

10-1   Like many, I don’t watch Saturday Night Live (even though I past hosted it) - no longer funny, no talent or charm. It is just a political ad for the Dems. Word is that Kanye West, who put on a MAGA hat after the show (despite being told “no”), was great. He’s leading the charge!

多くの視聴者がそうであるように私はライブ番組のサタデーナイトショーを見ていない。面白くないし、タレント性も感じられないし、魅力もない。民主党の政治宣伝の場と化している。(『ダメ』と言われたにもかかわらず)メイクアメリカグレイトアゲンの赤い帽子を被って自分の考えを述べた(アフリカ系アメリカ人でミュージシャンの)Kayne Westは立派だった。アメリカに 檄 を飛ばしている!

9-30   NBC News incorrectly reported (as usual) that I was limiting the FBI investigation of Judge Kavanaugh, and witnesses, only to certain people. Actually, I want them to interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion. Please correct your reporting!


9-30   Thank you West Virginia - I love you!


9-29   Heading to West Virginia now. Big Rally. Will be live on @FoxNews tonight. Long lines, but will be great!


Senator Richard Blumenthal must talk about his fraudulent service in Vietnam, where for 12 years he told the people of Connecticut, as their Attorney General, that he was a great Marine War Hero. Talked about his many battles of near death, but was never in Vietnam. Total Phony!


コネティカット州選出Richard Blumenthal民主党上院議員は、コネティカット州司法長官として12年間自分が海兵隊の歴戦の勇士であったとするベトナム戦争における偽りの軍歴について説明せねばならない。議員は多くの戦闘で死に瀕したと話したが、ベトナム戦争に従軍していないのだ。まったくの作り話なのだ!

9-29   Just started, tonight, our 7th FBI investigation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. He will someday be recognized as a truly great Justice of The United States Supreme Court!


9-27   Judge Kavanaugh showed America exactly why I nominated him. His testimony was powerful, honest, and riveting. Democrats’ search and destroy strategy is disgraceful and this process has been a total sham and effort to delay, obstruct, and resist. The Senate must vote!




9-26   ホワイトハウス作成の国連での31秒の映像。

Join me this Saturday in Wheeling, West Virginia at 7pmE! Tickets:


President Trump and Prime Minister Theresa May met for a bilateral meeting in New York   


This afternoon, President Trump participated in a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Abe.   


Earlier today, President Trump participated in a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister @netanyahu of Israel.   


Congressman Lee Zeldin is doing a fantastic job in D.C. Tough and smart, he loves our Country and will always be there to do the right thing. He has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Lee ZeldinワシントンD.C.選出共和党下院議員の働きは素晴らしい。タフでスマートだ。議員はアメリカを愛しており、正しい役割を果たしている。私は議員を完全かつ全面的に支持する!

This @realDonaldTrump speech to the #UNGA  should be required viewing in American high schools. A beautiful articulation of Americanism and rejection of globalism.

(FOXニュースのチャンネルコントリビューターの)Pete Hegesethをリツイート:国連総会におけるトランプ大統領の演説はアメリカの高校生に必見である。アメリカの依って以って立つ立ち位置を明確に示し、グローバリズムを拒否しているからである。

President Trump’s United Nations speech today is a remarkable outline of the power of patriotism, the importance of national identity, the dangers of globalism, the need to reform the United Nations, and American leadership. An extraordinary achievement. Worth reading.

(元共和党下院議員。1995~1999年まで下院議長を務めた)Newt Gingrichをリツイート:本日の大統領の国連総会演説は、愛国精神の力の根源、国民の融和の重要性、グローバリズムの危険性、国連改革の必要性、アメリカのリーダーシップについて要点を余すところなく示していた。稀にみる演説であった。一読に値する。


China is actually placing propaganda ads in the Des Moines Register and other papers, made to look like news. That’s because we are beating them on Trade, opening markets, and the farmers will make a fortune when this is over!

中国はDes Moines Registerその他の新聞紙上でニュースのように見せかけて宣伝広告を行なっている。アメリカが通商問題と市場開放問題で中国に打撃を与えているからである。事態が収まれば農業生産者は財を築くことが出来るであろう!

Avenatti is a third rate lawyer who is good at making false accusations, like he did on me and like he is now doing on Judge Brett Kavanaugh. He is just looking for attention and doesn’t want people to look at his past record and relationships - a total low-life!


Avenattiという弁護士は3流で、まやかしの訴訟に長けている。本人は私についてそのような訴訟を起こしたし、Brett Kavanaugh判事にもそのような訴訟を起こしている。衆目を集めるのが狙いで、これまでの実績と人間関係を調査されるのをよしとしない。全く低俗な男である!

Jobless Claims fell to their lowest level in 49 years!


Consumer confidence hits an 18 year high, close to breaking the all-time record. A big jump from last 8 years. People are excited about the USA again! We are getting Bigger and Richer and Stronger. WAY MORE TO GO!



The Democrats are playing a high level CON GAME in their vicious effort to destroy a fine person. It is called the politics of destruction. Behind the scene the Dems are laughing. Pray for Brett Kavanaugh and his family!

民主党は百も承知の上で洗練された人物を抹殺すべくいかさまを仕掛けている。これを政治的破壊工作という。舞台裏で民主党は笑っている。Brett Kavanaugh判事とその家族のために祈ろう!

9-26    “These law enforcement people took the law into their own hands when it came to President Trump.” @LindseyGrahamSC

 以下はLindsey Grahamサウスカロライナ州選出共和党上院議員の発言:『法の番人がことトランプ大統領のこととなると法を私物化している』

9-25   73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly #UNGA 


“Consumer confidence rose in September, notching its highest level in about 18 years. The Consumer Board's index rose to 138.4 this month from 134.7 in August...”


“Remarks by President Trump at a Luncheon Hosted by the Secretary-General of the United Nations” http://45.wh.gov/aVdrKJ 


“Remarks by President Trump to the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly”  http://45.wh.gov/LeUYsH 


Rush Limbaugh to Republicans: “You can kiss the MIDTERMS goodbye if you don’t get highly qualified Kavanaugh approved.”

以下はRush Limbaughの共和党に対するメッセージ:『最適任者であるKavanaugh判事の信任を獲得できないようでは共和党議員は中間選挙に出る資格はない』

Thank you Dr. Jeffress!

Jeffress博士の次のツイートに感謝:President @realDonaldTrump just delivered the strongest speech to the United Nations of any president in history—Democrat or Republican. His bold and courageous address is another reminder of why he was elected president—and others weren’t.(トランプ大統領の演説は、民主党、共和党を問わず、歴代大統領の国連総会演説の中で最も力強い演説であった。その大胆かつ勇気ある演説は大統領が選挙で選ばれ、対立候補が選ばれなかった何よりの証左である。)

Thank you Mark!

Mark Levinの次のツイートに感謝:PRESIDENT TRUMP’S UN SPEECH IS SPECTACULAR(大統領の国連演説は素晴らしかった。)




Will be speaking at the United Nations this morning. Our country is much stronger and much richer than it was when I took office less than two years ago. We are also MUCH safer!



Despite requests, I have no plans to meet Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. Maybe someday in the future. I am sure he is an absolutely lovely man!

要請を受けたがHassan Rouhaniイラン大統領と会う予定はない。会うのは将来のことだ。私は大統領は好人物と確信している!

Republican Party Favorability is the highest it has been in 7 years - 3 points higher than Democrats! Gallup


The Democrats are working hard to destroy a wonderful man, and a man who has the potential to be one of our greatest Supreme Court Justices ever, with an array of False Accusations the likes of which have never been seen before!


9-25   ホワイトハウス作成の29秒の国連での動画。

9-24   It was my great honor to welcome President @EmmanuelMacron of France to the United States, here in New York City, this evening! #UNGA 


It was my great honor to welcome President @AlsisiOfficial of Egypt to the United States this afternoon, in New York City. Great meetings! #UNGA 


Joint Statement on the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement: http://45.wh.gov/HksKua 


Brett Kavanaugh and his wife, Ashley, will be interviewed tonight at 7pmE on @marthamaccallum @FoxNews. This is an outstanding family who must be treated fairly!

Brett Kavanaugh 判事とAshley夫人が今夕東部時間午後7時にFOXニュースのインタビューを受ける。夫妻は抜きん出た家族で、フェアーに応接されねばならない!

US-Korea Free Trade Agreement Signing Ceremony!


It was my great honor to welcome and meet with President @moonriver365 Jae-in of South Korea today, in New York City! http://45.wh.gov/VeuCcD  #UNGA 



Today, we commit to fighting the drug epidemic together! #UNGA 


“Remarks by President Trump at ‘Global Call to Action on the World Drug Problem’ Event” #UNGA 


9-24   Now is the time to put safety first above everything else. Evacuate to a shelter if you need to, take your pets with you. Your life is the most important thing to save. Call us at 1-866-246-0133 or visit http://scemd.org  for the latest. #Flooding #Florence #SCTweets


9-23   Prime Minster @AbeShinzo is coming up to Trump Tower for dinner but, most importantly, he just had a great landslide victory in Japan. I will congratulate him on behalf of the American people!


Going to New York. Will be with Prime Minister Abe of Japan tonight, talking Military and Trade. We have done much to help Japan, would like to see more of a reciprocal relationship. It will all work out!


9-23   Tiger is playing great. Looks like a big win could happen. Very exciting! @TigerWoods


9-22   GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.!

President @realDonaldTrump absolutely packs the house at JQH Arena in Springfield, MO. #TrumpRally #RedWave

RSBN(Right Side Broadcasting Network)をリツイート:以下は(2014年に創設された保守系インターネットニュース媒体)RSBNが伝えたミズーリ州Springfieldのトランプ選挙集会の模様。

"We are standing up for your values," Trump said closing his rally in Springfield, Missouri. "We are standing up for our national anthem. To continue this momentum, you need to get out and vote Republican. Together we are taking back our country."

Washington Examinerをリツイート:『われわれはあなた方の大切な価値を護るために立ち上がっている。われわれは国歌に向かって立ち上がっている。この動きを続けるために行動し、共和党に1票を投票しよう。手を取り合ってわれわれの国を取り戻そう!』とトランプ大統領はミズーリ州Springfieldの選挙集会の最後に述べた。

For 2nd night in row at Trump rally (tonite in Springfield, last nite in Las Vegas), crowd spontaneously breaks into cheers of "KA-VA-NAUGH!" at mention of the president nominating conservative judges

Julie Davisをリツイート:昨夜はラスベガス、今夜はミズーリ州スプリングフィールドと2晩続きのトランプ選挙集会で参加者が期せずして"KA-VA-NAUGH!"と大統領によって指名された保守主義の最高裁判事の名前をコールした。

.@POTUS: "The stock market is up 55%... Your 401(k)s are up 50, 60, 70% in some cases."

FOX Businessをリツイート:以下は大統領の発言:『株価は55%値上がりしている。みなさんの401K年金は50%、60%、中には70%も増加している場合がある』

Thank you Missouri - Together, we are MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


9-22   Thank you Missouri - I love you!


9-21   Promises Kept for our GREAT Veterans!


Remarks by President Trump at the Signing of H.R. 5895: http://45.wh.gov/J8SiBs



View of the line outside Las Vegas Convention Center of those waiting to get into the @realDonaldTrump #MAGA rally. (Photos sent to me from someone who prefers to remain anonymous)

Steve Hermanをリツイート:Las Vegas コンベンションセンターのトランプ選挙集会に入場しようとする人たちの長い列の写真である(この写真は匿名で私に送られてきたものである)。

The crowd roars as @realDonaldTrump takes the stage. Says he’s thrilled to be back in Ne-vah-da. “You have to say that just right,” he jokes. Says the state is home to hardworking people who respect the flag.

Ramona Giwargisをリツイート:トランプ大統領が登壇した時会衆は歓呼した。大統領はネヴァダ再訪に歓喜している。『私も同じだ』とジョークを発した。国は、国旗を尊ぶ働き者の故郷だと大統領は話しかけた。

What an amazing Trump rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. There must have been over 10,000 people here and trust me when I say it, we are all ready to VOTE in November!

Mike Tokesをリツイート:ネヴァダ州Las Vegasのトランプ集会は何とすばらしいことか。ここに10000を越える人たちが集まっている。11月に投票に準備万端整ったという私の呼びかけにみんなが応えてくれた!

We are outside the Trump rally in Las Vegas. There are THOUSANDS of conservatives here and the line extends all the way around the block. Everyone loves Trump!   

Mike Tokesをリツイート:Las Vegasのトランプ集会の会場の入り口にいる。保守思考の人たちの長蛇の行列が出来ている。みんなトランプを愛している!

Energy and excitement for President @realDonaldTrump and his #AmericaFirst agenda is through the roof! #MAGA


“We’re fighting every day for our factories, our ranchers, our great miners, our farmers, and we are now the largest producer of energy in the entire world.” -@realDonaldTrump


Great job tonight by President @realDonaldTrump in Las Vegas laying out how strong America has become economically and how much safer we are with a strong military.

Lindsey Grahamをリツイート:Las Vegasでトランプ大統領は経済面でアメリカが如何に強くなったか、強力な軍備でアメリカが如何に安全になっているかを明示した。よくやった!

Throughout American history, the men and women of our Armed Forces have selflessly served our Country, making tremendous sacrifices to defend our liberty. On National POW/MIA Recognition Day, we honor all American Prisoners of War: http://45.wh.gov/y6Vs5D 


脚注〕POW(Prison Of War)/MIA(Missing In Action)

Senator Feinstein and the Democrats held the letter for months, only to release it with a bang after the hearings were OVER - done very purposefully to Obstruct & Resist & Delay. Let her testify, or not, and TAKE THE VOTE!


I met with the DOJ concerning the declassification of various UNREDACTED documents. They agreed to release them but stated that so doing may have a perceived negative impact on the Russia probe. Also, key Allies’ called to ask not to release. Therefore, the Inspector General has been asked to review these documents on an expedited basis. I believe he will move quickly on this (and hopefully other things which he is looking at). In the end I can always declassify if it proves necessary. Speed is very important to me - and everyone!




The radical left lawyers want the FBI to get involved NOW. Why didn’t someone call the FBI 36 years ago?


I will Chair the United Nations Security Council meeting on Iran next week!


I have no doubt that, if the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement Authorities by either her or her loving parents. I ask that she bring those filings forward so that we can learn date, time, and place!

Dr. Fordへの襲撃が本人が言うとおり酷いものであったのなら本人または両親から所轄の警察に訴え出るのが筋である。私は訴え出て貰いたいと考える。そうすれば襲撃が行われた日時と場所が明らかになる。

Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a fine man, with an impeccable reputation, who is under assault by radical left wing politicians who don’t want to know the answers, they just want to destroy and delay. Facts don’t matter. I go through this with them every single day in D.C. 

Brett Kavanaugh判事はすばらしい人物で、その評判は非の打ち所がない。もっぱら破壊と妨害を狙う聞く耳を持たない急進左翼の政治家の攻撃に曝されている。言われていることは問題にならない。ワシントンで日々奮励努力して乗り切る。



Thank you Las Vegas, Nevada - I love you! #MAGA 

Las Vegasに感謝。アイラブユー!アメリカを再び偉大な国にしよう。



9-21   Landing in Las Vegas now for a Make America Great Again Rally supporting @DeanHeller and @DannyTarkanian. Also doing interview there with @seanhannity live on @FoxNews. Big crowd, long lines. Will be great! #MAGA

Las Vegasに到着。Dean Heller候補とDanny Tarkanian候補を支援する選挙集会に臨む。FOXニュースのSean Hannityショーのライブインタビューを受ける。大群衆の長蛇の列が出来ている。盛会だ!を再び偉大な国にしよう。

9-20    ロシア疑惑を否定するFOX ニュースの55秒の動画。

On my way to Las Vegas, Nevada. Look forward to seeing everyone tonight! #MAGA

ネヴァダ州Las Vegasに向かう。MAGA集会でお目にかかる!


Army Master Sgt. Charles H. McDaniel, 32, of Vernon, Indiana, and Army Pfc. William H. Jones, 19, of Nash County, North Carolina, are the first American remains from North Korea to be identified as a result of my Summit with Chairman Kim. These HEROES are home, they may Rest In Peace, and hopefully their families can have closure.

インディアナ州Vernon出身陸軍兵士Charles H. McDaniel(Master Sgt. 32歳)、ノースカロライナ州Nash County出身陸軍兵士William H. Jones(Pfc.19歳)は金議長との首脳会談後に返還された遺骨から最初に身元を確認された戦没将兵である。安らかに憩われんことを。願わくはご家族にも安らかな日々が訪れるように。

Congratulations to my good friend Prime Minister @AbeShinzo on his HUGE election victory in Japan. I’m looking forward to many more years of working together. See you in New York next week!  


.@JayWebberNJ is running for Congress in the 11th District of New Jersey. He is outstanding in every way. Strong on Borders, loves our Military and our Vets. Big Crime fighter. Jay has my Full and Total Endorsement!

ニュージャージー州下院議員選挙に出馬するJay Webber候補を全面的に支持する。何かに付けてすばらしい人物である。

S&P 500 HITS ALL-TIME HIGH Congratulations USA!



I want to know, where is the money for Border Security and the WALL in this ridiculous Spending Bill, and where will it come from after the Midterms? Dems are obstructing Law Enforcement and Border Security. REPUBLICANS MUST FINALLY GET TOUGH!


“We can’t secure the Border because of the Democrats historic level of Obstruction. The Presidents fed up with this. His agenda is working. The economy is growing at twice the rate it did under Obama. We’ve nominated and confirmed 68 Federal Judges, 26 Court of Appeals Judges. The thing that’s lacking is we can’t properly secure the Border because of the Democrats historic level of Obstruction.” Senator David Perdue of Georgia.

以下はDavid Perdueジョージア州選出共和党上院議員の発言:われわれは民主党の歴史に残る妨害政策によって国境を維持できなくなっている。大統領はうんざりしている。大統領の選挙公約は実現しており、経済成長率はオバマ政権時代の2倍になっている。連邦裁判所の判事を68名指名・承認したほか、上訴裁判所の26名の判事を指名・承認した。実現できていないことは、民主党の歴史的妨害政策によって、国境の安全を確保できないことである。

We protect the countries of the Middle East, they would not be safe for very long without us, and yet they continue to push for higher and higher oil prices! We will remember. The OPEC monopoly must get prices down now!


Financial and jobs numbers are fantastic. There are plenty of new, high paying jobs available in our great and very vibrant economy. If you are not happy where you are, start looking - but also remember, our economy is only getting better. Vote in Midterms!


9-20   1分00秒のハリケーン災害地視察映像。

9-19   Great new book by Jason Chaffetz appropriately called “The Deep State.” Very interesting indeed!

Jason Chaffetz(ユタ州選出元共和党会員議員)が『ディープステート』と題して新著を出版した。実に興味深い!

Just returned to the White House from the Great States of North Carolina and South Carolina where incredible work is being done on the ongoing fight against hurricane Florence. Tremendous talent and spirit!


“President Donald J. Trump’s Administration is Providing Support to Those Impacted by Hurricane Florence”



North Korea recommits to denuclearization - we’ve come a long way.”


“The recovery got started on Election Day 2016. It took Trump’s Tax Cuts and Regulation Cuts to get the economy booming. Before that it was the worst and slowest economic recovery since the Great Depression. It took just 6 months for Trump to get to 3%, even though they said it was impossible - and then already it’s over 4%, and I expect it’s going to grow faster and faster. We’re just getting started here.” Peter Ferrara, former advisor to President Reagan. @foxandfriends


以下はFOXニューで報道されたレーガン大統領の経済顧問であったPeter Ferraraの発言:今回の経済回復は2016年の選挙当日にスタートした。経済にブームをもたらしたきっかけはトランプ大統領の減税と環境規制緩和である。それまでの経済は2000年代はじめの経済停滞の中、経済成長は最悪かつ最低であった。誰もが不可能と言う中で、最初の6ヵ月の間に3%の経済成長を実現した。現在4%を越える成長を続けている。私は成長率がさらに高まると期待している。その第1歩がはじまったところだ』

Kim Jong Un has agreed to allow Nuclear inspections, subject to final negotiations, and to permanently dismantle a test site and launch pad in the presence of international experts. In the meantime there will be no Rocket or Nuclear testing. Hero remains to continue being returned home to the United States. Also, North and South Korea will file a joint bid to host the 2032 Olympics. Very exciting!



9-19   The Supreme Court is one of the main reasons I got elected President. I hope Republican Voters, and others, are watching, and studying, the Democrats Playbook.


9-18   ハリケーン対応を賞賛するビデオメッセージ。

Today, it was my great honor to welcome @prezydentpl Andrzej Duda of Poland to the @WhiteHouse!

本日、Andrzej Dudaポーランド大統領をホワイトハウスに歓迎する栄誉に浴した!

Today, I took action to strengthen our Nation’s defenses against biological threats. For the first time in history, the Federal Government has a National Biodefense Strategy to address the FULL RANGE of biological threats!


Thank you to our great Coast Guard for doing such a tremendous job - thousands of lives being saved! https://instagram.com/p/Bn34sD1jwbk/ 


Right now, everybody is saying what a great job we are doing with Hurricane Florence – and they are 100% correct. But don’t be fooled, at some point in the near future the Democrats will start ranting that FEMA, our Military, and our First Responders, who are all unbelievable, are a disaster and not doing a good job. This will be a total lie, but that’s what they do, and everybody knows it!


Happy 71st Birthday to our GREAT United States Air Force!


 China has openly stated that they are actively trying to impact and change our election by attacking our farmers, ranchers and industrial workers because of their loyalty to me. What China does not understand is that these people are great patriots and fully understand that China has been taking advantage of the United States on Trade for many years. They also know that I am the one that knows how to stop it. There will be great and fast economic retaliation against China if our farmers, ranchers and/or industrial workers are targeted!



“What will be disclosed is that there was no basis for these FISA Warrants, that the important information was kept from the court, there’s going to be a disproportionate influence of the (Fake) Dossier. Basically you have a counter terrorism tool used to spy on a presidential campaign, which is unprecedented in our history.” Congressman Peter King Really bad things were happening, but they are now being exposed. Big stuff!

以下は共和党Peter King下院議員の発言:『明らかにされねばならないことは外国情報監視法(FISA)を適用する要件がなかったことで、重要な情報が法廷に提出されることなく、(独り歩きした)怪文書の影響が増幅されたことである。テロ対策のための法律が大統領選挙をスパイするために利用されたと言う結果が残ったと言うのが基本的枠組みである。こんなことは史上初めてである』 その通り、実に怪しからんことが起こったのだ。今、すべてが白日の下に曝されている。大材料だ!

9-18   Today, as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, we share our gratitude for all the ways Hispanic-Americans make our country flourish and prosper. Today, and every day, we honor, cherish, and celebrate Hispanic-American Workers, Families, Students, Businesses, and Leaders...


9-17   Just met John James of Michigan. He has every single quality to be your next Great Senator from Michigan. When the people of Michigan get to know John, they will say he is a true star. Also, distinguished Military and a Combat Vet!

今しがたJohn Jamesミシガン州選出共和党上院議員候補と挨拶を交わした。候補はその道一本で過ごしてきた才覚の持ち主で、立派に州選出上院議員の務めを果たしであろう。有権者は候補の人柄を知れば知るほど優れたスターであることを認めるであろう。候補は抜きん出た軍歴を持つ戦場を経験した退役軍人である。

It was my great honor to host today’s Inaugural Meeting of the “President’s National Council for the American Worker” in the Roosevelt Room! Read more: whitehouse.gov/briefings-stat




Happy Constitution Day!


Join me in Las Vegas, Nevada at 7:00pm for a MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN RALLY! Tickets: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/rallies/nv-sept-2018/ …

本日午後7時、ネバダ州Las Vegasでアメリカを再び偉大な州にする集会を行う。チケットはこちら!

Americans deserve to know the lowest drug price at their pharmacy, but “gag clauses” prevent your pharmacist from telling you! I support legislation that will remove gag clauses and urge the Senate to act. #AmericanPatientsFirst



Immediately after Comey’s firing Peter Strzok texted to his lover, Lisa Page “We need to Open the case we’ve been waiting on now while Andy (McCabe, also fired) is acting. Page answered, “We need to lock in (redacted). In a formal chargeable way. Soon.” Wow, a conspiracy caught?

元FBIのComey長官の更迭直後に、FBI職員のPeter Strzokは愛人関係にあったFBI職員のLisa Pageに『Andy McCabeも動き出している。われわれは待機している例の件について動き出すべきだ』とメールした。それに対してPageは『証拠が残る公的な形で行動する必要がある。急を要す』と返信した。これは明らかに共謀である!

“Lisa Page Testimony- NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION BEFORE MUELLER APPOINTMENT.” @FoxNews by Catherine Herridge. Therefore, the case should never have been allowed to be brought. It is a totally illegal Witch Hunt!

以下はFOXニュースでCatherin Herridgeが語った内容:『(FBIの職員)Lisa Pageの証言には『Mueller特別検察官任命以前の段階でロシアとの癒着を示す証拠はなかった』従って、本件は2度と問題提起されてはならない。本件は完全に違法な魔女狩りである!


Our Steel Industry is the talk of the World. It has been given new life, and is thriving. Billions of Dollars is being spent on new plants all around the country!


Tariffs have put the U.S. in a very strong bargaining position, with Billions of Dollars, and Jobs, flowing into our Country - and yet cost increases have thus far been almost unnoticeable. If countries will not make fair deals with us, they will be “Tariffed!”


“A lot of small & medium size enterprises are registering very good profit, sometimes record profits-there stocks are doing very well, low income workers are getting big raises. There are an awful lot of good things going on that weren’t during Pres. Obama’s Watch.” Peter Morici

以下は(エコノミストでメリーランド大学教授の)Peter Moriciの言:『多くの中小企業の収益好調が続いている。中には最高益を更新した企業がある。これらの企業の株価は好調で、低賃金労働者の賃金は大幅に増加している。今後も次々とよいことが起こってくる。こんなことはオバマ政権下では起こらなかった』



10-1   Like many, I don’t watch Saturday Night Live (even though I past hosted it) - no longer funny, no talent or charm. It is just a political ad for the Dems. Word is that Kanye West, who put on a MAGA hat after the show (despite being told “no”), was great. He’s leading the charge!

多くの視聴者がそうであるように私はライブ番組のサタデーナイトショーを見ていない。面白くないし、タレント性も感じられないし、魅力もない。民主党の政治宣伝の場と化している。(『ダメ』と言われたにもかかわらず)メイクアメリカグレイトアゲンの赤い帽子を被って自分の考えを述べた(アフリカ系アメリカ人でミュージシャンの)Kayne Westは立派だった。アメリカに 檄 を飛ばしている!

9-30   NBC News incorrectly reported (as usual) that I was limiting the FBI investigation of Judge Kavanaugh, and witnesses, only to certain people. Actually, I want them to interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion. Please correct your reporting!


9-30   Thank you West Virginia - I love you!


9-29   Heading to West Virginia now. Big Rally. Will be live on @FoxNews tonight. Long lines, but will be great!


Senator Richard Blumenthal must talk about his fraudulent service in Vietnam, where for 12 years he told the people of Connecticut, as their Attorney General, that he was a great Marine War Hero. Talked about his many battles of near death, but was never in Vietnam. Total Phony!


コネティカット州選出Richard Blumenthal民主党上院議員は、コネティカット州司法長官として12年間自分が海兵隊の歴戦の勇士であったとするベトナム戦争における偽りの軍歴について説明せねばならない。議員は多くの戦闘で死に瀕したと話したが、ベトナム戦争に従軍していないのだ。まったくの作り話なのだ!

9-29   Just started, tonight, our 7th FBI investigation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. He will someday be recognized as a truly great Justice of The United States Supreme Court!


9-27   Judge Kavanaugh showed America exactly why I nominated him. His testimony was powerful, honest, and riveting. Democrats’ search and destroy strategy is disgraceful and this process has been a total sham and effort to delay, obstruct, and resist. The Senate must vote!




9-26   ホワイトハウス作成の国連での31秒の映像。

Join me this Saturday in Wheeling, West Virginia at 7pmE! Tickets:


President Trump and Prime Minister Theresa May met for a bilateral meeting in New York   


This afternoon, President Trump participated in a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister Abe.   


Earlier today, President Trump participated in a bilateral meeting with Prime Minister @netanyahu of Israel.   


Congressman Lee Zeldin is doing a fantastic job in D.C. Tough and smart, he loves our Country and will always be there to do the right thing. He has my Complete and Total Endorsement!

Lee ZeldinワシントンD.C.選出共和党下院議員の働きは素晴らしい。タフでスマートだ。議員はアメリカを愛しており、正しい役割を果たしている。私は議員を完全かつ全面的に支持する!

This @realDonaldTrump speech to the #UNGA  should be required viewing in American high schools. A beautiful articulation of Americanism and rejection of globalism.

(FOXニュースのチャンネルコントリビューターの)Pete Hegesethをリツイート:国連総会におけるトランプ大統領の演説はアメリカの高校生に必見である。アメリカの依って以って立つ立ち位置を明確に示し、グローバリズムを拒否しているからである。

President Trump’s United Nations speech today is a remarkable outline of the power of patriotism, the importance of national identity, the dangers of globalism, the need to reform the United Nations, and American leadership. An extraordinary achievement. Worth reading.

(元共和党下院議員。1995~1999年まで下院議長を務めた)Newt Gingrichをリツイート:本日の大統領の国連総会演説は、愛国精神の力の根源、国民の融和の重要性、グローバリズムの危険性、国連改革の必要性、アメリカのリーダーシップについて要点を余すところなく示していた。稀にみる演説であった。一読に値する。


China is actually placing propaganda ads in the Des Moines Register and other papers, made to look like news. That’s because we are beating them on Trade, opening markets, and the farmers will make a fortune when this is over!

中国はDes Moines Registerその他の新聞紙上でニュースのように見せかけて宣伝広告を行なっている。アメリカが通商問題と市場開放問題で中国に打撃を与えているからである。事態が収まれば農業生産者は財を築くことが出来るであろう!

Avenatti is a third rate lawyer who is good at making false accusations, like he did on me and like he is now doing on Judge Brett Kavanaugh. He is just looking for attention and doesn’t want people to look at his past record and relationships - a total low-life!


Avenattiという弁護士は3流で、まやかしの訴訟に長けている。本人は私についてそのような訴訟を起こしたし、Brett Kavanaugh判事にもそのような訴訟を起こしている。衆目を集めるのが狙いで、これまでの実績と人間関係を調査されるのをよしとしない。全く低俗な男である!

Jobless Claims fell to their lowest level in 49 years!


Consumer confidence hits an 18 year high, close to breaking the all-time record. A big jump from last 8 years. People are excited about the USA again! We are getting Bigger and Richer and Stronger. WAY MORE TO GO!



The Democrats are playing a high level CON GAME in their vicious effort to destroy a fine person. It is called the politics of destruction. Behind the scene the Dems are laughing. Pray for Brett Kavanaugh and his family!

民主党は百も承知の上で洗練された人物を抹殺すべくいかさまを仕掛けている。これを政治的破壊工作という。舞台裏で民主党は笑っている。Brett Kavanaugh判事とその家族のために祈ろう!

9-26    “These law enforcement people took the law into their own hands when it came to President Trump.” @LindseyGrahamSC

 以下はLindsey Grahamサウスカロライナ州選出共和党上院議員の発言:『法の番人がことトランプ大統領のこととなると法を私物化している』

9-25   73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly #UNGA 


“Consumer confidence rose in September, notching its highest level in about 18 years. The Consumer Board's index rose to 138.4 this month from 134.7 in August...”


“Remarks by President Trump at a Luncheon Hosted by the Secretary-General of the United Nations” http://45.wh.gov/aVdrKJ 


“Remarks by President Trump to the 73rd Session of the United Nations General Assembly”  http://45.wh.gov/LeUYsH 


Rush Limbaugh to Republicans: “You can kiss the MIDTERMS goodbye if you don’t get highly qualified Kavanaugh approved.”

以下はRush Limbaughの共和党に対するメッセージ:『最適任者であるKavanaugh判事の信任を獲得できないようでは共和党議員は中間選挙に出る資格はない』

Thank you Dr. Jeffress!

Jeffress博士の次のツイートに感謝:President @realDonaldTrump just delivered the strongest speech to the United Nations of any president in history—Democrat or Republican. His bold and courageous address is another reminder of why he was elected president—and others weren’t.(トランプ大統領の演説は、民主党、共和党を問わず、歴代大統領の国連総会演説の中で最も力強い演説であった。その大胆かつ勇気ある演説は大統領が選挙で選ばれ、対立候補が選ばれなかった何よりの証左である。)

Thank you Mark!

Mark Levinの次のツイートに感謝:PRESIDENT TRUMP’S UN SPEECH IS SPECTACULAR(大統領の国連演説は素晴らしかった。)




Will be speaking at the United Nations this morning. Our country is much stronger and much richer than it was when I took office less than two years ago. We are also MUCH safer!



Despite requests, I have no plans to meet Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. Maybe someday in the future. I am sure he is an absolutely lovely man!

要請を受けたがHassan Rouhaniイラン大統領と会う予定はない。会うのは将来のことだ。私は大統領は好人物と確信している!

Republican Party Favorability is the highest it has been in 7 years - 3 points higher than Democrats! Gallup


The Democrats are working hard to destroy a wonderful man, and a man who has the potential to be one of our greatest Supreme Court Justices ever, with an array of False Accusations the likes of which have never been seen before!


9-25   ホワイトハウス作成の29秒の国連での動画。

9-24   It was my great honor to welcome President @EmmanuelMacron of France to the United States, here in New York City, this evening! #UNGA 


It was my great honor to welcome President @AlsisiOfficial of Egypt to the United States this afternoon, in New York City. Great meetings! #UNGA 


Joint Statement on the United States-Korea Free Trade Agreement: http://45.wh.gov/HksKua 


Brett Kavanaugh and his wife, Ashley, will be interviewed tonight at 7pmE on @marthamaccallum @FoxNews. This is an outstanding family who must be treated fairly!

Brett Kavanaugh 判事とAshley夫人が今夕東部時間午後7時にFOXニュースのインタビューを受ける。夫妻は抜きん出た家族で、フェアーに応接されねばならない!

US-Korea Free Trade Agreement Signing Ceremony!


It was my great honor to welcome and meet with President @moonriver365 Jae-in of South Korea today, in New York City! http://45.wh.gov/VeuCcD  #UNGA 



Today, we commit to fighting the drug epidemic together! #UNGA 


“Remarks by President Trump at ‘Global Call to Action on the World Drug Problem’ Event” #UNGA 


9-24   Now is the time to put safety first above everything else. Evacuate to a shelter if you need to, take your pets with you. Your life is the most important thing to save. Call us at 1-866-246-0133 or visit http://scemd.org  for the latest. #Flooding #Florence #SCTweets


9-23   Prime Minster @AbeShinzo is coming up to Trump Tower for dinner but, most importantly, he just had a great landslide victory in Japan. I will congratulate him on behalf of the American people!


Going to New York. Will be with Prime Minister Abe of Japan tonight, talking Military and Trade. We have done much to help Japan, would like to see more of a reciprocal relationship. It will all work out!


9-23   Tiger is playing great. Looks like a big win could happen. Very exciting! @TigerWoods


9-22   GOD BLESS THE U.S.A.!

President @realDonaldTrump absolutely packs the house at JQH Arena in Springfield, MO. #TrumpRally #RedWave

RSBN(Right Side Broadcasting Network)をリツイート:以下は(2014年に創設された保守系インターネットニュース媒体)RSBNが伝えたミズーリ州Springfieldのトランプ選挙集会の模様。

"We are standing up for your values," Trump said closing his rally in Springfield, Missouri. "We are standing up for our national anthem. To continue this momentum, you need to get out and vote Republican. Together we are taking back our country."

Washington Examinerをリツイート:『われわれはあなた方の大切な価値を護るために立ち上がっている。われわれは国歌に向かって立ち上がっている。この動きを続けるために行動し、共和党に1票を投票しよう。手を取り合ってわれわれの国を取り戻そう!』とトランプ大統領はミズーリ州Springfieldの選挙集会の最後に述べた。

For 2nd night in row at Trump rally (tonite in Springfield, last nite in Las Vegas), crowd spontaneously breaks into cheers of "KA-VA-NAUGH!" at mention of the president nominating conservative judges

Julie Davisをリツイート:昨夜はラスベガス、今夜はミズーリ州スプリングフィールドと2晩続きのトランプ選挙集会で参加者が期せずして"KA-VA-NAUGH!"と大統領によって指名された保守主義の最高裁判事の名前をコールした。

.@POTUS: "The stock market is up 55%... Your 401(k)s are up 50, 60, 70% in some cases."

FOX Businessをリツイート:以下は大統領の発言:『株価は55%値上がりしている。みなさんの401K年金は50%、60%、中には70%も増加している場合がある』

Thank you Missouri - Together, we are MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!


9-22   Thank you Missouri - I love you!


9-21   Promises Kept for our GREAT Veterans!


Remarks by President Trump at the Signing of H.R. 5895: http://45.wh.gov/J8SiBs



View of the line outside Las Vegas Convention Center of those waiting to get into the @realDonaldTrump #MAGA rally. (Photos sent to me from someone who prefers to remain anonymous)

Steve Hermanをリツイート:Las Vegas コンベンションセンターのトランプ選挙集会に入場しようとする人たちの長い列の写真である(この写真は匿名で私に送られてきたものである)。

The crowd roars as @realDonaldTrump takes the stage. Says he’s thrilled to be back in Ne-vah-da. “You have to say that just right,” he jokes. Says the state is home to hardworking people who respect the flag.

Ramona Giwargisをリツイート:トランプ大統領が登壇した時会衆は歓呼した。大統領はネヴァダ再訪に歓喜している。『私も同じだ』とジョークを発した。国は、国旗を尊ぶ働き者の故郷だと大統領は話しかけた。

What an amazing Trump rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. There must have been over 10,000 people here and trust me when I say it, we are all ready to VOTE in November!

Mike Tokesをリツイート:ネヴァダ州Las Vegasのトランプ集会は何とすばらしいことか。ここに10000を越える人たちが集まっている。11月に投票に準備万端整ったという私の呼びかけにみんなが応えてくれた!

We are outside the Trump rally in Las Vegas. There are THOUSANDS of conservatives here and the line extends all the way around the block. Everyone loves Trump!   

Mike Tokesをリツイート:Las Vegasのトランプ集会の会場の入り口にいる。保守思考の人たちの長蛇の行列が出来ている。みんなトランプを愛している!

Energy and excitement for President @realDonaldTrump and his #AmericaFirst agenda is through the roof! #MAGA


“We’re fighting every day for our factories, our ranchers, our great miners, our farmers, and we are now the largest producer of energy in the entire world.” -@realDonaldTrump


Great job tonight by President @realDonaldTrump in Las Vegas laying out how strong America has become economically and how much safer we are with a strong military.

Lindsey Grahamをリツイート:Las Vegasでトランプ大統領は経済面でアメリカが如何に強くなったか、強力な軍備でアメリカが如何に安全になっているかを明示した。よくやった!

Throughout American history, the men and women of our Armed Forces have selflessly served our Country, making tremendous sacrifices to defend our liberty. On National POW/MIA Recognition Day, we honor all American Prisoners of War: http://45.wh.gov/y6Vs5D 


脚注〕POW(Prison Of War)/MIA(Missing In Action)

Senator Feinstein and the Democrats held the letter for months, only to release it with a bang after the hearings were OVER - done very purposefully to Obstruct & Resist & Delay. Let her testify, or not, and TAKE THE VOTE!


I met with the DOJ concerning the declassification of various UNREDACTED documents. They agreed to release them but stated that so doing may have a perceived negative impact on the Russia probe. Also, key Allies’ called to ask not to release. Therefore, the Inspector General has been asked to review these documents on an expedited basis. I believe he will move quickly on this (and hopefully other things which he is looking at). In the end I can always declassify if it proves necessary. Speed is very important to me - and everyone!




The radical left lawyers want the FBI to get involved NOW. Why didn’t someone call the FBI 36 years ago?


I will Chair the United Nations Security Council meeting on Iran next week!


I have no doubt that, if the attack on Dr. Ford was as bad as she says, charges would have been immediately filed with local Law Enforcement Authorities by either her or her loving parents. I ask that she bring those filings forward so that we can learn date, time, and place!

Dr. Fordへの襲撃が本人が言うとおり酷いものであったのなら本人または両親から所轄の警察に訴え出るのが筋である。私は訴え出て貰いたいと考える。そうすれば襲撃が行われた日時と場所が明らかになる。

Judge Brett Kavanaugh is a fine man, with an impeccable reputation, who is under assault by radical left wing politicians who don’t want to know the answers, they just want to destroy and delay. Facts don’t matter. I go through this with them every single day in D.C. 

Brett Kavanaugh判事はすばらしい人物で、その評判は非の打ち所がない。もっぱら破壊と妨害を狙う聞く耳を持たない急進左翼の政治家の攻撃に曝されている。言われていることは問題にならない。ワシントンで日々奮励努力して乗り切る。



Thank you Las Vegas, Nevada - I love you! #MAGA 

Las Vegasに感謝。アイラブユー!アメリカを再び偉大な国にしよう。



9-21   Landing in Las Vegas now for a Make America Great Again Rally supporting @DeanHeller and @DannyTarkanian. Also doing interview there with @seanhannity live on @FoxNews. Big crowd, long lines. Will be great! #MAGA

Las Vegasに到着。Dean Heller候補とDanny Tarkanian候補を支援する選挙集会に臨む。FOXニュースのSean Hannityショーのライブインタビューを受ける。大群衆の長蛇の列が出来ている。盛会だ!を再び偉大な国にしよう。

9-20    ロシア疑惑を否定するFOX ニュースの55秒の動画。

On my way to Las Vegas, Nevada. Look forward to seeing everyone tonight! #MAGA

ネヴァダ州Las Vegasに向かう。MAGA集会でお目にかかる!


Army Master Sgt. Charles H. McDaniel, 32, of Vernon, Indiana, and Army Pfc. William H. Jones, 19, of Nash County, North Carolina, are the first American remains from North Korea to be identified as a result of my Summit with Chairman Kim. These HEROES are home, they may Rest In Peace, and hopefully their families can have closure.

インディアナ州Vernon出身陸軍兵士Charles H. McDaniel(Master Sgt. 32歳)、ノースカロライナ州Nash County出身陸軍兵士William H. Jones(Pfc.19歳)は金議長との首脳会談後に返還された遺骨から最初に身元を確認された戦没将兵である。安らかに憩われんことを。願わくはご家族にも安らかな日々が訪れるように。

Congratulations to my good friend Prime Minister @AbeShinzo on his HUGE election victory in Japan. I’m looking forward to many more years of working together. See you in New York next week!  


.@JayWebberNJ is running for Congress in the 11th District of New Jersey. He is outstanding in every way. Strong on Borders, loves our Military and our Vets. Big Crime fighter. Jay has my Full and Total Endorsement!

ニュージャージー州下院議員選挙に出馬するJay Webber候補を全面的に支持する。何かに付けてすばらしい人物である。

S&P 500 HITS ALL-TIME HIGH Congratulations USA!



I want to know, where is the money for Border Security and the WALL in this ridiculous Spending Bill, and where will it come from after the Midterms? Dems are obstructing Law Enforcement and Border Security. REPUBLICANS MUST FINALLY GET TOUGH!


“We can’t secure the Border because of the Democrats historic level of Obstruction. The Presidents fed up with this. His agenda is working. The economy is growing at twice the rate it did under Obama. We’ve nominated and confirmed 68 Federal Judges, 26 Court of Appeals Judges. The thing that’s lacking is we can’t properly secure the Border because of the Democrats historic level of Obstruction.” Senator David Perdue of Georgia.

以下はDavid Perdueジョージア州選出共和党上院議員の発言:われわれは民主党の歴史に残る妨害政策によって国境を維持できなくなっている。大統領はうんざりしている。大統領の選挙公約は実現しており、経済成長率はオバマ政権時代の2倍になっている。連邦裁判所の判事を68名指名・承認したほか、上訴裁判所の26名の判事を指名・承認した。実現できていないことは、民主党の歴史的妨害政策によって、国境の安全を確保できないことである。

We protect the countries of the Middle East, they would not be safe for very long without us, and yet they continue to push for higher and higher oil prices! We will remember. The OPEC monopoly must get prices down now!


Financial and jobs numbers are fantastic. There are plenty of new, high paying jobs available in our great and very vibrant economy. If you are not happy where you are, start looking - but also remember, our economy is only getting better. Vote in Midterms!


9-20   1分00秒のハリケーン災害地視察映像。

9-19   Great new book by Jason Chaffetz appropriately called “The Deep State.” Very interesting indeed!

Jason Chaffetz(ユタ州選出元共和党会員議員)が『ディープステート』と題して新著を出版した。実に興味深い!

Just returned to the White House from the Great States of North Carolina and South Carolina where incredible work is being done on the ongoing fight against hurricane Florence. Tremendous talent and spirit!


“President Donald J. Trump’s Administration is Providing Support to Those Impacted by Hurricane Florence”



North Korea recommits to denuclearization - we’ve come a long way.”


“The recovery got started on Election Day 2016. It took Trump’s Tax Cuts and Regulation Cuts to get the economy booming. Before that it was the worst and slowest economic recovery since the Great Depression. It took just 6 months for Trump to get to 3%, even though they said it was impossible - and then already it’s over 4%, and I expect it’s going to grow faster and faster. We’re just getting started here.” Peter Ferrara, former advisor to President Reagan. @foxandfriends


以下はFOXニューで報道されたレーガン大統領の経済顧問であったPeter Ferraraの発言:今回の経済回復は2016年の選挙当日にスタートした。経済にブームをもたらしたきっかけはトランプ大統領の減税と環境規制緩和である。それまでの経済は2000年代はじめの経済停滞の中、経済成長は最悪かつ最低であった。誰もが不可能と言う中で、最初の6ヵ月の間に3%の経済成長を実現した。現在4%を越える成長を続けている。私は成長率がさらに高まると期待している。その第1歩がはじまったところだ』

Kim Jong Un has agreed to allow Nuclear inspections, subject to final negotiations, and to permanently dismantle a test site and launch pad in the presence of international experts. In the meantime there will be no Rocket or Nuclear testing. Hero remains to continue being returned home to the United States. Also, North and South Korea will file a joint bid to host the 2032 Olympics. Very exciting!



9-19   The Supreme Court is one of the main reasons I got elected President. I hope Republican Voters, and others, are watching, and studying, the Democrats Playbook.


9-18   ハリケーン対応を賞賛するビデオメッセージ。

Today, it was my great honor to welcome @prezydentpl Andrzej Duda of Poland to the @WhiteHouse!

本日、Andrzej Dudaポーランド大統領をホワイトハウスに歓迎する栄誉に浴した!

Today, I took action to strengthen our Nation’s defenses against biological threats. For the first time in history, the Federal Government has a National Biodefense Strategy to address the FULL RANGE of biological threats!


Thank you to our great Coast Guard for doing such a tremendous job - thousands of lives being saved! https://instagram.com/p/Bn34sD1jwbk/ 


Right now, everybody is saying what a great job we are doing with Hurricane Florence – and they are 100% correct. But don’t be fooled, at some point in the near future the Democrats will start ranting that FEMA, our Military, and our First Responders, who are all unbelievable, are a disaster and not doing a good job. This will be a total lie, but that’s what they do, and everybody knows it!


Happy 71st Birthday to our GREAT United States Air Force!


 China has openly stated that they are actively trying to impact and change our election by attacking our farmers, ranchers and industrial workers because of their loyalty to me. What China does not understand is that these people are great patriots and fully understand that China has been taking advantage of the United States on Trade for many years. They also know that I am the one that knows how to stop it. There will be great and fast economic retaliation against China if our farmers, ranchers and/or industrial workers are targeted!



“What will be disclosed is that there was no basis for these FISA Warrants, that the important information was kept from the court, there’s going to be a disproportionate influence of the (Fake) Dossier. Basically you have a counter terrorism tool used to spy on a presidential campaign, which is unprecedented in our history.” Congressman Peter King Really bad things were happening, but they are now being exposed. Big stuff!

以下は共和党Peter King下院議員の発言:『明らかにされねばならないことは外国情報監視法(FISA)を適用する要件がなかったことで、重要な情報が法廷に提出されることなく、(独り歩きした)怪文書の影響が増幅されたことである。テロ対策のための法律が大統領選挙をスパイするために利用されたと言う結果が残ったと言うのが基本的枠組みである。こんなことは史上初めてである』 その通り、実に怪しからんことが起こったのだ。今、すべてが白日の下に曝されている。大材料だ!

9-18   Today, as we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, we share our gratitude for all the ways Hispanic-Americans make our country flourish and prosper. Today, and every day, we honor, cherish, and celebrate Hispanic-American Workers, Families, Students, Businesses, and Leaders...


9-17   Just met John James of Michigan. He has every single quality to be your next Great Senator from Michigan. When the people of Michigan get to know John, they will say he is a true star. Also, distinguished Military and a Combat Vet!

今しがたJohn Jamesミシガン州選出共和党上院議員候補と挨拶を交わした。候補はその道一本で過ごしてきた才覚の持ち主で、立派に州選出上院議員の務めを果たしであろう。有権者は候補の人柄を知れば知るほど優れたスターであることを認めるであろう。候補は抜きん出た軍歴を持つ戦場を経験した退役軍人である。

It was my great honor to host today’s Inaugural Meeting of the “President’s National Council for the American Worker” in the Roosevelt Room! Read more: whitehouse.gov/briefings-stat




Happy Constitution Day!


Join me in Las Vegas, Nevada at 7:00pm for a MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN RALLY! Tickets: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/rallies/nv-sept-2018/ …

本日午後7時、ネバダ州Las Vegasでアメリカを再び偉大な州にする集会を行う。チケットはこちら!

Americans deserve to know the lowest drug price at their pharmacy, but “gag clauses” prevent your pharmacist from telling you! I support legislation that will remove gag clauses and urge the Senate to act. #AmericanPatientsFirst



Immediately after Comey’s firing Peter Strzok texted to his lover, Lisa Page “We need to Open the case we’ve been waiting on now while Andy (McCabe, also fired) is acting. Page answered, “We need to lock in (redacted). In a formal chargeable way. Soon.” Wow, a conspiracy caught?

元FBIのComey長官の更迭直後に、FBI職員のPeter Strzokは愛人関係にあったFBI職員のLisa Pageに『Andy McCabeも動き出している。われわれは待機している例の件について動き出すべきだ』とメールした。それに対してPageは『証拠が残る公的な形で行動する必要がある。急を要す』と返信した。これは明らかに共謀である!

“Lisa Page Testimony- NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION BEFORE MUELLER APPOINTMENT.” @FoxNews by Catherine Herridge. Therefore, the case should never have been allowed to be brought. It is a totally illegal Witch Hunt!

以下はFOXニュースでCatherin Herridgeが語った内容:『(FBIの職員)Lisa Pageの証言には『Mueller特別検察官任命以前の段階でロシアとの癒着を示す証拠はなかった』従って、本件は2度と問題提起されてはならない。本件は完全に違法な魔女狩りである!


Our Steel Industry is the talk of the World. It has been given new life, and is thriving. Billions of Dollars is being spent on new plants all around the country!


Tariffs have put the U.S. in a very strong bargaining position, with Billions of Dollars, and Jobs, flowing into our Country - and yet cost increases have thus far been almost unnoticeable. If countries will not make fair deals with us, they will be “Tariffed!”


“A lot of small & medium size enterprises are registering very good profit, sometimes record profits-there stocks are doing very well, low income workers are getting big raises. There are an awful lot of good things going on that weren’t during Pres. Obama’s Watch.” Peter Morici

以下は(エコノミストでメリーランド大学教授の)Peter Moriciの言:『多くの中小企業の収益好調が続いている。中には最高益を更新した企業がある。これらの企業の株価は好調で、低賃金労働者の賃金は大幅に増加している。今後も次々とよいことが起こってくる。こんなことはオバマ政権下では起こらなかった』


HOMRLAND SECURITYをリツイート:異常事態に遭遇したら関係先に通報を!

CBP Floridaをリツイート:フロリダ州国境税関当局は救援出動に待機。


FEMA Region4をリツイート:


USCG Mid-Atranticをリツイート:東海岸沿岸警備隊の活動。52人とペット8匹を救助。

U.S. Coast Guardをリツイート:洪水から飼い犬を救助。

Kirstjen Nielsen国土安全保障省長官をリツイート:大統領、副大統領への状況報告を済ませた。








Kirstjen Nielsen国土安全保障省長官をリツイート:明日ノースカロライナ州を視察する。

U.S. Department of Defenseをリツイート:ガレージに残された大型犬も家族。陸軍兵士による救助。

NORAD & USNORTHCOM U.S. Coast Guardをリツイート:米軍北部司令部の活動。

S.C. National Guard U.S. Coast Guardをリツイート:サウスカロライナ州の水害救援活動。

9-17   Consumer Sentiment hit its highest level in 17 years this year. Sentiment fell 11% in 2015, an Obama year, and rose 16% since the Election, #TrumpTime!


9-16   Best economic numbers in decades. If the Democrats take control, kiss your newfound wealth goodbye!


Watch @MariaBartiromo at 6:00 P.M. on @FoxBusiness. Russian Hoax the big topic! Mainstream Media, often referred to as the Fake News Media, hates to discuss the real facts!

午後6時のFOXニュースMaria Bartiromoの番組を視聴しよう。でっち上げられたロシア疑惑が取り上げられる。偽ニュースと言われる大手メディアは真実が取り上げられるのを忌諱している!

Congratulations to all of our Mexican friends on National Independence Day. We will be doing great things together!


.@DevinNunes: “I think full transparency is in order here.” #SundayFutures @MariaBartiromo

以下はDevin Nunes 共和党カリフォルニア州選出下院議員がFOXニュースMaria Bartiromoのインタビューで答えた内容:『私は完全な透明性の確保が求められる』

脚注〕FOXニュース画面のテロップによると、もとFBI職員Carter Pageの文書とトランプロシア文書の秘扱い解除を求めている。

FEMA, First Responders and Law Enforcement are working really hard on hurricane Florence. As the storm begins to finally recede, they will kick into an even higher gear. Very Professional!


The illegal Mueller Witch Hunt continues in search of a crime. There was never Collusion with Russia, except by the Clinton campaign, so the 17 Angry Democrats are looking at anything they can find. Very unfair and BAD for the country. ALSO, not allowed under the LAW!



9-16   Exclusive -- Donald Trump Jr. to Obama: My Dad Fixed the Economy You Could Not http://bit.ly/2NehnyL  via @BreitbartNews

ブライトバードニュースよりEric Trumpを引用:私の父は経済を活性化させた。オバマ氏は出来なかったことだ。

9-15   “Hurricane Florence Response” Disaster response requires teamwork and coordination at all levels. Check out the incredible teams that have come together from across the nation to prepare for and respond to Hurricane Florence.
