

Happy 243rd Birthday to the @USArmy! Thank you for your bravery, sacrifices, and dedication to the U.S.A. We love you! 
The sleazy New York Democrats, and their now disgraced (and run out of town) A.G. Eric Schneiderman, are doing everything they can to sue me on a foundation that took in $18,800,000 and gave out to charity more money than it took in, $19,200,000. I won’t settle this case! Schneiderman, who ran the Clinton campaign in New York, never had the guts to bring this ridiculous case, which lingered in their office for almost 2 years. Now he resigned his office in disgrace, and his disciples brought it when we would not settle. 
品性が疑われ(女性スキャンダルで雲隠れした)不名誉な Eric Schneidermanニューヨーク州選出民主党司法長官は何でもありの立場で私の財団を貶めるのに懸命になっている。私の財団は1,880万ドルの収入から1,920万ドルをチャリティーに寄付しているのだ。私はこの訴訟を受けて立つ!クリントン選挙に際しニューヨーク州選対を取り仕切ったこの男はこの訴訟を終える肝っ玉を持ち得ず、2年も関わり合っている。この男はスキャンダルで辞任した。事務所の残党は私が受けて立つ以上この訴訟から逃げられない。
So, the Democrats make up a phony crime, Collusion with the Russians, pay a fortune to make the crime sound real, illegally leak (Comey) classified information so that a Special Councel will be appointed, and then Collude to make this pile of garbage take on life in Fake News!
6-15 Now that I am back from Singapore, where we had a great result with respect to North Korea, the thought process must sadly go back to the Witch Hunt, always remembering that there was No Collusion and No Obstruction of the fabricated No Crime. 
6-14 The Republican Party is starting to show very big numbers. People are starting to see what is being done. Results are speaking loudly. North Korea and our greatest ever economy are leading the way!
Congratulations to @KevinCramer on his huge win in North Dakota. We need Kevin in the Senate, and I strongly endorse him. Heidi voted NO on our Tax Cuts, and always will vote no when we need her. Kevin is strong on Crime & Borders, big on Cutting Taxes! 
(ノースダコタ州で唯1人の)Kevin Cramer下院議員の予備選挙での大勝利を祝す。(共和党の方針に従って)中間選挙では上院議員選挙に出馬し、民主党現職のHeidi Heitkamp議員と戦って貰いたい。われわれは上院議員としてのCramer議員を必要としており、私は強力に支援する。現職の民主党Heidi上院議員は減税法案に反対票を投じ、女史の1票を必要とした時に何時も反対票を投じた。Kevin議員は犯罪と国境問題に厳正に対処し、減税に大きな役割を果たした!
Congratulations to Danny Tarkanian on his big GOP primary win in Nevada. Danny worked hard and got a great result. Looking good in November! 
ネヴァダ州の共和予備選挙に大勝し Danny Tarkanian候補を祝す。候補は精力的に選挙戦を展開し、よい結果を残した。11月の本選挙の見通しはよい!
6-14 Senator Claire McCaskill of the GREAT State of Missouri flew around in a luxurious private jet during her RV tour of the state. RV’s are not for her. People are really upset, so phony! Josh Hawley should win big, and has my full endorsement. 
ミズーリ州のClaire McCaskill 民主党現職の上院議員は贅沢なプライベートジェット機で州を飛び回ってレクレーションスタイルの選挙カーによる選挙運動を行なっている。女史の選挙カーはレンタルである。人々はあまりにも酷いと呆れている。(州の司法長官を務めた)Josh Hawley候補に大勝して貰いたいし、私は全面的に応援する。
6-13 So funny to watch the Fake News, especially NBC and CNN. They are fighting hard to downplay the deal with North Korea. 500 days ago they would have “begged” for this deal-looked like war would break out. Our Country’s biggest enemy is the Fake News so easily promulgated by fools!
偽ニュースメディア、中でもNBC TVとCNN TVをみると滑稽そのものである。メディアは北朝鮮との合意事項を懸命に過小評価しようとしている。私が大統領に就任した500日前には今にも戦争が起こるかの如く今回の合意を懇願していた。この国の最大の敵は馬鹿な人たちによってばらまかれる偽ニュースである。
Oil prices are too high, OPEC is at it again. Not good! 
The U.S., together with Mexico and Canada, just got the World Cup. Congratulations - a great deal of hard work! 
We save a fortune by not doing war games, as long as we are negotiating in good faith - which both sides are! 
Before taking office people were assuming that we were going to War with North Korea. President Obama said that North Korea was our biggest and most dangerous problem. No longer - sleep well tonight!
Just landed - a long trip, but everybody can now feel much safer than the day I took office. There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea. Meeting with Kim Jong Un was an interesting and very positive experience. North Korea has great potential for the future!
Congratulations to Corey Stewart for his great victory for Senator from Virginia. Now he runs against a total stiff, Tim Kaine, who is weak on crime and borders, and wants to raise your taxes through the roof. Don’t underestimate Corey, a major chance of winning! 
ヴァージニア州選出共和党上院議員予備選挙を制したCorey Stewart候補を祝す。本選挙で、犯罪と国境問題で弱腰で、税金を天井と突き破るほど引き上げようとしている民主党現職の  Tim Kaine議員と戦う。わがCorey候補を過小評価してはいけない。勝利のチャンスは十分にある!
Robert De Niro, a very Low IQ individual, has received too many shots to the head by real boxers in movies. I watched him last night and truly believe he may be “punch-drunk.” I guess he doesn’t realize the economy is the best it’s ever been with employment being at an all time high, and many companies pouring back into our country. Wake up Punchy! 
My political representatives didn’t want me to get involved in the Mark Sanford primary thinking that Sanford would easily win - but with a few hours left I felt that Katie was such a good candidate, and Sanford was so bad, I had to give it a shot. Congrats to Katie Arrington! 
私の選挙参謀はサウスカロライナ州下院議員選挙で民主党のMark Sanfordが楽勝すると見込まれるが故に深入りしないよう私に求めたが、残り時間が少ない中、民主党の候補あまりの酷さの故に一撃を加え、 わが党の立派な候補であるKatie Arrington候補を支援することにした!
A year ago the pundits & talking heads, people that couldn’t do the job before, were begging for conciliation and peace - “please meet, don’t go to war.” Now that we meet and have a great relationship with Kim Jong Un, the same haters shout out, “you shouldn’t meet, do not meet!” 
The World has taken a big step back from potential Nuclear catastrophe! No more rocket launches, nuclear testing or research! The hostages are back home with their families. Thank you to Chairman Kim, our day together was historic! 
I want to thank Chairman Kim for taking the first bold step toward a bright new future for his people. Our unprecedented meeting – the first between an American President and a leader of North Korea – proves that real change is possible! 
There is no limit to what NoKo can achieve when it gives up its nuclear weapons and embraces commerce & engagement w/ the world. Chairman Kim has before him the opportunity to be remembered as the leader who ushered in a glorious new era of security & prosperity for his citizens! 
It's time for another #MAGA rally. Join me in Duluth, Minnesota on Wednesday, June 20th at 6:30pm! Tickets➜http://donaldjtrump.com/rallies/duluth-mn-june-2018 … 
アメリカを再び偉大な国にする次なる集会に取り掛かる時を迎えている。6月20日(水)18:30にミネソタ州 Duluthで開催される集会に参加願いたい!チケットはこちら➡ http://donaldjtrump.com/rallies/duluth-mn-june-2018 …
Here is the video, “A Story of Opportunity” that I shared with Kim Jong-un at the #SingaporeSummit https://www.facebook.com/WhiteHouse/videos/1710505219037204/ … 
シンガポールサミットで金正恩と分かち合った『千載一遇の物語』の映像。参照: https://www.facebook.com/WhiteHouse/videos/1710505219037204/ … 
Robert De Niro, a very Low IQ individual, has received to many shots to the head by real boxers in movies. I watched him last night and truly believe he may be “punch-drunk.” I guess he doesn’t realize the economy is the best it’s ever been with employment being at an all time high, and many companies pouring back into our country. Wake up Punchy! 
(映画俳優の)Robert De Niroは映画の中で本物のボクサーからパンチを食らって頭がおかしくなったのか。昨晩TVを見て本当にそう思った。この男は経済が最高の状態にあるのをわかっていない。雇用は史上最高であり、数多くの企業がアメリカに戻って来ている。目を覚ませ!
Heading back home from Singapore after a truly amazing visit. Great progress was made on the denuclearization of North Korea. Hostages are back home, will be getting the remains of our great heroes back to their families, no missiles shot, no research happening, sites closing. Got along great with Kim Jong-un who wants to see wonderful things for his country. As I said earlier today: Anyone can make war, but only the most courageous can make peace! #SingaporeSummit 
Mark Sanford has been very unhelpful to me in my campaign to MAGA. He is MIA and nothing but trouble. He is better off in Argentina. I fully endorse Katie Arrington for Congress in SC, a state I love. She is tough on crime and will continue our fight to lower taxes. VOTE Katie! 
(共和党に所属しながらリベラルな立場に立つ)Mark Sanford下院議員は私のアメリカを再び偉大な国にするキャンペーンに全く非協力的で、作戦中に行方不明になる兵士のようなもので、問題ばかり起こしている。アルゼンチンで上手くやればよい。私はサウスカロライナ州下院議員選挙で Katie Arrington女史を全面的に支持する。犯罪に厳しく対処し、減税に引き続き努力する人である。Katieに投票を!
6-13 I strongly endorse Adam Laxalt for Governor of Nevada. Adam is smart, works hard, and knows how to win. He will be a great Governor. Also, will fight hard to lower your taxes and is tough on crime! 
私はネヴァダ州知事にAdam Laxalt候補を強く推挙する。候補はスマートな働き者で、勝利の術を知っている。すばらしい知事になるであろう。税金を下げ、犯罪に厳格に対応するであろう!
6-10 Henry McMaster loves the people of South Carolina and was with me from the beginning. He is strong on Crime and Borders, great for our Military and our Vets. He is doing a fantastic job as your Governor, and has my full endorsement, a special guy. Vote on Tuesday! 
サウスカロライナ州のHenry McMaster知事は州の人々を愛しており、最初から私と行動を共にしている。知事は犯罪に厳格で、軍と退役軍人にとって大切な人である。現職の知事として素晴らしい仕事をしており、私の全面的支持を得ている。特別な人である。火曜日には是非投票を!
6-12 シンガポールの映像
Our Great Larry Kudlow, who has been working so hard on trade and the economy, has just suffered a heart attack. He is now in Walter Reed Medical Center. 
 (国家経済会議 の)Larry Kudlow議長が心筋梗塞に見舞われ、 Walter Reed Medical Centerに入院した。議長は素晴らしい見識の持ち主で、貿易問題と経済対策の激務に追われていた。
Just won big Supreme Court decision on Voting! Great News! 
The fact that I am having a meeting is a major loss for the U.S., say the haters & losers. We have our hostages, testing, research and all missle launches have stoped, and these pundits, who have called me wrong from the beginning, have nothing else they can say! We will be fine! 
Stock Market up almost 40% since the Election, with 7 Trillion Dollars of U.S. value built throughout the economy. Lowest unemployment rate in many decades, with Black & Hispanic unemployment lowest in History, and Female unemployment lowest in 21 years. Highest confidence ever! 
6-12 Meetings between staffs and representatives are going well and quickly....but in the end, that doesn’t matter. We will all know soon whether or not a real deal, unlike those of the past, can happen! 
6-11 Thank you Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong! 
Lee Hsien Loongシンガポール首相に感謝!
Sorry, we cannot let our friends, or enemies, take advantage of us on Trade anymore. We must put the American worker first! 
Great to be in Singapore, excitement in the air! 
....Germany pays 1% (slowly) of GDP towards NATO, while we pay 4% of a MUCH larger GDP. Does anybody believe that makes sense? We protect Europe (which is good) at great financial loss, and then get unfairly clobbered on Trade. Change is coming! 
....And add to that the fact that the U.S. pays close to the entire cost of NATO-protecting many of these same countries that rip us off on Trade (they pay only a fraction of the cost-and laugh!). The European Union had a $151 Billion Surplus-should pay much more for Military! 
何故アメリカが、貿易黒字を得てわれわれからを収奪している国を守るNATOのコストのほぼ全額を負担せねばならないのか(これらの国は自国を守るコストのごく一部を負担するだけで、笑っている)。アメリカとの貿易で1510 億ドルもの黒字を出しているヨーロッパ各国はもっと国防支出を増やさねばならない。
Why should I, as President of the United States, allow countries to continue to make Massive Trade Surpluses, as they have for decades, while our Farmers, Workers & Taxpayers have such a big and unfair price to pay? Not fair to the PEOPLE of America! $800 Billion Trade Deficit... 
6-11 Fair Trade is now to be called Fool Trade if it is not Reciprocal. According to a Canada release, they make almost 100 Billion Dollars in Trade with U.S. (guess they were bragging and got caught!). Minimum is 17B. Tax Dairy from us at 270%. Then Justin acts hurt when called out! 
互恵でないならその貿易は公正な貿易ではなく愚かな貿易と呼ばれて然るべきである。カナダの発表によれば、カナダはアメリカとの貿易で1000億ドルもの黒字を出している(大げさな自慢話で尻尾を出した)。最低でも170億ドルであろう。アメリカの乳製品に270%(3.7倍)の関税を掛けている。Justin Trudeau カナダ首相はこの点を指摘されて傷つけるられたように振舞っている。
6-10 President @realDonaldTrump and the Prime Minister of Italy, @GiuseppeConteIT at the #G7Summit in Canada... 
Dan Scavino Jr.をリツイート:トランプ大統領とGiuseppe Conteイタリー首相のカナダG7の写真。
PM Justin Trudeau of Canada acted so meek and mild during our @G7 meetings only to give a news conference after I left saying that, “US Tariffs were kind of insulting” and he “will not be pushed around.” Very dishonest & weak. Our Tariffs are in response to his of 270% on dairy! 
Justin Trudeau カナダ首相はG7の会合では極めて柔らかい物腰で穏やかに振舞ったが、私がカナダを出発した後の記者会見で『アメリカのKアメリカの関税要求は侮辱的であり、実行に移せない』と述べた。極めて不誠実で優柔不断である。アメリカの関税要求はカナダがアメリカの酪農製品に課している270%(3.7倍)もの関税に対応するものである!
Based on Justin’s false statements at his news conference, and the fact that Canada is charging massive Tariffs to our U.S. farmers, workers and companies, I have instructed our U.S. Reps not to endorse the Communique as we look at Tariffs on automobiles flooding the U.S. Market! 
Justin Trudeauカナダ首相の記者会見の内容とカナダがアメリカの農家と勤労者と企業に対して高額の関税を課して来た事実に基づき、私は、アメリカ市場に大量に流入している自動車の関税の現状において公式発表を承認しないようにアメリカの代表団に指示した。
I am on my way to Singapore where we have a chance to achieve a truly wonderful result for North Korea and the World. It will certainly be an exciting day and I know that Kim Jong-un will work very hard to do something that has rarely been done before. Create peace and great prosperity for his land. I look forward to meeting him and have a feeling that this one-time opportunity will not be wasted! 
The United States will not allow other countries to impose massive Tariffs and Trade Barriers on its farmers, workers and companies. While sending their product into our country tax free. We have put up with Trade Abuse for many decades — and that is long enough. 
Just left the @G7 Summit in beautiful Canada. Great meetings and relationships with the six Country Leaders especially since they know I cannot allow them to apply large Tariffs and strong barriers to U.S.A. Trade. They fully understand where I am coming from. After many decades, fair and reciprocal Trade will happen! 
Just met the new Prime Minister of Italy, @GiuseppeConteIT, a really great guy. He will be honored in Washington, at the @WhiteHouse, shortly. He will do a great job - the people of Italy got it right! 
Giuseppe Conteイタリー新首相と会談した。素晴らしい人だ。近くホワイトハウスに迎え、歓迎する。素晴らしい仕事をするであろう。イタリーの人たちはよい首相を得られた!
Henry McMaster loves the people of South Carolina and was with me from the beginning. He is strong on Crime and Borders, great for our Military and our Vets. He is doing a fantastic job as your Governor, and has my full endorsement, a special guy. Vote on Tuesday! 
(2017年1月24日に就任した)Henry McMasterサウスカロライナ州知事は州に人たちを愛し、私と行動を共にしてきた。犯罪と国境問題に厳しい姿勢で対応し、軍と退役軍人問題に的確に対応している。知事として素晴らしい仕事をしている。私は知事を全面的に支持している。素晴らしい人物である。火曜日には投票を!
6-10 .@G7 Press Briefing in Charlevoix, Canada, prior to departing for Singapore! 
6-9 Day 1 of #G7Charlevoix in 60 seconds. 
6-8 I am heading for Canada and the G-7 for talks that will mostly center on the long time unfair trade practiced against the United States. From there I go to Singapore and talks with North Korea on Denuclearization. Won’t be talking about the Russian Witch Hunt Hoax for a while! 
I am heading for Canada and the G-7 for talks that will mostly center on the long time unfair trade practiced against the United States. From there I go to Singapore and talks with North Korea on Denuclearization. Won’t be talking about the Russian Witch Hunt Hoax for a while! 
Congratulations to the Washington Capitals on their GREAT play and winning the Stanley Cup Championship. Alex Ovechkin, the team captain, was spectacular - a true Superstar! D.C. is popping, in many ways. What a time! 
北米アイスホッケーリーグのWashington Capitalsがスタンレーカップを獲得した。おめでとう。 Alex Ovechkinキャプテンは素晴らしかった。首都ワシントンは沸き返っている。なんという時だ!
Looking forward to straightening out unfair Trade Deals with the G-7 countries. If it doesn’t happen, we come out even better! 
Canada charges the U.S. a 270% tariff on Dairy Products! They didn’t tell you that, did they? Not fair to our farmers! 
Obama, Schumer and Pelosi did NOTHING about North Korea, and now weak on Crime, High Tax Schumer is telling me what to do at the Summit the Dems could never set up. Schumer failed with North Korea and Iran, we don’t need his advice! 
Obama大統領、Schumer民主党上院院内総務、Pelosi 民主党下院院内総務は北朝鮮について何もしなかった。今、犯罪に弱腰で、増税を主張しているSchumerは自分たちが何もできなかった首脳会談について私にとやかく言って来る。Shumerは北朝鮮とイランについて失政をしている。そんな男の助言など必要としない!
Why isn’t the European Union and Canada informing the public that for years they have used massive Trade Tariffs and non-monetary Trade Barriers against the U.S. Totally unfair to our farmers, workers & companies. Take down your tariffs & barriers or we will more than match you! 
Prime Minister Trudeau is being so indignant, bringing up the relationship that the U.S. and Canada had over the many years and all sorts of other things...but he doesn’t bring up the fact that they charge us up to 300% on dairy — hurting our Farmers, killing our Agriculture! 
カナダの Trudeau首相はアメリカ合衆国とカナダは長年に亘ってかくかくしかじかの現在の関係を築いてきたと苛立ちを隠せずにいるが、首相はアメリカの酪農製品に300%(4倍)を上限に関税を課し、アメリカの農家を痛めつけ、アメリカの農業を壊滅させようとしていることを明らかにしていない。
Please tell Prime Minister Trudeau and President Macron that they are charging the U.S. massive tariffs and create non-monetary barriers. The EU trade surplus with the U.S. is $151 Billion, and Canada keeps our farmers and others out. Look forward to seeing them tomorrow. 
 Trudeauカナダ首相と Macronフランス大統領に伝えて貰いたい。両国はアメリカ合衆国に対し高額の関税を課し、金融以外の分野で障壁を設けている。EUの対英貿易収支は年1,510億ドルで、カナダはアメリカの農家などを締め出している。明日、出会うのを心待ちにしている。
Great day of meetings with Prime Minister @AbeShinzo of Japan! 
PM Abe and I are also working to improve the trading relationship between the U.S. and Japan, something we have to do. The U.S. seeks a bilateral deal with Japan that is based on the principle of fairness and reciprocity. We’re working hard to reduce our trade imbalance... 
Today, I am greatly honored to welcome my good friend, PM Abe of Japan to the @WhiteHouse. Over the past 16 months the Prime Minister and I have worked closely together to address common challenges, of which there are many... 
脚注1〕challenge:➀a question by a soldier on guard to find out who is there.=歩哨の任務についている兵士による『そこにいるのは何者か』という誰何、②a call or invitation to fight, to run a race,  to play a game, etc.=戦おう、競争しよう、ゲームをしようという呼び掛けまたは招待。I.S.E.D. p.136L。
脚注2〕北朝鮮による核の脅威は『チャレンジ』として受け止められていた。チャレンジに対してして行われるのはレスポンス応戦である。チャレンジアンドレスポンスはトインビーの歴史観の核心である。小人(金正恩)が巨人(トランプ大統領)にinvitation to fightを発し、トランプ大統領がレスポンド(応戦)しているのが北朝鮮問題の構図である。
It’s my great honor to welcome Prime Minister @AbeShinzo back to the @WhiteHouse! 
“$3 billion payoff: 101 utilities cut rates, credit GOP tax cuts” 
“Total jobless claims running at lowest level in 44 years” 
The Obama Administration is now accused of trying to give Iran secret access to the financial system of the United States. This is totally illegal. Perhaps we could get the 13 Angry Democrats to divert some of their energy to this “matter” (as Comey would call it). Investigate! 
6-8 When will people start saying, “thank you, Mr. President, for firing James Comey?” 
『James Comey FBI長官を更迭してくれてありがとう』と人々が大統領に感謝してくれるのは何時のことなのか?
6-7 Our Justice Department must not let Awan & Debbie Wasserman Schultz off the hook. The Democrat I.T. scandal is a key to much of the corruption we see today. They want to make a “plea deal” to hide what is on their Server. Where is Server? Really bad! 
わが司法省は Awan & Debbie Wasserman Schultzを放免してはならない。民主党のITスキャンダルは今日われわれが見聞きしている幾多の腐敗の要である。連中はコンピューターサーバーに記録されていることを隠蔽するために『司法取引』を望んでいる。サーバーは本当に何処へ行ったのか?実に怪しからんことだ!
Looking forward to seeing my friend Prime Minister @AbeShinzo of Japan at noon. Will be discussing North Korea and Trade. 
How could Jeff Flake, who is setting record low polling numbers in Arizona and was therefore humiliatingly forced out of his own Senate seat without even a fight (and who doesn’t have a clue), think about running for office, even a lower one, again? Let’s face it, he’s a Flake! 
アリゾナ州選出共和党上院議員Jeff Flakeは、人気投票で最低を記録、再選を断念せざるを得ない状況で、再選を目指すことを考えているのか。現実を直視せねばならない。 Jeff Flakeは Flake(気違い)なのだ!
When and where will all of the many conflicts of interest be listed by the 13 Angry Democrats (plus) working on the Witch Hunt Hoax. There has never been a group of people on a case so biased or conflicted. It is all a Democrat Excuse for LOSING the Election. Where is the server? 
Alan Dershowitz, Harvard Law Professor: “It all proves that we never needed a Special Counsel....All of this could have been done by the Justice Dept. Don’t need a multi-million dollar group of people with a target on someone’s back. Not the way Justice should operate.” So true! 
Alan Dershowitzハーヴァード大学法学部教授の発言:『われわれが特別検察官のチームを全く必要としなかったことは明白である。・・・すべて司法省の日常業務で対応できたことである。誰かを狙い撃つことを目的とする人たちを集めて数百万ドルを投じることは不要なことであった。司法当局がとるべき方策ではなかった』 全くその通りである!
Good luck to Alice Johnson. Have a wonderful life! 
(暴力犯罪を伴わない麻薬事犯で無期懲役刑に20年服役し、大統領恩赦によって釈放された)Alice Johnsonさんの前途に幸多からんことを。素晴らしい生涯を送られんことを!
脚注〕CNNは大統領がJohnson を『commuteした』と報じている。日本ではcommuteは通勤との意味でしか使われていない。commute:➀exchange one kind or method of payment for another =金銭の支払い方法を変更する、②exchange one kind of punishment for another, as to commute the deth penalty to
 life imprisonment=死刑を無期懲役に変更するなど刑の内容を変更する、③(U.S.A.)travel to and fro everyday to work=通勤する。I.S.E.D.p.172L.
Isn’t it Ironic? Getting ready to go to the G-7 in Canada to fight for our country on Trade (we have the worst trade deals ever made), then off to Singapore to meet with North Korea & the Nuclear Problem...But back home we still have the 13 Angry Democrats pushing the Witch Hunt! 
Thank you to everyone at @FEMA HQ for today’s briefing on preparations for the upcoming hurricane season. Disaster response and recovery is best achieved when it’s federally supported, state managed, and locally executed – this is the successful model we will continue to build. 
We must always protect those who protect us. Today, it was my great honor to sign the #VAMissionAct and to make Veterans Choice the permanent law of the land! http://45.wh.gov/dyWJNq  
6-7 Today we mark another milestone: the 74th anniversary of #DDay, the Allied invasion of Normandy. On June 6, 1944, more than 70,000 brave young Americans charged out of landing craft, jumped out of airplanes, and stormed into hell... 
6-6 Congratulations to Dana Rohrabacher on his big California win. We are proud of you Dana! 
カリフォルニア州よい選挙で大勝利を収めたDana Rohrabacher候補を祝す。Dana 候補を誇りに思う!
Many more Republican voters showed up yesterday than the Fake News thought possible. The political pundits just don’t get what is going on out there - or they do get it but refuse to report the facts! Remember, Dems are High Tax, High Crime, easy to beat! 
The Fake News Media has been so unfair, and vicious, to my wife and our great First Lady, Melania. During her recovery from surgery they reported everything from near death, to facelift, to left the W.H. (and me) for N.Y. or Virginia, to abuse. All Fake, she is doing really well! Four reporters spotted Melania in the White House last week walking merrily along to a meeting. They never reported the sighting because it would hurt the sick narrative that she was living in a different part of the world, was really ill, or whatever. Fake News is really bad! 
Gold Star father, Ceejay Metcalf, whose great son Michael was just honored at the White House, was fantastic this morning on @foxandfriends. He is a special man! 
Gold Starの父親で、本日、戦場で命を落とした子息がホワイトハウスの式典で顕彰された Ceejay Metcalfさんは今朝のフォックスTVの番組で実に立派だった。本当に素晴らしい人だ!
Great night for Republicans! Congratulations to John Cox on a really big number in California. He can win. Even Fake News CNN said the Trump impact was really big, much bigger than they ever thought possible. So much for the big Blue Wave, it may be a big Red Wave. Working hard! 
(選挙結果が判明した火曜日の)夜は共和党にとってよい夜となった!知事選挙のJohn Cox 候補投票数は勝利が可能と思わせる数字だった。偽ニュースメディアのCNNさえもがトランプ効果は実に大きかったと伝えたが、CNNなどが想定しているよりもっと大きな数字が期待できる。民主党の青のビッグウエーブが起っているが、実のところ共和党の赤のビッグウエーブが起っているのであろう!
Mitch McConnell announced he will cancel the Senate’s August Recess. Great, maybe the Democrats will finally get something done other than their acceptance of High Crime and High Taxes. We need Border Security! 
Mitch McConnell共和党上院院内総務は8月の上院を休会しないと発表した。立派なことだ。おそらく、民主党は(休会による議事遅延で成立を期待している犯罪を多発させている)移民法制と増税以外の何らかの議会決定の受け入れを余儀なくされるであろう。われわれが必要としていることは国境の安全である!
Chris Farrell, Judicial Watch. “They were running an operation to undermine a candidate for President of the U.S. These are all violations of law. This is intelligence tradecraft to steer an election. There’s nothing more grave when it comes to abuse of our intelligence system. This is a level of criminality beyond the pale. This is such a grave abuse of power and authority, it’s like nothing else we’ve seen in our history. This makes the Nixon Watergate burglary look like keystone cop stuff The greatest Witch Hunt in political history! 
『FBIはアメリカ合衆国大統領候補を貶めるオペレーションを遂行した。一連のオペレーションは完全に違法行為で、選挙結果を操作するスパイの常套手段である。国の情報収集システムの濫用が明らかになればこれ以上に重大なことはない。本件は常軌を逸した犯罪行為であり、重大な権力と権威の濫用で、史上その例を見ない。ニクソンのウオーターゲート事件など本件に比べれば強盗事件のような犯罪である。本件はアメリカ政治史上最大の魔女狩りである!』というのがJudicial Watchの(George Mason 大学教授) Chris Farrellの発言。
Since the #FakeNews is full of distortions, underreporting, and lies, we launched a platform tonight presenting a comprehensive record of @realDonaldTrump’s administration. The truth will be told about a remarkable 500-day record of accomplishments! 
Brad Parscaleをリツイート:偽ニュースメディアが全貌を捉えず、あるいは全貌を伝えず、嘘を伝えている中、われわれは、トランプ政権の実績を分かり易く伝えるコラムを立ち上げた。トランプ政権発足500日の瞠目すべき実績の真相が伝えられる。
Eric Trumpをリツイート:FOXニュースの雇用統計を紹介(既出)
Fox News has been #1 for 197 months straight. In the latest ratings disaster for CNN they lost another 25% of their viewers. Fox has 10 of the top 15 shows and even hold the #1 spot in the younger key demo. The public is loudly rejecting @CNN. 
Robby Starbuckをリツイート:FOXニュースの視聴率好調とCNNの不調のデータを紹介(既出)
Great interview by @LouDobbs with Chris Farrell of Judicial Watch concerning the governments counter-intelligence operation into the Trump Campaign. SPYGATE at the highest level. Who would believe? 
(2009年にCNNを退社したFOXニュースの)Lou Dobbsが(法律専門家集団の)Judicial Watchの Chris Farrellとオバマ政権によるトランプ選対へのカウンターインテリジェンスに関する内容の濃いインタビューを行なった。最高責任者レベルのスパイゲート事件だ!信じられない! 
Wow, Strzok-Page, the incompetent & corrupt FBI lovers, have texts referring to a counter-intelligence operation into the Trump Campaign dating way back to December, 2015. SPYGATE is in full force! Is the Mainstream Media interested yet? Big stuff! 
FBIでカウンターインテリジェンスを担当し、その後解雇された Strzok-Page がトランプ選対を2015年12月からカウンターインテリジェンスの対象としていた記録を保持していた。これこそスパイゲートの全貌だ!主要メディアはそれでもスパイゲートに関心を示さないのか?大材料が出た!
Imagine how much wasteful spending we’d save if we didn’t have Chuck and Nancy standing in our way! For years, Democrats in Congress have depleted our military and busted our budgets on needless spending, and to what end? No more. 
民主党下院のリーダー Chuckと上院のリーダー Nancy がわれわれの進もうとする前途に立ちはだかることがなければ、われわれはどれだけ多くの無駄な政府支出を削減できるかについて考えて貰いたい。永年に亘って民主党は議会で国防予算を削減し、不要不急の政府支出を増額して来た。その狙いは何なのか?止めねばならない。
6-6 The HISTORIC Rescissions Package we’ve proposed would cut $15,000,000,000 in Wasteful Spending! We are getting our government back on track. 
6-5 Terrific new book out by the wonderful Harris Faulkner, “9 Rules of Engagement.” Harris shares lessons from a military family. Enjoy! 
(FOXニュースのキャスターを務める)Harris Faulkner女史が『9つの約束のルール』という素晴らしい本を出版した。Harris は兵士の家庭の約束ごとを受け継いでいる。ご一読を!
・Senator @RogerWicker of Mississippi has done everything necessary to Make America Great Again! Get out and vote for Roger, he has my total support! 
ミシシッピ州共和党選出Roger Wicker上院議員はアメリカを再び偉大な国にするために求められることをすべて実行して来た。投票所に行ってRoger候補に投票しよう。私は候補を全面的に支持している!
Vote for Congressman Devin Nunes, a true American Patriot the likes of which we rarely see in our modern day world....he truly loves our country and deserves everyone’s support! 
カリフォルニア州下院議員選挙に Devin Nunes議員を再選させよう。候補は今に時代に稀に見る真の愛国者で、この国を心の底から愛している。有権者全員の支持を受けるに十分値する候補である。
Get the vote out in California today for Rep. Kevin McCarthy and all of the great GOP candidates for Congress. Keep our country out of the hands of High Tax, High Crime Nancy Pelosi. 
連邦政府議会に 共和党の Kevin McCarthyその他の候補を送り込んで、重税と犯罪多発を容認する民主党Nancy Pelosi の手からカリフォルニアを取り戻そう!
In High Tax, High Crime California, be sure to get out and vote for Republican John Cox for Governor. He will make a BIG difference! 
税金が重く、犯罪が多いカリフォルニア州のみなさん、投票所に出かけて知事選挙には共和党 John Cox候補に投票しよう。候補は大きな変化を生み出す!
Separating families at the Border is the fault of bad legislation passed by the Democrats. Border Security laws should be changed but the Dems can’t get their act together! Started the Wall. 
....@NASCAR and Champion @MartinTruex_Jr were recently at the White House. It was a great day for a great sport! 
改造車による自動車レースのMartin Treuxチャンピオンがホワイトハウスを訪問してくれた。偉大なスポーツの偉大な1日となった!
Meeting in Singapore with North Korea will hopefully be the start of something big...we will soon see! 
The Russian Witch Hunt Hoax continues, all because Jeff Sessions didn’t tell me he was going to recuse himself. I would have quickly picked someone else. So much time and money wasted, so many lives ruined...and Sessions knew better than most that there was No Collusion! 
ロシアの魔女狩りが延々と続いている。その原因は Jeff Sessions司法長官が指名される前に私に適任ではないと言って呉れなかったことにある。言って呉れていたら私はすぐにでも別の適任者を指名していたであろう。どれだけの時間と経費と多くに人の人生が無駄になったことか。Sessions長官自身が癒着がなかったことを誰よりもよく知っているのだ!
We have had many Championship teams recently at the White House including the Chicago Cubs, Houston Astros, Pittsburgh Penguins, New England Patriots, Alabama and Clemson National Champions, and many others. National Anthem & more great music today at 3:00 P.M. 
We will proudly be playing the National Anthem and other wonderful music celebrating our Country today at 3 P.M., The White House, with the United States Marine Band and the United States Army Chorus. Honoring America! NFL, no escaping to Locker Rooms! 
The U.S. has an increased economic value of more than 7 Trillion Dollars since the Election. May be the best economy in the history of our country. Record Jobs numbers. Nice! 
What is taking so long with the Inspector General’s Report on Crooked Hillary and Slippery James Comey. Numerous delays. Hope Report is not being changed and made weaker! There are so many horrible things to tell, the public has the right to know. Transparency! 
ひねくれもののHillary と軽薄な James Comeyに関する特別検察官の報告が未だに出ないのは何かが起こっているのか。報告書の内容が変更されないことと手心が加えられないことを望む!話すのが憚られるようなことがあまりにも多い。みんなが知る権利を持っている。透明性の確保を!
The Philadelphia Eagles Football Team was invited to the White House. Unfortunately, only a small number of players decided to come, and we canceled the event. Staying in the Locker Room for the playing of our National Anthem is as disrespectful to our country as kneeling. Sorry! 
アメリカンフットボールの Philadelphia Eaglesをホワイトハウスに招待した。招待を受けてくれた選手は残念ながらごくわずかだった。われわれは招待を断念した。国歌演奏時にロッカールームに留まり、グランドに出て来ないのは、グランドで片膝をついて抗議するのと変わるころがない。残念だ!
Big Supreme Court ruling for Baker just out! 
最高裁がBaker を支持する判決が今出された!
In many ways this is the greatest economy in the HISTORY of America and the best time EVER to look for a job! 
The Fake News Media is desperate to distract from the economy and record setting economic numbers and so they keep talking about the phony Russian Witch Hunt. 
6-5 #500Days of American Greatness: http://45.wh.gov/gNWs8u  
大統領就任から500日になる。この間の出来事はこちら: http://45.wh.gov/gNWs8u
家庭に活力が漲り、人々は繁栄を謳歌して行く。わが国は将来に亘って安全で、強力かつ誇りに満ち、強靭で自由である(Our families will thrive. Our people will prosper. And our nation will forever be safe and strong and proud and mighty and free.)
◇一層力強くなっているアメリカ経済は:トランプ大統領の成長政策によって、経済は一層強くなり、働く人々の生活はよくなっている(AMERICA’S ECONOMY IS STRONGER: The American economy is stronger today and American workers are better off thanks to President Trump’s pro-growth agenda.)。 
◇世界における存在感の回復:トランプ大統領は世界におけるアメリカの指導性を取り戻し、アメリカ国民の立場を回復させている(AMERICA IS WINNING ON THE WORLD STAGE: President Trump has re-asserted American leadership on the world stage and is achieving results for the American people. )。
◇社会の安全と治安の回復:トランプ大統領は、国境の安全の回復、移民法の適用強化に努め、アメリカをより安全で安心な社会にしている(AMERICA’S COMMUNITIES ARE SAFER AND MORE SECURE: President Trump has worked to secure our borders, enforce our immigration laws, and protect the safety and security of American communities.)。
◇頼れる政府:就任以来トランプ大統領は アメリカ政府が国民にとって信頼できる政府になるよう努力している(AMERICA’S GOVERNMENT IS MORE ACCOUNTABLE: Since taking office, President Trump has worked to ensure government is more accountable to the American people.)。  

6-4 The appointment of the Special Councel is totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL! Despite that, we play the game because I, unlike the Democrats, have done nothing wrong! 
The U.S. has made such bad trade deals over so many years that we can only WIN! 
China already charges a tax of 16% on soybeans. Canada has all sorts of trade barriers on our Agricultural products. Not acceptable! 
As has been stated by numerous legal scholars, I have the absolute right to PARDON myself,  but why would I do that when I have done nothing wrong? In the meantime, the never ending Witch Hunt, led by 13 very Angry and Conflicted Democrats (& others) continues into the mid-terms! 
“This is the best time EVER to look for a job.” James Freeman of WSJ. 
『昨今は、職探しに最適のじきである』 ウオールストリートジャーナルの James Freemanの言である。
This is my 500th. Day in Office and we have accomplished a lot - many believe more than any President in his first 500 days. Massive Tax & Regulation Cuts, Military & Vets, Lower Crime & Illegal Immigration, Stronger Borders, Judgeships, Best Economy & Jobs EVER, and much more... ....We had Repeal & Replace done (and the saving to our country of one trillion dollars) except for one person, but it is getting done anyway. Individual Mandate is gone and great, less expensive plans will be announced this month. Drug prices coming down & Right to Try! 

6-4 Mark Penn “Why are there people from the Clinton Foundation on the Mueller Staff? Why is there an Independent Counsel? To go after people and their families for unrelated offenses...Constitution was set up to prevent this...Stormtrooper tactics almost.” A disgrace! 
こんなことがあってよいのか!『クリントン財団からMueller特別検察官のチームに何故スタッフが入り込んでいるのか?独立した調査機構が世の中に存在する理由は何なのか?有力者とその一族を直接関わりのない事案で逮捕拘禁するためなのか・・・憲法にはこのことを予防する条文があるのだ・・・まるでスターウオーズに出て来る Stormtrooper軍団の手練手管ようだ』とはMark Penn(2008年大統領選挙で、民主党ヒラリークリントン候補がオバマ候補に予備選挙で敗れた時の首席戦略担当スタッフ)の発言。
脚注1〕Stormtrooper :(ウイキペディアより)アメリカのSF映画に『スター・ウォーズ』シリーズ登場する銀河帝国軍の機動歩兵ことが多いが、厳密には各戦局に応じた様々なタイプのトルーパーがおり名称も異なる。
脚注2〕go after: try to win or obtain. I.S.E.D.p.451 R
6-3 As only one of two people left who could become President, why wouldn’t the FBI or Department of “Justice” have told me that they were secretly investigating Paul Manafort (on charges that were 10 years old and had been previously dropped) during my campaign? Should have told me! Paul Manafort came into the campaign very late and was with us for a short period of time (he represented Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole & many others over the years), but we should have been told that Comey and the boys were doing a number on him, and he wouldn’t have been hired! 
大統領選挙の予備選挙が終わって大統領候補が2人に絞り込まれた時点で、FBIあるいは『司法』省は、(レーガン大統領、Bob Dole その他共和党の大統領候補の選挙運動に加わり)私の選挙陣営にも加わっていたPaul Manafort を(10年も前のすでに問題なしとされていた事案で)秘密裏に追尾していたことを何故に私に話さなかったのか?絶対に私に話すべきであった!Paul Manafort は(2016年3月という)遅い時期に私の選対に加わり、ごく短期間、選挙運動に従事したのだが、 Comeyとその子分がManafort を追及していたことおよび選対に採用しないように話をされて然るべきであった!
Jesse Watters “The only thing Trump obstructed was Hillary getting to the White House.” So true! 
『トランプ大統領が食い止めたことが1つある。それはヒラリーがホワイトハウスに入ることだ』とはJesse Watters の言。その通り!
When you’re almost 800 Billion Dollars a year down on Trade, you can’t lose a Trade War! The U.S. has been ripped off by other countries for years on Trade, time to get smart! 
Looking forward to being on @foxandfriends tomorrow around 7:45 AM on @FoxNews. Hope you watch. 
Corey R. Lewandowskiをリツイート:明朝7:45のFOXニュースを見て頂きたい。
223,000 jobs added in May, even the NYT runs out of words to describe how good the numbers are! 
The media had it's worst week ever! @charliekirk11 and @JoeConchaTV break it down on @WattersWorld 
Jesse Wattersをリツイート:メディアにとって最悪の1週間だった。
Why is it that the Wall Street Journal, though well meaning, never mentions the unfairness of the Tariffs routinely charged against the U.S. by other countries, or the many Billions of Dollars that the Tariffs we are now charging are, and will be, pouring into U.S. coffers? 
The United States must, at long last, be treated fairly on Trade. If we charge a country ZERO to sell their goods, and they charge us 25, 50 or even 100 percent to sell ours, it is UNFAIR and can no longer be tolerated. That is not Free or Fair Trade, it is Stupid Trade! 
There was No Collusion with Russia (except by the Democrats). When will this very expensive Witch Hunt Hoax ever end? So bad for our Country. Is the Special Counsel/Justice Department leaking my lawyers letters to the Fake News Media? Should be looking at Dems corruption instead? 
Real @FoxNews is doing great, Fake News CNN is dead! 
真実を伝えるFOXニュースが立派な仕事をし、偽ニュースのCNNは役割を果たしていない!と述べて次のRobby Starbuckのツイートを引用:FOXニュースは197ヵ月に亘って視聴率ナンバー1を続けている。最新の順位評価ではCNNの視聴者は25%減少している。FOXニュースは人気の高いショー番組15の中の10を占めている。若者に人気の番組ではナンバーワンである。大衆は声を上げてCNNを拒否している。 
(Fox News has been #1 for 197 months straight. In the latest ratings disaster for CNN they lost another 25% of their viewers. Fox has 10 of the top 15 shows and even hold the #1 spot in the younger key demo. The public is loudly rejecting @CNN. )


Very surprised that China would be doing this? 
中国がこんなことをするのかとMattis 国防長官の発言を伝えるニューヨークタイムスの記事を引用。南シナ海において北京はこのような恫喝と威圧を行なっている(Mattis Accuses Beijing of ‘Intimidation and Coercion’ in South China Sea)。
President Donald J. Trump's Weekly Address 
I would like to thank President Trump for his time this afternoon. It is our hope that the President will grant clemency to Ms. Alice Marie Johnson who is serving a life sentence for a first-time, non-violent drug offense. 
(刑務所改革に取り組んでいる)Kim Karadashian Westをリツイート:本日午後、大統領に面会の時間を頂き謝意を表したいと思います。暴力犯罪を伴わない麻薬事犯で無期懲役刑に20年服役しているAlice Marie Johnsonさんに恩赦を与えられますように希望します。
6-3 Now this is a record that will never be broken! 
Byron Nelsonが1945年に樹立したのPGAゴルフツアー年間18回の優勝記録が破られることはない!
6-2 ....“$17 million spent, it’s a scam Investigation. Americans are being worked. We now know there was Russian collusion, with Russians and the Democrats. The Mueller team is stacked with anti-Trumpers, who actually represented Clinton people (& gave $’s to Crooked H).” Dan Bongino 
同じく(FOXニュースの)Dan Bongino の言:1,700万ドルを使った調査そのものが詐欺だったのだ。アメリカ人が調査に動員されたのだ。今、われわれはロシア疑惑があったことを知っているが。その疑惑はロシアと民主党の間に存在したという事実である。 Mueller特別検察官のチームは、反トランプの人間、すなわち、クリントンの利害の代弁者ばかりで構成されており、性悪なヒラリーに金銭を与えていたのだ。
“John Brennan, no single figure in American history has done more to discredit the intelligence community than this liar. Not only is he a liar, he’s a liar about being a liar.” Dan Bongino on @foxandfriends
以下は(FOXニュースの)Dan Bongino の言:(2010年から2017年までオバマ政権のCIA長官を務めた)『 John Brennanほどアメリカの情報機関の名声を貶めたものは歴史上見出せない。この男は嘘つきであるばかりか、自分が嘘つきであることについて嘘をついている』
“We ran out of words to describe how good the jobs numbers are.” Neil Irwin of the @nytimes. 
以下は(ニューヨークタイムス専属のシニア経済評論家の)Neil Irwinの言:『雇用情勢を示す数字の素晴らしさを表現する言葉が見出せない。
Today, it was my great honor to be with the brave men and women of the United States Coast Guard! 
6-2 President @realDonaldTrump participates in the U.S. Coast Guard [@USCG] Change-of-Command Ceremony. 
6-1 Canada has treated our Agricultural business and Farmers very poorly for a very long period of time. Highly restrictive on Trade! They must open their markets and take down their trade barriers! They report a really high surplus on trade with us. Do Timber & Lumber in U.S.? 
Looking forward to seeing the employment numbers at 8:30 this morning. 
Why aren’t they firing no talent Samantha Bee for the horrible language used on her low ratings show? A total double standard but that’s O.K., we are Winning, and will be doing so for a long time to come! 
視聴率が低いTVショーに出演して悍ましい言葉を発したタレント性ゼロのSamantha Beeを何故辞めさせないのか?ダブルスタンダードそのものだが、それはそれでよい。われわれが勝利し、この勝利が今後ずっと続くのだから!
A.P. has just reported that the Russian Hoax Investigation has now cost our government over $17 million, and going up fast. No Collusion, except by the Democrats! 
6-1 The proposed summit offers a historic opening for @POTUS and Chairman Kim to boldly lead U.S. and #DPRK into a new era of peace, prosperity, and security. Our countries face a pivotal moment in which it could be nothing short of tragic to let this opportunity go to waste. 
