best record, the best results, the best agenda, & the only positive VISION for our Country’s future! #Trump2020


In the ultimate act of moral cowardice, not one Democrat Candidate for president - not a single one - has stood up to defend the incredible men and women of ICE and Border Patrol. They don’t have the character, the virtue, or the spine! #Trump2020


On no issue are Democrats more extreme – and more depraved – than when it comes to Border Security. The Democrat Agenda of open borders is morally reprehensible. It is the great betrayal of the American Middle Class and our Country as a whole! #Trump2020


Together, we are breaking the most sacred rule in Washington Politics: we are KEEPING our promises to the American People. Because my only special interest is YOU! #Trump2020




Join me LIVE tonight in Orlando, Florida at 8:00 P.M. Eastern as we kickoff #Trump2020. Enjoy!



Departing for Orlando, Florida with @FLOTUS Melania!


Acting Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan, who has done a wonderful job, has decided not to go forward with his confirmation process so that he can devote more time to his family. I thank Pat for his outstanding service and will be naming Secretary of the Army, Mark Esper, to be the new Acting Secretary of Defense. I know Mark, and have no doubt he will do a fantastic job!

職責を見事に務めているPatrick Shanahan国防長官代行は、上院の承認手続きに進まずに、家族と共に過ごす時を持つ道を選ぶこととなった。本人に感謝し、後任にMark Esper陸軍長官を任命する。私は新長官をよく知っている。立派に職務を遂行してくれると確信している!



German DAX way up due to stimulus remarks from Mario Draghi. Very unfair to the United States!

ドイツの株式市場(DAX)Mario Draghi欧州中銀総裁の景気刺激策の発言を受けて大幅に上昇した。

“ECB officials see Rate Cut as primary tool for any new stimulus.” @business


Had a very good telephone conversation with President Xi of China. We will be having an extended meeting next week at the G-20 in Japan. Our respective teams will begin talks prior to our meeting.


The Fake News doesn’t report it, but Republican enthusiasm is at an all time high. Look what is going on in Orlando, Florida, right now! People have never seen anything like it (unless you play a guitar). Going to be wild - See you later!


European Markets rose on comments (unfair to U.S.) made today by Mario D!


Mario Draghi just announced more stimulus could come, which immediately dropped the Euro against the Dollar, making it unfairly easier for them to compete against the USA. They have been getting away with this for years, along with China and others.


Mario Draghi(2011年11月から第3代)欧州中央銀行総裁は、欧州の対米輸出競争力を不当に強化するユーロの対ドルレートを直ちに安値に誘導する作用を持つ経済刺激策がとられると発表した。欧州は中国その他の国とともにこの政策を続けてきている。

6-19   Only a few people showed up for the so-called Impeachment rallies over the weekend. The numbers were anemic, no spirit, no hope. More importantly, No Collusion, No Obstruction!


Wow! The State Department said it has identified 30 Security Incidents involving current or former employees and their handling of Crooked Hillary Clinton’s Emails. @FoxNews This is really big. Never admitted before. Highly Classified Material. Will the Dems investigate this?


The story in the @nytimes about the U.S. escalating attacks on Russia’s power grid is Fake News, and the Failing New York Times knows it. They should immediately release their sources which, if they exist at all, which I doubt, are phony. Times must be held fully accountable!


Thousands of people are already lined up in Orlando, some two days before tomorrow nights big Rally. Large Screens and food trucks will be there for those that can’t get into the 25,000 capacity arena. It will be a very exciting evening! Make America Great Again!


6-18   Next week ICE will begin the process of removing the millions of illegal aliens who have illicitly found their way into the United States. They will be removed as fast as they come in.来週、国土安全保障省はアメリカへの入国手続きに違法性が認められる不法入国者の送還に着手する。今後、不法入国者は速やかに送還される。

Mexico, using their strong immigration laws, is doing a very good job of stopping people long before they get to our Southern Border. Guatemala is getting ready to sign a Safe-Third Agreement. The only ones who won’t do anything are the Democrats in Congress. They must vote to get rid of the loopholes, and fix asylum! If so, Border Crisis will end quickly!


.@FoxNews Polls are always bad for me. They were against Crooked Hillary also. Something weird going on at Fox. Our polls show us leading in all 17 Swing States. For the record, I didn’t spend 30 hours with @abcnews, but rather a tiny fraction of that. More Fake News @BretBaier

FOXニュースの政権支持率の調査はいつも厳しい結果が出ているが、ヒラリークリントンにとっても同様である。何かが違うようだ。われわれの調査では17のスイングステートでわれわれに有利な数字が出ている。偽ニュースのBret Baierキャスターは、私がABC TVとのインタビューで30時間も対応したとしているが、わずかの時間を割いたぬ過ぎない。

One size doesn’t fit all - I support West Virginia Schools. Keep up the great work, @WVGovernor Big Jim Justice - I am with you!

公立学校の規模はそれぞれの地域に応じて決められてよい。私はウエストバージニア州の考えを支持する。Jim Justice知事は立派な政策を推進されるように。私は支持する。

Just had a great conversation with @realDonaldTrump. We talked about our good public schools in WV and how he totally supports my plan for WV public schools. The President and I are bound at the hip, and he has done remarkable work that has been tremendously beneficial for WV!


ウエストバージニア州Jim Justice知事を引用:大統領とすばらしい会話を交わした。州の公立学校について話し、大統領は私の考えを全面的に支持した。大統領と私は一心同体である。大統領は州にとって途方もなく大きい成果を生む政策を実行している!

“Iran to defy Uranium Stockpile Limits”


Only Fake Polls show us behind the Motley Crew. We are looking really good, but it is far too early to be focused on that. Much work to do! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


Big Rally tomorrow night in Orlando, Florida, looks to be setting records. We are building large movie screens outside to take care of everybody. Over 100,000 requests. Our Country is doing great, far beyond what the haters & losers thought possible - and it will only get better!


Thank you Mr. Prime Minister, a great honor!


ネタニエフイスラエル首相を引用:Establishing a new community in the Golan Heights named after a friend of Israel, US President @realDonaldTrump. A historic day!(イスラエルの友人トランプアメリカ大統領の名に因んで、ゴラン高原の入植地にその名を付ける。歴史的な1日になる!)

Earlier today, @netanyahu and @USAmbIsrael held a ceremony for the inauguration of 'Trump Heights' — a town in #Israel's Golan Heights that has been named in honor of the US President. Watch more here: http://i24ne.ws/Hgys30oWZgz 

i24NEWS Englishをリツイート:ネタニエフ首相と駐イスラエルアメリカ大使はトランプハイツの命名記念式典に出席した。

Very glad to see Mexico working with President @realDonaldTrump to up their game and deal with immigration from Central America. I hope Democrats will do the same.

Lindsey Grahamをリツイート:メキシコがトランプ大統領に協力して中央アメリカからの移民に対処しはじめたことを喜ばしく思う。民主党が同じことをすることを期待する。

6-17   Congratulations to Gary Woodland in winning the United States Open Golf Championship. Fantastic playing, great heart - there will be more in Gary’s future!

Gary Woodlandの全米オープンゴルフ選手権の優勝を祝す。

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “I think we have a very real risk of losing the Presidency to Donald Trump.” I agree, and that is the only reason they play the impeach card, which cannot be legally used!


ニューヨーク州選出Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez民主党下院議員の発言:『大統領選挙でDonald Trumpに負けるリスクが現実に存在する』 その通りである。これが民主党急進左派が合法的に発動できない弾劾手続きをとろうとする唯一の理由である。

Almost 70% in new Poll say don’t impeach. So ridiculous to even be talking about this subject when all of the crimes were committed by the other side. They can’t win the election fairly!


“Millennial fighting rare bone cancer responds to @JoeBiden vow: Law supported by @realDonaldTrump helped save my life”

Dan Scavinoをリツイート:骨髄癌と闘っている若い女性がバイデンの発言に抗議し、トランプ政権の政策によって元気な日々を送っていると意見を発表している。

When will the Fake News Media start asking Democrats if they are OK with the hiring of Christopher Steele, a foreign agent, paid for by Crooked Hillary and the DNC, to dig up “dirt” and write a phony Dossier against the Presidential Candidate of the opposing party. If Republicans ever did that to the Democrats, there would be all hell to pay. It would be a scandal like no other!

偽ニュースメディアは、トランプ候補を貶める怪文書を作成した英国の元スパイのChristopher Steeleを雇用し、ヒラリーと民主党全国委員会が資金を提供した事実を何時になったら民主党に問い質すのだろうか。共和党が民主党に対して同じことをやっていたならば、とてつもなく厄介なことになっていたであろう。民主党がやったことは比類なきスキャンダルである!

Thank you PM @Netanyahu and the State of Israel for this great honor!


David M, Friedmanを引用:A great day on the Golan. PM Netanyahu and I had the honor to dedicate “Trump Heights” — first time Israel has dedicated a village in honor of a sitting president since Harry Truman (1949). Happy Birthday Mr. President!! @POTUS(トランプ大統領の誕生日を祝し、首相と私は1949年のトルーマン大統以来のことになるが、ゴラン高原の集落をトランプハイツと命名する。)


Happy Father’s Day to all, including my worst and most vicious critics, of which there are fewer and fewer. This is a FANTASTIC time to be an American! KEEP AMERICA GREAT!


A poll should be done on which is the more dishonest and deceitful newspaper, the Failing New York Times or the Amazon (lobbyist) Washington Post! They are both a disgrace to our Country, the Enemy of the People, but I just can’t seem to figure out which is worse? The good news is that at the end of 6 years, after America has been made GREAT again and I leave the beautiful White House (do you think the people would demand that I stay longer? KEEP AMERICA GREAT), both of these horrible papers will quickly go out of business & be forever gone!


Yesterday was the Radical Left Democrats big Impeachment day. They worked so hard to make it something really big and special but had one problem - almost nobody showed up. “The Media admits low turnout for anti-Trump rallies.” @FoxNews “All around the Country people are saying enough. Democrat voters want to hear the politicians talking about issues. This is a huge distraction and will only help Donald Trump get elected.” @JedediahBila “Greatest President since Ronald Reagan” said a counter-protester. LehighValleyLive

昨日、民主党急進左派による大規模な大統領弾劾集会の日であった。大いに意味のある集会にすべく努力されたが、成果はなかった。FOXニュースによれば『反トランプ集会は気勢が上がらなかったことをメディアは認めた』 Jedediah Bilaによると『もう沢山だという空気が全米に広がり、民主党支持者から当面の問題についての考えを聞きたいとのことで、憂さ晴らしに過ぎず、トランプ再選を促進するだけである』 Lehigh Valley のライブ放送によると、対抗陣営が『レーガン以後の最も偉大な大統領』と発言した。

Congratulations to great guy Pete Hegseth and wonderful Jenny Cunningham on their engagement. They will have a fantastic life together! @foxandfriends


FOXニュースのPete HegsethとJenny Cunninghmの活動を祝す。

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis just signed Bill banning Sanctuary Cities in State, & forcing all law enforcement agencies to cooperate with Federal Immigration authorities. Bill prohibits local Gov’t from enacting Sanctuary policies that protect undocumented immigrants.

以下はFOXニュースの報道:フロリダ州Ron DeSantis知事は州で聖域都市を認めない法案に署名し、州のすべての治安維持関連機構に対して連邦移民局に協力を要請した。法は州政府関係機関による不法移民の保護を禁止している。

More and more states want to do this but their governors and leaders don’t have the courage to do so. The politics will soon mandate, however, because people from California, & all over the land, are demanding that Sanctuary Cities be GONE. No illegals, Drugs or Trafficking! ..@FoxNews


Do you believe that the Failing New York Times just did a story stating that the United States is substantially increasing Cyber Attacks on Russia. This is a virtual act of Treason by a once great paper so desperate for a story, any story, even if bad for our Country. ALSO, NOT TRUE! Anything goes with our Corrupt News Media today. They will do, or say, whatever it takes, with not even the slightest thought of consequence! These are true cowards and without doubt, THE ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!


6-16  I enjoyed my interview with @GStephanopoulos on @ABC. So funny to watch the Fake News Media try to dissect & distort every word in as negative a way as possible. It will be aired on Sunday night at 8:00 P.M., and is called, “President Trump: 30 Hours” (which is somewhat misleading in that I personally spent only a small fraction of that time doing interviews. I do have a few other things to do, you know!). Think I will do many more Network Interviews, as I did in 2016, in order to get the word out that no President has done what I have in the first 2 1/2 years of his Presidency, including the fact that we have one of the best Economies in the history of our Country. It is called Earned Media. In any event, enjoy the show!

ABC TVで放送されたGeorge Stephanopoulosのインタビューを見た。一言一句をこれ見よがしに悪しざまに報道しているのを見て滑稽だった。『トランプ大統領の30時間』と題して16日(日)午後8時に放送される。私はこれから2016年より頻繁にインタビューに応じて、私がこの2年半の間に成し遂げたことを話す積りである。その中にこの国の歴史はじまって以来最高の経済実績をあげていることが含まれる。『視聴者の信頼を得るための番組』となる。テレビショウをお楽しみに!